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Everything posted by MystyqeofXev

  1. You already know the answer to that. ************************************************* Here's an idea. The $40 "celebration package because we're going to lose subs and we need to offset costs" package ALSO grants access to the CE vendor. Said CE vendor sells {WIDGETS} (BoL) for CREDITS. There. Made your (remaining) customers happy, AND you have a credit sink.
  2. Hey, the free vendor is up! For the year! Guess we can "celebrate" that.
  3. /\ This. SO.MUCH.THIS How can they keep borrowing the wrong ideas from WoW, and not instituting the ones that make sense?
  4. Cash shops are a cancer on the gaming industry. WoW was egregious in that they "triple dipped": $ for base game, $ for expansions, $ for monthly sub, AND a cash shop.
  5. Hold on, so an item you bought with RW currency is NOT usable in the next expansion? Where oh where have I seen this before? Pause...pause....pause Oh yeah, 'Warlords of Draenor' (Activision / WoW). Want to know how that went over? Two words: "Not" and "Well". In fact, the notion of NOT being able to use your flying mounts on / in Draenor went so poorly, you COULDN'T unsubscribe. You had to talk to a CS rep (back when they had them) first. What came out of that boondoggle? Pathfinder. A thoroughly reviled EXTRA system.
  6. "You'll get nothing and like it!" Judge Smails Caddyshack
  7. Hey, other EA projects don't fund themselves pal. Small, indie, development company gots to pay the bills, yo! (/sarc - obviously)
  8. So what exactly will happen on Feb.15 ? "I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened."
  9. Why that doesn't sound convoluted at all!
  10. The wails of anguish will make the planes of Dante's Inferno, or the levels of Slaneesh sound like quiet time with Mr. Rogers. Better believe I'll be back here bumping threads and calling people out.
  11. The jump coding is d4mn far superior, I'll tell you that much.
  12. Balancing issues? Really it's a matter of math. (Although like others I lack confidence said balancing could be pulled off correctly) Glitches? Well, there are 10 year old bugs in the game, so I'll concede that point. Class balance? They aren't balanced now. I do wonder how, if Blizzard was able to pull this off, EA can't. Oh well.
  13. While I sort of understand your sentiment, if you believe this game isn't fragmented enough (or dumbed down) you aren't paying attention. M + is an alternate gearing source. They also allow for (semi) tailorable experiences that aren't locked to "Story / Veteran / Mythic". Honestly I get the impression that some of the respondents on this thread were bad at M+'s.
  14. (1) The Lord of the Rings is widely regarded as one of the greatest and most influential film series ever made. It was a major financial success and is among the highest-grossing film series of all time with $2.991 billion in worldwide receipts. Created by George Lucas', Star Wars is now among the highest grossing film franchises in the world with a total worldwide box office revenue of over ten billion U.S. dollars. (I didn't include books because nobody reads anything these days beyond 280 characters. (2) We're not talking about "all" companies. We're talking about THIS ONE. Furthermore, you DO realize EA had an E-X-C-L-U-S-I-V-E license to make SW games. Right? EA has made over $3 billion from its slate of Star Wars titles, and it isn't planning on slowing down development for how many games it makes within that license – even if it no longer holds the exclusive rights to make them.
  15. I got bad news for ya. Better have both hands available....(for double facepalm)
  16. If the remaining whales buy enough {WIDGETS} from the CM to make up for subscriber loss? They don't care.
  17. Shame? Trixxie, please. EA took a multi-billion dollar IP, with world-wide recognition, and condensed it to five servers and a Cash Shop.
  18. Just a FYI, there is no such thing as "digital rarity".
  19. Apparently "year long celebration" translates to 14 days.
  20. SM OPs are not hard. At ALL. (Well, maybe for you, but there are groups forming non-stop on fleet)
  21. [quote=navunts;9999642 Does anyone else have suggestions? Yes, but I'd be banned if I put words to screen and hit 'Submit Reply'
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