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Everything posted by Denyus

  1. It's 2 louzy hours give me a break...
  2. What he said, add crybabys whining enogh untill they get what they want al'a WoW!
  3. It's just taking to long to release things that's the problem not to mention the fact that they are ignoring so many bugs/or taking a halleuja time to fix them not to mention in the beginning it took them so gosh darn long time to fix broken stuffs so it scared people away becuse EA wanted a holiday release so that all the kiddys got it in christmas gift the game wasn't ready to launch... Another thing that bothers me is that everytime i read a blog or watch Daniel on youtube or even listening to podcast they keep saying - Oh this new **** we are gonna release soon is gonna be awesome!! Just turns out that you get dissapointed just look how sad and pathetic the Character Transfer worked out and Part II doesn't look that good either. 1.1 Barely remember what it included tbh Kaon came didn't it? 1.2 woop improved character textures(that arnt that awesome when you zoom out)class balance new Op and Warzone 1.3 FP More tweaking with classes nerfing "survability" for wannabe tanks in PvP ish something like that? FP Finder or Ops Finder wooray except there are no gear restrictions so whatever random gimp in greens can queue but it's hard to get rid of them becuse some people are just so damn polite & wants to carry these guys troguh a place they shouldn't enter at all same with "Hardmodes" take that Recruit gear and put it up somewhere And in this mess that Raghoul event was it was fun but to short i got 2 armor pieces and i was busy as hell working 24/7 and first thing that came in mind as i got wasnt exactly to log on and do dailys and prey i wasn't about to get my arse whooped by a ganksquad as i land on Tat i was really dissapointed and i sure as hell wasnt the only one. 1.4 - New planet, operation and lots of fun...actully it sounds fun new pve content to go trough once at least and perhaps a new quest hub for dailys we'll see sick and tired of the old ones. 1.5 A new event lasting at least a month this time...Will never let a game have higher priority then my mrs and perhaps and proper class balancing this time focus 75% of the patch by actully review and tweak change/add etc talent and lots of useless abilitys and not just listen to the pvp crybabys PvE needs some love too. Add stuffs for our speeders let us tweak and change the apperance on our ships etc. And i wanna see some more love from the Devs being more active and actully posting on the forums not just the regular moderators saying have a nice day and thanks for playing SW:TOR but actully sharing concerns what they are working with short term etc weekly. Just noticed alot of typos but it's past bedtime already so i am gonna call it was actully ment to sleep an hour ago...
  4. 1 & 2 are on their way 8 in the near future read the blogs.
  5. Again you picked a PC with a crap graphic card in it slightly less juice on the CPU as well then the old rig you mentioned. I would strongly recomend you to go to whatever Computer Hardware shop you have on the other side of the atlantic and let them help you choose the kind of hardware you want if you give them a budget + you get a warranty 2-3 years on the stuffs which is quite nice! Also be aware that buying thoose PC's you mentioned already comes with alot of useless software that only will slow your system down i'd use a proper Windows 7 proffesional or above to max our your systems performance. And make sure you get a SSD it wont speed up SW that much true but it sure as hell speeds up your PC for the future and it's neat hving windows launched and ready 10-12 seconds after you press your power button Dubt this made any sence i'm tired but i'm sure someone translates my rabble. Note this: Under 1000$ you wont get any power at all, /Night
  6. I wanna play without companions they drag the game in the dirt tbh annoying poor AI pixels that gets stuck ninjapulls or just doesn't spawn when you want them, Power to the solo players!
  7. The so called Super Servers idea they cracked here a wile ago is probably on ice it was just a cheap way of gaining faith from the players i havn't heard anything about them since the day they talked about it. As for the name part i honestly can't understand the big fuss over a character name sure it might take you a wile to figure out a new one in the end it's the gameplay that matters not what you call your character unless you arnt super geeky RP player that just need that perfect name which doesn't make much sence ot me either oO.
  8. It can't just end how is the game gonna move forward after an "ending"?
  9. There has always been delays and laggspikes in all flashpoints & operations more or less it became worse after the Character Transfer.
  10. IF it wasn't for the fact that crafting in this game is useless with very limited ways of making money on them especially after they shipped every damn PvP server to Tofn the GTN is floaded with items that are attractive and some people just doesn't care what they undercut with thus making it harder and harder to make a profit becuse of the high amount of crafters. The mod swapping is where the huge moneysink is and i hated it from day one when i realized how freakin expensive it was. And yes dailys are boring i do them like 1-3 times per week when i got nothing better to do and i am sitting on 2-2.2mill maybe on all 8 characters i have together.
  11. Problem is you want it cheap and adding "Max settings" with cheap doesn't work out that good tbh. Give us a budget and from what country you are from then maybe the polite decent hardware nerds here can give you a hand getting a decent rig fitting your wallet.
  12. Not sure if i'm jelous or not it looks weird but i still want it!
  13. Actully it was about 2 months old ish and way past page 20 before it got bumped either way it's an old topic and nothing has changed on the visual part worth mentioning.
  14. The game have flaws like every other game and imo the monthly fee is a joke despite the energy/isp monthly fee it's still a cheap entertainment or "hobby" as i call it. I had really high hopes for the game as well and when i got a chance to play the closed beta i almost craped my pants when i got the mail and tbh back then it felt awesome. Now after i progresed and spent so many hours questing class quests raiding and what not i have made this conclution: It doesn't matter what the game can deliver to the players it's the people around you in this case "a guild" that makes the gaming more interesting. Obviously adding more content is fun but it also brings alot of bugs that takes a wile to get rid of(shakes fist at dev team) but in the end it's playable. Personly i am pretty sick and tired of doing dailys and grinding alts and i never liked the Warzones past 50 i am more the PvE guy hands down. Wile raiding doing weeklys etc we are hanging on mumble talking, laughing etc and having a great time wile we move our pixels to destination X to kill NPC X it's awesome even if i am pretty damn tired of EV/KP but i still join for alt runs and stuffs wile we have our 2 prime days in Denova.
  15. They put "ultra" in the description and they release it without: A proper gaming graphic card A Solid State Drive Proper memory 8gb is decent but the description can't even specify if it's 1333 1600 or 1800mhz on it. My advice DON'T buy it.
  16. QFT - Probably the best thing they implemented in the game.
  17. Didn't read the article but i am still paying BW here are the reasons: I have a good guild that i enjoy my gametime with. I like playing on alts thus there is always something to do. The sound is pretty damn good in this game and i still wanna see all class storys still have a few months finishing the last ones. The Ops are decent and the new one looks interesting. My wishlist is endless but Rome wasn't built in one day.
  18. It depends becuse when i am social i hang on mumble then i can't have loud ingame sound but when i just wanna chill do my own things unplug my headset and i have somewhat loud.
  19. Define "love" haha sure i havn't played for a week but i dubt i missed anything out of the ordinary downtimes and server reboots.
  20. Not using it at all have the same UI among all my characters just hide it unless you don't need thoose extra buttons added somwhere dubt it though.
  21. Specific reasons why you want a laptop to play with when you can have a desktop PC that does a way better job for you? If you buy the parts and put it together you have a decent PC that can be upgraded later on you are stuck with a laptop untill you replace it with a new one that's why laptops arnt worth the money if you are gonna play on it. If you just get a solid motherboard and a good cpu you can save some by buying a 250 euro gfx that might not be the best one around but you can stock up and buy a better one around christmas. RAM is dirtcheap atm i bought 16gb corsair black edition 1600mhz for 80 euros a wile ago.
  22. Tried /1 Chat? It's not likely that you are gonna get respons when you don't even list what server you are on you know
  23. Read the sticky before posting doh.
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