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Everything posted by MorseGod

  1. The whole point of subscriber rewards is to reward the people who are actually providing the capital necessary to keep the game alive. It's a loyalty program for PAYING CUSTOMERS. The game doesn't need any more incentives to freeload.
  2. I think this system is a bit too limited by using the reputation framework. I've always thought, however, that subscriber rewards should unlock based on total subscribed time. It really just needs to be something tracked on the backend with an in-game notification every time a new reward is unlocked. This would allow the devs to introduce an unlimited number of rewards over time. They would also be able to introduce the rewards in a manner that allows people to get them instantly on resubscribing as long as they have met the total subscribed time requirement for a particular reward. For example, they could open the HK bonus chapter to anyone that has total sub time of 3 months or 10 years. Any player that meets this requirement at any time in their subscription would have the chapter unlocked. New rewards could be set with low or high time thresholds based on how loyal the players must be to receive the reward.
  3. I personally love it when features that are critical to guild administration are broken. Maybe in the next patch, they can break the rank system or screw up the guild logs.
  4. The devs have already said that a fix may come earlier than 6.0, possibly in 5.10.4.
  5. Even if you push the button a few thousand times in a day, it's still a relatively small sample upon which to base any real conclusions. Nevertheless, if you really want to speculate about the drop rate, keep track of the exact results rather than how the results seem to you.
  6. This is a known issue. The workaround for moving and stacking items is to right-click and drag instead of left-clicking. To split stacks, you need access to withdraw the whole stack by right-clicking, which can then be split in your personal inventory and returned to the guild bank. It's a bit of a pain to deal with this problem, but the QA guys are aware of it.
  7. You can get them from MM flashpoints, but EVERYONE rolls need, so good luck. You can also get them from PvP rewards. I believe the loot box for the first daily mission and the loot box for the weekly can drop them. They also drop in operations, if I recall correctly, but hoping to win the rolls there is worse than MM FPs.
  8. And if you don't get what you want, will you hold your breath until you pass out? Stop being a petulant child. Who the hell cares anymore? They nerfed it. Big deal. If it had been an exploit, they'd currently be looking for all the folks who used it pre-nerf and taking action. If they aren't coming after you, then get the hell over it, man.
  9. Reject the first duel request. If people persist, just ignore the next request. I'm fairly sure they can't keep sending them if one is still pending.
  10. Good to know! I think the biggest problem is that stack splitting relies on left-clicking, so no one can work with partial stacks in the guild bank right now.
  11. Speculate as to what will be broken after today's fixes. Pick something that is completely unrelated to what's being worked on now. Maybe we should all pool some resources and buy the dev team a Whack-A-Mole game.
  12. Logging in was overpowered and needed a nerf.
  13. Wouldn't it be amazing if a game that runs 24/7 had some tech guys working 24/7 to address stuff like this?
  14. Do you really want Arcann or his lunatic sister running the galaxy?
  15. Imp Fleet general chat is all the romance I need.
  16. I welcome the chance to do the heroics with bonus missions as intended without an ops group storming through killing all the mobs. Thanks, devs!
  17. Last double XP week had problems. This time, we got a patch that screwed most guilds out of setting an invasion target for a day until a fix was deployed, broken guild banks, and lag so severe that some folks still can't play. You guys are messing with us, right?
  18. This has been an issue since the dawn of time. You can reinitialize the UI to make it go away. The default for this is to hit CTRL-U twice.
  19. You can remove complete stacks by right-clicking instead of left-clicking. Then you can combine them in your personal inventory and put them manually into the proper slot. This is tedious and inconvenient, of course, and it also isn't useful unless you have unlimited withdrawal access.
  20. Still no acknowledgement from the devs on this one?
  21. Let me see if I understand this complaint correctly... Ranked PvPers, the most toxic people in the game, were always complaining about mat farmers in their precious elite PvP matches. Mat farmers now have another reasonably convenient avenue to get the mats they want, so they've cut back on wading through the toxic sludge of ranked PvP. Ranked PvPers are now upset that the matches don't pop. Does that cover it? Seems to me that ranked PvPers want to have it both ways. They want mat farmers to make their queue times shorter, but they don't want mat farmers in the matches.
  22. This bug needs to rocket to the top of the "Fix Now" list.
  23. It seems I can't do anything with the inventory in my guildbank. I can't take items, move them to different inventory slots within the bank, or stack them. I'm the GM, so I know it's definitely not a permissions issue. Deposits seem to be working just fine, though. EDIT: I can withdraw items by right-clicking, but not by left-clicking and manually moving them to my personal inventory. This means that only complete stacks of items may be withdrawn because splitting a stack relies on left-clicking.
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