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Everything posted by sonickat

  1. Oh I dissagree. Players who have never played an mmorpg who were attracted to the star wars license and bioware name made up a huge portion of the launch playerbase.
  2. Yes. It's an MMO with levels. Each expansion the level cap will likely increase and yes you will likely be required to pay for that new content.
  3. This is a no brainer and it really makes you wonder why its still missing. Random rolling is an integral part of player driven loot distribution. We need this yesterday!
  4. I like the idea but the duration on the tax limit should be dynamic. It should be either daily, weekly (resets on maintenance), bi-weekly (on maintenance), or monthly (on maintenance). A by day only option would really be unfair to individuals who play more spread out smaller sessions than individuals who spend most of the weekend playing but hardly play at all during the week.
  5. Agree. Please give us a social option to hide our companion's head slot.
  6. Agreed. The vendor should have a sell all grey option on it. I'd also like to see an option to send my companoin to sell anything I tell it to instead of just greys.
  7. I really liked this feature in Vanguard it worked really well.
  8. Non unique surnames and allow us to change them once every 90 days for free. Provide a means to change your surname via a credit and time sink.
  9. Since the developers do not plan on implementing advanced class res pecs - we should get unique class stories for each advanced class experience.
  10. cross server pvp would be great. They need to keep the server types together though don't follow the system Blizzard used with battlegroups composed of a variety of server types. The reason it would be great is right now on highly imbalanced servers you end up in huttball 98% of the time. So not only do i get no variety in the random warzone i get, i get stuck in my personal least favorite. I've yet to find a way to que for a specific warzone.
  11. I support a cross server dungeon finder tool - straight knock off of WoWs for all the reasons listed by so many others already in this thread. *Edit* My wife and I had the exact opposite of the poster directly above me. We used the dungeon tool while leveling and we quested while in the que. It was a great tool for finding others our level to finish dungeon quests we otherwise would have just skipped.
  12. 99% of Statistics are made up. This game is intended for a more casual audience. Having played mmorpgs for over a decade, in my experience the customer demographic of this game strays heavily towards those players who have no mmorpg experience. Which have chosen to pickup this title because its a Bioware or Star Wars license. Bioware must be mindful of this fact that in order to keep its release numbers its going to need to have a stable game that is enjoyable for its demographic. Most of the audience probably doesn't even understand the difference between a tank, dps, or healer and what implication those choices will have on their enjoyment in the future. Their going to sink hundres of hours in to leveling rather than 40-60 most of us veterans will take and realize they don't like their advanced class - what do you think those players are going to do? Some may stay but some will go. People threatened to leave when WoW introduced respecs and now its part of every major game thats been released. Their subscription numbers actually went up after implementation not down, despite people leaving. *edit* just realized i called bioware blizzard in the post before --- oops.
  13. Coin Yes. Expensive - only if it is being done regularly. Quest and Group - just No.
  14. The true fact is that Bioware is not beholden to any mythical standard from other games. They can do as they choose. That said the replay-ability of this game is entirely dependent on the stories. Even playing a second class with a different story the second time through, its easy to find yourself spamming the space bar and 1,2,3 to get through the non class specific dialog. Some of the players who love their class but hate their advanced class are going to take their money and spend it somewhere else the question is does blizzard care about those dollars? That is what it comes down to. Are you willing to follow through and take control the only way you can to impact change.
  15. It is impossible to be completely proactive as a healer. Humans are not machines and our peers make mistakes and it falls on us to compensate for them. You can be the smartest healer in the world, if it takes you 4 seconds to react and land a heal on someone who is about to die, they are probably going to die. The goal of fluid immersible game play should be to minimize the time it takes to determine someone needs to be healed, target them, and heal them to the point that it is as close to the cast time of the ability + your own mental decision making time as possible. Any additional time added outside of that by how you need to interact with the game itself should be optimized as much as possible. Like all things it can always be better. At least until we are hardwired into our computers and actions take place in real time as we think them.
  16. We need the ability to have abilities target the unit our mouse is over. At the very least unit frames.
  17. I can confirm that the reset via the portrait and then sneaking back to the bridge works.
  18. The 'skill' in healing should not come from a superficial difficulty imposed from needing to perform ones role via an archaic interface system. The skill associated with healing comes from managing cool downs, knowing when and where incoming damage is, triage, and a dozen other non interface related things. Saying that target a player via key bind or click then using an ability is skilled is like claiming that a ditch digger is skilled because they can push their shovel into the dirt. The interface is simply a quality of life feature and makes performing the 'skilled' tasks more efficient. That said everyone should want this feature implemented. If the quality of life for healers is better, more people will be willing and capable of performing the roll. If more people can do it, then more will be grouping, and if more are grouping then everyone wins as it will be easier to find a group for everyone. As someone who has raided progressively for well over 10 years in multiple games and as someone who enjoys healing and tanking, i can tell you that I personally will be doing neither until this functionality is implemented. We already have makeup for brainless dps, there is no reason it should be superficially more difficult to do so.
  19. Dear Bioware, If there is a more appropriate forum for suggestions please feel free to move this thread. I looked and did not see a suggestoins forum. I am writing you today to provide some feedback regarding your galactic auction house interface. I hope I do not need to go into details on how important a player economy is to the modern MMO and in turn how important an Auction House is to that economy. I doubt anyone wants to go back to the days of East Commons in Everquest - with a constantly scrolling text window of WTS and WTB. The current interface is severly lacking in functionality. Its functional enough that you can say 'hey we have a galactic auction house' but not user friendly enough for it to be a five star feature. Here are some ways you could improve the functionality. 1) Allow partial text searches without needing to drill down into categories. 2) Change the drop downs to a nested list system. 3) Provide a means for adding a stack of goods to the sell window and allow the interface to be told you want to sell in stacks of X for price of Y for the stack. 4) Provide a means for drilling down deeper than for example 'Heavy Armor' - let us drill down to only look at specific slots.
  20. From my experience with other crew skills which return gifts or resources. The resources share their own pool. You need to do cloth missions to get the metal missions. Sell your cloth on the GAH.
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