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Everything posted by therecanonlybeon

  1. You can't kill swtor The swtor will live on GW2 tried to kill swtor But they failed, as they were smite to the ground Wildstar tried to kill swtor But they failed, as they were stricken down to the ground TESO tried to kill swtor Ha,hahahahaha They failed, as they were thrown to the ground Aargh! yeah! [x2] [singing] No-one can destroy swtor SWTOR will strike you down with a vicious blow We are the vanquished foes of swtor We tried to win for why we do not know wow tried to destroy swtor, but swtor had its way FF then tried to dethrone swtor, but swtor was in the way forum trolls tried to destroy swtor, but swtor was much too strong they tried to defile the metal, but they were proven wrong Yea! SWTOR! It comes from hell!
  2. one vote is not enough for me... went with oricon palace, but id love to see udnerwater manaan more (but it was just mentioned as manaan so ... )
  3. how about tunning for saber that would hide it?
  4. they could add skins for animations in cartel market or something. adding new colours or whatever
  5. Cant see any point in crystals above 136. They don't add this much anyway, why change something that works fine as it is?
  6. and spending money on cartel market stuff makes you not greedy how? lmao transfering character takes time from them, you pay for it like any other service
  7. imo specific cartel pack reputation is bad concept and a lot people are missing out on this. there should be one cartel reputation, even with higher amounts to unlock new lvls, with rep drop chance from every pack instead so many to choose from
  8. ikr? but the rewards previous seasons were much better - that is actually true they could add some lame tuning for 100k or something if they are lazy on doing something new imo
  9. u can buy quite a lot from npcs, especially plants are nice decorations. use them to fill your stronghold and add some more expensive stuff here and there
  10. well if u want rested exp u can go to your ship and log out i belive i think i could log out in stronghold, but cant anymore just like you or maybe its just my imagination
  11. i like skadge, unique looks and he is real brute, sometimes he was so ridiculous in this brutish attitude that it even have made me laugh. i hate blondie for sure ugh, she is annoying, makes a lot of mistakes that normally would get her executed (wish we could)
  12. it is their faullt, but its like in typical real society - most people cant think for themselves or they very often they don't think at all ---> siths without proper guidance turn into empire of bullies and hooligans with exceptions like Darth Marr He was there all this time, but one man even that powerful can't really change everyones thinking, especially when he has fools like Thanaton that would oppose him (and even if they are weaker its like pack of wolfs aiming for a bigger target
  13. it mostly doesnt make sense for agent...
  14. well they used to be better, but its not that bad;)
  15. Extra content just for group of players is bad idea and should be unlockable once u sub, not if u subbed 2years ago or whatever. Extra gear though, cosmetics and stuff are fine, and they will surely get some new stuff like they did in kotfe
  16. buahaha i remember that, thats like watching bollywood movie
  17. there is even a thread in stronghold section about this as we speak lol
  18. Even if every force user was able to deal with blaster bolts without lightsaber its still good to have two options or more if you count energy shield and armor etc.
  19. i like decorating strongholds but its expensive:p
  20. and this ortholan playing would be epic especially in nar shadda stronghold, or party in balcony od Dromund kaas with band outside
  21. i guess there should be some safe guard system that would prevent things like that, but sadly there is no such thing in the end he didnt break any rule so u wont even get justice for that, sad
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