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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by BlackSilverFire

  1. Inspired by The Force Unleashed outfits - on the Cartel Market like Ahsoka and The Mandalorian


    Some of Starkiller's outfits like his wicked Sith Stalker outfit, also his main one in TFUII trailers, his heavy training gear with the mouth scarf from TFUI, and his white Jedi robes, were all pretty wowing 


    Starkiller's Sith Stalker TFUII outfit:



    Starkiller's Sith Stalker TFUI outfit - easter egged in Andor TV series & now canon:



    Starkiller's Ceremonial Jedi robes:



    Heavy training gear:


    • Like 1
  2. On 11/15/2023 at 12:07 PM, MerlockVonBaron said:

    i thought they were allowing the seasons companions to be bought in the vendors i heard that what they planned

    ^I already have both companions from GS1&2, but I do think making both available to people who were on hiatus or new players is a good idea, along with all the customizations except the top tier Cade Bane Fen custom that players grinded hard for.  One of my mates just forgot to log in to claim both companions.  These things happen, and I don't think it's in anyone's best interest to be stingy in this instance.


    Sub mounts being brought back is fine too, like Shadowlight and the not well advertised green Corellian Vanguard starfighter mount (reskin) that many of us missed because we didn't see the redeem code posted for it while we were logging in or on forum (it was confusing). 

  3. Uprisings {Covert series} mounts:

    Increase the drop rate - mates & I've done it hundreds of times & never seen a {Covert ______ (mount)} drop, nor know anyone who has any mount from the Uprisings - namely the Covert: Frost, Inferno, Neon, or Duster.


    Compared to the Galactic Seasons motorcycle like speeders, Uprisings are more basic reskins - an extremely virtually nil drop rate for it now, at this stage in the game makes no sense.  Please [significantly] increase the Uprisings mount drop rates dramatically - having subscriptions with guild mates doing Uprisings, currently, is a complete waste of time and the difficulty increase of it a while back was a pretty tone deaf response. 

    Make Uprisings viable again: given the (outdated) mounts are much easier to grind for, like the ones in Flashpoints.  (If not, my guild mates and I aren't wasting our time doing it anymore.)


    • Like 2
  4. {Zakuul Mushrooms (yellow)} decoration: that we see on Zakuul - tired of only having only the same old blue glowy mushrooms to decorate Strongholds. 


    The yellow glowing mushrooms on Zakuul look so good and would give variety to the glowing mushrooms decorations - as there are so many strongholds and glowy mushrooms stand out.


    On 6/25/2023 at 6:37 AM, eabevella said:

    I won't mind going back to the Republic/Empire if there is actual progress.

    My Sith become Emperor/Empress or actual head of the Dark Council.

    Agent takes over/set up a new Interference that counters the Sith.

    BH takes over the Mandalore seat.

    My Jedi become the Grand Master of the Order.

    Trooper becomes Supreme Commander.

    Smuggler picks up their old Pirate King/Republic's biggest privateer.

    Or be an independent planet/government head tackles things regarding the Unknown Region.

    You know, things that's new story-wise. But back to my earlier reply, since it's a MMO, none of this is possible so we're back to the old Empire vs Republic thing with less charismatic NPCs and ~0 class specific flavor.

    +1 to such a sensible Class Progression system.  I don't like Shae; the BH taking over as Mandalore would be great.  Satele Shan really isn't an active Grand Master; ye, better off with progressing toons into those^ areas, makes a lot of sense and looks fun & sustainable.  


    On 6/25/2023 at 9:12 AM, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

    Yeah, the lack of class specific story additions makes the immersion factor hard to deal with at times. It seems to be a bone to pick with many players (myself included).

    It's sought of like having to eat spaghetti without any sauce. 🤨

    +1 Well put, exactly.  Perhaps, ^eabevella's proposal is a good countermeasure towards steps in the right direction (looks like a pretty good solution).  At this point, even just seeing little things like Arcann in new Sith/ Jedi style armors would go a long way (as many of us think of the Eternal Empire as ancient history).

    • Like 1
  6. Empire side:  Why should I care about loose cannon Shae Vizla, or the non-Empire Alliance, and not partner with Malgus instead?  


    I can't say I care about Shae Vizla as a companion: her methods are crude & sloppy, lacking effectiveness.  She might as well be Tau, merc side.  Malgus, on the other hand, appeals to all that's good & interesting about playing an Empire toon.  He has vision that's spans across the galaxy, while not being so cookie cutter and much more calculating/ clever [not to mention he's much more likeable], like sparring Sa'har's life to find him later, immediately shedding h@cks off like Malora on Ossus, his mysterious relationship with Acina, & recognizing commonalities & irony between The Outlander and himself - way more intriguing dialog.  Overall, I'd take the kill or control Sith amulet option for Shae (for those who still want to use her to kill mobs), while taking the partners in Havoc & Expansion option for Malgus like a breath of fresh air.


    I'll take conquer worlds throughout the galaxy and destroy republic with Malgus, over being so reactive to someone I'm much better off being with.


    Can introduce a Plunder (Empire)/ Forage (Republic) system on planets.


    I never play with pub companions on the Empire side, and the choice is nice for some as we've been pushed into a very much [Unwanted] alliance for many with pubs/ pub companions.  Overall, it is superfluous & hindering to playing a full-fledge Sith.


    After I clicked:  Rejoin the Empire, I expected (albeit hopefully) that the Alliance would finally dissolve.  Instead of living as a full Sith/ Empire member, I'm still stuck in the Alliance with pubs who need to embrace the darkside/ Empire or get lost - it's hindering immersion & story growth.  Rejoin the Empire: should mean a radical shift back to Empire, like KoToR 1 did beautifully & masterfully at the end after choosing Darkside - the companions either rebelled against you to be slain, or accepted your full darkside ways [to be on the same as you] and became much more interestingly corrupted in dialog, appearance, & {actually compelling} manner, which added a lot of depth & immersion.


    Instead, I'm still stuck in this Unwanted Alliance which is keeping me from making better moves with much better potential allies :( To be Hopeful, if I read into the latest text between Outlander and Malgus, the divide won't stay that way forever?



    If a guy can dream, why not add in Sith armored Arcann as my Lt/ right hand (or Acina/ powered up Sa'har) and have a nostalgic KoToR II Triumvirate powerhouse across the galaxy?

    Smarter choices.

    (What immersion that'd be.)


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    • Thanks 1

    On 6/17/2023 at 6:41 PM, SteveTheCynic said:

    Somebody failed to understand what Eric Blair(1) was talking about when he wrote a novel about a dystopian future.

    (1) You might know him better by his pen-name, George Orwell.

    Your condescending "analysis" is as one dimensional as your caricature screenname, as all you did was parrot off of my statement of what I originally referenced in the first place while having nothing of ant actual substance to add to the argument - whatever makes you feel clever, huh. What you failed to understand in your pseudo-analysis blanket statement of what the novel actually was about, was the theme of one-way of doing things totalitarianism that the whole community is now seeing in trade, with the motto: It all goes through the GTN system now. No item-to-item barter between traders that isn't extremely taxed passed the point of unprofitability; all other choices of trading have been dismantled towards demolished in favor of a Sole "option". This is also what the original creator* of affordable mass produced personal computers, that you enjoy now, warned about from the get-go in his Big Brother commercials (who, unlike you, also referred Orwell correctly & genuinely). 

    *You might know him as Steve Jobs.

    Like Winston at the end of the novel, you can continue to cry tears of joy for such forced despotism as you embrace the Thought Police and love of Big Brother. But, many traders will stop buying off the Cartel Market and you'll find yourself with all the cheap typical mediocre goods you and the others on here feel entitled to, reminiscent of Russia/ exactly the novel's themes that you conveniently neglected, cynical Steve - ironic, how we don't see on here cynical of Steve >_> .

  8. 9 hours ago, xxSHOONYxx said:

    i bet, it must be heart wrenching to all the people that bought or sold credits or items with $$ are no longer able to get them tax free

    More like bartering between players who actually both have goods to trade, item(s) for item(s), is being destroyed by a forced gtn system for casuals who don't even buy anything off the Cartel Market/ invest in this game and feel entitled to everything on the cheap - decline of actual CM item buyers now.


    Ops players who need a stim or even a vaccine for Eyeless will only have to pay 10+ million for a mate to hook the up  >_>  

  9. On 5/31/2023 at 11:26 AM, Akrilles said:

    Title pretty much explains it  :D 

    We have seen enough Mandalorian Armor. Time for some good old fashion Sith robes ^^)

    +1 I agree.  Need more Sith robes.  


    +1 especially to Darth Nihilus' wraith-like robes, a longtime fav

  10. Opal Vulptilla: need a better way of getting, haven't had a wz pop on PTS (which has been utterly vacant since the weekend).

    For such a nice mount, it is a shame to have a sub rn and not being able to get it, especially with such a miniscule req.


    *Update: Thanks Chryptyk, that worked!

    • Thanks 1
  11. I do not know about the rest of you, but I'd love to see the people afk or tanking in GSF get removed or actively punished. I am sick of getting in matches where one player in can self destruct so many times as to tank an entire team, and just sit and do nothing and get rewarded for it.


    I am aware self destructs have their uses from time to time, but it has gotten out of control with people queuing up just for the weekly loot box and just giving a middle finger to the people who are trying to have fun.


    -1 Nope, I can fly however I want.

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