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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by BlackSilverFire

  1. -1 Nope, keep the holocrons as it is. Getting rewards off holocrons on other characters just piles on inflation even more than it already is *cringe*. There are a lot better things to do than rehashing datacrons (which just sounds like a pain).
    • Confused 1
  2. Ok so first of all, there is a tax on the GTN, what you proposes just means no one would sell through the GTN anymore. People will simply trade like they already do for anything above 1b. So your idea wouldn't work unless they stop players from trading money and that would get a thundering reaction.


    ^+1, yup, exactly. Also, prices go down when there are more items on the GTN, not less..

  3. It's been over six years now. Tired of looking into a black void where the outline of his shoulders should meet his neck. Ever since he joins you as a companion and ditches the mask, it is very noticable. It's like the art department forgot to finish him or something.


    There are other npc characters that don't have this issue even with open high collars. I don't understand why this hasn't been addressed by now. I know others have made mention of it as well and I am sure it is not that difficult to fix. Please?


    I'd much rather see Arcann being able to wear different outfits at this point, like Sith Lord robes, instead of being stuck with his old Eternal Empire suit(s) that has Arcann stuck in the long past - it's a more serious issue with the companion that keeps getting pointed out throughout the years and is killing emersion.

  4. All people will do is pass that along to the buyer.


    I mean, yes, it takes credits out of the system, which is the ultimate goal of any credit sink...but I'd rather it be something else that hits everyone equally.


    *+1: Couldn't agree more with everything Darev has said - he has a strong grasp of what the economics of this game has historically been. Everything is affordable if anyone buys a CM item & sells it on the GTN, rather than looking to buy expensive CC items that costs 50 bucks worth each for a pittance on the GTN from people who just want to sub & not invest in CC's. Definitely need a bigger credits cap, on the GTN and per toon.

  5. I don't know if this has been addressed yet. But since I can't find anyplace on the net to purchase the collector's edition it seems to me that something needs to be done to correct this for those of us who have purchased the deluxe edition so that we may have access to the vendor.


    It seems pretty "correct" that the people who actually paid exorbitantly for the [physical] Collector's Edition bundle should be the ones with collector vendor access - pretty common sense:rolleyes:


    Next it'll be a pitiful attempt for the preorder crystal & Founder's title... again. No, Galactic Seasons & HK-bonus chapter has brought back more than enough & is more than generous. You can have the Shadows of Revan vendor, with the Hutt holo-trainer tops.


    -1 Not Signed & Opposed.

  6. i did not know this and not a single guide could be found , not even the costumer service help would tell me that :o


    i got my walker now and im so happy , may the force be with you and all that :D


    Uh, yeah, there are guides on it & information about basic common game knowledge that can pretty easily be found.. aka a simple search engine search... or just a quick, simple search on Fleet....


    Probably should just roam each section on Fleet to know what is where, & what is what

  7. There can't be any price tag for it ingame, let alone an overinflated one, because this is an exclusive time-limited deal that can only be bought with real money for your account. The items will be sent to all your characters via ingame mail and bound to them upon pickup like all the other sub or code rewards.


    I know that already, never implied otherwise, but look back at the origins bundle, and at least this one has cuter stuff. Legacy of the Sith Digital Collector’s Edition is nice, and for what is offers, it is pretty good; just would've gladly paid quite more if it had more cool Sith stuff in it (perhaps even a new CE vendor), which I felt they could've amped up more (rather than a couple nice looking items, namely the mount & pet, & some coins & gametime).

  8. Was hoping for more from a Malgus-themed LotS CE, like at least a {Darth Malgus holo-vendor} to replace the old Revan one.


    What ever happened to that cool looking {Darth Malgus Promotional Poster} decoration from Twitch recently that I don't see in game?! (and no, the recent Tau Adair poster we got instead doesn't cut it)

    The dualsaber doesn't even look like it has an innate effect tied to it, & looks similar to others like it, totally uninteresting:mad:

    Where's the innovation? At least could've given us a new pike, finally, that's actually Sith themed, or some saber-bokens like in The Force Unleashed, or something really different or newly innovative, but no.






    The mount and pet are nice, but can't help hope for more, like what amps up emersion, like a Sith Arcann/ pike/ new kind of weapon.

  9. The recent {Darth Malgus Promotional Poster} decoration shown in collections, with the "Source: Twitch Livestream Promotional Reward" I've yet to see in game or know anyone who has it. Please put this decoration in game and not let it be another one of those awesome decorations/items that are unobtainable (or close to) like HK's Victory Protocols Activated, the purple oval rug, the silver Chiss Interceptor speeder codes were when it was in a similar promotion (although I was able to get a code for it w/ the armor set that went with it before BW brought it back as a sub reward; idk if this recent Malgus promo poster actually made it to the promotion, like the Tau Adair (which I like profoundly less than the Malgus one), as I've been following this for many months now). Anyone have any info on this?


    Please let this recent {Darth Malgus Promotional Poster} decoration be attainable in the near future.

  10. No. Next people will want the preorder crystal, in their never-ending consuming encroachment and desire to get everything at a pittance - there's already tons of tons of items brought back: -1


    also see the Hutt trainer Holo Statue threads up on forum, can give that a pass to be brought back, but the tiny rest: come on

  11. Would love to finally play on this planet in this game, would be nice to see more prominent Star Wars planets that were all throughout the movies. Remember the episode 1 PC game that had a very colorful Naboo 20+ years ago, it was awesome
  12. The beach-themed decorations that came out on the Cartel Market back around when the Rishi stronghold first debued were removed from the Cartel Market some time last year and have not made a reappearance. I was hoping to see them pop up again during a sale this summer, but no luck as of yet. Please bring these back, at least for a few weeks:


    Beach Ball

    Beach Bonfire

    Beach Towel (Purple)

    Beach Towel (Red)

    Beach Umbrella (Red)

    Leisure Beach Banner (Wall)

    Drink Bucket

    Drink Cooler


    Creating a decoration bundle featuring all these decos would be great as well! If you want to add some new decorations (or even just re-colored versions of the above) that fit the same theme, that would be even better! But at the very least please make these decorations available again on the CM.


    Have them all, but ikr, would~ be nice~~; especially, with the new strongholds out and oh yeah it's summer.



  13. Please, no. I've heard horror stories about ranked pvp being extremely toxic

    I'm decent at pvp but far from the best, I would not want to plague a ranked team of experienced players like that, it would basically be giving the other team a free kill


    Yeah, ranked is the most toxic by far and an old boys club that trohlls then kicks players at whim - no one wants to do ranked and the little super toxic ranked club reaped what they sowed - No Sympathy.

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