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Everything posted by EAFSAMWISE

  1. The codex entry "Clan Cadera" for the Spirit of Vengeance Flashpoint is currently bugged. Those of us who collect the entries would appreciate a fix on this
  2. I got this entry by completing just one of the Makeb dailies you get at the terminal on the station. Not the heroic terminal but the one across from it
  3. On Korriban there's a quest involving a Jedi spy named Quorian Dorjis, who tried the infiltrate the academy but waa caught and is being used by Imperial intelligence to be sent back via a staged escape with false information they brainwashed him with that he can then tell the Jedi regarding security of nearby worlds. There seems to be have been no follow-up about him or any connections or references elsewhere so I'm curious if we could see Dorjis re-appear in the story at some point similar to how we encountered Malora. Please share your thoughts on this.
  4. I actually have an entire flesh-out idea posted on Reddit for an expansion involving the Slave Trade that involves both Kashy*** and Ryloth. Be sure to check it out on the Swtor Reddit thread
  5. In the Iokath expansion, it says there was supposedly "infighting" among the original builders which led to one faction testing a weapon that wiped out all organic beings on the world. They also said this happened roughly 1000 yrs before the events in the game. The Emperor is more than a millennia old, and it is known that as Valkorion he destroyed some of the machine "gods" which Iokath had used to terrorize Zakuul, thus becoming their "demon savior" which their Scions had prophesied to liberate them from their "gods." It is also revealed later in the Traitor arc that Tenebrae used Zildrog, one of the machine gods whose "body" was actually the Gravestone ship, to neutralize all life on his homeworld of Medriaas, later renamed Nathema, that gave him the immense power which he came to wield and lead the Empire with (thus the supposed "ritual" he enacted). Given his tendency to want to wipe out life on many planets to feed off the deaths and gain power, is it likely he helped cause the annihilation of the Iokath builders as well because they could've been viewed as a threat to his plans? Please share your thoughts
  6. Dark JC basically comes off as someone who doesn't have faith in their own abilities and lacks the courage or confidence to succeed, thus killing people instead of saving or trying to save them, I.e. chapter 1 with the Terrak Morrhage ritual and with the First Son in the end where you can kill or spare him. Just comes across as someone who can't actually do the tasks assigned to them or lacks confidence in their own power, which doesn't look good on screen
  7. Like I said, Consular is different from Jedi Knight because of their relationship with the order. Jedi Knight is more the reckles, "adventure and excitement" type who has a shaky relationship with the council while the Consular is more the sort who doesn't get into trouble. Keep Knight is more military, Consular is more passive/diplomatic in terms of their story and often more focused on mystical knowledge. If you find Consular boring, Knight is a better option. However I wouldn't play as a dark Consular because I've heard it both doesn't make sense and isnt very exciting either
  8. I think the Nekghouls have some connection with the Evolved Rakghoul Plague that was covered in the Rise of the Rakghouls mission arc (Trouble in the Tion Hegemony). Dr Sannus Lorik, an exiled Tionese scientist living on Ord Mantell, developed it so that victims had a high likelihood of maintaining some level of sentience and were less mutated and more capable of using weapons. His goal was to create a rakghoul army he could control and use to get revenge on the ppl who exiled him. He then sent shipments of rakghouls infected with this plague to various planets mostly in the Tion Hegemony but also others like Tatooine, Alderaan, and Corellia where they spread further and this was covered in the Rakghoul event story (there's a wrecked ship on Tatooine where you uncover this for the codex). I have a feeling that in the very least, Dr Lorik obtained material from his work that involved the Nekghouls although unlike Needles he wasn't aligned with the Empire so there isn't an immediate connection to him shown. The original Nekghouls on Taris most likely evolved through the Force. They were taught the ways of the Force by the holocron of Bay-Yon Su, a long-dead Jedi who was part of the Taris Jedi enclave and whose holocron ended up in the reactor or was discovered by the Nekghouls
  9. There's a codex entry on Tatooine in the Krayt Dragon Graveyard section of the Dune Sea on the map which claims Krayt Dragons haven't been seen in decades by then and that they are thought to be extinct. You pick it up by clicking on one of the bones as a lore object. It isn't conclusive, however.
  10. They should make her a reward for Galactic Seasons in the future, that way everyone can get her. Galactic Seasons should make familiar characters like this into seasonal rewards instead of just creating now characters constantly like that Kubaz comp.
  11. 1) Kaliyo Djannis: she lies, manipulates, and if the male agent romances her, she cheats on him. Also a psychopath who loves killing and destroying randomly. Over hardly anything redeemable about her except you get used to her and roll with it in the Agent story. I know some would think differently (especially her whole "Anarchy, screw everyone" vibe) but even in that regard she strikes me as extreme. Not to mention she sells confidential info out to her old Anarchist gang behind my back. I'm half-tempted to have her executed in KOTFE for her failure to get that vault open in Zakuul and for getting nearly all of Havoc Squad killed. 2) Darth Baras: I had my LS Warrior kill him at the end and it was so unbelievably satisfying to see my lightsaber ignite into his gut for everything he did. Plus I could use the "too dangerous too keep alive" rule as an excuse because he's got spies everywhere and is well-connected so sparing him isn't wise. 3) General Garza: has the Trooper commit war crimes and/or cover up her own and is totally willing to throw away innocent lives 4) Thana Vesh: again I'm an LS player normally but I saw no good reason to let her go. I killed her once we infiltrated the Republic space port and the colonists had left and I will honestly say it was satisfying. Come to think of it, the entire Imperial Taris arc is distasteful to me because all they seem to do is destroy things and there isn't much in the way of constructive or worthwhile efforts done to contest the Republic. They're just trying to "make an example" of Taris, which is a waste. 5) Agent Hunter: smug jerk who is basically the one responsible for giving the SIS the brainwashing codes to control me on behalf of the Star Cabal. Need I say more? 6) Tarro Blood: again, another smug idiot who tries to assassinate my character and screw me out of a fair fight. 7) Nok Drayen: I risked my life to recover his family heirloom and he thanks me by asking his daughter to kill me. What the actual ----?
  12. Anyone who has played the Shadow of Revan expansion knows very well that Revan's being or personality was "split" in two between his light and dark side characteristics in some ways when he was held captive under torture by the Emperor for a few centuries and that this played out further when he was defeated on the Foundry and his "dark half" continued to inhabit his body. It seemed to be partly due to the Jedi erasing his memory and him later coming to terms with his past self, although there also seems to be an element where he was manipulated or "turned" in a way by the Emperor. Syo Bakarn had something similar as the First Son where it was a secondary personality of his. During the Jedi Knight story, Kira Carsen, who is formerly one of the Children of the Emperor herself, admits that her fellow children were taken allegedly to see the Emperor but they came back not remembering anything. It would seem that the Emperor had some sort of ability to turn the dark side aspects of people into secondary dark-side "personalities" of theirs and perhaps this had an affect on Revan too. Is there any truth to this apparent issue with a sort of force-induced "multiple-personality disorder" that the Emperor was able to induce? At least from what I could gather, these people were manipulated or coerced into "swearing allegiance" to the Emperor but then their memory of that decision was wiped or locked away to camoflauge them until they were needed.
  13. The issue with Consular is that regardless of your choices, your character is by default in a more favorable position with the Jedi Council and the order. It simply makes the most sense for the Consular to be a more light-sided, "goody-two-shoes" sort. You earn a respected position as the Jedis' loremaster and the easily just make you a Jedi Master simply so you can represent them to some political organization. As opposed to the Jedi Knight whose reputation with the Council is more tenuous due to their padawan secretly being a former Sith, them being reckless and charging the Emperor head-on at his spaces station despite warnings, and also working alongside the Emperor's top enforcer Lord Scourge as an ally. Not to mention it takes defeating the Emperor to even earn you the title of Master. These things are true regardless of your choices. Needless to say, if you want more "adventure" as opposed to lore, I'd recommend the Knight
  14. Fair enough on the alliance, and thank you. As for my theory on the Dark Heart and Sel-Makor's origins, those are what seem to make the most sense. The Dark Heart resembles Sith ruins on Korriban and no other Sith ruins exist, so it can be assumed the Sith who enslaved the Gormak originally built it. A number of chambers/areas in the Dark Heart (Deep Cradle, Chamber of Ashes) are known and still sacred to the Voss, implying that their ancestors who defeated the Sith most likely claimed and studied it's secrets the Sith left behind. Sel-Makor was most likely a rival of the two other elders who were imprisoned in the Avatars, given the Gormak/Voss' hypersensitivity to the Force. He probably "evolved" into a Force-entity the same way Tenebrae/Vitiate did, hence his ability to inhabit bodies in some cases (when he controlled the Emperor's Voice) and even rival the Emperor in terms of power. He most likely became too powerful and greedy and eventually turned on his brethren, which led to the Voss abandoning the area and possibly to the Gormak being more wary of the Voss as a result (perhaps he tried to oppress them)
  15. Here's my history of Voss in terms of its significant events and the Voss-Gormak relationship from what I've pieced together. Feel free to comment The Gormak were the original species on Voss. Sith arrived several thousand yrs ago and enslaved them, also building the Dark Heart as a Sith Shrine. Jedi Masters named Rosso, Vallis, Yan-De, and Kun arrived and were reluctantly persuaded by Gormak elders, including Damek-Ol and Nemok-Ta, to instruct them in the Force. These Gormak and their tribes followed the Jedi, called themselves “Voss,” and settled the city of Quel-Dora. They defeated the Sith and claimed the Dark Heart, but fell gradually to the Dark Side. Their focus on prophetic power was developed in the Chamber of Ashes where many ancient Voss prophecies were written based on force visions they had. A leader named Dal-Rin also developed the Forbidden Ritual, which involved a Voss and Gormak working together to heal the mind of nightmares and spiritual torment through use of a “dream-rock,” but it was eventually lost. One of their leaders, named Sel-Makor, became powerful enough that he became a Force entity similar to Tenebrae/Vitiate. He channeled his power through a Dashade and an Abyssin servant of the earlier Sith and they became his “Avatars” where he trapped Damek-Ol & Nemok-Ta’s spirits and fed off their power. A series of rituals in the Deep Cradle of the Dark Heart resulted in the Voss quickly evolving into a separate species over successive generations which further divided them from their cousins. Mystics eventually had a vision in the Deep Cradle pointing them to a mountain to settle on; their people abandoned Quel-Dora and the Dark Heart, which came to be seen as symbols of failure and mistakes, and built the new capital of Voss-Ka on the mountain. The Shrine of Healing replaced the Dark Heart in all purposes and their links with the Gormak were forgotten. The Gormak viewed the Voss and their force-users w/ suspicion like they did the Sith, and constant conflict resulted, feeding Sel-Makor. The region around the Dark Heart became the Nightmare Lands and were corrupted, viewed as a “blight” by Voss and Gormak alike. Outnumbered, the Voss were advised by Mystic Dajek-To to survive and defend themselves rather than wipe out the Gormak, which he deemed impossible. Society became wholly dependent on Mystics and their visions for survival, as well as their healing rituals, at the expense of other force abilities. Mystic Madaga-Ru argued they only “see what they want to see” and was exiled as a hermit. Mar-Da, another Mystic, rediscovered the Forbidden Ritual but his order of Dream-Walkers were also deemed outcasts. Force-sensitive Voss who didn’t have visions were deemed “failed Mystics” and were ostracized. The Sith Lord Beldiss tried to recruit the failed Mystics as Sith but the Republic thwarted this attempt and defeated him. Mystics tightly controlled Voss culture and society with decisive views on the future (displeasing the Jedi, who believed in an open future), which they believed made their people stronger and enabled their survival over the years because they did what was necessary to make the visions come true. They even hand-picked the governing body (the Three) to delegate their decisions. A few yrs ago Agent Albathius, the Star Cabal’s enforcer, infiltrated Voss society by forging a prophecy about himself in the Chamber of Ashes and partaking of all their rituals and honors, convincing them to remain neutral in the war between the Republic and Empire for a time in order to see them and the Gormak fall. This was later exposed by Imperial Intelligrence Agent Cipher Nine upon investigation. Despite an imperial attempt to invade, the Voss easily defeated them which forced them into seeking diplomatic means to secure a Mystic whom the Emperor could use to have visions of the future. They eventually captured a Mystic who became the Emperor's Voice, but Darth Baras trapped him in the Dark Heart in his attempt to seize power and the Emperor was only freed when his Wrath came and killed the Voice, whose body was nearly stolen by Sel-Makor. A Gormak leader named Jokull traveled to the Nightmare Lands and met Sel-Makor’s Avatars, who convinced him the Voss and all outside influence were the source of corruption on the planet and gave him the ability to see visions. He united most Gormak tribes under his leadership as King. They built the Gormak Cannon, a large weapon aimed at Voss-Ka, and the Gormegan-1, the first Gormak spacecraft which Jokull intended to use to leave the planet for conquest. Both were destroyed and he was dethroned by the Voss as they enlisted aid from both Republic and Empire. They learned off his visions and sent people from both sides to find answers. Both Avatars of Sel-makor were destroyed and both sides learned the truth. Despite imperial sabotage of Jedi Master Orbis Keln and General Thelonia Redrish’s attempts to bring out the truth, the Voss eventually learned of their roots with the Gormak and strove to make peace with them, despite some Mystics (Gaden-Ko, Talsa-Ko) supporting either side. Emperor Tenebrae/Vitiate enlisted Lord Fulminiss to perform a ritual that would allow Sel-Makor to consume the entire planet. This was thwarted by the Hero of Tython, a Jedi knight who was aided by Mystic Valen-Da and commando Tala-Reh who sacrificed herself and defeated Sel-Makor to save the planet according to his vision. Voss and Gormak were fully allied by the time of the Eternal Empire. Please share your thoughts
  16. The following companions are unable to be properly displayed in my strongholds when I have unlocked them: 1) Kira: displayed as a hologram without gear, even when I'm on a character that has unlocked her 2) Scourge: displayed as a non-hologram but also without gear, basically in underwear 3) Malavai Quinn or Elara Dorn will register as unavailable for decoration if I sided against their faction, even if I retrieved them from the companion terminal. 4) Jakarro does not show up as an option for decoration at all 5) Akgal'usar, the Dashade who can be unlocked via an Alliance Alert, registers as "Khem Val" for some reason when I try to display him and he appears basically with Khem's standard appearance and without any customization I've given him I would appreciate it if this glitch were fixed soon.
  17. Right this makes sense. I was basically under the impression he was trying to make Sith teachings and the fear and terror they produce, more of a reality among the general population. Especially if you played the Sith Inquisitor before, you get the impression that the Empire's everyday government and military aren't always on the same page with the Sith. Part of this has to do with Sith traditionalists somewhat separating the Sith from the rest of the Empire in order to protect their "sacredness" or something. The order was a major presence in the Empire but in some ways the Dark Council seemed a bit removed from the everyday workings of it or was content to let the military lead in discipline and with an iron fist. Jadus seems to believe the Dark Council is inept and not truly unleashing the dark-side potential of the Empire in a wholesale way. He strikes me in this regard as similar to the Dread Masters or to Malgus in some ways, I.e. wanting to do away with Sith tradition in order to unleash the full dark side potential of the Empire
  18. They should have characters turn up from various class and other stories who haven't definitely died. They should also have companions available who are otherwise class-exclusive. Here are my top suggestions: 1) The Esh-Kha leader Hallow Voice or one of his lieutenants from the Consular Story 2) Ashara Zavros from the Inq story--she's a Grey Jedi and not too attached to Republic or Empire, even distanced herself from the Inquisitor and trained on Voss. 3) Tanno Vik: yes he has a "kill" option. But he doesn't reappear even for Troopers and isn't likely to. Make him acquirable as a reward for this event. 4) Akaavi Spar: given the increased importance of Mandalorian conflicts and Shae's relationship w/ the Alliance, it'd be interesting to see Akaavi show up again. Yes she does appear already for both Smugglers & BH but it wouldn't take much to retcon her in as a reward with a different Alliance Alert 5) Andronikos Revel: another pirate. Why not? I'm surprised they haven't made him available to other classes.
  19. Is Darvannis actually a planet you can go back to?
  20. In my opinion, they should have more complex stories surrounding the background of the Gree Event if you get past a certain point story-wise, similar to the Dantooine Pirates and Rakghoul events.
  21. Still makes no sense on why LS Jaesa is cool with helping me initiate Plan Zero for Baras to restart the war (not to mention kill Republic troops) or why Ashara is totally okay with my Inquisitor testing the Silencer weapon and massacring an entire Republic fleet, both of which I pretty much have no choice on in terms of having my character back out of. Especially given Ashara and her whole outrage on the Jedi failing to take action while lives are lost, then she is content to just sit back and watch me test deadly weapons that kill tons of people and make the Empire more deadly. It makes absolutely no sense even with her "Grey" understanding of the Force.
  22. Smuggler is quite literally the Han Solo story or at least has the potential to be especially if you play as the male smuggler and have seen the Solo movie. Reasons include: -Being a smuggler who makes sketchy deals with criminals -Being initially "in it for the money" -Owning a ship that looks suspiciously similar to the Millennium Falcon --Having a wookie companion -Falling in love (potentially) with a woman of royal/noble background -Having a generally crude demeanor (at least somewhat, regardless of your dialogue choices)
  23. Damn Autocorrect **face-palm**
  24. So in other words he's a lot like the Dread Masters?
  25. So I only recently went back through the Imperial Agent story and I'm honestly confused. Darth Jadus makes it clear that he essentially was trying to stage a coup to take over the Empire after crippling/weakening it with the terrorists that he himself funded from the shadows. However, what exactly were his differences with the typical Sith? I seem to recall he favors unleashing chaos on others and making the passions of the Sith order felt throughout the Empire in a more real way. He speaks vaguely of the "democratization of fear." But what exactly does he mean by that? Is he simply one of those renegade Sith like Malgus who is trying to do away with the constraints of Sith tradition that he feels are keeping the Sith and the Empire from reaching its true dark-side potential? Please explain
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