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Everything posted by EAFSAMWISE

  1. Please make it so that we can customize Arcann if we get him as a companion, I.e. change his gear. I was actually thinking of giving him a different appearance since he's no longer the Emperor. Besides the Star Fortress companions, he's the only companion for KOTFE or KOTET who we aren't able to change gear on.
  2. What makes you think it's "canon" within swtor for Sith Warrior to be Dark-side?
  3. This is part of my issue w/ being a Light-sided Sith Warrior. It makes no sense to willingly be Baras' lackey and just follow his plan to start a war and assassinate random people. It gets even worse with LS Jaesa bc she criticizes the pragmatism of the LS Warrior and asks how I am different, if at all, from her former master Nomen Karr. Plus if she stays LS, it makes zero sense for her to betray the Republic but then turn around and follow the Empire with the same exact pragmatism which she saw in Nomen Karr and made her see hypocrisy in him. Again, it makes no logical sense but then playing as a DS Warrior w/ DS Jaesa makes me feel like scrap bc I seem to just be serving no higher purpose or ideal and it feels empty and wrong. Thus simply being "born into it" is the best explanation for an LS Warrior I'm my opinion, especially since the Sith Warrior seems to be someone from noble or privileged lineage by imperial standards and Overseer Tremmel really emphasizes this. Darth Baras basically forces the Warrior to earn their place and prove themselves via merit so perhaps blindly following orders could be seen as part of the Warrior's initial struggle to prove themselves
  4. I'm not saying you're wrong about the Sith code itself but my criticisms are directed more at how it plays out and is practiced
  5. Definitely worth considering but the average person would probably prefer the Republic in the end despite it's hypocrisies. They abuse their power sometimes but that's not the norm and/or doesn't affect the average citizen on a daily basis. By contrast, the Empire practices slavery and is controlled ultimately by a cult of impulse-driven sadists who manipulate things at will. The only bulwark against this is Sith "traditionalists" like Thanaton and Tremmel who believe in pragmatic restraint but also support hereditary discrimination on the basis of lineage and species. The main downside of the Republic is its hypocrisy & corruption in the military and the fact that it seems to benefit criminals and the underworld more, as is shown in the Smuggler story
  6. Before I begin this thread, I know I'll probably receive endless comments of "make what choices you want, its up to you," or "it's just a game, who cares?" Those who aren't serious about discussing this should best leave the thread alone. But for those who would be concerned or interested, I'm curious what the best justification is for being light-sided or "Grey" as a Sith, or to put it a better way, what is the most plausible or realistic way or reason for leaning this way as a Sith in the context of the game. I'd personally rather not play all dark-side decisions or options because frankly I'd rather not just be a murderous psychopath and have some emotional investment in the plot as a genuine story. On the flip-side, it makes no sense in a lot of cases for a Sith to be a "goody two-shoes" and it just seems out-of-character. Thus it would seem to a Sith would need to have selfish or "sith-like" motives that would somehow translate into relatively moderated or light-sided actions. Here are the following motives I'd propose: 1) Those weaker than you are more useful alive--don't wantonly just murder everyone. Those targets aren't honorable kills. I would look to Lord Praven from Jedi Knight story as an ideal on this 2) Peace is a temporal necessity--this doesn't make it my absolute goal but according to Darth Thanaton, "without tradition, the Sith would be so awash in their own blood that they wouldn't see their enemies coming." Obviously some of his other motives were idiotic but I see his point and concern here. A form of peace is in some ways partly necessary in order for people to be able to learn from each other and gain strength, power, freedom, etc (Lana Beniko echoes this too when speaking to Gnost-Dural in Onslaught) 3) Too dangerous to be left alive--some people simply need to be killed because they're a threat to you and/or others and can't be contained. I killed Darth Baras rather than spare him, and I also killed Lord Paladius in the Inquisitors story on Nar Shadaa when I usurped his cult. I also killed Thana Vesh at the end of the Taris story arc due to her unethical behavior. 4) Those stronger than you are a worthy challenge--this is who you seek to rise above and eventually kill. As Lord Kallig says, "beware your master, beware your apprentice." Always be vigilant and ready to strike if you are threatened by either those stronger than you and those below you who seek to match your strength. After all, the Empire isn't safe and you need to be ready for those who would seek to take you down. In either case, power must be cautiously respected for its deadly potential. Please share your thoughts
  7. It has come to my attention that the companions Kira, Scourge, and Jakarro, who all permanently join the player in Onslaught and come under that category in the companion window, are not available as decorations for strongholds. Jakarro doesn't appear at all and Kira and Scourge appear for my Jedi Knight but without their gear on and as holograms as if they're still missing. Please fix this.
  8. Not to my knowledge. Aside from Meetra Surik's appearance as a ghost, there aren't many references unique to KOTOR II in this game. The Easter eggs and nostalgia concentrate more on KOTOR I
  9. In the end, I would choose the Republic because they're relatively more consistent with my intentions of being pro-freedom and pro-equality. Granted they're more hypocritical and inconsistent with their ideals than the Empire is with its ideals but I could never in good conscience side with the Empire long-term if given the choice. Yes, I know it's just a game but support for an all-out authoritarian regime even in a fictional story never sat well with me. Also given my Bachelors degree in Political Science, politics and the nature of freedom and justice have always been a preoccupation of mine. Personally the whole, "both sides are equally bad because the pro-democracy side had some abuses and was hypocritical" was never a convincing enough argument for me. Their hypocrisy and abuses don't readily or as badly affect the day-to-day lives of the average Republic citizen when compared to the Imperials, who own slaves, discriminate against people who aren't human or Sith pureblood, and can easily kill or sacrifice scores of their own citizens without consequence. Not to mention the Empire itself is actually fairly corrupt as well. Sith ethics at their core are basically "survival of the fittest," mitigated only by their "tradition" of hereditary favoritism on account of lineage
  10. Never had issues with Elara but there were issues with Quinn. I chose to side with the Republic on Iokath and so it registered that I had "rejected" him in the companion window. However I was able to obtain him via the companion terminal on Odessen. Despite this, he doesn't register as an available decoration when I scroll through the decoration window and it says I don't have him. This is different from, say, Torian, who I chose not to save at the end of KOTET but who is available for decoration regardless once I recover him from the terminal.
  11. I haven't gotten as far as Onslaught for my other classes but I was wondering, since Kira & Scourge appear for all classes at the end of Onslaught and are instrumental to Echoes of Oblivion regardless of our class, does this mean we get to keep them as companions if we are not Jedi Knights? If so, are there any glitches or in-game problems with them as companions?
  12. I get what you're saying about point #1, but even if you have multiple characters of the same class, couldn't they just program it based on which character within the legacy placed those characters? They should make it so that we can place more than one of the same companion and that we have one companion decoration available for every character that has that companion. I hope that makes sense; it would certainly fix the problem
  13. Most of you are by now aware of these considerable bugs regarding companion display in strongholds but I would like to address them since they haven't been fixed: 1) Companions turning into holo if not part of the class the current toon is logged onto. In my opinion, they should just spawn in as they were placed by their respective toons. They should be treated as decorations, not as the actual comps. I mean come on, I was really looking forward to having a Jedi Harem w/ Kira Carsen, Nadia Grell, Jaesa Wilsaam, and Ashara Zavros all in the same place xD 2) Companions I unlocked being unavailable: Treek, Malavai Quinn, and Jakarro are all unavailable and/or not appearing as decoration options despite being usable as companions on that toon and Treek being in collections 3) Dashade confusion: Ak'ghal Usar, the dashade unlocked through the Alliance Alerts, comes up under Khem Val's name and appearance regardless of what character I'm on. This disappoints me bc I was really looking forward to having two Dashade bodyguards 4) Companions in underwear: Kira and Scourge specifically are showing up just in their underwear if I try to place either of them, especially once I've re-acquired them post-Onslaught. I keep getting told this is a "gift" from BioWare but honestly I don't find it amusing since it ruins the aesthetic in my stronghold. Please fix it.
  14. THIS ^^^ I would even suggest adding Kamino as a small area/map for the vendor to be located on. Perhaps we could obtain the clone companion through some sort of rigorous quest that involves finding samples of their DNA and tracing their steps.
  15. They should make it an option for the lekku on twileks to be draped in front instead of exclusively hanging down the back. That's actually how many of them were in KOTOR and I know some would prefer that if designing their own characters as twileks.
  16. Actually I did mention Malora in the beginning of my comment
  17. Or it could involve giant bugs in general since she's part of the Order of Extermination. I'd actually be interested in seeing regular civilized Colicoids in action more in the political/military sense like with Colicoid War Games FP (not the mindless drones we encounter on Balmoral). House Ulgo was what was driving the Killiks to attack ppl anyway and so I'd assume that would've died down eventually (not right away) after Bouris Ulgo fell.
  18. That's fair, although minor NPCs from other things have in fact shown up or become more major in the expansions, I.e. Savik and Malora being obvious, but also Vice Admiral Narlock from the Esseles FP on the Pub side. I will confess I'm a bit of an OCD completionist so typically I always complete every quest, unlock the entire codex, and map out everything before moving on from each planet in the class story, hence why I know about pretty much every bonus series
  19. The subject here says it all. In the "Fractured Alliances" arc following KOTET, Theron Shan "betrays" the Alliance and part of that seems to have involved leaking info to both the Republic & Empire about Iokath and its location and treasures, which in turn was the "spark that lit the fuse" in ultimately rekindling the war formally between the Empire & Republic. Is Theron Shan ultimately responsible for this? Obviously they were already re-arming, but it seems he unwittingly fired the shot that started it.
  20. Agreed. It's similar to how you can have Revan and the Exile be the gender and look that you want in KOTOR but there's a "canon" face and gender that BioWare has also established.
  21. Playing again through the Alderaan storyline recently on the Imperial side, it occurred to me that a certain side-character from the bonus series is frankly underused: Chanya Medaal, leader of the Order of Extermination. She definitely seemed like a cool character but I will inevitably get inundated with the "she has a kill option so she's not relevant" mantra. With this in mind, it would be interesting to see her potentially pop up again as a character or even potential companion in future expansions somehow. The "kill" option mainly involves destroying her transport, not killing her up front. Thus she could've plausibly survived. regardless, it was probably clear to her that the Empire couldn't be trusted and that she was just being used as a pawn so if she shows up, it should be in light of her having cut ties with the Empire. Both factions could be able to recruit her but the Republic side could make her reasons more vague while the Imperial side could depend on your actions toward her during the bonus series. Please share your thoughts
  22. Again, any choice is "plausible" but the developers seem to be almost favoring the idea of it being a Jedi Knight. This is especially cemented w/ the arrival of Kira & Scourge, both of whom have connections which are more personal to the Jedi Knight and that story. Scourge specifically claims to have had a vision where the Jedi Knight was the one to both vanquish the Emperor and seize his throne. Not to mention he's the former Emperor's Wrath and is a known traitor to the Empire so it'd be awkward for him to just waltz in and expect to you to be his ally especially if you're playing as a Sith Warrior and are practically his replacement, Kira is herself a former Imperial and former Child of the Emperor who has major grudges against both. There's practically no way she'd show up and fight alongside the Outlander long-term if the Outlander was Imperial. Perhaps they could both put aside their issues for the "greater good" of the situation regardless of who the Outlander is, but it honestly makes little sense for them to show up to the Outlander of it isn't the Jedi Knight with whom they had more personal ties. The developers seem to regardless be inconspicuously setting up the Jedi Knight as the main "canonical" storyline especially for KOTFE onwards. Not to mention for characters in similar positions with the player in other class stories, they wouldn't show up to other classes, I.e. Ashara Zavros, Khem Val, etc
  23. The issue with Koth is ambiguous in a lot of cases. Most ppl know I'm a fan of lore/codex completion and so I know there's a codex entry for KOTET titled "Hylo Visz & the Gravestone" where if Koth left it details how Hylo Visz became the new Gravestone captain. This is a bit off-topic but it shows just how fluid and male able the actual plot is since Koth still appears fairly frequently and has substantial dialogue if you keep him. Same w/ Arcann & Senya. It also in many ways negates the idea that characters who have kill options for them can't come back in the future for ppl who didn't kill them.
  24. Wait so which is it? Is light-side the "canon" for everyone or is it just "canon" for pub-side and the dark side is canon for imp side? Also I agree with the Knight being the "canonical" storyline, especially with how the emperor is consistently the chief antagonist throughout that story and in the expacs and how despite being more personal and specific in their relationships with the Knight, Kira and Scourge become universally available and show up to everyone regardless. It just doesn't fit well in that part if you're not playing as a knight, especially since any other comps for other classes who played roles similar to those played by Kira and Scourge (romance in Kira's case, and Scourge joins the knight to begin with bc he specifically had a vision that the knight would be the one to destroy the emperor, not to mention he's the only class companion in the whole game to have had a connection to Revan), would be exclusive to those classes (I.e.Jaesa, Nadia Grell, Sahara Zavros, Khem Val, etc). The Jedi Knight seems in the best position to be connected to the overall plot of the game as a whole.
  25. This definitely brings much-needed clarification. The Feast of Prosperity event doesn't seem to happen often and I missed it or wasn't interested when it came out last fall so I am not aware of story connections in there
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