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Everything posted by Stellarcrusade

  1. Prediction: SWTOR ignores all the positive feedback on the new system, and quietly plans how to nerf it. Once changes have returned the majority of the playerbase to "hating the conquest system", then they'll stop nerfing it. Of course, I could be wrong, that being said: Good job with the current system.
  2. Agreed the cap is dumb. No reason for a cap here. And to the point that the change with this patch is to prevent players from getting what they want, ummm, games should not do that. Let players get what they want.
  3. The way I see it, prior to the current build the flashy was absolute BS (if used by mildly experienced pilot), gunship was very good, and 2 bomber builds were viable. The current build gave the dog-fighters an easy lateral move into various BS fighter builds. Seemed silly to me to feature a dog-fighter, to a new patch where it features a dog-fighter, but so be it. One issue is that by switching the feature from scout to fighter, really pushes the bomber down in viability. The important bomber builds have no missile breaker, and EMPs are pretty common now so you cannot even hit things with your mines. Really 6 enemy ships that are faster and more manuverable than you are trying to get missile locks on you while you frantically try to LOS them and have little cover from mines. The fighter is the anti-bomber. So now, various fighter builds - BS, Gunship build still viable, Bombers - very important to team, but too weak to play - not viable. That being said, a few veteran bomber pilots have adapted and make the best of a bad situation and do ok, and most have simply switched to flying fighters as I do. The build can be fun, so the above problems may have made GSF bad in some ways, there still is room for fun. As for the perfectly legal laser switching that a fighter build can do, that really is BS and should be not used and should be "fixed" by game devs. I truely think its considered legal simply because they have no will or ability to fix it, so you cannot punish people for using it. Really doubt the featured ship type should also do enormous burst damage with lasers. Adept players can still lead the war in kills without ever using this mechanic. I worry a little about new players, many start with bombers while they perfect use of lasers/aiming it is nice to be able to drop a few mines out and actually do a little damage. They come in, get insta-killed by a mechanic they do not understand, and move on to other games. So I like the build, if they eliminated that "mechanic", gave bombers some sort of breaker which allowed them to remain still or deflect or reflect the torp, and some sort of global cooldown on how many EMPS can hit your little mines over a time period, I think it would be much improved. Bringing a third class back into viability can only add to the game.
  4. The current state of crafting is an insult to players. Really crafting is dead. They do not even give you easy cheap things to get the number up from 600 for those completionists. - Costs WAY too much credits for craft/gather trainer. - No cheap ways to level up craft number. - Materials SUPER expensive in jawa vendors. I would have said SUPER if they cost 10, but 200????? - Things like war supplies require new components to build now? Slap in the face. I see no way crafting is a part of this expansion at all anymore. If 5.x was "The death of alts". 6.x seems like "The death of crafting.". The good news is, it would be VERY simple for them to fix, development time of like 4 hours. The bad news is, they probably do not realize the blunder here and so they wont do it. FIX: 1.) Return all vendor prices for ALL vendors including jawa vendors to what it was before for all pre-expansion items. 2.) The new craft items should be 5-10 jawa junks. 3.) Cheap easy items to practice up the crafting number. 4.) Any pre-expansion crafted items should return to materials required PRE EXPANSION. War supplies should have the new requirements removed. 5.) Reduce costs for everything accross the board. 6.) Give us a crafting material exchange vendor with FAIR EXCHANGE RATE. Meaning, any pre-expansion crafting material can be exchanged for any other, or small stacks can be exchanged for the new materials. Here is the reasoning, I mean, if we can assume the goal is to reduce the stockpiles of jawa junks and old crafting materials, and credits, then what they have done WILL NOT WORK TOWARDS THAT GOAL. Because really, say I have 5 million credits and 2000 purple jawa junks. Expansion comes out and I see that I can buy 1 green wrist for 200million credits and 70,000 jawa junks. I'm just going to leave my currency and stockpiles alone and find a different way to get the gear. Its that simple, the new system promotes NOT SPENDING and NOT CRAFTING. This is what they can do to actually solve the problem: Add conquest goals that are attractive to spend and use up old stockpiles. Make them so we simply HAVE to spend the old stuff, not giving us tiny amounts of conquest for super expensive amounts of materials like we have now. Something like 50,000 conquest for each 10 donated invasion forces, and 5000 for each war supply (under old war supply requirements, or 700,000 conquest if we keep the new requirements). After a year of people burning up all their old stockpiles you can remove the goals. Make us want to use the stockpiles in a way that we feel is really worth it, dont make us feel like we just got mugged.
  5. Two man means two people and two companions. That should be as good as 4 people.
  6. I wonder if the devs realize that increasing prizes on everything only hurts those of us who did NOT cheat to gain free credits during all of the bugs. Those who cheated, will still be rich even if they buy a deco or two. Me, I'll have to sell my gear and my mount to afford it. Nice reward for following the rules.
  7. OP is correct, whatever your char's stats (including set bonuses) were on monday, should have been exactly the same when you logged in tuesday. Devs screwed up on implementation, on what should end up being a positive change in the long run. As far as saving gear, I suppose I probably saved a few dozen pieces. And set gear asside: I kept the ONE weapon I got from crates over the entire 5.x expansion, and I of course recycled the 762,481 relics I got from crates. I wonder if we will have the same idiotic RNG percentages in 6.x, I would hope that every SLOT (not piece) would have the same percentage pop chance.
  8. I had exactly the opposite, my sorc and sage were reset, all the other classes were not.
  9. For me, I had an "Alliance" mission to finish on Odessen, then that sent me to the fleet to talk to someone, then the launch button showed up. Some people have said you have to finish Ossus first, I had already done Ossus on that char so I'm not sure on that.
  10. His complaint is that we didn't know it prior to planet invasions. It is plain and simple, even if they had posted a warning in the dev thread days before it was time to invade, half the guilds wouldn't have read it in time. But the fact that they didn't give warning about it AT ALL until AFTER invasion, it is extremely poor customer service not to find a way to send everyone the rewards who made the old planet minimums. I mean seriously, this isn't a guild leadership mistake, it is a game designer mistake that they didn't build a solution into the update.
  11. Really, the way gearing probably should go, is probably you earn currency-X from doing everything in the game (some things pay more than others), maybe you even get a slightly random amount. Then you go to gearing vendor, buy the item you want. RNG gone, no more disappointments in the gearing process. People want to feel that everything they do is actually earning their way towards their goal. People do NOT want to come to the realization that 99% of gearing, actually results in: WASTED TIME. Example: Play three weeks only goal in mind is getting that last piece of gear, open 10 crates, none of them had the last piece of gear I need, nor do my alts need it. WASTE. Should have spent those 3 weeks playing a different game. Lets be real and honest can we? The only reason they have RNG in gearing is to make it take longer, but make you THINK that it won't. All the while they hide the actual percentage chance that you get the weapon (as example), and they could even tweak the percentage to make it harder, no-one would be the wiser. (keep in mind the above examples may not be exactly how it goes in 6.0 right now, and yes tech fragments).
  12. I somewhat agree with the notion that RNG is needed in the game. But when a main gearing mechanism is opening a crate and hoping the 1 piece you do not have yet (lets say, the weapon) never ever pops, and you end up with 47 extra relics to hand off to alts, it gets unbearable. Lets just say that the main hand weapons pop once out of every 20,000 chests, the chests become nothing other than frustration opportunities. crate = frustration box In 5.x I threw many crates away, just because I didn't want to be disappointed after opening them.
  13. I sort of agree with everything you say here, and I think almost all true hard core OPSers would agree. However, gearing for PvP should take 2 weeks per char.
  14. Even though there are various factors which cause fluctuations in this determination, the major factor which will determine how good a patch will be for an MMO is: How much RNG goes into gearing. High RNG = terrible patch. Low RNG = good patch. It is almost just that simple. Can we at least hope that 7.0 will have as little RNG in gearing as possible? Your thoughts?
  15. The point of conquest has always been to give larger guilds an even more unfair advantage over smaller guilds. But at least now the added personal bonus of getting gear. Game design goal has always been to discourage any small, medium guilds, join large you get more perks, it'ts that simple.
  16. For those who are either shocked or mad about how the 6.0 conquest changes only benefit big guilds and penalize small guilds........where ya been? Every change to the conquest system I remember seems to have had 1 goal in mind: - Force all players into 1 guild. We will then have ONLY 1 guild on each faction. Same as always.
  17. You obviously didn't play when 5.0 launched. Healing was 3x as good as it is now. Hence, nerf. It was nerfed more than once between then and now.
  18. What gets me is that people think there are only 2 options: 1.) PvP and PvE each have their own gear set. or 2.) PvP/PvE share a set. In 4.x we had #1, and the thing which was terrible about that is obvious, you grind 1 set and give up playing the other half of content in the game, no-one really grinded 2 sets. OPSers had their game, PvPers had theirs, a waste. In 5.x we have #2, but implemented very very wrong. The PvPers want a BiS set in 2 weeks or less of grinding, OPSers are fine with a long grind to get the set. OUTSIDE THE BOX IDEA TO SOLVE IT: Instead I would like to see this: you can have 1 set for both that still allowed PvPers and OPSers to have the appropriate length of gear grind and still allowing players to participate in both PvE/PvP. With this idea we leave the gearing to be ONE SET, but every piece will have an optional "Expertise" slot in it. When you do daily/weekly PvPs you will gain the Expertise items such that it will take you about two weeks to be fully BiS with PvP. What I mean is, the other slots will be mostly meaningless for PvP, only the expertise will matter. And when you do ANY ACTIVITY you'll be gaining better gear for PvE, like it is now. So you'll have 1 set of gear, progressing for PvE at the PvE pace, and progressing for PvP at the PvP pace. I have not come accross any other ideas offered which will give us as many benefits and as few drawbacks as this. Not to mention it would be super easy to develop, just take the current gearing, add expertise slots, change PvP code to scale only based on expertise.
  19. Hmm, they will probably make the common mistake of featuring a specific spec, instead of balancing out the specs. If they feature another spec PvP will be worthless. When MMO's simply balance the specs, PvP thrives.
  20. Wow, in a patch where two DPS classes are rediculously over powered and healing is pretty much nerfed, unskilled DPSers still have problems because Guard makes tank and dps-tank specs barely worth playing in PvP, albeit still quite hard to be adept. It boggles me quite a bit, bad DPSers called for nerfs in healing, then they still sucked and called for more nerfs, and still suck, and now they call for nerfs in the only other slightly viable spec. The whole time intelligent DPSers have been rocking the world, even before any of the nerfs to the other specs. Do the bad DPSers realize the utopia they are asking for really isn't going to be you playing the OP DPS spec and the rest of the world will be content to play weak heals and weak tank while you pummel them without any skill required. Instead if they weaken the weaker specs even more everyone will simply play DPS.......and what you may not realize, is those smarter players will simply be better than you and you'll still be the worst at the game. You've got it the best right now, it only gets worse for you if your whining is acted upon.
  21. I agree, most people leave since we have no feature to allow us to exclude certain maps. The logic behind the unwillingness to add this feature is boggling. Oh, we cannot add that feature or people would have less pops. Uhm, people simply leave the matches when they get a map they dislike anyhow, and then a backfill has to happen which is worse. I'll leave any hutball map. My fav is OPG, unless the other side has a sniper since they can _legally_ cheat to cancel the node (effectively unstoppable), if I see an enemy sniper on that map I leave. Another dumb choice by devs allowing that. Aside from those, no reason really to leave a match.
  22. Drama Queen much? The conquest system hasn't messed up the game, a poor implementation or bug has. They'll iron it out soon and everything will be fine. It's perfectly fine to unsub for 2 days until the game is fixed if you want, but it does seem a tish silly. Just imagine how many have unsubbed for the many-months the conquest was too hard that will be returning once they have heard it has been improved.
  23. I agree with both Dakath and Trix. You are both probably a bit correct. But I lean towards Daks suggestion of just living with it while they fix it. Usually from a dev standpoint it is more efficient to simply fix the issue, and the best time to do that is under load for extreme testing. So I'd say lets cut them a little slack and most likely they'll have it fixed before the bulk of players returning just for the new content will see it anyhow.
  24. This is a bit of a love thread, which is rare for me. Thank you BW for the recent changes to conquest, especially the feel with the current bonus XP/CXP combined with this weeks Dantooine conquest event. Now Alts are playable again, something we really haven't had for a very long time. Leveling new characters is also back. And small/medium guilds can push and stretch to try to make minimum in the next larger planet size. The current rate and amount of time to get a char to conquest is perfect. Let's face it, for awhile now conquest and gearing has seemed to have 1 combined purpose: Eliminate alts from the game. We have conquest goals which only pay out once per week per legacy (NOT PER CHAR!!!!!), we have other goals that pay out only once per day per legacy (NOT PER CHAR!!!!). So with alts and leveling new chars no longer being viable in the game people would play less each day, leave the game after each infusion of new content much faster, and everything suffered. Now with alts and leveling characters having a chance to get to personal conquest goal each day, the game is back. Still one thing that needs improvement though, all conquest goals should be limited per character not legacy. I just mean the once per week, or the once per day stuff. The legacy combination for accumulation of goal points like the "kill X on planet Y" should continue to count up by legacy.
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