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Everything posted by Cekis

  1. NICE!!! I didn't even look at our medals that round I was so pumped about how good that match was! What's funny is that Zyxan, myself and you all would have landed on the top 5 medals had all 3 of us taken screenies... I just didn't notice.
  2. Exactly... and I hope the dev team sees (and wants) that carrot to understand this "mini-game" is much more than what they intended it to be... would like to see some sort of "official" leaderboards implemented for GSF. Piloting is such a equally important aspect to this game that it needs to be treated the same as the ground game. Yes, there are lots more ground pounders, but c'mon.
  3. SCOUT DEATHMATCH DPS C'ekis - Flashfire - Guile - The Harbinger - 195.35 DPS
  4. Ya, Amarok even has me beat @ 1112... dang... and I signed up within the first few hours of the site going live. (EDIT: wjrasmussen is even lower than 257!!) By the way, I think the Bioware employee numbers only go up to 99... so 257 is TRULY a first timer. That being said, I took a 14-16 month break ( I was lost... now I am found ) so I don't qualify.
  5. This happened last night... all links are of the same leaderboard. Honestly, we should have won this. DOMINATION: C'ekis - Flashfire - Guile - The Harbinger - 22 Total Kills SCOUT DOMINATION C'ekis - Flashfire - Guile - The Harbinger - 31 Kills and Assists C'ekis - Flashfire - Guile - The Harbinger - 70,766 Total Damage C'ekis - Flashfire - Guile - The Harbinger - 14 Total Medals
  6. Ok, this one SHOULD HOLD... Travesty if it doesn't. DEATHMATCH End by Timer Cekis - Sting - Despair - The Harbinger - 1/1 Kills & Assists (100.0%)
  7. SCOUT DOMINATION DPS Optikill - Sting - Despair - The Harbinger - 135.48 DPS Total Damage Optikill - Sting - Despair - The Harbinger - 73,837 Total Damage
  8. TDM: C'ekis - Flashfire - Guile - The Harbinger - 28 Total Kills SCOUT DOMINATION C'ekis - Flashfire - Guile - The Harbinger - 15 Total Medals
  9. Honestly, I rarely look at what color the ACTUAL satellite is changing to/from in order to make my decision to go there or not. It's just not a decision that I go through. If it's changing, and I'm not doing anything or have somewhere to go, I go there to help out, regardless. The reason is simple. If there are no friendlies there, you can bet it's changing from your color to theirs. The direction of the colors suggest how far along it is. Going down means it hasn't changed that much... going up means it's almost done - no matter what color it is. Make the choice on what to do knowing that and move on.
  10. The competition is there... just not always available. Flying against Despair guys (Imp) will always pose a challenge. Flying against the PoT5'ers will be too... Other than that, the impies struggle. The pubs definitely have more aces there still, but it's shifting.
  11. Yes... but in order for Iliac to do that consistently he would have to get queue pops... and, considering you guys are STILL (OMG C'MON!) on PoT5 I don't see that happening much. J/K... love you guys... hope to see you soon on Harbie!!!
  12. Yes! It did happen to me as well. The goofy and very funny thing is that you can't even boost out of it or turn... it's like being stuck in very thick syrup!!!
  13. I completely agree with this. Don't hold your breath on that one. I'm not sure that it will be as good as what GSF is. Also, there is another... hate to say it, but Eve:Valkyrie looks simply amazing (GSF is more arcade, E:V is more simulator - different approaches)... and it's out sometime this year. Unfortunately, the jury is out on whether or not there will be a PC version though.
  14. Heh... EXACTLY... there are plenty of domination matches where I'll go a negative K-D ratio, but... I... will... get... that... sat...
  15. "Healthy" can mean a few things... first, recognize there are at least two versions of "healthy": 1. Player Version: Lots of players, matches with multiple players on each side, decent balance... knowing several other people that actually love GSF as it stands today (with minor pros and cons that each person has). 2. Business Model: Consistent playerbase that sees a moderate sustained usage (i.e. X amount of players play GSF on a regular basis). Cartel market related to GSF (or other game mechanic) sees a fair amount of purchases of related items (i.e. there's income above, say, 10-20% of overall Cartel Market income). Basically, it's making money - at the moment and is not seeing a significant downturn in usage. Now, our version of "healthy" is obviously #1. We want to see a lot of players, have a lot of matches, feel vindicated that we're able to build our ships and reap the benefits of doing so - WHILE HAVING FUN. However, when Eric (or somebody else at EA/BW) says, "healthy", they're probably talking more in the sense of #2. What bums me out is that #2 isn't sustaining. Also, what bums me out is that they're saying some things are getting pushed off. That's basically executive speak for, "don't put any more resources to it"... which translates to, "it's not making as much money as we hoped and we don't have an answer as to how to get it to make more money at this moment." Therefore, focus on housing and things that will make them money. That's not necessarily a bad thing though... if they don't make money, we don't have a game to play. However, our passion (or most of us in the pilot community) struggles with this as we WANT GSF to be a friggin CASH HOG because that means they're going to spend more effort building it up... when, unfortunate as it may be, the fact is, it probably isn't. Now, FLIPSIDE, is that GSF is actually making BW SO MUCH MONEY that they simply don't NEED to spend any effort on it. However, if that was the case, you'd see a LOT more advertising around GSF to get MORE people to play... because that's how you make more money when you have a cash hog (i.e. World of Tanks which I don't think has really even changed a lot since it was released). Sadly, I haven't seen much hoopla about GSF since it was released... therefore, I'm doubting this is the reason. With Eric's announcement, I fear GSF is just not what BW thought it was going to be... but instead of ignoring it, string the current community along as long as you can or as long as you can until the next big thing arrives (i.e. cross-server q'ing or deeper integration with the rest of the playerbase). Bottom line... I think we have a long secluded road ahead of us GSF friends.
  16. Well... we are giving that a shot, but most of our mains were on the pub side. I'll be honest, we do spend a lot of time on the pub side, but there are about 5 or 6 of us that like to play imp a lot - myself included.
  17. Ok, I was a large driving reason behind us moving to Harbinger (myself and Da'uno anyway). The reason we moved was because the Q pops had taken a dramatic toll for the worse on PoT5, but they were popping every few minutes (or seconds) on Harbinger (still are BTW). BUT... Honestly... I don't think you can point the finger at Black Squadron and say we killed the community because we grouped up and used TS3. We didn't make a practice of excluding pilots. In fact, we included most pilots in our games when spots were open and there were requests. The reason for this is because ya, it's better to run as a coordinated group than one that doesn't coordinate. Same is the case for any PvP match OR PvE instance. Also, I think server population is a HUGE factor... did you know that on a good day PoT5 sees 75 people on a single fleet instance? Did you know that Harbinger on an average day sees 175 people on three different instances??? That's quite a difference and make the odds of getting Q pops high. Odds are, that when we left PoT5, we were a sizeable percentage of the community simply based on the numbers. Therefore, when we left, a large part of the community failed to exist. That's not a fault you can pin on us though. I will agree with this. It was rough on both sides though. We didn't take a ton of pride in smearing our opponents into the ground. We flew T1 ships when this happened simply to help the community (no, really - we did do this). BUT... when you can't play the single most important aspect of this game (per our standards), you gravitate to where you CAN play it. Cross-server Q'ing is something I pray for every night... it's the only way to keep the game balanced. That being said, it's a "community" killer as there is very little "community" feel when you fly against pilots you don't recognize, can't chat with, can't congratulate or dog on. Records are not important to purists of GSF. It's the 1000 to 999 games or the 50-49 or even 49-49 games that really get me back into the next match. Also, all this talk of "when we left" doesn't mean we still don't fly on PoT5... but the lack of Q pops make it hard to.
  18. Wait... you "hope" people will quit?!? Just to make it difficult for those "learn to fly" people to get more req? Your logic is flawed. You don't get better by quitting. You don't get a better ship by quitting. You don't get a bomber, by quitting. So much you have wrong here. Good pilots don't "farm"... instead, they look for the challenge and chase it. If the challenge is not there, those pilots likely fall back and switch to a lesser ship - for the req and so they get better. Note, I said "good" pilots here. When you can change your attitude toward GSF, you will allow yourself to get better. Do yourself a favor and stay in those games... stop treating it as making others better, but instead, making yourself better.
  19. Groucho Marx stumped people for years on the original joke....
  20. Ok... clarity now... like, RIGHT AFTER Coruscant??? OR... where they EVENTUALLY settled? Right after they were driven from Coruscant, they established on the planet Roon... however, after some time, they were lead by Mandalore the First to conquer a new world, renaming it to "Mandalore," and then became the Mandalorians. EDIT: Why did I not see everybody's answers until I posted this?!!? Meh, whatevs.
  21. Right now it's about play time. The game being spoiled is a different topic. The shift wasn't to find a more balanced game really (although a huge plus!), but to find a server that has consistently quick queue times. Harbinger provides those fast queue times and we get our challenge when we play on the imp side of that server (generally against a LOT of mastered pub's).
  22. PoT5 is rough if you're imp. No matter what time of the day... Black Squadron runs during the early part of the day (they're EST) and the burger crew (Whataburger, Burgerking, Sudhir - changed his name to something "burger" tho - and Burgerprincess) all run in the evening. The only true way you can avoid this is by going Pub or going to another server. That being said... a LOT of Black Squadron peeps are shifting to more play on Harbinger because the competition is low on PoT5 (when playing imps) and Q times are a fraction of time on Harbinger than they are on PoT5. (special note - Harbinger is really rough on imps too) Bottom line... don't get down about it. Simply wait a couple of minutes after a match before Q'ing again such that you avoid the premade group that just decimated you.
  23. Agreed... but Zuchi plays both pub and imp. He's equally dangerous (and very good!) on both factions. The other thing... I think he's mentioned already.
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