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Posts posted by TheVoyant

  1. I'm just wondering if optimized 306 gear will perform better than unoptimized 316 gear. Classes like the Sentinel need high alacrity and high crit to perform properly. The caps on the PTS for both those abilities were too low. Will the modding allow us to go above those caps?


    You're stronger in 306 gear now then you will be at max gear in 7.0. This has been the running joke said many times...


    Enjoy leveling up to 80 where you've become senile (forgetting abilities), slower (alacrity cap raised), less mobile (mobility options reduced), can't see as well (accuracy cap raised), have become more fragile (less defensives), can't button your shirt (no mods, you all get the same pullover sweater now) and have to keep wandering the same areas you've already been. (Lack of new content beyond what a FP and eventually an OP)


    But yay expansion.

  2. There are endless divisive posts on the subject, a percentage optimistic and while I may be biased the appearance of a larger percentage worried.


    I think people mistake those of us who have little faith in what we're seeing. Its not some doomsayer of "the game will die" its just people frustrated at bad decisions. A lot of us have been thru this before with Bioware. Either on this game or another. They've been known to cut corners and find cheap ways to milk content ever since the days of Dragon Age 2. I don't recall them having this problem prior to EA's acquisition but consumers do remember this sort of thing.


    My point is simple, the more united of a base we are the more likely we are to leverage our influence (IE: our wallets/subscriptions) to push the devs to improve the quality of their work & hold them accountable.


    When we make excuses for their shortcomings we're just enabling them to continue putting out low quality or minimal effort.


    Lets put whats happening here into another scenario:


    If every day you went to your favorite coffee shop with your friends and ordered your favorite latte and it was good you'd never really need to say anything.


    Now, say suddenly out of nowhere its suddenly not as good bc they took out some key ingredients. You're the only one notices heavily at first, your friends who also like the same drink just say "maybe its not so bad we'll get used to it" but you are the only one to vocalize the downgrade in quality. Nothing changes and every one has a less tasty beverage.


    Now if every one of your friends, and then the rest of the consumers stopped coming or buying the drink after making their complaints were heard... The owner would have a few options but mostly:


    1 - Change to adapt consumers wants

    2 - Ignore and hope to attract new customers who have lower standards or expectations

    3 - Lose profits and do nothing


    It is the same thing here.

    None of us want the game to die, not even going as far to say 7.0 will be the death of the game....


    But there's nothing wrong with a lot of us walking out of the coffee shop til the quality is improved. They're not whining, they're trying to set a standard of expectations for what they're paying for.


    If you're optimistic that's totally fine but I urge you to stop trying to undermine those who speak out against bad decisions, the more solidity within the base the more power we have.


    Personally I'm gonna go have my cup of tea elsewhere once 7.0 launches and am hoping the negative backlash will get us somewhere better by 7.2. Though chances are games who show their consumers respect will rope me in by then.


    Disagree, but don't make excuses for the dev team. You don't make excuses for the guy who messes up your food. And its not the consumers fault of the mistake.

  3. Please. Do not reset die weeklies. I cannot see any reason why you want to do that. For every one who wants to play many chars this is an absolut nightmare.


    Especially the pvp weeklies if you do not change that only wins will count.


    This is just one thing I do not like in 7.0 but I think one with the biggest impact for my playstyle and as I said I do not see the reason for that.


    Its another change that seems to punish players for not grinding. 100% agree there is no need for it and very little justification can be made for it being a good thing. Speak with your wallet like the rest of us is all I can say.

  4. Lets see..juggs have more dps than mercs atm,have too many gap fillers and immunity to push and stuns,have more stuns and slows than mercs,plus their dcds have way more mitigation dmg than merc's dcds. But the problem is the healing effect of mercs dcds,right? Well,they only work on direct dmg,while jugg's enrage defense works on any kind of dmg,and with grit teeth u can use it very often. So...I feel like u just want ur fav class to be better and the others to be easy targets. Thats not gonna happen,bro.

    As it is now on live server, its very balanced tho. I'd say only concealment ops and skank juggs are overtuned. But if u look on pts,then ye,juggs got nerfed harder and I think they should get at least mad dash back. That dosent mean mercs didnt get nerf. It just happens that juggs got more screwed than any other class. So go and try to convice devs to make some chages on juggs, instead of trying to nerf mercs more than they got nerfed already.🙂


    Juggs do not have more DPS. An Immortal Jugg in PvP comes close but otherwise beyond a cut to pieces AoE spam'd area with a mob.... They do significantly less damage at end game atm.


    PTs, Deception, Merc, and Viru are currently top tier. (And Maras if you know how to use em) Once people understood the breakpoint models were off. Before Venge was in the mix but I've not seen them pulling above 13k dps in capped content like the aforementioned.

  5. I'm genuinely not sure what you're even trying to suggest.

    To me this reads: "Bioware is right to tell you what to do so you don't stop playing."


    And thats just not how it works. The majority of the original post could be answered with:


    - Add new content for the base to enjoy.


    That's it. Any weird twist of logic imo is nonsense trying to justify bad decisions.


    If BW stopped tinkering with the back end and just focused on content they'd have a much happier base and people wouldn't be lining up to cancel their subs. Most of us will just stop playing and comeback to check if they've fixed it in 7.2 or whatever.


    Forcing people to grind content is not a way to success.

  6. I'm mostly upset about removing 2 of 3 former Abilities each class had, if they limited it to granting 2 of 3 (former) based on which discipline it wouldn't be so bad.


    Example: of the 3 former Abilities A1, A2, and A3 Then:

    ▪ Discipline 1 get's Ability A1 & A3.

    ▪ Discipline 2 get's Ability A2 & A3

    ▪ Discipline 3 get's Ability A1 & A2


    Still don't like they removed Combat Proficiency though, that really made things kind of sad. Means no option to customize, or far less based on your Play Style. Makes many Class slower or less FUN to play...


    Also we know we'll start 80 at 318 in Green Gear again, like 270-306 all over again. Yet don't think they should have taken MOD's out of Gear like they did at 75 till it got to Purple again. I'd suspect in time we'll see it return, closer to Max Item Level which is likely to be close to 355-360?


    Yet with Renown gone, or the Flashpoint Crates or Operation Crates possibly being removed too; means we'll have to run a lot more Flashpoint's, or Operations waiting for Boss drop's mostly...


    Yeah. The less customization the less fun the game is imo. More was needed not less imo. Its easy to do as well, Lost Ark for example has a beautiful system where every single skill has its own upgrade tree. That game is in Beta in friggin UE3 and handles most the problems better AND they listen to their base. I might not like FF14 but same deal they treat their base with common respect and hear them out.


    Here we're lucky if they even so much as acknowledge a complaint let alone actually adjust what they're doing to reflect the wants of their consumers.


    Even if 7.0 ends up being perfect, they've already divided their base by the way they've approached it imo. Less of the shady marketing and misdirection & more honest two way communication and even if the base wouldn't agree....


    They'd at least feel somewhat appreciated.


    Still things like these Legendary Items vs. sets could be cool if it weren't that we're giving up too much else where.


    If instead of nerfing/pruning they made that change I don't think it would be a big deal, and thats mostly my feels. Genuinely feels like a Grinch stealing kids favorite toys before Xmas just to give em back a cheaper version of what they loved before.

  7. A DPS spec Merc's heals are pretty worthless LOL..


    My rapid scan as an Arsenal currently heals on a mid level crit for 22k, high end just under 40k in PvP/Uncapped. It averages about 10% of my health per heal.


    Just finished a 4v4, Healer had 0 dmg and 500k heals. I had 1.2mil Dmg and 700k heals.


    I'm not sure how you're spec'd but Arsenal esp with such low alacrity breakpoints are very effective utility atm and can off heal probably better then any other spec. So I'd hardcore disagree.


    And they'd be wrong to pick a Jugg over a Merc atm, but if you're following guides I can see that being a popular misconception due to the incorrect stat breakdowns most people use.


    Currently only seen PTs pull more consistent DPS vs. a perfectly spec'd Apex build in PvE. Viru comes close, but with zeal and inherit alacrity 3% allowing 1.3 gcds at 514 stat gives too much free stats to move into crit.


    Also not checked on the PTS in a few. Have they said what those mysterious choices are yet?

  8. Given what appears to be a limited budget/resources, I don't understand why so much effort was devoted to removing from the game rather than adding to it. The only real complaint I have heard on the additions is a need for more (particularly with regard to story).


    This is why so few of us are excited for 7.0. Pretty much the most obvious thing in the world. How to excite players? New content. How not to excite players? Take away a lot of things they like in exchange for a few less things they might tolerate eventually.


    Just genuinely feels like either they don't care about their product or their consumers wants & would rather punish their base with weird unwanted decisions. Almost feels like a passive aggressive attack at this point. "Oh you don't like this ability as a choice? We'll just take it away completely then."


    And the tiny bits of their logic you can find buried in weird interviews or discussions just make no sense. Like the "arms race" comparison to classes. No one was complaining about how powerful classes were just that a few needed brought up to the same level or have more skills added. Instead they downgrade?


    If they had a track record of success or anything to give the benefit of the doubt we could. But they don't so we're left to add up the facts and right now it points to being a disaster.

  9. Knights first half was decent. Second half was painful. But ultimately I think it was the Iokath storyline that really jumped the shark. It completely broke the narrative for me personally... No sense or stakes or reward post then.... Up until the 2nd part of Knights I thought it was decent.


    Really reminds me of the drop off from DA:O to DA2 in quality. First one felt epic, good stories, level design didn't feel repetitive to... And here's your wave of three mobs, lets throw the fade in SW (Valkorian's Dreamworld), and reuse level textures over n over.


    I genuinely think the only way they could recover some semblance of a plot is another time leap.

  10. All the things 6.0 had to offer from min/maxing stats to really utilizing all the various utilities. Studying the various stat points to make builds. Really got into dueling and how really SW it felt in 6.0 (will miss the fast paced chess like feeling of it in 6.0 to a sluggish version of rock, paper, scissors of 7.0)


    Getting Apex. Rolling Gold Amps on all my chars. Getting Gold Augs.


    But most importantly just doing all the fun stuff with friends like the 3 man Eternity Vault we finished last night.


    6.0 has been a really good time. It will be sorely missed.

  11. (Preface, I've seen and heard this before)


    Player_1: "Man, I'm reading about some of the changes in 7.0, I dunno....."


    Defender_of_the_Faith: "Pfft, it's just social media, don't worry about it"


    Player_1: "I got into early testing, there are some significant changes"


    DOTF: "The expansion is over a year away, they'll fix things"


    Player_1: "I left feedback, but there are a lot of problems with this new expansion"


    DOTF: "It's still six months from possible release, it'll all get worked out"


    Player_1: "We're less than a month away, and certain areas are still buggy"


    DOTF: "Don't worry, it won't go live like that"


    Expansion: RELEASE


    Player_1: "Sheesh, all of the things I was worried about went live"




    DOTF_2: "They'll fix it first patch"


    (As I said, I've seen this before)


    This. 100x this. Its not that people are wishing ill or wanting the game to fail. Its just the track record is so not in the Devs favor right now. For example: "Something major planned for 10 year anniversary" 10 year ani comes around and you're getting a flashpoint, an operation sometime later and significantly nerfed again. Yay.


    I'm with you - I'll finish what I can now and may or may not even try later. If it's truly random then it'll be almost impossible to get what you actually want.


    Its actually easier to get sets as you go thru random chance. The more of the armor sets you put in personal cargo and roll at Kai the greater your odds of getting your new piece.


    Using this method I got three pieces of Apex in a row, most of the RNG in this game is extremely favorable in 6.0. It just requires an understanding of how to get it to work in your favor in most aspects. (Mods, enhancements, drops, amplifiers, etc)

  12. The discussion is confusing. People are discussing as if abilities and balance in PVP and PVE are the same. Arsenal Mercs burst very well and that's what makes them dangerous in PVP, but sustained damage is bottom of the barrel, which plays no part in PVP. If you get off a full rotation in PVP you're playing against a bad opponent. So, the abilities that are grouped together for certain choices affect PVP and PVE differently. Mercs are bad at dummy parsing when compared to other classes. It's their utilities and mobility that make them even viable in Ops. It sounds like these changes/choices need to be geared toward whether a person seems to be building toward PVP or PVE. If, at the first selection, a person chooses a prominent PVP selection, cater the next selections to achieve the balance you want in PVP. I play Merc mostly in PVE, and if some of these changes take affect for PVE I'll probably just stop playing all together. I play for mobility and utility, like a Merc/BH should have. If I wanted superior DPS I'd play a different class.


    I retract my statement lol. Bc while I disagree with some parts. What you're saying I can agree with for the most part.

  13. I can agree that the gearing changes are not good but I will have to disagree with that, most of the choices we have now with the advanced classes are very boring, somewhat overly general and focused more on defense/survival.


    The 7.0 system has choices that focus a lot more on specific skills so it will allow for a lot more different builds than we currently have, there's some really nice heavy single target burst vs aoe choices and some others that increase the crit of certain core ability or change the way an ability functions like shock for madness sorc.


    I will say i am quite excited for the new talent tree, it seems way better than any previous incarnation imo.


    24 options mixed with Stats you change with all your abilities vs. Some of your abilities and 3 of those have a choice between 3.


    I get most people are clueless on gearing or how actually versatile this system is.... But then again most people look at Vulkk guides for stats/builds.


    Its less choices. Less Abilities. Less customization of build. Which was an area they needed MORE of not less.

  14. ***********************


    (Preface, I've seen this before)


    For whatever reason, gaming companies use circular logic. "Oh, SWTOR doesn't make as much as it used to," or "The subs plus CM market is 'down'", resulting in less investment, be that quality Developers, or time, or resources.


    What happens? Well, the game continues to wither on the vine, revenues continue to trend downward, thus justifying less and less resources devoted to the core mechanics of said game, and more and more placed in the CM. (Or "Cash shop")


    Couple that with a VERY inward looking and insular mindset (often reflected in hires), the belief that the Devs know better or "more than the players", and you get a race to the bottom. Add to that the disbelief when the grand ideas, or any ideas (say an expansion) is lambasted, however respectfully, on the PTR forums, and the result is a "circling of the wagons" resulting in no dialogue (other than the obligatory "We read the boards" comment) with the players.


    Yes, they see the Iceberg, but it's too late to turn the ship.


    I don't have a solution because I don't work there. From an outsiders perspective, however, I have to ask, if, as the OP said, much of the new expansion is simply replaying old content, and there is * 1 * OP, and * 1 * FP, in my best Office Space voice: "What is it you would say you do around here?"


    There's a reason companies hire consultants (cough). Often because the inner workings and day-to-day activities are so "gummed up", they can't figure out how to BE better. (Sometimes they just need an outside voice that tells them, " 'X' is not working, 'Y' is your core system, your employees have become siloed and tunnel-visioned to the point they don't talk with each other or outside their department (or cubicle), oh and you hold way too many meetings").


    Also, don't get me started on email within a corporation.


    The fact so many of us can see this and its that transparent and they still can't is mindboggling. Well put together assessment and I'm gonna have to agree with the majority of it.


    Most of us simply wanted new content instead they decided to remove an excessive amount of good things and offer us a couple random things in exchange... Which ultimately feels like a cheap way to exploit people for more money by forcing more grind and removing enjoyment.


    I made sure my sub runs out a couple days after 7.0 launches simply to see all the doubters realize what the PTS cats have been screaming about nonstop.

  15. We can't even get them to acknowledge basic things like clipping or the general uneasiness of the player base of 7.0


    And you want to ask them to tackle something like fix an economy. You shouldn't. Their current strategy is reduce the credits you make from conquest (and I imagine other sources in game) all this will do is inflate the economy further.


    Currency in SW:ToR is simply like yen. It is not difficult to generate credits these days. Legendary Embers/RPM/OEMs are all very easily obtained. Each of those can net you hundreds of millions in a short amount of time. Purchase items. Be a Merchant. Profit.


    Asking BW to step in will only make it worse imo.

  16. Enjoy the game before the downgrade....


    Mostly been enjoying the characters feeling actually powerful before the hardcore nerf thats incoming.


    Did a 5 man eyeless with no tank a couple nights ago, mostly undermanned OPS. 4 manning 8 man ops. Clearing 16 mans with 6 or 7, etc.


    Gonna try 3 manning an Eternity Vault tomorrow night as 4 is the lowest we've done it with yet.


    Enjoying PvP before its nerfed and turned into capped content.


    Enjoying playing with stats and weird builds before that customization goes away. Exploring utilities, etc.


    But yeah just trying to get the most out of it before they remove virtually all the reasons I like the game.

  17. wow. im speechless actually. As a diehard supporter of this game, that's been here since alpha of the game, and on the OLD forums in the squadrons, this was very disappointingly sad.... :(


    its the TEN YEAR ANNIVERSARY AND next expansion and they dont even have a cinematic for it!?! or a new trailer!? or anything?! on top of all the crap they've been pulling lately, they pull THIS? ive been with this game, logging in nearly EVERY night for more than a decade. NO breaks. I have been with bioware, supporting them on the ups and downs. especially the disaster that was kotet, which was WoD of swtor lol.


    they either have some type of surprise up their sleeve, because between the conquest nuke, nerfing player and guild rewards, limiting conquest to only 3 alts per legacy, and doing their "leveling experience" and nerfing other gains...I may seriously be thinking of unsubbing and not even playing...


    how can you NOT HAVE a cinematic or trailer for the TEN YEAR ANNIVERSARY of your game?! wow....nothin... also would have been a GREAT time to bring back Jadus. one of the original protagonists. it was set up PERFECTLY for that. keep doing what you have been doing best the past few years bioware


    my god.


    So many of us feel you man. Like we've genuinely tried shouting from mountain tops trying to get common sense or basic awareness across to their team. They genuinely either don't care or have no interest in fixing their flaws.


    I've said a few times this is the last semi decent thing BW has left, its a shame they can't seem to give it the TLC it deserves.


    At the very least as a consumer feel taken for granted vs. business being appreciated.


    All we wanted was new content and decent stories again. New maps. New levels. Instead we're getting something that'll need fixed.

  18. Its honestly just people not knowing the strategies to counter mercs. You just fight them in the same way you do an Immortal, CCs and wait out their DCDs. Its why they've limited stun breaks bc thats how you handle them. As Doug stated this is why they're lower DPS then others. A Merc is literally survive then burst.


    It's literally the identity of the class people want changed. But sure lets keep asking for even more removed in an entire update centered around nerfing the game. Its why we can't have nice things :p

  19. My question stands, why do you care that other people "dont have the potential to succeed opened up" when they have no problems with the way and content they are playing, we are not drowning in complaints about people not understanding the game after all, you decided that is a problem, not them.




    Ok whatever weird concepts you're projecting over the point just let it go man.


    Its very simple and has been explained a couple times now.


    People are unable to clear content and don't have a pathway to clear content. Progression and skill progression are not intuitively integrated into the design.


    That's it. Not whatever misconceptions and misinterpretations you took from it.

  20. .

    And i don t see why you would complain, you get to enjoy your stat advantages and be more optimized than most, why do you need others to follow your minmaxy playstyle?


    First, I'm not a WoW guy so you can throw out all the toxic stuff that comes from that line of thinking. Its cringeworthy imo anytime anyone brings it up.


    Second, my frustration lies in the game doesn't teach players to get better. They're running around not knowing what to do and then wondering why they're having a hard time with crap stats that are never explained in game. Anywhere.


    Its not rooted in some weird form of elitism, its rooted in wanting people to have the potential to succeed opened up for them not continuously made more difficult to acquire. I spend half my time in game helping people make builds/teaching them how to utilize stats bc there aren't any accurate resources out there for people to learn.


    Third, I never judge the way others want to play. Casual/Hardcore makes no difference to me. But when this sort of logic is utilized.... its how it gets taken away for the rest of us.

  21. That’s how I feel too, it’s deeply depressing. It’s like losing an old friend to a wasting sickness or they are dying and the doctors won’t help them.


    I can’t even bring myself to play the game with all this bad news of what they are doing. It completely over shadows the few good things they’ve announced.


    Your posts are refreshing whenever I'm on here. Bc its like "See basic common sense and logic." It is beyond baffling what they're doing.


    I've had the opposite. I'm playing 6.0 religiously before they downgrade it into 7.0, its hard to find games that pull off what 6 does. That action/fast paced strategic gameplay will be sorely missed.


    The impression is indeed that they're looking for profit thru cheap means vs. providing quality content & an actual gameplan.

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