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  1. I thought the Legacy Unlocks sale was very nice and definitely made sure to take advantage of that. However, the rest of the sales were usual anniversary/holiday/end of the year sales. I appreciated them, but I didn't feel they did much in making players feel appreciated...especially in regards to those who subbed/re-subbed specifically for the expansion and then were told 1 week before the release date that it was now coming out mid-February. I've been more or less a continuous sub for a few years now, but I know a lot of players who returned in December specifically for the expansion. There were also no sales for account unlocks or character transfers, things that are closer to need based for people and not just cosmetic stuff. There are usually (or at least often) server character transfer cost reductions around the same time as these sales, if memory serves. This sale not being included was addressed in a "not currently planned" but they will let us know if that changes, and subsequently not addressed again. I feel that with these upcoming changes to separate class story from combat options, and returning players for the expansion, there are a lot of players that would like to move and alter existing characters. The costs of doing such things now is pretty prohibitive. As they delay more and more parts of the expansion to 7.1 or later it seems like showing players appreciation for sticking around would be nice.
  2. I'm not big into decorating, but I know a lot of players who are. I mean look how popular Animal Crossing has been. I definitely agree that some of the big SHs need more hooks. Rebuying decos you already have access to I also think is a great idea, along with being a nice credit sink. I do craft quite a bit though, and craftable decos just make a lot of sense. Not only would it be nice, it would probably provide a much more cost stable form of decos for the GTN. Look at dyes, they've gone up a little with the inflation on the GTN but nowhere like most of the other sellable items. Especially the CM decos. I also really like the idea of most planets having some decos for sale that are specifically themed for that planet. Definitely any of the planets with dalies, but the other planets too. Huge credit sink too! As far as new SHs, definitely would like Odessen and Dantooine...and the starter planets for sure. I like your other ideas too.
  3. I know there was a living document meant to be addressing the concerns in the 7.0 expansion being delayed https://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=9986878&postcount=194 I've seen some suggestions on possibly getting some minor bonus or a few minor bonuses with 7.0 dropping soon. One example I saw was a redemption code for something small, like a speeder or a pet https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=1000891 I would appreciate this and I think other people would too. Could also just send in game mail to accounts that log in or are subbed during certain period of time to provide similar small reward. Another suggestion I would like to make a short period of reducing the cost of things like server transfers for characters, character renames, character slots (if not still on sale from holidays), ect. Possibly even reduce the costs of the appearance changing station for that short time period as well. I know I have some characters I really like on a server I do not play on very much anymore, or existing characters I want to revamp with the upcoming changes to classes and combat styles. Players returning after a long period away, just for the expansion also may be wanting to alter some of their existing characters or create a bunch of new ones. I feel like some small reward or reduction in character alteration/movement costs would go a long way towards making people feel a little more appreciated with the upcoming expansion, especially as more and more features get delayed from the launch date. Does anyone else have suggestions?
  4. I know there have probably been many, many suggestions along most of these lines. Not trying to claim ownership of anything here: 1. Guild fleets. Give larger guilds more incentives to grind by allowing multiple guild ships, preferably with multiple ship types (different flagships, capital ships, cruisers, corvettes, maybe even smaller ships, or as small as fighter class ships or bombers). Each could be named. Maybe each could be customizable a small amount on the outside, even if just a bit of color changing or option to add a some types of stamps on the hull. Idk, don't want to get this too complicated. Main point is add incentives for the larger guilds to work towards unlocking things. As someone who plays toons and parks alts mostly in a small number of micro/small guilds I know that several players working towards fully unlocking a guild ship is a pretty significant task. However, for 100+ player guilds it takes MUCH less effort, even in the past when reaching weekly conquest goals were a pretty big grind. Giving multiple ships to grind for with these large guilds, and even medium guilds, could add a lot more interest in conquests beyond hitting the weekly goal on a handful of characters and then not paying attention to it. This is especially true in the long-term sense. Gives extra bragging rights to large committed guilds. An implementation of a guild fleet page, showing all the ships full and/or partially unlocked (under a nice display of the guild name and heraldry in the backdrop of space or around a nameless moon). Maybe certain ship types are easier to unlock with certain content, like the upcoming PvE, PvP, Heroics/Solo tokens can be factored in too. Not donated but used as an earning floor required to unlock each ship type. Some ship types requiring lower floor of one type of earned tokens over another, or offering discounts on unlocking the ship type or rooms within. Again, idk. Not trying to make an entire new game focus here. As a side note, I am well aware that this suggestion has been made many times. Just reiterating why it would be useful. Also I know unlocking ships with small guilds is possible through mostly crafting but as someone with a LOT of crafting alts but also working FT and having a family it is not very reasonable or fun to spend all free time for a week crafting to unlock a room or two. 2. Sector Conquests The guild fleets are important for this part, conquests of galactic sectors (like Core, Hutt Space, Unknown Regions, ect). Guilds can position the ships in their fleets into different sectors of the galaxy in an attempt to conquer that sector. This could give free perks/rewards to the conquerors of the sector, for example extra XP or better loot drops from content played within that sector of the galaxy. Maybe these galactic sector conquests run for 1 month/4 weeks instead of weekly. The ships could be assigned similar to how planetary conquest works now, but maybe only 1 of the ships counts for the guild's weekly planetary conquest and the other ships in the fleet count towards the sector conquest. The ships not used for planetary conquests could instead be used as just committed to a sector to simplify. Effectiveness of a fleet could be tallied using just conquest pts, or just by amount of ships, or how much each ship assigned was worth, or take into account LS/DS pts, or WB's downed, or ops cleared, or PvP wins or some large combination of all the above. Could probably impliment a system similar to conquest or galactic seasons to rate how effective each sector is being held without being a completely new system, but focus on different aspects of the game than just what earns the most conquest points. Different ships could contribute different percentages of overall effectiveness at conquering a sector, or maybe the different tasks give more points if a ship is located around the planet the in game content is being played on. Maybe the rewards are larger if more ships are being assigned to a sector. Idk, don't want to make this too complicated to keep track of or force guilds to be deploying intricate day to day strategy to contribute to conquering a sector over the course of something like 4 weeks/1 month type timescales. 3. Fleet/Guild Alliances To keep engagement for guilds not amongst the most massive of the server allow for fleets, and therefore guilds, to be allied in these sectors. This would allow these medium, small, and micro guilds to also receive benefits from participating in the sector conquests. Maybe some medium guilds start swaying things when two massive guilds fight over the same sector. Maybe a few small guilds provide that last bit of push for an alliance of fleets to conquer the sector in the last couple days of the cycle. A bunch of medium and small guilds could ally together and defeat one of the massive guilds. All guilds assigning their fleets to a sector could even just ally together to share rewards for an entire sector if that's what the community wants to do. I'm down for epic cooperation as much as epic competition. A list of heraldry for the guilds conquering the sector would also be nice, but could also possibly be unwieldy in some circumstances. Fleet sector assignment would probably need to be all to one sector to keep some massive guilds from getting all the perks by putting a few ships in each sector. Maybe each sector can have multiple parts where the effectiveness of ships in each part contributes more or less each week or day or time period smaller than the full cycle. It could help to make the assignment of fleet ships for guilds hidden for the first week or so of the cycle to reduce bandwagoning. I don't think splitting guilds by faction would be required, but may possibly be needed. It may also be useful to allow up to 3 or 4 different alliances to be formed to all fight to conquer a sector, where only 1 would claim the sector at the end of the cycle. It would add some variety beyond 2 sides of a struggle for the sector but not be so many that alliances wouldn't be formed. The maximum number of alliance groups fighting over each sector could even change each cycle. For example some 4 week/1 month cycles there are only 2 sides for Hutt Space allowed maximum so only 2 different alliances could form, while other 4 week/1 month cycles Wild Space would allow up to 4 sides to be formed so up to 4 alliances could form. Only the top performing alliance would conquer the sector for the cycle. Idk, again not trying to institute an RTS game within SWTOR here. TL;DR 1. Guild Fleets - give guilds option to have multiple guild ships to work towards acquiring and fully unlocking. 2. Sector Conquest - allow these fleets of guild ships to be used for a conquest adjacent, server-wide activity that gives some rewards. Make the areas to conquer whole sectors of the galaxy. 3. Fleet/Guild Alliances - allow guilds to combine their fleets to team up in conquering these sectors to share in the rewards, preventing the situation where only the most massive guilds get any rewards. I know this COULD be a lot to ask for and even if implemented could take a long time. Just a collection of suggestions, and far from a single source of ideas here. Thanks for your time.
  5. Haha! I support all of these ideas! I especially like the idea of incorporating it into an event, or making it part of a new event! I definitely enjoy quests and activities that aren't the usual go kill something and/or go find something, and an animal rangling/herding activity sounds fun to me . If a new event it could be like an agricultural themed event, maybe in the spring so that it works as something on the opposite side of the schedule to the Feast of Prosperity event. Could even have some blurrg mounts, companions, pets, decos as reputation rewards. Great suggestions! Thanks for posting about something I didn't even realize I needed!
  6. Don't usually participate in the forums, but this seems to warrant it. First, definitely think that a completed expansion is better than one that makes an arbitrary deadline. I think it was the right decision to delay the release if that's what is needed and support it. Second, it seems like a delay of 2 months is much more than bug squashing and pretty significant overhauls incoming to the planned changes. I have been putting off PTS due to hearing a lot of feedback that made me less than happy. What what I've heard a lot of the least popular changes had been eased back a bit, but I still was at best apprehensive. The news of not being able to alter existing character's primary combat style seemed to be a setback to this progress and many seemed quite upset about it. I'm guessing the FAQ coming soon will address at least some of the potential changes. Third, is there any chance that those who returned and subbed again, or for the first time, anticipating they would get the expansion on 12/14/2021 getting access to the expansion when it comes out even if they don't keep their sub in the meantime? I seem to remember this being a thing that happened once in the past but can't remember specifics. As a player who has subbed for a long time, the release of the expansion and the subsequent delay was not likely to change my subscription status (of course if I really don't like the expansion changes and story themselves then THAT may affect my sub status). However, I know a few people that used to play the game that returned specifically for the expansion and now may feel...misled by the 12/14/2021 release date being delayed to 2/15/2022 only a week before the announced release date. Is it possible to let players who are subbed on 12/14/2021 get access to the expansion? I think most would resub anyways for the actual release, but providing guaranteeing access to those that had returned to the game and to having a subscription specifically for the expansion would go a long way towards preventing players from feeling taken advantage of. Good luck in the meantime with the upcoming changes/alterations/tweaks/updates and any fallout from the decision to delay the release.
  7. Can you unlock it for yourself and donate to your guild with credits? Or do you have to donate it directly through a guild bank?
  8. Wow, this is awesome! Still going through all the info, but thanks for this!
  9. Oh man, wish you were on The Ebon Hawk. My friends and I wanted to start a guild to RP as a space station (like DS9, only star wars) until we found out how much they cost. Hope whoever you fund has a lot of fun and good memories on their ship. Best of luck!
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