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Everything posted by Bobs_YourUncle

  1. It's always killed me. Of course that was back in my first few months, and back when the story wasn't all a cakewalk. Now they would never make you use an interrupt in the story. Is it still a hard fight?
  2. Are you talking about XP boosts and rocket boots?
  3. Whenever I log into my operative, he's miming holding his blaster rifle, but its on his back. Doesn't matter how i log off, and I'm not sure when it started happening.
  4. I get pummeled either way lol. Sounds like its time you joined the dark side. But yeah, definitely don't mind cross faction.
  5. No problem with regs queueing. Why would ranked 8v8 be different? Sure, less people queue ranked, but maybe that's because its 4v4. I know that's why I pass on ranked.
  6. Ok, cosmetics and full access to group play.
  7. Yes I know. Who do you think they are fooling? Omg, a company has a goal to make money off the players! Come on, really? Of course they are, and they should.
  8. I think you want to troll lol. How does credit cap keep you from being on par with subs? Credits are for cosmetic stuff. Sub for a little bit out of the year, save up cc and spend all the credits you built up in escrow and purchase all the unlocks and passes you can for when you go preferred.
  9. Just go to making stuff up, or was there a point where I stated an opinion as fact somewhere?
  10. Yes they do and have. Stop trying to shut people up giving thier opinions. It's no skin off your nose.
  11. That's not correct. Some things are far more popular than others and sometimes things get changed because of that.
  12. Might as well comment on the op. Usually healers get my mvp vote in wz. They are the difference in the game. I've leveled all healer classes, it's a tough job. Tanking, I've not done as much. Those willing to do that need our thanks as well.There is always a learning curve, at least someone is giving I a go.
  13. Lol, you've been watching "how to marauder" by beattius.
  14. It's more effective on your dps, who's job it is to catch the trash. How is it more effective on the healer? Guard does change the dps's tendacy to rip agro by reducing thier threat generation. Healers already generate half the threat of dps. Maybe I'm not catching on to what you mean, but that's pretty standard, no?
  15. Sorry, next to nothing lol. In what situation is it more effective? I'm betting in those situations you simply need better dps's. If a healer is getting agro outsideof newly spawned adds, failure of dps or tank. Again, newly spawned adds will not change agro From the healer because of guard.
  16. It obviously does something. I should have said next to nothing. It reduces damage, jt lowers thier threat even more than it already is by default. My point was that of the only time the healer should be getting agro (add spawn), guard does nothing to lower thier threat to a point of losing the agro. Only a dps or the tank hitting them, or a taunt is going to do that. Sure, if you are on a team with such bad dps they cannot overcome the healers half rate of threat generation and you are too tied up to throw a taunt or run over and cleave, the guard will reduce thier damage. It doesn't change the fact that you were giving horrible advice on using guard.
  17. One game I am toying around with is star trek online, pretty interesting so far. I'm still here enjoying pvp, and I just joined a new guild so I hate to leave now. Being a story player who has thoroughly exhausted the story here, its only a matter of time before I move on until kotet or some other feature I might enjoy is released. Who knows though, pvp might just sustain me until then.
  18. It's hard to believe another game being easier than this one.
  19. Well, probably most of the traditional mmo players have. Those that play mostly solo and for story I don't think would go to wow. It's not a very immersive experience. There are so many alternatives for those players.
  20. In which case it boggles the mind how little they put into kotfe and other aspects of the game.
  21. That's not right. Guard does nothing for healers. They already generate half threat and only initial gain agro when the heal and a mobs not yet been hit, in which case, guard doesn't prevent all threat generation, so they still get agro in those situations. As soon as you run over and cleave, you get agro. The fps should be on adds anyway. Only guard heals in pvp, where agro doesn't matter.
  22. Running mats missions on slicing, treasure hunting, and diplomacy and selling the mats on the gtn nets me roughly 10 to 15 mil a week. You can do this while running heroics to earn even more. For me, it amounts to spending 10 minutes checking into 6 characters to collect and rerun missions before getting on to playing the game. I do this every time I get on to play, 2 or 3 times a day. You could do the same with fewer alts by running them more often (10 to 15 min per mission iirc). I sell the mats in bulk once I build up 50+ premium (sells for 8-15k a piece), 100+ medium (sells for 1-2k a piece) and 500+ of the cheaper mats. That happens every few days. Good luck
  23. You also need time in most cases. It can take 30 min to an hour for the group to form. Once started, its another hour to clear, more if there are wipes. Whoever said 5-6 hours is exaggerating, and so is the dude saying its only 40 minutes. You also need an ok computer. Until I built my new comp, ops were literally impossible. You are right though, its irrelevant. They already said they wont be locking story behind ops, like with Oricon. But I think the number of solo story players is more than a handful, just based on thier development target over the last 2 years. Most the other types of players moved on to other games that released group stuff. Me? I just watched the conclusion of oricon on YouTube, shrug.
  24. Swtor called it a mistake to have story locked behind ops, so it technically was a fiasco.
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