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Posts posted by TheVoyant

  1. It is in direct contrast to the goal of repairing Bioware's name.


    So many players feel unheard, unappreciated, and disrespected. You look at things like the cinematic and its even worse. They have time for hype but not to deliver actual product?


    The words commonly used in my circles to describe their business practices "con artists", "used car salesman", "predators"


    Regardless Bioware is a prime example of why we need more regulations to protect the consumer, bc the amount of times they've ripped people off or misled them completely is just insane at this point.

  2. I'm under the impression that this expansion was never meant as a huge content expansion, but rather as a "feature" (bork the game) expansion. :rolleyes:


    Allow me to point you back to BW's promises of major stuff for 10 year anniversary lol.


    I think more accurately is there was never a plan, they did everything last minute they can think of trying to look busy, and then packaged it as an expansion.

  3. Lol well we've sorta proven even being vocal doesn't make much difference if they're not listening.


    I don't think if all of us unanimously agreed on what we wanted that they'd listen. They seem hellbent on driving their own course, which doesn't seem to be leading anywhere but the scrap heap.


    Besides normally its cool to be patient and wait for the results, unfortunately businesses prey on that.

  4. Sorry, but guess what, you don't talk on my behalf, and you'd be wrong if you tried, I'm not disappointed.


    Ok, we get you're the one who is happy. But legitimately you're the only person I've seen, whether its reddit, genchat, forums and here.


    So while you can add your voice as one in the other column you have to acknowledge a majority are unhappy with the changes.


    You're totally allowed to like them, but you can't discredit they are not well received by most.

  5. The audacity of removing more content in an announcement a couple days before this launch....


    Eh who am I kidding if you can't understand why you're failing at this point guys, its because you're willingly choosing not to listen.


    Your base constantly tried to help and you reward them by letting them down and taking away aspects they've asked you not to.


    Imagine, making a game and deciding proactively to make it less enjoyable, being told directly how to fix it, and then doubling down and doing even more of the unwanted aspects.


    It almost feels like Bioware is being sadistic and enjoying making their player base unhappy. Congrats guys you did things your way, I'm sure you'll find 10-15 people to enjoy your latest "expansion" and you've already got the money of the subs.


    Hope those $15 subs were worth the nail in the coffin of your brand name.

  6. Not sure if I qualify as a 100% white knight, but I did tell people to chill and wait, and speaking for myself, here I am, in the here and the now, saying I'm not disappointed with 7.0.


    Wait. I misread....


    Boy do I have an invisible car that might interest you... It runs on footpower. Totally emissions free....

  7. And the OP has it right it basically feels like complete disrespect instead of appreciation for our continued purchases/subs.



    Just Add Content



    We're gonna change everything you like to improve gameplay and virtually ignore what you want.



    Don't do this, here's X amount of ways to do what you're trying to do better even but don't do this.



    Ok so most of the stuff you liked won't be in the expansion, but we've heard you about modded gear, abilities, and tacticals... So we're taking more of those away and now the uber grindy gear you hated has different stats!




    (Silent bc they've logged off onto a game where they feel they're getting their moneys worth)

  8. FFXIV Endwalker was 8 dungeons, 2 trials and 4 new raid bosses and a 40 hour story. BioWare with the star wars brand and being owned by EA can't even pump out a 2 hour story after 2 years. What an absolute joke. ....

    I've always came back to this game because its star wars and I enjoy the pvp.....but I'm not sure I can ever come back to the game after this update. Its bad.....like worse than 5.x


    There's just no point to come back, 6.0 had good momentum but for them to just outright lie to people about this "expansion" and then be mute about it when called out on it... Shady as hell.


    But like we've all been "just do better and deliver" and still even then. Its like dating a drug addict, doesn't matter how much you love em until they're ready to change can't do much.


    The other 5 per cent were the "wait and see" crowd that are now unsurprisingly nowhere to be found.


    Isn't it always though. You get the vocal crowd trying to speak up for change and others just waiting for the change to happen. BWs track record speaks for itself. This is the final stop for a lot of us on that train.


    I won't even pick up another EA game at this point just for being affiliated with Bioware and not doing anything about their horrid customer service or manipulative marketing.

  9. Warframe to me is the game Bioware wishes they made with both SWtor and Anthem.


    Customization beyond belief in the game. Good community, a lot of fun.


    Lost Ark is another good one once the server situation gets figured out. They're still adjusting to the massive player base.

  10. As Trixxie Triss used to say, "You have two options. Take it, or vote with your wallet"


    Words. Its why Im complaining as much as I can before my sub ends. Not even for me but for my community members who love this game more then I do.


    Watching their reactions reminds me of a Toy Story Andy tearful goodbye to Woody situation... Save that Woody got tossed in a blender first.

  11. Yes, we knew it.


    Yes, we informed them thusly about it.


    What I don't understand:


    How can any of you nonetheless be in any way surprised about it?


    I mean, as you say yourself: We knew.


    I have 2 weeks left. And I won't even install this male cow's excrement.


    We did. Sliver of hope shredded is all. At this point we're just trying to install help me signs on the roof that someone at EA might see.

  12. Aye.


    I said I'd eat my own words and give credit if they delivered.

    It is quite literally everything we have been extremely vocal about.


    From bad UI updates (again, again, always an issue) to breaking what was fine before both in gameplay and in actual function... To replace it with less then you had before AND sneaking in some more removals of fan favorites right before the post poned launch.


    Why the goal seems to be to punish players and remove fun I have no idea, but that is what has been accomplished. Enjoy the profit losses and frustrated consumers.

  13. Appreciate the kind words and the post. :) Thank you for brightening up our Monday!


    We would love nothing more then to cheer you guys on you know. The endless negativity isn't rooted in wanting you all to fail, its frustration from a base who has love for the game.


    When you single out the slivers of praise like this, it causes another eyeroll reaction and is a bad marketing move. (Deaf to condemnation yet quick to reap praise I believe is the phrase)


    I can understand being frustrated with the onslaught of negativity, I myself am very harsh on you guys, but we have given you guys all the feedback we can to make that a reality.


    Your team has to do the work though, treat the base with respect, listen to the consumer vs trying to force them into what they don't want, and deliver on what has been promised.


    Do that and I will be the first in line to say "I didn't believe you guys had it in you."


    As I'm sure will many others, taking praise until then merely continues to paint you guys in the light of ignorance vs. honest self awareness & hardworking.

  14. Asked a few (small sample size I know) friends of mine who do "game" why they don't play SWTOR. Here are the most common answers:


    1) "I like fantasy better"


    2) "Game is old" (<-- Please note they're playing WoW, however WoW has more frequent and expansive content adds)


    3) "Buggy"


    4) "I like Battle Royale (Fortnight to be specific) more"


    5) "Is that game still around?"


    6) "Couldn't get into the story" (Which is odd because the first three chapters are pretty good, albeit repetitive)


    The Studio and Publisher's track record usually is the reason my people don't want to mess with it.


    The rest combo of not enough of an action feel, too much like an MMO from the 90s, etc.


    But most of em just would rather make a smarter investment with their time.

  15. So this is a good "buyer beware" thread for people who are new or naive enough to take BW at their word


    Really should come with a warning label with the amount of times BW consumers have been straight up lied to and there's literally never any ownership of it...


    And as far as them getting away with it, various governments are starting to finally pay attention to the sort of shady business practices of video game companies. Can always write your leaders to try and get legal protections against predatory business. Personally believe its just a matter of time, but the sooner gamers unify their voices and get loud enough to be heard... We can put in regulations for these sorta used car salesman tactics.

  16. Unfortunately I doubt such will be the case.


    You can already see their unwillingness to respect the fanbases wishes in the latest response.


    Instead of giving the players what they asked for they just did what they were always going to do They just changed it a tiny bit to be like "see we listened!"


    To me these "doom and gloom" posts are wake up calls BW keeps hitting the snooze button on. They clearly do not value the input of their base, respect their consumer, or have shown any level of respectable professional behavior. (The one aspect they could have was the delay, but even that was poorly handled screwing over people who subbed just for the "expansion")


    Its one thing to be speculative, but when the majority of the base who has experienced 7.0 aspects hardcore hates it... Just wait til this goes live.


    I almost feel bad for their customer support team when 7.0 launches.

  17. For what it's worth, I think you have to get to 324 rating on the new gear to get equivalent stats to 306 gear, so hopefully 7.1 doesn't take TOO long to come out and we can deal with 306 weapons for a while.


    I mean, the fact that there was only one slot for weapons in the outfitter on PTS was a bad sign anyway (what about dual wielders?).


    Most of my Min-Maxed Modded 306 gear was still better then end game unmodded gear on PTS.


    Not sure if that'll be different on launch but I had about 10-12k more in the "Damage" tab about 10k more in the support tab.


    The stats are so crazy scaled on PTS which was another part of the issue. Only pieces I swapped out were a couple on the left side, belt and wrist.

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