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Everything posted by eriksarcasm

  1. The Sith Empire had a vast and powerful hold on a small part of the galaxy for thousands of years... thriving, in it's own way. The Rule of Two stayed hidden for... hundreds? I'm not sure, it's been a while since I read those books. But, that method eventually allowed them to take control of Coruscant and the entire galaxy.... for 25 years. Anyway, apparently the Rule of Two is canon, Sith Empire as we know it is "legend". So.. yeah
  2. It sounds like he already did.... But seriously, would it make anyone happier if we could choose the arena we played? Just a thought....
  3. I like the way the side buttons are angled differently on the Perdition, it helps a n00b like me to easily find the one i'm looking for. Plus the customizable LED colors are rad.
  4. As far as the matrix shards go: IF you've gotten some pre-4.0, they're gone, as are any relics you created. You're still able to collect ones you haven't gotten pre-4.0 but they're not legacy bount as far as I can tell. You'll also get the "datacron master" achievement if you find them, even though the shard crons aren't listed in the Datacrons tab of your legacy window. Sort of a "secret" achievement, in a sense. The Cube assemblers are still where they always were, so I assume you can still make them on a new character. EDIT: Also, welcome back!
  5. I play on a laptop, so I use a Venom-X wireless joystick and a Redragon Perdition MMO mouse. I definitely recommend the Venom for playing FPS's on consoles... it was the first one that worked with PS4. The Perdition mouse is very nicely ergonomically designed and had lots of customization. It's a somewhat complex setup but gives you alot of versatility for key bindings.
  6. Try adjusting your screen resolution. 1600x900 works pretty well for this old man's eyes:D
  7. A personal anecdote before bedtime... I too thought this was a terrible idea at first. It seemed to negate the effort I put into levelling up. I'm not the greatest player so I did side quests, FPs, WZs, etc, to gain XP and make things easier. So I was against level sync because I thought I was doomed to struggle more than I already do. And then, I tried it. I was 46, on Hoth for the Story quests. I ran a solo FP (Esselles) and jumped to 48 in there, with no boosts. By the time i finished the Hoth story, I had hit 50... but was still synched to 42. I said, what the hell, let's give a Heroic a shot, what's the worst that can happen... i die and run away? I OWNED it. So I did another... and another. No trouble, no deaths, even without a healer companion. AND the gear I got was FAR superior to the lvl 48 fully modded custom gear that I was wearing, I even found some relics, which helped ease the loss of my hard-earned matrix cubes So yeah, I'm sold on level sync. That being said, I don't think it eliminates griefing at all... I did have someone sneak in and snag an objective while i was battling the guards. I HATE that.... This has been just one old man/new MMO gamer's opinion....
  8. I found a couple doing heroics on Hoth...
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