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Everything posted by Canareth

  1. Ashara's is pretty rough, reads like a quasi-suicide note. She's despondent over losing her future with the Inquisitor, dismisses the Jedi and Sith for losing (and is upset that the mixed outlook she was working on with the SI went away with him) and is currently going off into Wild Space alone with the hope of finding something that might be but she doesn't really believe is you. And my SI is mostly Light so they actually got along rather than PRESENTS.
  2. Like everything else, Ashara gets hung up on specific words. She's no less married to you than she is a Fallen Jedi i.e. everyone else would call her that.
  3. Problem with the Dark Knight is that while there are some Knight Templar DEATH TO SITH options, most swing between petty corruption (money, sex) and unforgivable acts the Council doesn't notice.
  4. Sith Inquisitor has different endings based on who you kill or don't and what your overall alignment is. This is also transparent. Play Light, get Light title and have Light ending options. Play Dark, get Dark. If playing Light/Neutral, play a male. The romance arc (done properly rather than with money) is essential to a explaining a Light or Grey Inquisitor. Only drawback on the Inquisitor is that they are often more lucky than good. YMMV. The Knight story wastes a lot of potential. What you do is epic but how you approach it is not and there is little change to how it ends. Act III is a mess that doesn't vary as much as it should. It also randomly punishes you for some Dark decisions - but not the ones you would think.
  5. Baras is one of the greatest self-pwns ever. His plan would have succeeded flawlessly if only he hadn't backstabbed the Warrior because it was Tuesday. As for what happens to him, probably something like a Belsavis vault. Stasis field behind several layers of locks and guards.
  6. Especially since it's just been rather...clearly established that the Jedi don't understand the Emperor. I'm not opposed to running around with Lord Scourge immediately because of the information he carries but the degree to which the Council just rolls with all this is bad. Much better would be Act III largely being a rogue or barely sanctioned project because the Council and especially the Republic don't trust your sanity and you can't wait to prove otherwise because everyone will be dead by then. Appointing you General on Corellia is just begging for trouble.
  7. Another year later but...yeah, just encountered this "gem" via deciding to wipe out the Imperial extermination squads. There is zero indication at the time that this mission will result in extra casualties and in fact it's set up as less risky than the one that doesn't. It's Dark Side because you're ordering a massacre, whether or not the scum deserve it. They do and I figured Corellia would be better off without them given the Emperor's tendency to use murder as a battery. Massacres tend to be safer than large-scale rescue missions... And that's in the mission itself as opposed to what I now find out to be the coded "consequences." There's no logic, let alone indication, that A ------ > B. And being a story in a MMO, there is also no way to backup once you realize what you did. If you do, since as noted the game doesn't tell you. This is quite different from the spare/kill and similar options you encounter in the rest of the story. I don't think there's any option like it anywhere else. And I did the Sith Warrior story and went through the Jaesa process (closest example I can think of). You know if she's going Light or Dark. Just bad production all around.
  8. Drove into Level 60 Champion turret range on Tatooine. Another of my characters died the same way on Belsavis. Yay unmarked Imp base!
  9. Yeah, as noted, you cannot get XP from quests and mobs you are too far above. You're mostly overleveled at the Prologue planets, but these don't really matter. They're meant to be easy. With the Republic character I'm leveling now, I'll be ~ 49 at the end of Voss, doing Story quests and the planetary quest lines on Balmorra and Belsavis. No side quests done, skipped a number of bonus objectives, was usually running with an XP boost. I don't really notice it since mob damage goes up significantly once you start Act III and you will take a beating despite being a few levels up. A 48 cannot just bulldoze a group of 45s with one strong.
  10. They clearly think they can make more money off the former than they can off the latter.
  11. Even WoW ran out of road on WoW's formula. Subscription numbers have been falling like a rock as people adopt a much more fluid interaction with games. Cleared the expansion, unsubbing until something else is added kthx. There was never anything like WoW before and Blizzard certainly didn't expect it to explode into the largest font of infinite cash gaming has ever seen. They really caught lightning in a bottle. BioWare/EA set out to replicate WoW in scale from the start and that was probably a mistake. There was at most room for one WoW and everyone already played it; no one was paying $15 a month twice to hang out in some virtual city. SWTOR recovered financially under the more fluid F2P model. In the meantime, Elder Scrolls Online tried to imitate WoW and fell flat on its face. They went F2P too. I think the message re: hardcore MMO gamers is clear. That's not what people do these days, at least not on a scale you can both (a) keep happy and (b) fund the game with. Hardcore players will always overclear content because they play a lot of games and know how to beat them. BioWare clearly wants to try focusing on the RPG storytelling (by far the strongest, most popular and most unique thing about SWTOR) to reach a different, non-MMO audience. MMOs might be suffering but well-done action RPGs are some of the biggest sellers out there. Mass Effect, Skyrim, etc. A lot of people play these and if you can get at least $60 out of them, you make an awful lot of money. Even $30, honestly, since KoTFE is direct to the players who pay by subscription; no store markup. It's certainly worth a shot. WoW is in the midst of its own radical revamp to try to fix everything in the game in one go.
  12. JK and SW are canonically very close. JK is roughly equal to Scourge (you beat him but he clearly threw the fight). SW is recruited to replace Scourge as Emperor's Wrath. Both beat Sel-Makor. Both defeat numerous Master/Darth opponents in duels, including one (Pravan/Ekkage) that is widely reputed to be a very bad idea to fight. Both attack starships in boarding actions with just their team. Very, very comparable.
  13. Hell, I'm already good to kill her over Ziost.
  14. So what happens if you agree to let it escape instead of sealing it in lava?
  15. I don't have these problems. My SO accepted a copy of Skyrim as a courting gift. Highly recommended if you can pull it off.
  16. If you think the current main stat design has depth or choice in it, you're the guy who was begging for more strength leather in WoW because your rogue should hit harder. Except this is somewhat worse since that was just ~33% effective wheres using the wrong "main stat" in SWTOR is like wearing endurance-only armor. It's phony complexity and to the determine of people who try to play the game intuitively. The armor you wear might as well be all class-locked because those are the only people who should be wearing it. Again I am reminded of WoW where you could have random drop enchantments like "of the Whale" which were entirely useless and more commonly called Of the Vendor. They were only good for selling or melting for enchantment scrap but people WOULD equip them. Usually paladins because it would show up on plate and Spirit/Stamina seemed like it might have a use (it didn't).
  17. When the will of the Force has caused the former Emperor's Wrath to be yelling in my ear "This guy is a fanatic even by my standards and he wants to cause the death of the galaxy for the Emperor and he will do exactly what he is saying he will given the chance for an instant," I kind of draw the line. Dark Knights seem to mostly indulge personal murder and being corrupt.
  18. By the time you are given the choice to chat with SpecOps or tell them to "Open fire!"* he question of whether Executor Krannus might be talked down has been definitively answered. You deal with Sith Lords that are more reasonable. Krannus is...well, I didn't object to the quest being called Holocaust. The guy threw his lover in front of me to slow me down and they were both quite gleeful about it because (a) they came here to die, and (b) I just ensured her death was meaningful and would be rewarded by their new god. - * Why they even stop to chat is bizarre.
  19. Okay, so on Belsavis the Emperor has sent some serious Space Nazi Sith to blow up the Rakata tech power core. Being Rakata, this will not only destroy the planet but send a hyperspace shockwave across the sector, killing trillions. If the Sith manages to push the button, planet over, sector over and galaxy over once the Emperor digests this sacrifice. On and these guys are absolute fanatics on a suicide mission. They won't negotiate and won't hesitate. As Knight, I received the following Dark Points in trying to stop these guys: 50 for not stopping to help a scientist who just explained exactly what the Sith is trying to do and that time is of the essence. Scientist wants to hide, I want to stop planet from blowing up. Planet blows up, hiding not very useful. IOW, helping him does not actually save his life. And... 50 for telling Republic strike team support that the Sith is on a suicide mission and needs to be killed immediately. You know, so he doesn't push the button and annihilate world. Apparently I'm supposed to chat with my SpecOps forces in front of the Dark Side jihadist who is proclaiming I'll never stop him in time to disarm the weapons. Who knows what happens to this quest in KoTFE. But....what gives?
  20. This is easily soloable. Make a grid, start at one side, overlap. You will find it in <30 minutes anywhere besides Dromund Kass. People mess up HK by not being systematic. You have to be systematic
  21. Sith would still oppose him. There have been other Dark Lords of the Sith in the past, the Stith do not need the Sith Emperor to be Sith. They can dump him for desertion and wiping out Ziost without any cognitive dissonance.
  22. With the obvious answer as to who Val is, your character would be an absolute moron to take him up on this.
  23. Supposedly Kaeden and his strike team shielded themselves from the direct terror effect with battle meditation, after sneaking into their ship to avoid the fleet fragging trick. It's still widely inconsistent with things like Raptus making soldiers kill themselves while they were guarding him. As is why in the galaxy the Republic didn't execute all of them when they had the chance.
  24. That "plot" ability Nox used on Thanaton is a Force superweapon. Can't kill him, can't even really hurt him, offensive firepower to nuke a sorcerer Darth flat. It's not a one-time use weapon for Nox either; he keeps all 4/5 ghosts around. Vader has no way to scratch Nox. Next-to-no offensive Force abilities (they don't hurt Nox anyway) and a lumbering lightsaber (when Nox can TK overpower other Darth's bodies). His opponent can fight with ranged nukes Vader's never seen before. He's screwed.
  25. A male Light Inquisitor is hands down the biggest troll in the game. People who complain the class isn't manipulative enough must play it heavy Dark. Male recommended because you will often BS someone with reasons when you are actually trying to make the girlfriend happy. Warrior is excellent for playing almost any variant you want in alignment. Also has some of the best lines and taunting. The Knight story is conceptually epic but the MMO conventions of "now this zone for X levels" make it drag in Act II (that your NPC Jedi are being morons doesn't help). Knight also suffers from being railroaded as Lawful Good. The Light choices are exactly what you'd expect from a Jedi and the many of the Dark choices just amount to being corrupt or really stupid and poorly trained. Based on what happens to NPCs in your story, you should also be grounded to Tython after the first couple doozies.
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