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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by BlackSilverFire

  1. Many of us are Nighttime and late-night players. Create an Ilum stronghold on the nighttime Ilum, as there are no night time strongholds on {dark planets}. It's a bummer, big time. My guild & I would {love} <3 a Night time stronghold, please.


    Ilum: because it has the best skyline of any nighttime planet (if not the best skyline of any planet), it's very impressive. Bringing back the Ilum dailies would be wonderful, too.




    Need a 1st <Nighttime stronghold> for a change. An Ilum stronghold (temple, perhaps; we have a Sith modeled one for Yavin SH, can make a Jedi modeled one on Ilum), with its adegan crystal caverns, scenic balcony/ terrace or something with a viewscape overlooking the skyline, windy & snowy ice cliffs and such; that's very different, fresh/

    new and amazing.

  2. Many of us are Nighttime and late-night players. Create an Ilum stronghold on the nighttime Ilum, as there are no night time strongholds on {dark planets}. It's a bummer, big time. My guild & I would {love} <3 a Night time stronghold, please.


    Ilum: because it has the best skyline of any nighttime planet (if not the best skyline of any planet), it's very impressive. Bringing back the Ilum dailies would be wonderful, too.




    Need a 1st <Nighttime stronghold> for a change. An Ilum stronghold (temple, perhaps; we have a Sith modeled one for Yavin SH, can make a Jedi modeled one on Ilum), with its adegan crystal caverns, scenic balcony/ terrace or something with a viewscape overlooking the skyline, windy & snowy ice cliffs and such; that's very different, fresh/

    new and amazing.

  3. Many of us are Nighttime and late-night players. Create an Ilum stronghold on the nighttime Ilum, as there are no night time strongholds on {dark planets}. It's a bummer, big time. My guild & I would {love} <3 a Night time stronghold, please.


    Ilum: because it has the best skyline of any nighttime planet (if not the best skyline of any planet), it's very impressive. Bringing back the Ilum dailies would be wonderful, too.




    Need a 1st <Nighttime stronghold> for a change. An Ilum stronghold (temple, perhaps; we have a Sith modeled one for Yavin SH, can make a Jedi modeled one on Ilum), with its adegan crystal caverns, scenic balcony/ terrace or something with a viewscape overlooking the skyline, windy & snowy ice cliffs and such; that's very different, fresh/

    new and amazing.

  4. It's still 7 years and we haven't gotten an Ilum stronghold yet. Need a 1st <Nighttime> stronghold for a change and Ilum's skyline is downright amazing, best in the game (/ at the top, with Voss). My vote is still for Ilum stronghold/ temple (we have a Sith modeled one for Yavin SH, time to make a Jedi modeled one on Ilum), with adegan crystal caverns and terrace overlooking the skyline, windy & snowy ice cliffs and such; that's be very different, new and amazing.
    • Like 1
  5. Recreate {Darth Bandon's Double-Bladed Lightsaber}, with special effects on the blade.


    {Darth Bandon's Double-Bladed Lightsaber} used to be in this game during the 1.0 era (it has no special effects of course and looks a bit plain, as shown in the pic (link):




    I'm not fond of the peach crystal in the middle, that was drawn from an old CM dualsaber. It's needs a complete remake/ design to include new blade effects that do it justice. (Want to keep seeing putting cool stuff on the CM.)

  6. Step It Up BioWare and return Old Content back in game to stay (for good this time).


    Return missing dailies areas (seen enough threads on those to know where they are), old ranked PvP color crystals, old decorations (and fix the better looking ones, and take out the old bugged ones that are visible and stuck in our decorations collections).

    Return old sub companions, as they aren't a big deal to come back and just keep on the CM, like HK-55 and The Shroud.


    The pace at which things like this gets done in ToR is worse than a sit on your hands and get paid bureaucracy.

  7. Step It Up BioWare and return Old Content back in game to stay (for good this time).


    Return missing dailies areas (seen enough threads on those to know where they are), old ranked PvP color crystals, old decorations (and fix the better looking ones, and take out the old bugged ones that are visible and stuck in our decorations collections).

    Return old sub companions, as they aren't a big deal to come back and just keep on the CM, like HK-55 and The Shroud.


    The pace at which things like this gets done in ToR is worse than a sit on your hands and get paid bureaucracy.

  8. I couldn't agree more with this thread title. Taking away story, [mission areas], decorations, and not even fixing the ones that have been broken for years that we can see in decorations leaves a bad taste in my mouth (so to speak) :mad:
  9. Vanguard, Sentinels and a few other classes got some overpowered boosts for PVP.


    Can't touch a Vanguard now even in crap gear, they steamroll you.

    Can't get Sentinels off me, then and Vanguards take 1/2 your health in the first second of PVP.


    Seriously I can't believe a company like this rolls out patches and completely breaks PVP. There's been a couple of patches since the big patch, it did not fix a damn thing related to PVP.


    Just PVE crap which no one likes anyway.


    I hate to rain on your parade, but most of this game is pve, and pvp is a very small (toxic) minority. So, No, it doesn't make sense to divert a lot of resources away from what most people pay for. To imply pvp hasn't been broken for many years----->Lol:rolleyes: Pvp has been an utter disaster for a loooooooooooooonnnngggg time now; besides a few regs, most players just avoid pvp like the plague as we know pvp is a lost cause :cool:

  10. idk why yet another thread on this. Again, near-human species are the way to go (and more bang for the buck, rather than the more meh complicated species that are more time consuming and hit or miss; not to mention romancing looks downright silly on way out there aliens)



    >>>Near-Human species: Zeltron, Keshiri, Echani, Sith Halfblood (Sith/ Human)

  11. KoToR CM stuff has always done the best in this game, especially the Revan stuff - please give us a Star Forge armor set on the CM. (I loved wearing it on my Revan.) Starkiller had a version that looked similar (when taking the Light side option).


    Please give us a version of this armor, that will be cherished. And many of us play on Star Forge :D



  12. But we have the Sith Pureblood already? That's already a playable species? :p


    Or do you mean Arkanian Pureblood?


    * (Sith) Halfblood, sorry about that. Arkanian would be cool, too, considering the Arkanian raid armor sets came out way back in 2.0, which were the raid armor sets to get for all classes, up to 3.0. Would have fantastic diversity in this game if the developers just tweaked humans to give us the near-human species... would feel more like we're interacting in a vast galaxy of species

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