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Everything posted by eriksarcasm

  1. I got 2 hypercrates, 3 supercrates, and a handful of singles. I ended up with: 0 lightsabers 1 Revolution, which i kept 1 full set of Darth Skotia's armor, #2 on my wishlist (sidenote: STOP splitting armor sets into 2-3 boxes. Just... why???) 2 full Mercenary Slicer armor sets maybe 4-5 full or partial Squadron Ace armor 2 Swamp Rancors 2 Classic Dual-bladed Vibroswords, kept one cuz why not 4 Classic Vibroswords, same 4 or 5 Classic Lightweight Vibroswords 2 Personal Warbot (kept one because I didn't know what it did, found out, and was disappointed) From the COPIOUS chance cubes I got an abundance of full sets, crystals, emotes, moods (dunno quite what they do), 6 pretty cool recharge "poses" (kept the one-handed handstand and massage bot), dyes, decos, mounts, and a bouncy ball that I like to throw at PvP queuers. I sold a buttload of it, made enough for my Unstable Dualsaber, with enough left over to get some new crystals, lightsabers for the alts, and a full Exiled Knight set to boot. So... end of the day, after some wheeling and dealing, I did pretty well for myself. Mission nearly accomplished.
  2. I'm curious.... How many of you were opted in already before the announcement, and got your codes? How many of you were opted in already before the announcement, and didn't get your codes? I have a hypothesis. I was opted in since day 1 of my sub, back in April, and I got the Big Goose Egg thus far... /tinfoil
  3. I was wondering that myself, but with a scattergun I got as a random drop in a Heroic. Twas better than what I had, but lacking a crystal slot. I'd never seen that before and just shrugged and sold it.
  4. Try this? I guess any old wireless headset will do, whatever suits your fancy BTW Using a mouse isn't too hard on a couch, you just need a nice rigid mousepad. I've been playing console FPS's with a mouse for years
  5. My Perdition Redragon gaming mouse doesn't do that.... just putting that out there...
  6. These can either be crafted or straight up bought from the GTN. There's 8 levels of augmentation kit, you can get the schematics from your crew skills vendor (armstech, armormech, synthweaving and possibly artifice can learn them... I'm not 100% sure). As your crafting skill increases , higher level schematics are available. You get the components from reverse engineering other crafted items; again, the higher level item you RE, the higher level component you'll receive. You'll need to find an actual Item Modification station to add augmentation kits to your armor and weapons... you can't add those in the field. There's 2 on the fleet in the crew skills area, a few in the vendors areas on Coruscant and Drommund Kaas, and you can buy them for your stronghold from the Cartel Market. Remember that the kits cost credits to install, depending on their level. When you acquire augments (again through crafting or purchase from the GTN) you have to mind the level of augmentation kit they require, and make sure you have the appropriate kits installed or available.
  7. I'm sorry to see you go Infernixx. I haven't been around long but I've found some wisdom in some of your posts. Your bar analog is EXACTLY how I feel about the new movie. I can't abandon the game yet because I still have so much to do (finish smuggler and warrior stories, start trooper, knight, inquisitor and agent). But, I completely understand your frustration. I've been a Star Wars fan since I was born... in 1977. It's "my thing". I've taken alot of abuse for it, and alot of pride as well (I'm undefeated in any trivia contest). And, like you, I've spent ALOT of time defending things. I've even defended Jar Jar! Because I feel like that when you love something, you stick by it through thick and thin, even when it displeases and disappoints you. That being said, when it betrays you for something younger and hipper, when it spits on your loyalty in favor of something new, transient and disloyal, all for a quick buck (or quick billion), and ESPECIALLY when it takes the thing you love most about it, homogenizes it, distorts it, sucks its soul away, pretties it up with a slick coat of paint and sells it on every street corner... This got dark. Let me just say, good journey. I hope you find something else you enjoy as much as you enjoyed this game.
  8. Bounty Hunter all the way! Three words: Death From Above
  9. Sounds like me, last night, in guild chat. Repeated failures got me down and I felt like I'd had enough. Someone said "We were all noobs once... some of us still are. Some of us always wll be. And that's OK" And so tonight I will try again. If I fail, I'll have a drink, go to bed, and try again tomorrow, until I get it right. And so will you, Gray
  10. On the left of your bar, you'll see a tiny lock icon, and a plus (+). Click the plus. The setup you want is "advanced" but there are 4 options, so check them out to see if there's one you like better. The UI editor is a bit intimidating, and sadly limited, but it pays to fool around with it a little. You're not committed to changes until you hit SAVE. I like to scale everything to "1" (default is 0.9) because its easier on my aging eyes. You can also save a modified UI and load it easily onto other toons, once you find a setup you like. Finally, don't forget to click that lock icon, especially if you're a clicker (you cast abilities by clicking the bar with the mouse, rather than use keybindings (I recommend using keybindings)). It's VERY easy to grab and drag an ability off your bar and lose it somewhere on Alderaan.
  11. Yeah it's counter-intuitive... usually you avoid the circles of death. Jump in there this time, and fire at will
  12. Something like that was happening to me.. I'd be in mid battle and suddenly the battle resets. My combat log says "Defeated by take fall damage" I never got to the bottom of it, but made sure to keep my back to something, because I suspect it was a delayed reaction from [THE BOSS] knocking me into a pit, but the fall not registering correctly... Most definitely a bug. If it's this, you can resummon the droid when you restart by clicking the button on the mission log. If it's not this, and he just heals himself mid-fight, you need to interrupt that. You'll see him shower himself in lightning and a channel bar filling by his name. INTERRUPT!!!! and you'll be fine. I think....
  13. It does.Your mission log will tell you to complete [HEROIC] Star Fortress. I thought they were renaming that...?
  14. So you don't just have a problem with players who don't try, you have something against players who DO try but aren't that good.... This. This is your explanation why. The game barely (during loading screens) explains what bolster and expertise are, at NO POINT explains what gear bolsters the best and why, and provides no tutorial whatsoever. It's supposed to be up to the fellow players to explain to newbies. INSTEAD.... the "community" (with several exceptions, like Kre'a and Icykill) gripes, abuses and threatens people who have no idea what to do, saying how we ruin "their" game and discouraging us from even playing, much less trying to get better. It's no wonder alot of inexperienced players just don't try, because it doesn't matter. We can't please you no matter what. We just get mocked and abused and... threatened? Really??? Sure, you're going to get some people who are just in it for the reward and don't want to participate. I personally haven't seen any, though I have seen teams sit down and start dancing near the end of an unwinnable match. BUT, you also get alot of "serious" players who don't chase objectives, just their score, their precious DPS. You get alot of premades just ganking, for the hell of it. I've learned alot more about strategies watching coordinated teams throwing heals, tanking and spanking, covering their ball carriers, stealth-guarding nodes, than anything I've read about gearing and bolster (and i really have learned ALOT from the stickies, no sarcasm) I also feel like you get WAY more "bad" players trying to participate than not. "Git gud" doesn't happen overnight... you weren't born good at PvP, and neither was anyone else. So, how about, less GRRR N00BS GOAWAY AND DIE STOP RUINING EVERYTHING and more How to Become a Contender posts? Not everyone reads them, but I promise those who want to GIT GUD, will read and practice and keep trying. Is that OK with you?
  15. I find the population very pleasant and helpful. PvP had been popping very frequently lately, so that you can get a daily or even a weekly quickly. Players are generally pretty skilled to highly competent. Guilds recruit pretty often... the one I'm in is very social and does weekly raids. People group up alot in chat for World Boss hunts... I can't speak for group finder because I stopped using that. Heroic areas can get a little crowded but not as much as they would on a heavy population server. Anything else you'd like to know, just ask!
  16. Terribly sorry for ruining YOUR game by playing all aspects of a game that *I* pay a monthly fee to enjoy. I'll just go buy the new EA Star Wars themed single player game that just came out for PC and consoles and play that inste- oh wait... I have something confused there By the way I personally helped win 2 matches the other night for my team by capping and gaurding nodes. For the Republic. Again, I'm truly sorry I ruined YOUR game.
  17. Pub side is more challenging. I call it "hard mode". Definitely more satisfying when you win.
  18. Those are only usable when you use your Heroic Moment. A new bar will appear with all your unlocked legacy abilities.
  19. Hmm... something similar happens to me after I reinstalled the game a few weeks ago (don't ask why). The game was freezing every time I changed a video setting. I'd see the timer but be unable to click it. All I can do is hit Ctrl-Alt-Del, cancel the menu (I'm running Windows 10) and it works. The same thing happens on startup, the Zakuul Family Portrait fails to appear unless I do that.
  20. Because you already kinda saw this movie... when you were 2 months old. Like I did. We're "founders" The thing that puts me off is that it doesn't "feel" like Star Wars. At all. Say what you want about the prequels, at least they worked within the given rules of the universe. The filmmakers of TFA threw all but the basics away and wrote fan fiction. Just like they did with the other great sci-fi franchise Abrams directed. I could go on but it's late and I'm old and tired. So I'll just say this: I'll always love Star Wars, no matter what. But this movie... tested that love, in a way not even Jar Jar and midichlorians ever did.
  21. So they nerfed the top 8 classes.... AND MINE. Thanks, BW
  22. Your dumb opinion meets with my dumb approval. I'm pleased with the state of companions right now. I played with Nadia (giggity) for a few hours as a healer, and not once did she wander off looking for butterflies and leave me bleeding to death. Hell, I tried to sneak through the Imperial spaceport and got caught, and still survived long enough to escape. Good job, girl!
  23. Instance ALL the heroics! No seriously, we're all farming them and they get overcrowded. My favorite is the one with the Irradiated rakghouls on Taris. The mission is to kill 8 of them, and there's 4 rooms with 2 each, and there's always 4-6 players hanging around waiting for respawns. It's like, take a ticket, now serving #4. And then there are the line-cutters..... Waiting around for respawns is just another time sink. Doing your weekly heroics is enough of a grind, no need to have more mundanity involved. Yes, I know it's not a real word, deal with it....
  24. Ah, I was wondering about that. I just started mine and the game text still says HARD MODE ONLY.
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