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Everything posted by DarthRobert

  1. I was pretty dubious about Kira when she was first advertised pre-release. I figured she was just a female Jedi Han Solo, all smart remarks and shooting from the hip. But from the moment she was introduced in the Knight story I couldn't help but like her. Call me a sucker. Favourite line:
  2. Good effort. It has a very stylised look about it that I can't quite place. Perhaps like a tiki. Nevertheless, very cool.
  3. Thanks for this, Courtney and team. As an RPer, reader, and general story lover, I'm excited to see more character info and background, and I look forward to seeing more in the future. I'm amused, though, to see that Kaliyo was chosen first considering the minor popularity of this particular thread. A bit of Imperial propaganda, no?... Kal's had her moments, for sure, but I'm definitely in the "I hate Kaliyo" camp and look forward to spacing her. But as one clever person pointed out elsewhere, a good character - i.e. one that is believable - will evoke strong emotion, and she certainly does that. So congratulations to the writers on a well-constructed character. Bring on more companion 101s! I need something to read. Incidentally, check out more companion comments in Iamthehoyden's cool thread. Add more. Help out. It was one of the ways Vette was diagnosed with polyphobia
  4. If you check out the Suggestion Box you may find similar requests to put your name to for support. There's one in my signature as well. Check it out.
  5. Heh, I just came across another curiosity: Kira saying exactly the same thing in 2 different places Early onset dementia, maybe?... BTW Hoyden, check my post above for more Kira/T7 for your updates.
  6. Yeah, it was an instance. I don't remember seeing any, myself, but there you go. More to look forward to, I guess.
  7. Something mildly unusual: after a battle as a part of one of the Knight story quests (and not as part of a cut scene), Kira says It wasn't a typical dialogue point but nor was it a part of a conversation. Has anyone else come across something like this?
  8. It also appears that some of the dialogue is quest-dependent. I had the following experience: whilst running the Tatooine bonus quests I passed a point where I hit no dialogue, but had to return to that same point shortly after for a different quest and can swear blind that I passed over the exact same point only to pop a comment from my companion. That makes this endeavor all the more... interesting...
  9. Alderaan. I wish someone would blow that planet up.
  10. ...when you start to use repeated dialogue options in everyday conversation. "What's the upside for me?" "There won't be a heart left beating."
  11. Darth Baras is so big, when Obi Wan saw him he said "That's no moon. That's a space station." Thank you, Robot Chicken. Also, Darth [em]Baras[sing].
  12. I think Vette's well and truly polished off. Admittedly I didn't end up doing all the side quests in the final few planets so there may be an Easter egg or two still around. You're welcome. I'm enjoying the hunt. It's adding an extra dimension to the game while I wait for 1.4. I'm going to run a Dark Jedi now just for kicks, so I'll keep my eye out for dialogue on the Knight companions. T7 Kira Carsen
  13. This thread happened to catch me while I was re-exploring the Sith Warrior class so I figured I'd stick with Vette. I have experimented, when finding a dialogue trigger, with switching companions out and running back over the same point to see what happens but so far have had no joy with it. Perhaps the triggers have a cooldown. Has anyone found differently?
  14. FYI Hoyden I'll just keep editing my post above to save on space. Check back whenever you like.
  15. 1. Gungans 2. Gungans 3. Gungans 4. Gungans 5. Gungans 6. Gungans 7. Gungans 8. Gungans 9. Gungans 10. Ewoks
  16. "But with the pants down I can't even see. How am I s'posed to fight?"
  17. My Kaliyo affection rating for my characters: Jedi Knight: Stab her Jedi Consular: Stab her Smuggler: Shoot her Trooper: Shoot her Sith Warrior: Force Choke and then stab her Sith Inquisitor: Electrocute and then stab her Bounty Hunter: Carbon freeze her and then drop her out of the airlock of his ship above a planet and watch with satisfaction as she burned up on entry Imperial Agent: Shoot her in the face You get the idea, I'm sure.
  18. It's in the suggestion box (see my sig). Add your name there and maybe we can get the ball rolling on it.
  19. Onomatophobia. Very apt. There are some great lines here that I haven't yet heard. Nice thread. One of mine (ad lib): Cult member: What do you wish of us, lord?" SI: I want robes of solid gold! Other cult member: He's just as crazy as the other guy.
  20. It's an important service. If I had a credit for every Sith who learned Ultimate Po-war from a lost holocron the IRS had recovered, I'd be able to buy a full set of Legacy gear. Just think of them as the Indiana Joneses of the SW universe.
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