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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by BlackSilverFire

  1. Make Arcann be able to wear Jedi or Sith robes (stuck w only 3 similar looks, need diversity). If giving Arcann modifiable gear/ outfit slots isn't feasible, atm, then please put out a Jedi armored-robes Arcann on the LS Fleet Supply vendor and a Sith armored-robes Arcann on the DS Fleet Supply vendor.


    (By now, Arcann has surely adopted the Commander's faction, and shedded his old look (that still looks great, but we need an update, please))

  2. Zeltron, Keshiri, Echani, Pureblood Sith (1/2 sith, 1/2 human) (in that order).


    (No species that look ridiculous with character romances (I don't want to play a big green rat/rodian, or fishy))

  3. Plenty of people want this event to return, in some way shape or form - revamped, ideally, to fix the tons of complaints about the 1st D vs L event. Funny that a few are whining about necro, when they fail to realize that D vs L return is still very relevant to many.


    Bring a revised D vs L event back, please, BioWare

  4. Really need more rugs, especially green and blue ones. A big purple rug would be really good, too.


    What's with the green Copero rug? It looks great.


    Please unbug it and put it in game, it looks way better than any other rug, and make sure these rugs are big rugs, not like the tiny Voss rugs. Sorry, but most rugs look bad, leaving a small number of rugs that suffice for decorating/ guild decorating. Need good looking rugs that are also big rugs that actually cover floor.

  5. Many of us are night time/ late night players. Please create an Ilum stronghold, as there are no night time strongholds on dark planets. It's a bummer. My guild & I would love a night time stronghold, please.


    Saying Ilum, because it has the best skyline of any night time planet (if not the best skyline of any planet), it's very impressive. That combined with Ilum's various native adegan/ color crystals, it's be a great stronghold,with hopefully some crystal cavern(s) and a great scenic balcony or something with a viewscape.

  6. Your entire premise is that running the same content over and over is somehow wrong or an exploit. It isn't.



    You can't ban someone for playing the game in a way you don't approve of. What's next? Ban people who do nothing but run heroics all day? Do dailies on all their toons? Only play solo when you think they should be grouping up?


    Just no.



    The filters are there for a reason. You can run the easier flashpoints with lousy gear or mediocre skills, but I don't like getting one of the harder fp with players in lousy gear or who don't really know their class. Leave the filters alone. If you don't like hammer, filter it out.


    I already accept that my prog team nights are going to be low conquest numbers nights. Now you want to make them next to no conquest numbers nights? If you take away points from adds then you need to buff the boss points a lot.


    Renown is largely useless, but there are a lot of players doing conquest. I think removing it would result in even less players doing group activities.



    This is fine, more rewards are better than punishment. There should be a benefit to running the longer/more difficult flashpoints as opposed to just doing the easier ones. (although what is 'playing properly' is subjective. spamming hammer/athiss/czerka is no more wrong than spamming meridian is)


    Omg, ikr, you said it. Couldn't agree more.

  7. Besides the OP's lame MAGA ripoff, that can be applied to just about anything, I really liked the lift slam and all around force push, and it beats what has replaced it - bring those back. The color crystals requirements were just nonsense and I'd never want that to come back (it's just a color crystal, not a magic wand. Some lords or apprentices use the sabers of fallen enemies and General Grievous used blue and green, Ep3 Darth Vader used blue - so no way I want any (ridiculous) color crystal restriction).


    Make Light & Dark relevant again by bringing back the Dark vs Light event, in some new form.

  8. Really need more dye options.


    I mean different shades of black&________ whatever colors (not just one color fits all (shades)). Ex) Black-Frost Blue, Black-Ocean Blue, Black-(match it the colors of blue color crystals). I mean use the various different shades of colors that color crystals use as a reference for dyes, in expanding and really having dye diversity



    We have lots of shades of color crystals - need the same for dyes, like we don't even have metallic dyes (bronze, silver, gold), but color crystals have metallic shades (It's a night and day difference comparing the two).


    Please work on improving the dyes

  9. Dear Dev team, Happy New Year,


    I’ve a suggestion for introducing more dyes.


    Next time you are looking at making some new Cartel Market dyes, please consider making some dyes that missed out on having the opposite colour slots and combinations added in the past.


    This is just and example, there are no dyes with pale pink as the primary dye. All the dyes with pale pink in them are secondary, ie, There is a Pale blue and pale pink dye, but no pale pink and pale blue dye. There is actually no dye at all that has pale pink in the primary slot.


    As well as cartel market dyes, how about throwing crafters a bone for some of the crafted dyes that also don’t have a corresponding dye.


    This is also just an example, there is no corresponding light pink dye. The only version is a dye that has a secondary pink in it, white and light pink dye.


    As well as adding in the corresponding dyes for both the current dyes available (cartel market and crafting alike), you could add more secondary dyes to “craft”. We don’t really need new colours created, just options to craft a larger selection of secondary and primary dyes from the current range of dye combination colours in the “crafting catalogue”


    I’m sure with some more dyes and balanced out catalogues between the available crafted dyes and the available cartel market dyes, more players will buy more items from the CM or GTN to update their current outfits and possibly buy new ones.


    Some examples of the crafted dyes that don’t have a corresponding colour are :


    White and Light Pink

    White and medium red

    White and pale green

    Black and pale yellow


    While many dyes do have a corresponding colour or another dye has a combo that you can mix and match from, many don’t and this is something my wife has requested I pass onto you because she spends 50% of her time playing around with outfits and buying different dyes to make new looks. “Space barbies”.


    I hope this is something you can do in the future after any bugs are squashed and other important stuff is sorted out. Ideally, this could be done when you were planning to make new CM dyes anyway and you can tack on these extra versions of older dyes too. That is, as long as it’s not too hard or time consuming and wouldn’t eat into content development or bug fixes.


    One other request from her is more a QOL request with regards to collections. She would like to be able to remove one piece of a set at a time and not the whole Armor set in one go. That way she doesn’t have to spend a bunch of time destroying the items in the set she doesn’t need for the outfit she is building.


    Anyway, these are just some suggestions. They aren’t a priority as much as a wish list.


    Edit: If I need to post this in the suggestion box, please let me know.


    Really need more dye options. I mean different shades of black&________ whatever colors (not just one color fits all (shades))

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