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Everything posted by MystyqeofXev

  1. Interesting. Perhaps SWTOR's CM doesn't generate enough money to help fund other projects. Or to justify the games continuing existence. Other SW games ARE coming. Not today, not tomorrow. Maybe EA decided, "Hey, we had a good run (in their terms), but the cost to keep SWTOR "competitive" is prohibitive, so we'll just wind it down."
  2. Until the expected sub loss affects the CM? Nothing will happen. Hypothetically speaking, (I've seen this before), EA would rather have 1 person playing SWTOR who bought a million dollars of CM items a month, than 999,999 people paying $1 a month in sub fees. The lack of communication, the "Yes I see the iceberg Ensign, now full throttle straight towards it!" mentality, the removal of class abilities, the removal of set bonuses, I don't know who or if EA hired somebody from Blizzard, but they sure as heck are using the same playbook.
  3. Asked a few (small sample size I know) friends of mine who do "game" why they don't play SWTOR. Here are the most common answers: 1) "I like fantasy better" 2) "Game is old" (<-- Please note they're playing WoW, however WoW has more frequent and expansive content adds) 3) "Buggy" 4) "I like Battle Royale (Fortnight to be specific) more" 5) "Is that game still around?" 6) "Couldn't get into the story" (Which is odd because the first three chapters are pretty good, albeit repetitive)
  4. No, not really. Because, before 7.0, you can't put anything in the outfit designer that you can't equip. So even if the weapon slot was active, Which is odd, because i can preview Light Sabers on my BH.
  5. The people you're thanking? They're LONG gone.
  6. You don't need a "surrender" function, you need a "Did not participate metric". End of match, algorithm looks at your heals / damage taken / damage done and time spent in match. If, for example, your time in match = length of match, and it's 0/0/0? You are locked out of PvP for 1 hour. With progressively harsher penalties.
  7. WoW had this (one of their very few good ideas over the past five years), and they not only opened up a new gearing route, but they also allowed existing content once cleared to remain relevant. (WoW released multiple new dungeons with each expansion unlike..... you know what? Let's just move on) *********************** Here's how this works: Upon completing your first mythic dungeon (Flashpoint) you would receive a "Key" (Holocron). This would be either a + 2 or + 3 (Most likely the former). The key (Holocron) COULD be to the same dungeon (Flashpoint), however, in all likelihood, said key (or Holocron) would be for a different one. Here's where it gets interesting (and more difficult). Once you started down the M + X road, not only did the MOBs get more health, hit harder, BUT, in order to successfully clear the dungeon, you needed to do so in under a particular amount of time. There was also a requirement to kill a particular amount of MOBs. (You couldn't just rush to the boss) So for example, Hammer Station M + 0 could be completed in any amount of time, however, HS + 2 would need to be cleared in 45 minutes, AND you would need to kill say 45 MOBs. Wait, it gets better. M + dungeons also introduced "suffixes". Some examples: Bursting (trash MOBs blew up when you killed them), Necrotic (Killing a trash MOB applied a four second DOT - that stacked), etc. At the highest levels (M + 15 iirc) you got three suffixes. At lower levels (M + 2 <-> M + 6) you got one. Some weeks the suffixes were brutal, some weeks they were harder on melee DPS, some weeks harder on the healers. It varied. Some dungeons were easier because of certain mechanics and suffixes, some were absolutely hair - pulling difficult. **************** Pros 1) There is an incentive to run M + dungeons. You (obviously) would not get the same gear from a M + 14 that you would from a M + 0. 1a) Additionally achievements and pets / mounts could be added to the loot tables in certain dungeons at higher difficulties 2) You have an alternative to HM / NiM OPs. Can't find seven other people to run something? No problem, you need three to run False Emperor + 11. Cons 1) There will always be a certain crowd who feel their way of play (NiM OPs) is the only way to advance gear-wise, because "it's the hardest". Mythic Raids in WoW were tough, but M + 21 dungeons (imo) were tougher. (Ostensibly because of the time limit, kill requirement and suffixes. 2) Those who get good at M + FPs / Dungeons can be just as cliquish as the NiM crowd. You understand that going in (If you failed a dungeon timer, but still completed it, you got loot, but the person's key was lost and they had to start over again at M + 0. 2a) Expect a lot of "Link achievements". 3) Devs will have to put in some work (This may be a bridge too far) to properly balance dungeons. There is a Pacific Ocean-sized difference between HS and 'The Nathema Conspiracy' (for example) simply in amount of distance to be covered. Just a thought.
  8. Gosh, all of this sounds SO familiar. As if I went through this with another MMO. Whirled of WoreDraft
  9. They haven't cared about crafting since......3.0? When they're REMOVING recipes, content-locking gear behind OPs, and adding nothing for the crafters (I doubt we'll see anything other than a gnawed-on bone until 7.2 or later), you know crafting is an afterthought.
  10. I saw a video of a Jugg soloing the thing on Empire side. Not sure of all the particulars, but apparently placement of companion, then leaping to them is key. No idea how long it took that person.
  11. I rather doubt FF has to pay people to "shill" for their game. They're probably too busy adding servers post WoW self-destruction.
  12. It's called drawing an analogy. (One lost on your apparently). Customer service goes a long way towards assuaging any rancor between provider and customer. Also, I don't know what "people" you expect to be right or wrong. I'm leaning towards those (again, I've seen this before), who provided feedback and concerns, got nothing insofar as communication from EA in return, and the whole hot mess goes live, "as-is". But hey feel free to regale us with your "life story" (or not, like you I don't care)
  13. I've seen that level of "communication" before. (WoW) I don't know what people do for a living, I work in the Signal Corps (VERY Customer intensive). Were I to provide the level of feedback most gaming companies do? I'd be fired. (Yes, you can fire officers, they get a bad oer and have to find a position in another unit). No if's and's or but's - FIRED.
  14. Oh, how this rings true with NFTs and MMOs. BUllseye
  15. (1) Similarly you don't know the Devs have been fixing bugs. Also, if threads like these are "annoying", don't read them. Put me on 'ignore'. (2) You don't know what's coming out in 7.0. Could be exactly what's on the PTS now, could be different. (3) We've already had this discussion, I sided with the Devs in that I assume, give the current cluster that is 7.0 on PTR, they'd work through the holidays, or take minimal breaks. Others argued differently. I know, as game lead which way I'd side, and it wouldn't be "Oh everybody take two weeks of vacation at the same time" (God I hope not, that's terrible leadership) You saying I, and others "don't know" doesn't make your counter-argument valid. You don't know either.
  16. To go back tor the OPs original question: "Why not delay 7.0 again"...... MoX: "You want answers?" OP: " I Want the truth!" MoX: "You can't handle the truth! Son, we live in a world that has shareholders, and these shareholders have to be appeased with earnings. Who's gonna do it? You? You random poster on the forums? The Devs have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for class balance and lost abilities, and you curse the Devs. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know -- that a crappy expansion, while disappointing, is still an expansion on the power point to the bosses, and a crappy expansion, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, makes money. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about on the forums, you want that expansion, -- you need that expansion. "We use words like "earnings per share," "quarterly profits" and "stock price" We use these words as the backbone of a life spent maximizing shareholder profit while minimizing subscriber loss. "The Devs have neither the time nor the inclination to explain themselves to people whose pay money to play this game and buy items off the cartel market, then question the manner in which the Devs provide these services. "They would rather that you just said "thank you" and buy another glowing sword off the cartel market. Either way, they don't give a DAMN what you think you're entitled to!" (With all apologies to Aaron Sorkin)
  17. Concerned_Player: "Man, I am not liking some of these changes for the upcoming expansion" White_Knight: "It's just the PTS. They'll fix it. The expansion isn't for another 10 months" CP: "Wow, they really did a number on {CLASS / SPEC }. I left feedback on the PTS forums" WK: "The expansion is still six months away, I'm sure it'll get straightened out" CP: "We're two weeks away from release, and there are still broken systems, and the {INSERT FACET OF GAME} is terrible." WK: "The PTS is seven weeks old. I'm sure they did something over the holidays (Do the calendar math) or fix it in patch 7.1" ********************** 7.0 Releases **************** CP: "Holy crap, they released all the stuff we told them they didn't like" WK: "WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SOMETHING BEFORE!"
  18. Whoa, now why you have to bring Bill into this?
  19. SM OPs are fine! All is well ! For SM, I'm sure you're absolutely right. Try EC HM (Not even NiM) with a tank in their 230's. Let me know how it goes for ya.
  20. (Please feel free to apply to the corresponding Republic class counterparts) Juggernaut - The Bully...DPS Spec? "I can tank this"...Healer: "You're not specced as tank, and you have no tanking augments"..."Yeah, but I'm a Jugg"....Healer: "Maybe we should - " /FORCELEAP After the wipe "**&^&^( trash healer !" /ragequit Marauder: The kid in the back eating paste. I am thoroughly convinced that if a person decides to play a Marauder, they are given a quick IQ test. If they FAIL the IQ test? Then they can play a Marauder. Sorc: Frustrated Powergamer (Heals) "PLEASE stand in the purple circle for AOE heals" Sorc: (Lightning) Full connoisseur of all things related to Japanese culture. "Yawn, I certainly hope EA never balances the classes.".."Madness is SOOOO boring"....."Hey, do you guys watch 'Attack on Titan'?" Sorc: (Madness): 'Any other game and I'd melt you' Operative: Edgelord. "Why yes, my knife does do twice the damage of your lightsaber against an enemy in heavy armor. Why do you ask?" Plays a Chiss because they're "dark and mysterious" Bounty Hunter: Moral ambiguity...Learns Mando'a in their spare time. RPs as a character from Bobba Fett or the Mandalorian. Does Cosplay in their head.
  21. I've been saying for weeks now, they hired some former ATVI Devs. The similarities are EERIE.
  22. Given that the focus of this game is to become "Space Barbie" or "Space Ken", well.....
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