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Everything posted by Eli_Porter

  1. Which is why I said 3 deaths? You think I don't know how conquest works? Beyond those 3 deaths you have a chance to earn more or risk getting kicked for inactivity/reported for throwing.
  2. If they truly want CQ points then they will try getting a win and medals for more points. Beyond 3 deaths (each on different ship types) the CQ system encourages trying to win.
  3. They were not moving from their planet, yes for sure those 7 people on Tatooine/Rishi/Fleet are doing rampage and world bosses to make 1 million points an hour. Stop wasting everyone's time with your "git gud" essays.
  4. You can doubt me all you want, but when there are 7 people online scattered across mostly planetary areas, and a guild is getting over a million points per hour, there's heavy crafting involved.
  5. One of these involve gathering together, socializing and playing the game, while the other revolves around secluding yourself with your alts and clicking the Craft button. It gives a massive advantage for a single person and nullifies organized groups in favor of solitary clicking.
  6. I'm not gonna bother replying to you anymore if you're not willing to address what I said again and again. It's not about being "better organized", it's that I find the idea of clicking the same button a million times just to have a shot as a medium-large sized guild ridiculous.
  7. Yes I know how long it takes, I do some crafting too. I however don't want to spend months clicking a button just so my guild has a shot, and I'd like it if the game didn't tell me to do this or stop bothering with organizing events. And I know it's one guy crafting because I did a /who on the guild and they had 1/4 of our numbers while taking the lead, and they got 10 million points overnight.
  8. That's nice. In the last 24 hours I accumulated 5 million points, ran 5 events (one of them with 30 people) and we still can't beat a small guild because one of their guys has an army of alts crafting war supplies.
  9. The game is basically telling you "Don't wanna click a button a million times? Don't bother organizing events for your guild, you can't win." If you don't think that's a problem I don't know what to tell you.
  10. The solution is right in front of us this week, open up more planets. So instead of having guilds organize a lot of group activities, you would have the game encourage a few select individuals clicking one button a million times? Do you know how disheartening it is to organize tons of events a week for a hundred active members, only to lose to a guild a quarter of your size that relies on crafting alts cranking out war supplies 24/7?
  11. If they open up more planets on the regular then the crafting changes are fine in my book.
  12. That's nice, but you do realize a crafter can prep for a few weeks and get 500k an hour an entire week just by crafting war supplies on multiple characters at once?
  13. There are lots of medium sized guilds, forcing them to craft in order to conquer a planet is bad game design. When a guild with 100 active members gets beaten by a guild with 200 active members it's one thing, but why should that guild lose to a 5 active members guild just because those 5 active members click the "Craft" button a lot?
  14. You don't need harvesting bots or the GTN for mats, simply buy the mats from guild members who have a bunch of scrap laying around. This is especially effective when you only need 3 different mats (for the Inventor objective strategy) so the buyback service is streamlined.
  15. 5 wins required is fine because it works together with the daily, you just play until you win one game and repeat for the next four days. And if you can't win a single game the whole day then tough luck, but you still get rewarded for 8 medals and still have the rest of the week. I don't really care either way, not being able to win 5 games is extremely rare and you still get rewarded for obtaining 8 medals. Also I'm not changing my statement just trying to help out, get out of here with your "gotcha" essays.
  16. Attachments crafting crits increase your rate and count towards the objective, deconstructs reduce your losses, scrap is abundant, and guild members can sell you the mats for cheap. It's also extremely fast because unlike with War Supplies you don't have to worry about selling anything to get a return on your losses.
  17. Then make it require 20 points: Win = 3 points Loss = 1 point Now = 20 matches average, 10 matches best, ∞ matches worst After = 10 matches average, 7 matches best, 20 matches worst
  18. Not at all. Currently each item crafted counts, so you can get 6-7 points into the 50 point objective in a single craft. And once you've crafted them, you deconstruct. And those mats can be bought from the GTN or Jawa Scraps, for really cheap. (Edit: don't forget about crits on the attachments too) I ran some testing on this yesterday so here's how it goes: 8x Level 50 companions w/ Efficiency from Amplifiers: 1 minute crafts for T2 Blue Adrenals, average 6.5 items per craft. So that's 50 crafts, or the objective, PER MINUTE. If automated by a bot, that's 100k points an hour. Maybe 80k if you also craft the T2 attachments (which take like no time to craft). For 10 million CQ points it would cost about 20mil credits and a LOT of clicking, which bots can handle and reach within 5 days of using one client, or one day if using 5 clients.
  19. The ONLY thing that needs to be changed.
  20. No overhaul needed of any kind... Just make the wins required 5 instead of 10.
  21. It seems as if our main culprit is the Inventor objective if it's as abusable as described. Why not just go with that for now? And please make a statement when you do because the market is starting to blow up and newbies will no longer be able to sell green mats for decent credits.
  22. I think it's only problematic in GSF CQ weeks where you get CQ for flying all four types of ships, so it incentivizes people to die at least three times in TDM's. On the plus side however, it gets people to try out new ships instead of playing it safe with their favorite. And 3 deaths in a TDM is fine.
  23. Which guilds expect to be on the conquest ladder on their first week? The only guilds that manage to do so are those same spam-inviting alt-guilds clogging up the leaderboards.
  24. What I would like is a guide that lists all crew skill (non-cartel) companions that "Love" Delicacies or Maintenance and how to obtain them. Those gifts are practically free since the game showers you with Jawa junk.
  25. And those guilds can replace those people they kicked for underperforming with uhh... people who will earn zero points for them this week
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