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Everything posted by PaintOnASign

  1. Look at us, having an adult discussion about things we're experts at thus making our opinions and expectations valid.
  2. This is just awesome. This whole thread's purpose just proves that people will complain about absolutely everything. We have people complaining about bugs, so when BioWare starts putting up patches which require server downtime, people move on to the next logical step of stupidity and complain about the downtime. And I just saw someone complain about the fact that the game needs so many patches. Are you kidding me? My God... And the servers were never down more than 4hrs on any given night. I was there when they were took down the servers, and when they brought them back up.
  3. I love it. It vaguely reminds me of the Serenity. The paint job ain't perfect, it looks like its been through its ups and downs. It's got a personality to it. It's roomy where it needs to be. The two-floors bit works wonderfully. I went in thinking I would dislike it, but I ended up loving every bit of it. And to be frank, the Thunderclap is the ugliest ship out all 6 ships. Poor Troopers.
  4. Oh yeah, topic at hand: If people could respecc their AC's, almost everyone could do every single role in the game with one character. The only exception are Gunslinger/Sniper's cant tank, and Sentinels/Maurader's cant heal.
  5. You think Operative/Scoundrel has low DPS output? Are you in for a rude awakening... Anyway, you can get Lv10 in about ~3 hrs. Yes, yes, you will never get them back, but life goes on.
  6. Elite mobs typically aren't easily solo'd by a DPS class without a healer or tank companion after Coruscant/Dromund Kaas. Even then, healing companions may have a tough time keeping you up, and the tank may die with the Elite mob still around 10% health. If you're fighting more than ONE Elite (gold) mob as a DPS and expect to survive with just your companion, you're insane. Don't even think about taking on a Champion. As my Jedi Shadow (Lv27) as a tank, I could still solo most Heroic 2's. As a DPS Commando (Lv37), I had no chance at solo'ing Heroic 2's if the packs included either 2 elites, or 1 Elite and 2 Strong's, let alone solo'ing any Champion, companion just cant heal through that much damage if you're DPS. Tanks have a much easier time tanking Champions with a healing companion. Anyway, I agree, JK/SW are definitely lacking some form of CC to handle the really tough packs. As a Commando, I could at least take any 1 mob out of the fight indefinitely, not to mention that I could heal if need be.
  7. Yeah, I don't think the proccs hurt the playstyle of our class at all, we're gonna disagree on that. But I do agree that we need some way to better watch our proccs. It is very very hard to differentiate buffs while you're mid-combat. I'd be content if they just made our proccs double the size of normal buffs, anything to make it visually easier on the eyes.
  8. Please don't open with Shadow Strike. That is the WORST way to eat up half your Force. CC aside, I open with Force Breach (its AoE and you start your first debuff), then I start fishing for Particle Acceleration proccs, which means, spam that Double Strike. If you're tanking multiple targets, tab target those DS's. Once you get a PA procc, use Project on the main kill target. This becomes easier once you get Whirling Blow, as you get PA proccs a lot more frequently. This is also assuming you keep up Kinetic Ward 100% of the time. Whoever said its not worth it, is a fool. Any kind of help is, ultimately, helping. It is pretty much free, and it doesn't respect the GCD. Shielding is going to be very important for us, as we're naturally better at it. Anyway, yes, Shadow tanking works. But it is squishier at low levels than say, a Guardian or a Vanguard. Not impossible to play though, by any means.
  9. It is a melee class. It just doesn't fit your odd definition of a melee class. What are these strange abilities I see.... Shadow Strike, Clairvoyant Strike, Spinning Strike, Spinning Kick, Whirling Blow... why can't I use these at range?!
  10. Don't forget Slow Time has a 7.5s cooldown and higher thread co-efficient vs Force in Balance at 15s cooldown. I remember reading someone doing the math, and ST was ahead, as far as threat goes, but I don't wanna dig for the post right now! Be that as it may, the 23/0/18 build (http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601dcrokrskZZf0cRrMz.1) is still very do-able. Considering you're going for DR, I'm surprised you skipped Shadowsight. Also, Mental Fortitude has proven to be useless for costing 3 points. Not speccing into Applied Force is also fairly detrimental, considering its our bread and butter ability as far as melee attacks go. Focused Insight is also useless. TK (as far as I remember) is not considered a DoT. And since you didn't go deep enough into Balance to get free and instant Mind Crushes, you're not going to see that talent procc, ever.
  11. Depends on what you're doing. If you're just doing normal quests, you're probably safe with Qyzen, as things will die a lot faster. Personally, as a tank, I stick with Tharan, just because Qyzen is a pain to please as far as dialogue options go. This way, I can pull large pack of mobs and never worry about dying. Worst comes to worst, pop Deflection or Force Cloak. Also, I'm tired as hell of Qyzen's weird gutterspeak. I prefer hanging out with a Scoundrel.
  12. As a Kinetic Combat Shadow, solo'ing Heroic 2+ quest is a breeze. The only time I may have issues is if I have to fight a few Strong enemies, while fighting more than one Elite. Most Champions I can solo fairly easily, unless they have an extraordinary amount of health. Just remember to keep up Kinetic Ward, use Deflection wisely, keep up Force Breach's debuff (-5% accuracy) and don't forget Force Stun. Granted, this is all after getting Tharan Cedrax. Solo'ing with Qyzen was a big pain in the butt, not to mention the lack of defensive cooldown at an early level. Also, don't forget we have Mind Maze, which basically puts any mob out of commission for 1m. This even works on Champions. If all else fails, hit that Force Cloak button and hope it doesn't bug out!
  13. Not sure what tree you decided to go, but if you're a Scrapper, you can safely leave cover behind. You'll be in the thick of things as a melee DPS, there's absolutely no reason for you to be in cover.
  14. For being a guide, you really shouldn't dismiss DS as a "useless" heal. It has its purpose, and it does it well. It helps keep your Energy high while healing (even if its small), which should be your goal as a Scoundrel. You're aim should be to share facts, not personal choices for the way you heal. I think your preferred playstyle is noteworthy though. Otherwise, pretty nifty guide. EDIT: Your stat priority may be incorrect. (Read: http://sithwarrior.com/forums/Thread-Scoundrel-Operative-Healing-Compendium?pid=6562#pid6562) Surge/Crit are currently (they affect each other, so they go hand-in-hand) the best stats to go for, as they scale incredibly well. Take note that the post in question is 10 days old, and before Early Access, but most numbers haven't actually changed much, if at all.
  15. That's weird. I run the game maxed out just fine with no AA. Forced AA, and I run into some issues with shadows on High. But that's expected, as my GPU is almost 2 years old. But alas, players will always demand demand demand.
  16. Except there is a LFG tool... Maybe the issue here is people just aren't aware one exist in the game. I would like the current system to designate roles. But even then, that's something I can just add my in comment. It would be a good filter though.
  17. Yeah, but its not. It's less effective because people refuse to use it. That's not the tool's fault.
  18. A LFG Tool exist, people just rarely use it. The tool is very similar to what FFXI uses, and it does work. The current tool just needs some slight tweaking, and maybe capabilities of being more precise. Reflecting on the system FFXI uses, the LFG icon could change color depending on what you're looking for. Maybe purple (the current) for Flashpoints, green for Heroic quests that aren't part of a Flashpoint, yellow for someone trying to sell a specific item they don't want to sell over the GTN, etc etc etc. The use of comments has many many applications that FFXI was able to capitalize on, there's no reason we can't do that here. The real problem is, people need to actually use it and edit their own comments. Most people are used to just having to queue, or to spam trade. If BW refuses to cater to these people with unwavering playstyles, the players will eventually start using said tool. Until then, we're gonna keep seeing these threads pop up every day.
  19. This isn't something BW can't "fix" because there's nothing to "fix". BioWare can easily activate AA. They have made a conscious decision not to implement it yet. Why is this so hard to understand?
  20. So, your plan is to use Combat Technique? With +50% threat generation, tanks are going to despise you, plus you're going to die, a lot. Also, you're gonna have a lot of Force issues. I see this build running out of Force very very quickly. Now, if you didn't plan to use Combat Technique... then you're wasting A LOT of points. If you want to off-tank (although its been deemed a great main tank specc for Flashpoints) you're better off running 23/0/18 http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601dcrokrskZZf0cRrMz.1
  21. Not sure what you mean. Does the item even have mods on it? You can mod (or pull out mods) from any item with mods in it, without the use of a workbench. There is only a small (scaling) fee to pull mods out.
  22. That's also due to an entire Spanish speaking population choosing your server as a home. That does suck. And if you actually read my post, I said that there are some servers with Full capacity. But that doesn't mean a large portion of them are, does it? I'm fighting the exaggeration, not the fact that some servers are having population issues. Besides, you can always leave the server you were selected for. My guild did. The only thing you lose out on is the lack of 5000 credit fee, and the reserved guild name. The question you guys need to ask yourselves is, is that worth fighting the population problem you're having?
  23. You can re-purchase it for like 20 credits or so from a vendor at the Republic Fleet for Republic. Not sure what the name is for Empire. Haven't played any Empire toon past Lv3.
  24. The trend across all servers is higher Empire population vs Republic. Just the way its gonna be, it seems.
  25. Few things for ya: Hitting the "New Thread" button is impossible to resist. People complain about everything. And I mean: Everything. Worse, they exaggerate everything too. People typically feel that what they want, is what they deserve, even if they have no understanding about how it would work or function or come to be. "It's just code" only goes so far. It is always easier to complain about something, then it is to compliment something. SEE #1
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