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Everything posted by bluehufsa

  1. OK, I will rephrase: 150 cc to unlock a droid companion is a bit too much, given the fact that only by playing the game as a subscriber allowed me to recruit a lot of droid companions: Phalanx is ok, but she doesn't have any unique abilities, like Shae Vizla has, for example (the death from above skill).
  2. That would explain why Revan, in the Temple of Sacrifice operation is way taller than the players ( you can actually stay near him before attacking) even if we know for sure he is human and in all the other encounters ( The Foundry) he is average human size.
  3. Sorry but I have no idea who is Captain Scarlet, never been interested in graphic novels.
  4. This. Honestly, I was expecting a Selkath companion or a Sand Person or something more interesting than SCORPIO-like droid.
  5. That's a bit too much, given the fact that we can get a lot of droid companions only by playing the story + KOTFE/ET
  6. Thanks guys, I restarted the game and now Phalanx is in collections :)
  7. Hi How can I get the lady droid on my alts? It is not in my collections, alts don't have any quest, I'm clueless right now. Any ideas? Thanks!
  8. Yes, you are right, it depends a lot on who is alive, but basically it could be implemented, emphasis on could. For some reason, I highly doubt there will be anything in the future related to our class companions, it seems the focus is on the "new" ones (Lana, Arcann, the guests, Tau). That's not necessarily a bad thing, but personally i would prefer more action with the "old" ones aka your ideas with cross-class romances.
  9. That's true, we don't know if there are non-humans among the Vizla clan members, but we do know there are non-human Mandalorians ( twilek dude who gives a quest on Dromund Kaas, the Chieftain of Clan Sharatt, zabrak members of Clan Sharatt and so on). Oh well maybe you are right and they ( Valk and Jos) are just humans.
  10. Hi. In the Blood Hunt flashpoint, both Valk & Jos appear to be way taller than the player's character, regardless of species, so this got me thinking, could they not be human, but humanoid, for example Week.. Weak.. whatever species is Tano Vik ( trooper companion) ? Or same as the Locust ( final boss in a Rep heroic on Taris, where you go to rescue a twilek girl named Emily) . Waiting for your thoughts.
  11. Well Ashara says she wanted to distance herself from Jedi/Sith because she was disappointed in both factions, so making her recruitable by other classes would be a bit tricky (but not impossible).
  12. Want another inconsistency? On Zakuul, after your JC escapes prison, Lana has to open that prison door, not your character. Why not your character? Yes, is true, you're weakened after waking up from carbonite freezing, but you're still a Force sensitive. And why is such a big difference between the doors? On Taris you break a blast door at a gas facility, on Zakuul there's a blast door at a prison/vault, in my opinion they should be similar.
  13. Or Risha. Why wouldn't Risha join a commando or a BH? Or Nadia Grell a JK? I don't see much sense either
  14. Well, the difference is on Taris you are on your class quest and on Ziost you are on a common-for-all-classes quest. Maybe they didn't have enough resources or time to make the Ziost quest fit for each and every class?
  15. You're welcome! Sorry if my post sounded wrong, I wasn't accusing you of complaining, was just talking about my own unpleasant experience when the class I like the most got nerfed. And about story: there's a lot of it, so you won't get bored
  16. @BraffinTheReal, I'll tell you what was told to me when I complained about mercenary being nerfed to the ground on so many occasions: " you must adapt and try new things". Yes, I'm aware that's not what you want to see right now, but give it a thought, please. Try an operative, it has stealth and a very simple rotation, 5-6 skills, nothing complicated. Also, I'm aware of the fact that you might not like the IA story or companions, I don't either, that's why I suggest you try an operative over BH story. Personally, I do not support this nerfing of assassin, even if I don't play that class at all (too complicated for me).
  17. You mean let all classes recruit all companions or cross-class romances? I support both ideas, would love to see my female Marauder in a relationship with Torian or my female commando in a relationship with Zenith. And so on.
  18. Aren't you used to "things that make you go hmmm" by now, Shayddow? 😛 But yes, i agree with you, he should be recruitable by Imperial saboteurs too, but not by Rep saboteur JC
  19. @JakRoaninyou took the words right of my mouth ! I always pictured Rivix as Ba'al , they are a lot alike @JamieKirby would have been nice to know if they took Todd the Wraith & Teyla back to Pegasus galaxy
  20. You forgot about Sophia Farash from Voss class story, there's nowhere stated that she's a Force sensitive. So yes, NFU ( non-Force users) can be Children of the Emperor. Not sure about the Outlander, sorry.
  21. @JakRoanin, I'm not yelling at anyone, just stating my disappointment. Since 2015, each and every update was extended with no ETA. I'm aware of the fact that @JackieKois just the community manager and is not their fault in any way. But to be honest, it is frustrating, I want to play and cannot, come on..
  22. Hi. I made no secret of the fact that Zenith is my favorite companion. One thing tho, why can't we recruit him on all Rep classes? Honestly, he would fit in well with JK, trooper and smuggler because he was originally a Jedi companion , a sort of soldier ( Greystar's trainee) and a guy with unconventional methods, so basically he can be in any Rep toon crew. Please think about this! Thanks in advance
  23. Plus you have a lot of Sith Lords, Jedi Knights and mercenaries in the Odessen base, any of them could have saved both Torian and Vette!
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