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Posts posted by TheVoyant

  1. Hello everyone!


    We invite you to join our next Legacy of the Sith livestream on November 18 at 2:00 PM CT (8:00 PM UTC). The stream will be hosted on our Twitch channel and will be a bit more focused on the story and characters for LotS.


    If you are unable to join the stream itself, we will be livetweeting information here as well.


    See you all next week!




    Unless you guys are going to address the backlash and explain at least some shred of logic to the massive downgrade, whats the point?


    Give us an actual straight answer detailing how 7.0 will be more enjoyable vs. the numerous concerns and complaints.


    So far all we've gotten is misdirection, doublespeak, or ignored. Jedi mind tricks do not work irl. You can't just wave your hand and expect people to stop being worried you're breaking things without an actual plan or awareness.


    Story content would be great if it didn't come with all this extra stuff you guys are breaking.


    Try being accountable to your base.

  2. I'm going to miss my 1.3 GCD I use on my Virulence sniper. PTS just makes me feel so slow with a set of 318 gear and 1.4 GCD. It's even worse when I'm on one of the planets where you are stat capped, and your GCD drops to 1.5.


    It doesn't make any sort of logical sense right?


    But the devs genuinely seem to think a slower, clunkier, less customizable game will be more enjoyable.

  3. From where I'm sitting so few people optimized gear to begin with, this is unfortunately a very small minority of players.


    I'm curious to see how it plays out, but with so many people running around with cookie cutter stats... Its a hard argument to make. I would say I've run into maybe 2 random players who understand the current gearing system. I mean the guides mislead people to no end, people have stats like 1213 alacrity but don't hit their gcds bc they don't get why they're doing it in the first place. And thats my gripe.... The game does not teach this to new players and relies on them googling some guide by a player who is clueless about stats copying what they heard from someone else.... Has made PvP night n day easier though.


    But I'm not gonna test til it launches, bc no point building theories on that which will most likely be tweaked.


    Still this follows the trend of: less fun, less power, less mobility, etc.


    Its baffling logic to say the least.


    For clarification I run an Arsenal Merc at 520 alac with zeal for PvE to hit 1.3 gcds. I run 1421 Alac in PvP to reach the 1.3 and thats with an inherit 3% alac boost that most disc don't have.

  4. Yeah for the most part the new wave has been pretty chill. I imagine that will change at 7.0 launch for awhile. But after the community grief/exodus hopefully chill players are still around.


    But yeah people seem to love the gearing system/combat feel of 6.0, has been bringing in some good players. Pleasant surprise.

  5. I'll qoute part of my feedback about Sages:


    Give us back our mobile ability.


    Everyone is slower and less powerful in 7.0. We all are less mobile and clunkier to play. Basically feels like they've gone from the engaging combat/action feel to more traditional MMO.


    Really weird decision and it basically just makes things less fun for everyone. But thats what it is right now.

  6. perhaps BioChris should be posting that here on the OFFICIAL SWTOR FORUMS and not some fan run discord.,


    In general this is a massive problem with BW. They do not communicate well at all, both in regards to receiving feedback and expressing themselves honestly. They expect their base to go dig for information and figure things out vs. clear comms like you see with games such as FF14/Lost Ark.


    Part of the erosion of trust comes from this aspect. You can't expect to have a community be healthy when the people who run said such community isolate themselves excessively.


    But its par for the course at this point. Been this way since Baldur's Gate.

  7. You’re not alone in that belief. I’ve expressed the same sentiment since the day they announced class pruning on the PTS. Everything since then has solidified my speculative opinion that some some sort of port is coming next year. Maybe an Xbox port cause that’s the easiest being Windows 10 based and because you can already plug a keyboard and mouse into it natively to play some PC based games. Alternatively it could be a Steam Deck port or both. But the chances of a PS port are slim to none.


    Same. It just makes too much sense with their scorched earth strategy.


    Step 1: Burn Everything

    Step 2: Drive Players Away

    Step 3: Create New Source of Players to Exploit

    Step 4: Repeat.


    Drove a bunch of people away. Add to Steam.

    Next, Drive a Bunch of People away.... Up next Consoles/Game Pass.


    Milks the most revenue out of the game in a manner befitting EA's notorious cannibalistic policies right on par with the track record of disconnect between BW and their base. (see: DA2, ME, Anthem Next, etc. basically the constant misdirection and then sheer no communication when expectations aren't met.)


    Also explains why retention doesn't appear to be a concern. As new players are more likely to purchase those outfits. Because the rest of us already have em.


    Just how the optics appear from where I'm sitting.

  8. My best guess for 7.0 is that it's gonna be a crazy like 3 shot kill burst meta in 7.0. Mostly cuz classes are losing dcds and then I'm sure bioware as per tradition will create a gear grind and introduce a new augment tier. So higher dmg higher stats less dcds. Seems like a bad combo to me. A couple decent players playing burst spec can already do a ton of dmg and blow ppl up in 6.0, gonna be wild in 7.0.


    Seeings how AoE/Stun 30% DR is gone... 7.0 might as well be called "Legacy of the Stealth" It is going to be a hot mess.

  9. There's quite a few. You'll find most of us in Warzones or Arenas.


    Also a lot of us focus on private group challenges or duel tournaments these days due to poor gameplay in Warzones.


    Plus a lot of the 8 man team maps are a lot of fun when used for smaller scale.


    Its just another one of those aspects that suffers due to poor organizational systems on the UI side of things. No place to list events, etc.


    Run a tournament once a week, PvP 2-3 nights a week, and I see the same few guilds commonly.

  10. Yeah I get all this, I was just wondering if running 110% accuracy in pvp is feasible without being detrimental to other stats? Has anyone done any number crunching on this?

    If not I guess I could take a look


    110%-115% can net interesting returns depending on where the rest of your stats or at and what class/disc you play. I run it and find it has great results when scaled correctly in correlation.


    My advice most people in this game have no idea about gear/stats and blindly copy what the guy before em told em. Experiment and play around. Accuracy can 100% be viable if used correctly.


    But I love when people run 105 or less accuracy makes it so much easier when fighting them to outlast their dps with all the attack they're missing.

  11. So ive been hearing good things about FF14 and prolly this is where I'll go. A question...to whoever plays it or have played it. Is the story somehow linked to raids....i hate story being gatekeeped behing group content. I have no patience for group content anymore, because of work, no longer a teenager.


    Yeah the first story is locked behind a miserable pair of 24 man raids. I enjoyed the gameplay up until that, even though the story was horrid and the quests are the worst I've had to suffer thru.


    But their classes/combat/UI all great. Their PvP is well balanced. Unfortunately the game is boring AF storywise and its literally fetch a squirrel quests non-stop. Like watching an episode of your favorite TV show that doesn't move the overall plot at all. Though some people really like it, mostly former WoW players from what I've seen. I love FF but FF14 was the first one I quit bc of the story.


    But yeah just those two 24 man raids and they were downright miserable.

  12. Have to agree with others based on the tree I am seeing, the whole point of all these class changes was to reset the play field so everything is more balanced, but right now mercenaries are still able to have access to most of their hyper strong defensives and passives that boost them while many other classes either lose something big to get their defensives or simply dont have as many anymore.


    I definitely feel mercs need less DCDs if we are to try balance them with every other spec in the game in 7.0


    And yet again Merc is currently losing the most abilities/utilities at a disproportionate rate (7 to everyone elses 5). Not to mention haven't seen their BiS gear have a legendary equivalent, yet.


    But yes lets nerf a class thats already losing the vital 30% AoE/Stun Damage reduction bc.... Why? I mean its downright insanity thinking Mercs will have more survivability then a class that has that. The majority of meaningful damage a DPS takes is AoE damage, PvP no stun defense good luck with that with how OP stuns are currently & showing no rebalancing....


    These posts genuinely feel like people haven't looked into the fine print/details. Merc are giving up an excessive amount of things in comparison to how much other classes have their utilities baked in.


    But lets be honest everything is going to be less fun to play at this point so sure why not just take all our abilities and give us a damage button so people will be happy.

  13. Just want to mention MM FPs and Ops really have very little in common. MM FPs are just like Vet FPs with some actual mechanics that have consequences thrown in, requiring a tank and in most cases a healer. Ops are generally much more difficult, though SM has been watered down over the years to be generally accessible to anyone who does, say, Vet FPs, aside from the last 2 Op releases. Master and Blaster, Revan, and Underlurker in SM would also give most Vet FP folks some trouble. Basically every other SM Ops boss prior to the Gods Op has been made easy now.


    MM FPs do not require a tank or healer in live, most of em don't even require a full party when moderately well geared. I think it was just the other day someone tried to vote to kick bc group finder puts me as a healer. (No I don't have the role selected, its another one of those things Bioware broke back with the Amplifier Window change.) The party legit laughed bc we thought they were joking. They were a Merc of all classes.


    Which just brings me back the point this game does not teach people how to play it, people have no idea how to gear for most content, etc.


    But I tend to run 2 man MM FPs to teach people how to improve at OPS/PVP/learn self reliance.


    Same said for SM OPS, a good majority can be run with 3-4 people. Minus those that require bodies for mechanics like TFB.


    But Eternity Vault, KP, Scum n Vill, etc. You can take a flashpoint group n clear it right now.

  14. Here's the missing thing though. The players who voiced their concern are all the solo players who were left after all the group players abandoned ship.


    So obviously the forums here are going to be slanted towards solo play. That's who's left.


    From my eyes, it looks like BioWare is looking to bring back all the different fans of the different types of group content. So that's an entirely different group than the one here on the forums.


    I don't base my views on the forums, its a percentage but a small one. I base it off all the guild leaders I talk to, communities I'm involved in, random players in game, responses to videos/feeds, etc.


    Engage with people and talk to em, the prevailing opinion is overwhelming negative. "nail in the coffin" is the term I hear most often.


    Because people are just tired of giving them chances to be disappointed again and again.


    I've genuinely tried to be optimistic but legitimately everytime I do, they release more negative news in that con artist way. ("Play how you want so here's less options!")


    End of the day results will speak for themselves but all evidence thus far points to "I told you so" vs. "I was wrong" but I'd love nothing more to be wrong....


    Simply I don't think the Devs hold themselves accountable enough for that to be the case.

  15. I respect the optimism, but it just doesn't line up with their pattern.


    Players consistently have voiced what they want, while you can't please everyone there is a very identifiable group of wants that 7.0 is doing the exact opposite of.


    People wanted more levels and more story content to go ontop of what is a fairly liked system. Some minor balancing tweaks would've been welcomed but mostly new maps for game modes and new story. That's what was wanted.


    Instead they're legit trying to wholesale redesign the 10 year old game, convolute the game even further without introducing anyway IN GAME to teach people how to play, with barely any story content and one 8 man Operation that doesn't even come out at 7.0's launch.


    Not to mention the extremely shady delivery of information where they try to package something unwanted as an improvement in gameplay.


    I just always refer to the amplifier window fiasco, it was something as simple as a new UI menu/layout, it was complained against non stop in PTS. They ignored it. It went live. Was legit outrage to the point customer service agreed it was b/s. AND they still haven't fixed all the problems its caused. (Still have areas where the amplifier window is you can't click thru, previews, and tooltips remain broken ever since this change for some individuals.)


    So something as minor as a menu caused player grief. Imagine nerfing everyone, making top end gear harder to obtain, reducing survivability/utility, and then expecting it to be engaging to new players or force old players to redo the SAME content over n over to be back to where they were... Just less powerful.


    If there was a plan that made coherent sense or they had a track record of success I'd hear you. All evidence points to this being as horrid as the majority fears thus far.

  16. I'm hoping that right now they're just trying to placate the loudmouth entitled mythic raiders.


    There is nothing more cringe then hearing someone say "well I do Mythic God Squirrels, this is nothing."


    Will say the raiding community I've interacted with hates just about everything thus far in 7.0. But if they're trying to appeal to THAT crowd from WoW more reasons then ever to exit. Don't know what it is about that game but man does it bring out the worst in people.

  17. I'm struggling to get through the initial story for Final Fantasy 14. I hope it gets better after that, because I've been occasionally frustrated. Not sure if I can persist, but we'll see. I hear people say it's a story-driven MMO, but I'm like, "What the [REDACTED] is everyone talking about?"


    It is one of the most divisive results I've seen, a lot of players really enjoy it and will say "Its a great story n starts slow."


    I stopped on the third expansion and was like "I hate everything about this world and hope all its citizens die." to the story. A lot of people think its the worst story. I've classified it as a renpy game with GCDs. (Their Macro/UI/Menus systems being built in though was a hardcore love and their crafting was dope.) Story made FF12 look like a friggin masterpiece. Worst FF story imo but again some people swear by it.


    And an update Lost Ark has been amazing, has everything I wish SW:ToR had and then some.

  18. And I'd like to point out that people posed much the same question before 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, and 6.0, so this thread is just more "oh noes, game is dying" nonsense.


    Bunch of people are leaving or looking for options. I'm collecting information to suggest to my community to help them fill the void. If it survives and people enjoy it great, not the point of this post.

  19. One thing I don't understand is people's hate of amplifiers...

    Why would you hate on an easy to acquire 10%-20% damage boost? Or more defense, healing, clearing content faster with alpha strike builds, etc.


    The fact people are cheering at an additional nerf I find odd.

  20. I can only assume after so many years of the same thing happening that it’s an inbuilt cultural and management issue at Bioware.


    My sentiments exactly. My last professional role before I retired was going into failing or struggling businesses and turning them around. While I have zero first hand exposure to their offices, so deduction is necessary... You can see it in the little things. Mostly what I call "Kneejerk Course Correction" which so many of us see in the "3 legendaries! wait no just 2...." type responses.


    That and the number one thing that hurts revenue, misleading or conning your consumer with doublespeak...or marketing a product incorrectly if giving the benefit of the doubt (which I'm not here.)


    Its predatory and always results in the consumer becoming burnt out and hesitant to trust making future purchases. ( See all subscribers who are cancelling due to 7.0 mistrust.) Businesses who utilize this model tend to survive off continued misdirection. (Hey look at this new shiny bauble so you forget the last bauble stopped working)


    The reasoning behind the scenes was always the same:

    Leadership had built up a negative mindset that had an unhealthy/ unrealistic perspective on the business that didn't reflect the consumers wants and needs.


    Sound familiar?


    Businesses who took the advice and changed their culture succeeded more then not. (Believe only one failed by my recollection, but succeeded once they moved location with new approach)


    For some reason a lot of leaders and teams have a hard time taking criticism, being realistic, self aware, and having clear decisive vision. The biggest thing I used is to tell people not to take it personally.... And I'd say that to the Devs here...


    You guys aren't being personally attacked, mistakes are being called out while something can be done. Take the feedback and use it to succeed or continue frustrating almost everyone and tank your product. I'm sure a failure after failing on Anthem will go over wonderful to the bosses above.

  21. Never understood this tbh.

    I play primarily Merc and Sorc, have 4 hotbars keybinded for combat purposes and I love it.


    Why is having more tools and options a bad thing?

    Can always just not use them. Its one of the strengths of the game in current version.


    So many games have minimal choices which in turn make the games less strategic.

  22. You could correlate all the data, outline the financial losses, detail the track record of bad design decisions, highlight that they're not playing into their strengths, etc...


    Bottom line is we've tried endlessly to get thru to the Devs, but at best it seems we're going to get more of the same used car salesman tactics.


    It is comical that they double down on failure so often. It is unfortunate for us they want to water down the game with half baked plans that seem mostly motivated as cash grabs. Expect 4-6 more posts of "We're improving the way ________, so we're removing this feature everyone loves or no one has a problem with."


    They insult the intelligence of their base, and manipulate those who trust people at face value as far as I'm concerned.


    Just another case where power corrupts what could be something where the majority benefit. Wasted potential.

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