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Everything posted by Ghenghis-Khan

  1. Ghenghis-Khan

    combat log

    ive been screaming this since day one I played this game. If every other MMO has it, why cant this one have it. I would love to see this added INSIDE the game. i saw a video one time where this player had it on his screen. But it might have been a 3rd party hack which is against the rules. I created a thread to ask how to do it but nobody answered. There should be a tab on the chat log that just does in game Combat logging. BW get to it.
  2. what this guy said, hes right. Go Merc. Best decision I made in this game yet. I will never touch a force user again.
  3. I leveled a Sorc healer and a Merc arsenal dps. I almost never died on sorc healer in pve, on pvp I don't do to well but I see many sorc healers do pretty well so I probably just need more practice, they can heal and do some good damage if u know what ur doin. It was a good job to level as my first toon. My merc arsenal is awwwwwesome sauce. Yesterday in pvp I was 17-6, 17-0, and 6-10, 23-6. People say merc's suck at pvp but I sure as hell don't. Its my main now. In pve it was a lot of fun, only trouble I had was fighting a couple bosses solo on oricon. So if I could recommend a job, it would be merc arsenal. If only our jetpack actually worked that would be cool.
  4. Disney please make bane trilogy a movie, that would be awesome sauce. One would only pray they make Bane Cannon and actually do something with his story. How about Bane uses essence transfer over and over again and the new villain is actually darth bane in a new body in current timeline. Disney make it happen.
  5. I had to choose between Attila and this game, needless to say I choose this game, but I hear Attila is the best total war game according to forums. Rome one is classic and a legendary game for its time. Im excited about heroes of might and magic 7 coming out, heroes 2 and 3 and 5 were epic games. I still play them today. If you have never played a heroes of might and magic game, you need to try them cause they are great. Heroes 3 in my opinion is the best game ever created. And im a hard core gamer so ive been around. FF 14 sucked in my opinion. FF11 was good for its time.
  6. i have a feelin if they gave level 500 craft skills away that it would severely hurt the economy in the game. They would be hurting demand significantly thus driving the prices for mats even lower.
  7. to bad they don't have an option where u can pvp someone and if u lose the person who kills u gets all your body armor for the win. That would be awesome. Just make it an extra pvp solo Gear mode.
  8. Im a sith Lord and I approve this message.
  9. I try to have a Kill death ratio of 4:1 . Its extremely satisfying killin so much especially when im under geared on most toons. Corey Smith once said, "In a world of hunters your either running scared or your aimin to kill."
  10. Thrawn was awesome sauce. I hope they bring him in the new cannon
  11. always choose dark side jaesa, shes the best romance ive seen in the game. Who doesn't want a psychotic hot gangsta chick
  12. I just figured out yesterday that its actually a node to farm off of. I just thought it was for looks.
  13. Don't play MMO's go buy Shogun 2 or Rome 2 on steam and play those. Total War games are awesome.
  14. its all about learning a good rotation with your abilities. Gear matters but what matters most is ur ability to kill stuff as quickly as possible, or cure as quickly as possible. In pve learn how to use your abilities optimally and that will prepare u for pvp. Don't worry about getting the best gear until your in your mid 50s. When u start pvp get an expertise crystal and make sure u have all your equipment slots filled. If you want to play the game effectively learn how to keybind your abilities and set them up on your keyboard in a efficient way that you feel comfortable with.
  15. buy rocket boost, legacy cargo hold storage bays, extra inventory slots account wide, and an expertise color crystal and unlock it account wide in collections a gtn terminal in your ship is nice but u don't really need that
  16. blasphemy. Just like the man to stick it to mercs. We never get a break
  17. Level To 25 and don't pick an advance class. Enter a pvp match and see how much affection you'll get from the community.
  18. Psh I wish. One button rotations would be awesome. Ud think they would allow macros since its been in almost every MMO ever made. But if it works don't expect swtor to adopt it.
  19. That isn't cannon anymore. I say the borg take over tantooniee and assimilate that sarlac and find fett and reengineer him to be a borg. And he comes back as a cyborg/mando and the borg are now controlled by a sith cyborg who wants to assimulate the universe.
  20. Best star wars author if u ask me. Happy to hear hes back. If you have never read Darth Bane. I highly recommend it. path of destruction was awesome. I just wish Bane took over Zannahs body in the end and kept doing so with his later apprentices, that would of been a way better ending.
  21. I would like to see the Club Vertica pack. Theres some cool lookin bh gear in that one.
  22. still 55, found Jesus, still haven't found a ops or flashpoint group I tried to solo the False emperor, got half way thru, killed two bosses but once u go thru that cave its impossible solo
  23. first thing people who level abunch of toons should buy is legacy cargo hold. Best kept secret for crafters everywhere.
  24. if u don't have it in your inventory. Maybe you could claim it via collections and use it. Hopefully it was something useful.
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