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Everything posted by eriksarcasm

  1. I was lucky enough to get an Orange-Black Eviscerating in a pack once, or maybe it was cheap on the GTN.... I spent some time saving up pre-4.0 for the Orange-Black Hawkeye for all my toons. Yknow, cuz we used to want to stack power and all.. anyway I'm glad that Eviscerating one was equipped and collected. There's just something about an orange lightsaber......
  2. Is that really as far as you read? I even put a TL;DR at the end, just for you. And don't EVER call me a PvP'er again. Them's fightin' words
  3. It's not a big deal guys. There's no time limit. It's not even a weekly requirement. Do a match a day if that's all you can tolerate. In any PvP anywhere there's going to be a huge discrepancy between skilled experienced players and newbies. But keep in mind a few points: 1/ It's just a game 2/ Toxic loudmouths can and should be ignored. The guy yelling and insulting you for not being as good as he is, probably isn't contributing much to the match because he's too busy typing, had never met your mother much less done any of the things to her that he says he's done, does not know your true race and sexual orientation, and most importantly, is NOT God's Gift to Gaming that he thinks he is. If he was so great he'd be in ranked. He's not good enough for ranked, he knows it, he's angered by it and is taking it out on everyone. /ignore 3/ It's just a game 4/ Winning isn't everything. The chance that your individual contribution either turns the tide of victory or tanks the match for your team, is minimal. Huttball hacking aside, there are 3-7 other players on your team who have the same objectives and the same opponents. It's not all on you. 5/ Just. A. Game. 6/ There's no penalty for losing. No repair bill, no loss of credits. You lose, you try again. Or don't. 7/ Game The need for separate gear for expertise at level 65 is an annoyance. BUT, if you're not interested in making a career of PvP, YOU DON'T NEED TO DO THAT. Dig up some 190 gear (like the full set you get from Ziost i think, or Rishi), fill every slot (giggity) and go dance. You won't be at full strength but you'll last long enough to maybe assist with a kill, capture an objective, or at the very least finish the match. TL;DR 20 matches is easily doable if you're patient and don't get too involved. Tune out the loudmouths, attack the red names, follow your teammates and click what they click, and you'll have your companion.
  4. Creating and fueling internet outrage can be a powerful tool, but it's a means to an end. Anger for anger's sake accomplishes nothing.
  5. True enough, but you're generalizing. On this specific subject, what does anyone have to gain by lying?
  6. What? That doesn't make any sense, why would anyone do that? If we got what was promised we'd be happy. In fact many people who got their codes the second time came back and offered advice as to where the codes were hidden. I know you're a white knight and all but please, don't call us liars.
  7. Oh good, a new episode of the Menace Mezarkan Mutual ************ Show. Hmm, guess I can't say that word. I'm sure you can work it out for yourselves
  8. They've obviously got it to a perfect place where it's completely inaccessible, confusing and unwelcoming to new players, and called it a win.
  9. That right there is likely the attitude of the devs and would explain their apparent lack of ambition. **** em, it's Star Wars, they'll play it no matter how much we muck it up!
  10. Gettin GUD, farming n00bz, pullin MAD DEEPS SON!!!1
  11. I just have one question. Is this thread a remake, a reboot, or a sequel to the last 3?
  12. Oh, that IS what's happening.... thank the makers. I thought I was having a slow stroke over the last week
  13. Romance Senya AND Vaylin. First individually, and then.... Yknow what? That's enough internet for today. You don't even want to know the other 4 things I had in mind.
  14. The game can survive without PvP. Many of you stopped reading. For those of you who've stayed.... buttcheeks. Furthermore, while it would be nice to have new scenery to ignore while racking up your kill count, and new objectives to scream at your teammates for not completing, Warzone PvP adds nothing to the story , nothing to the Star Wars mythos, very little to your overall character development, and limited entertainment value. What can you do in SWTOR PvP that you can't do any any of a zillion other games? Will that Civil War ever be won? What is in the Voidstar's computer? The answer is it doesn't matter. PvP doesn't matter. It's fun, often frustrating, sometimes emotionally rewarding, but overall brings nothing to the game (KOTFE companion aside) It's just something else to do. And it's the same old something else to do over and over again, no matter how you dress it up. And I guess people are starting to realize that. Maybe that's why fewer and fewer players are queueing up, leading to your unbearable 10 minute waiting times.
  15. Very cool. That's love and dedication to the game right there. A group shot of all your toons should be next, funds permitting of course . You're Marvin from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, aren't you?
  16. Chaotic chaotic. *throws flaming pumpkins*
  17. The bad mama jamma's part was sarcasm. The constant need to be rescued is pure Erik
  18. I imagine I'd be one of those working class schmucks that needs rescuing by all you bad mama jamma's wandering the countryside. Constantly.... rescued. Every day.
  19. That was JUST vague enough for everyone to be offended! Is he wowing about Bioware's lack of progress? Is he wowing at the community's outrage over something seemingly trivial? Only max knows for sure
  20. Technically true... "Push the button." *nothing happens* "Push it again." *nothing happens* "Well we tried...."
  21. YOU'RE a derogatory word!!!! :mad:
  22. This should be someone's signature. So we never forget.....
  23. (continued from doomsayer thread) ... SHOW YOUR PROOF! *sucking wind from running over here so fast. Man I'm out of shape*
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