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Posts posted by Kapono

  1. did you read the patchnotes?



    As I'm sure you're aware because of not only your godlike intelligence, infinite wisdom, and considerable play experience in MMOs and life in general, not everything that is changed during a patch makes it to the patch notes.

  2. Playing an armourmech because I thought it would be neat to make my own gear. Have a question vs. the design goal of RE'ing


    What's the "target number" for the avg number of greens to get a blue, and blue to get a purple. As it stands, trying to make gear for myself leveling up is not possible because by the time I get a blue, let alone a purple, I've out-leveled the piece


    Any plans to tone down RE at low level? Do I really need to break down 20 level 11 greens to get a level 12 blue in order for your game to be "balanced"


    Or should I just go Biochem so I can have useful things from the get go



    Go BioChem, particularly if this is your first character. The amount of mats needed to reverse engineer schematics is fairly large; by the time you acquire the mats, you'll have outleveled whatever gear you're trying to make, unless you are *wildly* lucky.


    You can sell off what you don't use in BioChem, and make a good profit at 50 selling stims/med stuff.

  3. If you're content to just use green stims and medkits as you go along and only worry about the reusables at 50, then, yeah, keep slicing.


    On the other hand, if you want blue and purple stuff along the way, go with Diplomacy.


    Also, as far as cybertech went, personally, didn't find it that hard to get mostly orange. Wrist and belt, no, but that's really no biggie. And with equipping both my main and my companions with it, well, it was handy. That said, doing so does up a nice portion of blue metals, so you'd want UT and Scavenging, leaving no room for slicing ;) Also, quite handy for any alts you make.



    There are orange wrist and belts in the game. Rare, but available.

  4. For me, I still pick specific level missions when I'm hoping to crit for specific items (like Class 4 Ship Upgrade schematics... I assume they only come from a specific level range).



    Yeah- this is pretty much the plan. Thanks for the assistance guys- much appreciated.

  5. Well it is printing money != aquiring money from others. Anyways with high companion affection I find myself with a huge supply of purple mission discoveries that I can sell @ 25k/pop at least.



    Yeah, I could pretty much be totally happy playing this game solo. My only interactions with other people so far have been them running in and ninja'ing resources and chests while I was clearing the mobs for them.


    So yeah - screw other people playing this game. I'd rather have a nice little skill that will get me what I need without having to deal with the population at large.

  6. It's not a crazy amount of gains, but it's profit.


    Yeah it's okay for BioAnalysis and Scavenging to turn huge proft, or for Underword Trading to turn huge profit, but having Slicing do the same is a real crime. >.<

  7. I'm seeing like 2-3 people standing at the top of the mountain just outside one of the bases on Hoth. Apparently they are all spawn camping a chest, and must be using scripts or hacks or something to autoclick.


    Even without the hacks/scripts, is this something that will get you banned?

  8. Don't do it man. You're lucky if you get back the price of sending out the companion in the first place. Keep treasure hunting, buy mission items when they're cheap at the auction, then resell the epic gems. You'll get a bunch more profit.


    Picking up lockboxes is okay, but you'll get more from just killing a few mobs at 50.

  9. Are these supposed to be repeatable without "consuming" another mission item?


    In other words, if I "eat" a purple diplomacy (340) mission, is there a chance that it will show up again in the future as a mission choice without eating another?


    I was not sure if the patch on the public test server was addressing this or just the fact that "regular" mission were not necessarily available right after completion.






    They are one time use. And yes, they can fail. So make sure they are yellow/green when you send your companion out on one to minimize chances of failure.

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