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Everything posted by Bobs_YourUncle

  1. Words are only as damaging as you let them. I learned that growing up being not only verbally bullied, but physically. Words are nothing but what we make them, and that is what children should be taught.
  2. I don't want them to stop giving sub rewards. Its extra stuff, and I don't care if Joe Schmoe gets upset because he was a day late or let his sub lapse while on vacation, I will always be for extra stuff for my sub.
  3. I was bored with the game and chose to unsub for a few months. One chapter, knowing it couldn't be too significant, just wasn't worth multiple months of sub to a game I wasn't going to be playing. That being said, I also think its a bad move to put story as a sub reward, especially if thier target audience is story players.
  4. Is your quoting not functioning properly, or was that supposed to make sense in regard to my statement?
  5. Its 5am in California, 7am where I am when they start maintenance. And what in the world are you on about? I don't recall saying anything of the sort.
  6. If not you, then someone else would complain. There is no perfect time to update that wont cause some to lose play time.
  7. Two points. A. WOW is meh. I'm glad they supposedly found a way to do major updating to the game with no downtime, but unless the update added better animation and story structure, I'd rather deal with the downtime. B. Maintenance is not something that happens to Europe exclusively. They don't schedule these things just to spite you fellas in Europe. They schedule it for when they are at work, I'm guessing early morning their time so if there are issues they are around to handle it.
  8. Sending a couple to the other teams pylon can also divert the enemy from mid so your team can get orbs or even more kills assuming it only peels off a few leaving the numbers at mid more in your teams favor. Last night we had a guy complaining we couldn't win because the other team had heals and we were down by 80 or so side points. Someone took thier pylon shortly after and we went on to win even though they were beating us in kills.
  9. I took off to play other games for three months knowing I wouldn't get the bonus chapter. I'm a story player, but given the first 11 chapters were blah as far as having an impact, it is a safe bet this bonus chapter, playing as a companion, will have no impact. I'm going to watch it on YouTube. It amounts to being able to play as arcann in the short blurb with his brother, or some other filler side story. Now, I didn't know at the time that another companion would come with it, but I'm not disappointed. Companions now are cosmetic, with no back story, depth, or even mechanical difference. We still can't even customize most of them. I went from an enthusiastic swtor story player, to an indifferent customer over the span of kotfe. Just meh.
  10. There is the option to not get that companion. There's more you are missing out on with the dvl event, but its less demanding.
  11. That right there. Pvp would be so much better without the elitists demanding everyone play at thier level. We all start somewhere. I initially hated pvp because of that, and almost didn't stick with it because of the negativity while I was learning the matches and adjusting to the difference between the pve world and pvp. I'm glad I decided to ignore it and keep at it. Its turned out to be the most fun I have jn game. Now I just tell the qq'ers to go make some friends and stop solo queuing. That, or try spending more time playing and less time using the chat box to whine.
  12. Experienced pvpers wont have to do the wz for the comps in most cases. And you are never "just going to have comptent players". You will always have new, and players not fitting your definition of competent.
  13. Hurt all was the hardest war zone for me to get the hang of. I know the maps and objectives now, and even scored a few times, but I still have the hardest time with it. Ancient hypergate is my favorite, and easiest to grasp. I've not noticed this being more of a problem than other wz. Its a smaller map, simple objectives.... But it does have one issue: a convenient place to camp, which i have seen people do, but that's every wz. Easy solution, queue with friends. This way, the new players and those camping, or just general bads like me, are less likely to end up on your team.
  14. What you want then is a participation trophy, but without even participating. Rewards exclusive to certain content is a good thing.
  15. You've been lucky or only done it when it was working. If some type of movement or other action causes the bug, then its still a bug. But, yes, I had tried remaining perfectly still and it still disappeared. I did manage to make it once though. First thing I did when it happened was use google, do that and you will see just how long its been around and that I is indeed a bug. Maybe it got fixed in a patch at some point and broke again. 45 min to an hour depending on when you get to the starting point to wait on the balloon, each time, its a bit frustrating. Fix the bug.
  16. See, this is all too often the type of help you receive when you ask. Completely useless. The bugs been around for years.
  17. Would be nice if they would fix the bug with the balloon so players didn't have to rely on finding someone nice enough to help.
  18. We have nothing to do the math on. It would be interesting to see the breakdown of subs and cm purchases and of those purchasing from the cm are subscribers and not. All we have though, as far as I know, is word of mouth from officials stating cm purchases are largely made by subs.
  19. I seem to remember them saying the subscribers were the biggest consumers of the cash shop. I think it goes hand and hand. Those that can afford spending on the cm can afford to sub. Those that sub get free cc from the grant and referrals. Anyways, subbing while you play is chump change next to playing as preferred and purchasing from the cm. You can do both as a sub. Also, I'm not so convinced the sub rewards convince many tl sub or stay subbed if they were already planning on moving kn or playing as preferred.
  20. I'm a pvp'er. Objectives and killing other players seems easier than many of the raid boss fights. In pvp you respawn and get back in the action, in a raid, you lose a tank, heals, ortoo many dps, you got one in battle revive and you are usually toast. But I guess its a matter of opinion. Still wondering why you are mad at the raiding community though.
  21. Salty that those who do the hardest content get to use stronger gear for content that doesn't even need glowing or radiant level gear as is. What happened that made you so spiteful of raiders?
  22. They need to buff sorcs. I keep getting killed a lot. Also wouldn't hurt to Nerf all other classes.
  23. You must be being facetious. Pvp gear is usable in every other aspect of the game. It's all I gear up with now. I believe its better than 216s even. Everything is steamrolly now. Go steamroll those heroics and tactical, gear up with the crystals and steamroll through just as much as those with raidgear can.
  24. What's with all the talk of raid gear only being available in raids? Who cares if Johnny raider is doing the story in raid gear? It's not like you can't do it easily with 190s. I mean, just why?
  25. Sorry guys, we had scale all the older ops to make them relavent again. This will make it easier for our ops developers to make new ops after kotfe. There are no new ops coming. It's after kotfe, and still no word on ops, info from the source that must not be named shows only some flashpoint level stuff. Ops are a relic, that at most will be scaled with every expansion. The bright side is we are at least getting some flashpoints.
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