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Everything posted by kage_goomba

  1. Glamouring is the true endgame - I'd second this sentiment - it drives people to throw gobs of money at you - I'd say that's incentive enough for BW to step it up.
  2. Maybe it supposed to invoke fear by definition of causing someone to react to it? . . I was trying to be funny. Still I get that - but its not that bad. I have similar gripes about my Yavin SH - wish I could alter a few things - but that's what makes it challenging. Honestly the gripers/complainers should go visit other SH's and see what people have managed to do - pretty impressive considering. Make it work....they did. (Not aimed at anyone in particular)
  3. A worthy one considering Discord and SWTOR do not get along and this is a problem still not fixed. Took me 2-3 hours to find a solution to this with a friend on discord. Its thanks to little threads like this I was able to resolve my issue.
  4. Did I give you permission to speak for me? Maybe you need to rethink this before you respond. The only issue I have with strongholds is no night or day cycles - ok and not being able to turn off my "AAA Guns" as they just endlessly keep firing away - beyond that - you have plenty of strongholds to pick from - don't like it? pick something else.
  5. I can confirm this is a valid fix - as far as getting discord to work. Its complete bull in terms of the reasoning and utterly asinine as to why the devs did this. But the fix works. Be warned - you may see some degradation to a point in-game - but its no different without the fix honestly.
  6. But the real question that needs to be asked - the most earth shattering one of them all. What does it taste like?
  7. As someone who just went through this with our guild - word of advice. 1: Don't bother spending credits - waste-of-time 2: Start recruiting for active players. The more you get the better your odds. Generally the most effective method is to make sure your Guilds weekly conquest goals are met - the larger the goal the better. You then direct your guildies to snag the "item of choice" as they get to pick and choose their rewards. They will need to pull their prizes from the crafting-misc bag and dump them into the guild vault for ease of use - or they can mail them to you. You will need something on the order of 7 encryptions for every 1 framework (correct me if I'm wrong - been a bit) You take those to the Fleet Station and look for the vendor (the one that near the guild goodies - outter ring) - and exchange for frameworks. Save your credits for more important things. But that's just one Guild Leaders viewpoint. This kind of thing was never meant to be a solo task. Its a group effort - but its not impossible to do it the quick way - its just very very expensive. We saved billions on just making it a group effort frankly. Didn't take long either. Choice is yours.
  8. AFAIK - Cartel Market rotates their lists in and out from week to week (or month to month for that matter) You will NEVER find everything in there. The GTN is your only other source for items that where at one time in the CM now not. Or you wait for the next rotation. Which sucks poodoo - cause inflation is a total nerfherder.
  9. This is something I keep hearing from various people. Not surprised.
  10. Historically adding servers for launch being a bad idea? Didn't happen in FFXIV's case when Sahdowbringers launched - it was a successful launch. So If anything they where the exception to the common rule if you have games to give examples for. Again - they had 6 months to a year to plan this out....and historically they knew that population was going to explode just like it always does on new expansions. Players show up on new expansions/new patch - sub up.....play the game....then leave. Just like clockwork. Last year we saw WoW have a meltdown - streamers like asmogold or whatever the hell his name is showed up and brought with him a tsunami of players of the worst kind to the typical kind all over the place in FFXIV. Suddenly we have queues just logging in - granted it would last about 2-3 minutes - but it was never an issue before. Just going to major city areas was slower than all get out - things we would never ever have to experience. You'd think SE would have analytics and see what was coming. They planned the launch of Shadowbringers in that regard - why not Endwalker? Instead all we got was "plans to launch an asian DC" - and well....there you have it. Everyone was cringing from the start when WoW had its "explosion" You can't honestly tell me they didn't see the oncoming train that is today....there's no way in hell. The excuse of "Shortages" no longer applies when you had all the time to plan out the outcome. As I've said so many times - better to have a working game that people can play and enjoy while content is delayed due to "capacity" or "function" (IE: like SWTOR's 7.0 Delay) than to launch and suffer the consequences of a bad decision. There's just no way to excuse the lack of foresight. Everyone and their mother predicted this outcome - albeit not loudly - but it was a given that WoW's mass exodus would lead to this. (That is a known meme too - people leave FFXIV and go to WoW - then bounce back to FFXIV etc.) Also yeah..selling accounts - not good - but also a guaranteed perma-ban - I don't see that being an issue - I do see people "Sharing accounts" being an issue - and that again - perma ban. Even then - that's presuming you can even log in to play the game in the first place.
  11. Everyone and their mother will say this game copied that....and that game copied this. Point is...it is what it is...and it's not WoW by a long shot. You'll find people pointing all the way back to Everquest at that rate. FFXIV is in a very bad way right now. Contrary to what people are saying. Never in the history of the game (As far as recent history is concerned - ignoring 1.0 and that's a way way back time frame) have they ever suspended all sales/ads/new player access for "Christmas" time like that. That's going to hurt them - hard. Its a big big and very unprecedented change in tactics. The other issue is they had 6 months to a year to plan this out - the WoW thing was on the wall in terms of what was going on for a very long time - and it didn't really become critical mass until Blizzard pulled their stunt - or should I say Activision FFXIV should have done exactly what they did when Shadowbringers launched - deployed more servers - they even split the DC I play in (Aether) nearly in half to do it to make room. It worked damn near perfectly - I was there during launch - literally no issues in terms of log in or play or queues. Nothing like today. Today your lucky if you have to wait 3 hours to play - and that's just wrong. People complain and whine about SWTOR's direction and what they did to delay the launch - I say be fortunate your not in FFXIV right now - at least you can play this game - FFXIV should have delayed their launch by 6 months to a year just to deploy more servers. (And for the record - I'm not poking at the 7.0 naysayers - whom I agree with - just talking about being able to play the bloody game!) The saying "it will get better soon" isn't a valid excuse - because that is only truth when players quit the game due to the fact they can't even play said game - people won't tolerate that....not for much longer. Even today - still having queue issues all over the place from the various discord servers I'm monitoring - some even just flat gave up for they day getting disconnected from a guild event and stuck waiting in queues is temper inducing all the same. SE won't even have a roadmap for new servers till end of Jan - that's a long ways off. Very sad time to be a FFXIV player - frankly someone had to have made a decision to convince Yoshi P not to expand hardware - there's just no way even he would ignore this. But who knows at this point. What's done is done. In-spite of everything - SWTOR is in better shape than people give it credit for in retrospect. Successfully failing is not a good term right now. Ironically - no one will want to go back to WoW - so yeah - expect traffic over here for sure. New World isn't exactly winning any points either. I for one am thankful in-spite of all the 7.0 crap.....here's hoping the delay will clean that up.
  12. No ones said anything in my guild about it - but not sure if their are marketeer people in there. You contact support to see if they see anything? (yes I'm well aware of the irony of that question)
  13. And you call me a troll. People like you need to step back and think before you speak.
  14. The OP has yet to produce any valid proof of BW's budget let alone spending habits. Making this a waste of time to argue. Maybe its time to stop feeding the troll. It's clear no one's interested in the "suggested" change as it is - regardless of cost.
  15. This. Foreign languages tend to be more expensive as it is due to various reasons - of all the insane suggestions - this one is very rational and well thought out. English as trashy as the language is in comparison - is common enough that people should be able to figure it out. Would be cheaper to do subtitles in other languages at that rate. I also echo that voice acting budgets are being overly inflated here - especially by the OP. I don't think "VA's" are being paid that much as it is - a sad truth for a luxury in our world.
  16. Did you click the button too many times? Call customer support or email them if your not up to calling them. Do it today - don't wait. Longer you wait - the less chance of getting funds back.
  17. Instead of a reset - do "New Game+" - something akin to FFXIV. You don't lose your progress - but you get to replay the story and do different things.
  18. You remove VA - you lose half your playerbase - if not more imho People don't like reading. It may sound weird - but its the one common (albeit stupid) complaint (not that they would admit it) - I mean this is an adventure game - what would be the point of playing if there's no story? Yet I find more and more players care more for "Action" and less for the story bit. One of the things that keeps me here in spite of all the garbage over 7.0 - is just that - the story - WITH voice acting. Too many players just skip/push/speed through the game to mash buttons. Voice Acting is a natural "Brake" that makes people stop and listen. It adds emotion - it adds layers that you won't get from text alone. While the imagination is a powerful thing - in this day and age - people are very limited in that regard. It's also kind of a big boost to quality of the game as anyone can just slap text up on a screen - but to Voice it out - shows extra effort. However as I say this - this game's player voice actor was heavily recycled - but then its better than nothing. Granted I may find myself outnumbered here on the forums - but as I said - people generally don't call it out - but its obvious if you read between the lines - VA is a good anchor point - and it should be maintained. Budget wise I get it can be spendy - but it has massive returns if done right. Just one Togruta's opinion.
  19. A toxic poster calling someone else toxic. How Ironic. ---------- This game has the most trashiest interface in the world. Archaic platform at best with a perverse dual windows process methodology that makes me scream "What the hell where you people thinking?" But at the end of the day - I love the story - And it's star wars. The Flashpoints are rather fun when I can solo them. And I get to play Togruta - just love that. I play many other games that are vastly better in quality and platform - but they aren't star wars - makes them suck in their own way.
  20. I'm not going to bother quoting your own post.... so enjoy your blissful ignorance because It's obvious to me your just here for trolling attention.
  21. Is this where I point out that 7.0 isn't up yet - delayed in fact - and the "test server" is a TEST environment - and obviously changes are not final. One can hope they clean things up - track record says no they won't - but people seem to have a funny notion about things these days. Believe it or not I have seen companies completely reverse what they say they are going to do prior to launch. It has happened - can't say that's happened here necessarily - but they DID delay 7.0 for a reason. Speculative or not - it had to be a damn good reason.
  22. He also said any other MMO Expansion - that means "any other MMO" - not just this game.
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