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Everything posted by MikeCobalt

  1. Exactly; The Battler pack I bought was 5 of the same exact mounts (not a good one) comp. gifts, emotes, supplemental armors and other very useless items, not even 1 of anything shown on the Advertised picture. It was really bad. As suggested many times over the time this game has been around make more of the items "Direct Buy". Even the most basic items for the S.H. are 1 PVP only (more Don't then Do) 2 Lost in old packs never to be seen again (Who's idea was it to have a mkt and don't sell anything?) or 3 make their availability (and price) so that they're never seen in any S.H. in the game? Trophy's should be limited yes "Earn it to have it" but chairs, guards, banners Theme items. Open the Market; people aren't going to spend money if they think they'll only get *Fluff forever. The Criteria for competition gets easier and easier the longer players are unsatisfied.
  2. This isn't "Star Wars" and Less & Less all the time. I'm just waiting for something Canon with a story to come around.
  3. Thanks, when I get a solid plan on how to obtain the basics I'll think more on that Stronghold purchase. The Imp/Sith Banners, Imp troopers and honor guards are essential for the Empire theme Same as the tables chairs rugs and so on. The more Trophy like items I'll collect as the game goes on. Thanks again
  4. Ye, I've seen the mailbox, GTN station and others in the Misc. section of the Market which also has the stronghold bundles even though not everything on the Ad picture is listed in that particular Bundle. I believe atleast some of those also have a limited number of the basic items essential . I've read BW needs money. opening the Market would be a profitable way to alleviate that and add new S.H.'s also. Maybe a vendor(s) in each fleet for the older "Not Available" market items or a vendor that sales only basic furnishings. I have the ones out now in my first S.H. that have a few but not nearly enough to start. Open The Market BH.
  5. Hi everybody, I've been looking at the Drommand Kaas strongholds and really thinking about getting/starting one there as it reflects that character very well. One issue though that seems to be all through this forum subject "How to furnish it if everything is Not Available?" Even the most basic furnishings (Tables. Chairs, Banners, Rugs, Plants, and guards for the Imperial theme are not available or not in any way that would get more then 1 in an entire weekend. This is crazy why would anybody pay that amount only to have an empty abandoned lonely place? Ofcourse the more Trophy like items should be gained through achievements, completing missions, and special functions and better one after epic wins but even the most *Basic Items being not at all available, listed in packs I still cant find in the Market, or the crazy chance anybody would purchase 35 recent packs in the hope one will chance cube a silly chair they like and would have paid for several outright if available.
  6. Thanks everybody for the replies and confirmations. If this game wants/needs money opening the market up would be a boon. The decorations I'm looking for are just basic Empire/Republic parts and even those are rare/nonexistent.
  7. Hey everybody, My questions span a few forums so I thought I'd post them all here. How do I *Buy items from packs nolonger current? It seems ridiculous to pay for an infinite number of new packs just with the *Hope of luckily getting a few items from history. I'm thinking of getting another S.H. but if I cant furnish it that's idiocy. There are actually a lot of item's I'd get but not knowing how to directly get them the S.H. would be even more *Useless then they already are. Nobody is ever going to give money to a store if 98% of the items arnt for sale. that's also 98% of what they pay their techs to do with no monetary return (bad business model).
  8. Obi-Wan Kenobi wasn't either Tired or unskilled in his last fight with Darth Vader; infact he looked to me very confident. He told Vader what would happen if Vader killed him. He was right and very similar I think to what Valkorian has allowed to happen. Vader's temper once again has lead him to the number "2" spot right behind Obi-Wan (passion and anger will never be equal to skill and maturity). Obi-Wan Did exactly what he intended with the troopers and Vader aswell, He drew their attention allowing the Falcon to get away. It seems if the Force is strong enough in that person their body becomes more of an encumbrance (Yoda;Crude Matter)Their spirit can go anywhere and still have incredible power.
  9. Since the Guild Ships are more expensive then some cars I've wondered if the smaller capital ships would be a good *Go between myself Like the afore mentioned Hammerhead or Imperial destroyer (Marr's Flagship) would get way more buys (Money to BW), those would be great, and if they moved from system to system, super better.
  10. What's the value of Winning if you never had a chance of Losing? A guaranteed "Win" to me sounds about as much Fun as driving to work really. I do Understand the dreary "Grinding" problem as I really H*&$e killing the same Tuskin Raider, Gangster and Imperial over and over and over and....pfft. Winning is good; especially if there was a moment you thought you'd lose first. Now Knights brings me to Mandatory Grinding as my gear was ok for the class missions before but the fortress's I've read must be destroyed to win this eventually and my gear is/was woefully inadequate plus just to *EarN* BacK (this s**ks) my companion my gear is nearly worthless. I understand your grinding issue but the few little wins along the way make this nearly bearable. How about Instead of the same ole Grinds (over and over) for Knights. There could be only a Few Errands with excitement to get what's needed. Fewer but Longer missions for the upgrades.
  11. New Ships would be great. My character is supposed to be a *Smuggler but I haven't used the ship to do anything since I started. Its a Lonely ship. The foot step echoes, empty corridors and nobody ever at the Dejarik table. Especially now all my companions are gone; Infact lately I've just started going directly to my SH and sometimes on to anywhere from there. As a content creator myself I do understand about bot placements even if we cant get "Walking and Talking" or dynamic locations for Comp. conversations, atleast have the companions (when we get them back) at random places around our ship every time we board. Different ships would be great.
  12. HK-55 "Leave the meatbag alone". I still chuckle every time I think of that.
  13. I would really like some kind mention in one of the Canon stories. Even if just a mention of a name, place or an event under somebody's breath. That would really energize this game for me and I'm sure a lot of other people too. I guess in over three thousand years anything *Can.. happen, Kinda. One thing I thought not long ago about the ending of this story what if after its all finished and everybody is going back home (With all their companions). There is a short cut scene of a figure removing a cassette (I don't know what the call them in SW) and later filing that away in the Jedi hall of records (Library) and talking to them self "Now that was something that should be kept in the galactic records for sure. It would really be good to think our character's in the Galactic library.
  14. I reached 65 just before (I think..) this new story and without this I don't think Id have any more reason to play. If there's nothing more to do or places to go. why hang around? I'm not going to make an Alt just to "ReRun" everything *Again. I sure hope there is gonna be something else to look forward to.
  15. I've wondered about that myself. Maybe it is Valkorian that manipulates your mind into making a very BaD decision or decisions?
  16. Star Wars is Star Wars, its what Lucas started or its not That genre. This game isn't Canon. Its *Like Star Wars and in over 3 millennia a lot can happen that's true. This game is similar and *Could be Shoe Horned in kinda, maybe, if some things were different. Change anything enough, its not the same (No matter how much money was paid for a Name).
  17. Great thread and your points are well understandable. I hope you get some changes from this. The game isn't always clearly written even for English. Everybody deserves support.
  18. Smuggler. "From Loner to leader" and "Criminal as far as he can tell" (I think..) I don't see how an Imperial or Jedi would qualify for those. he did mention something about that at one point (or maybe it was just My class version of one of his speech's). My Character wanted nothing of him, to be *The Galactic leader,or whatever he wants. he's just Thrust into this terrible spot (that's the theme here ,Reluctant leader). For a Jedi or Imperial force user I can see wanting a unity in their Known galaxy so the Zakuul need to be put down. As my character did say already; He's just doing this to get his life and friends back. This story does to me seem more for a Force user, but it does seem to fit my class well enough
  19. That ship is the biggest mystery of all this story. There's a lot more going on with that ship then the other parts of the story.
  20. Yep, its the "Donkey and Carrot" trick. They'll keep off on our or Class Fav's until the very end hoping we'll stay on everyday looking for their mail (Again) or one day they'll simply walk into the Alliance base with another Killjoy greeting after 5 years like they have so far,("Hi, I heard you were alive and here, lets go steal something expansive"). For me anyway both Shae and Bowdaar acted like it was only a few days ago (Big Woop). Still though, sometimes I *Do think the only reason I'm doing this is to see them back again, hopefully with an expanded conversation system so we get more then "I got nothing to say"(Corso) or from Akaavi "Hello".
  21. Exactly, Remember how mad she got and stormed out of the room saying "Sometimes I think your Encouraging them (fighting)" That's when I *Accidently picked the Sarcasm response to her trying to make people get along. She wants Zakuul beaten; And that means seeing the Alliance work, flourish and eventually win. Since this needs to be a "One Size Fits All" ending I think she will either 1 live on to go her separate way after Zakuul is lifeless rock in space. Orrr.. 2 Be killed by Valkorian towards the end of the entire story trying to intimidate us one way or another. He already knows that gets a rise out of the Outworlder to threaten her. I think because of this uncomfortable story line Lana will become a recurring NPC later on in SWTORs future (Too Popular to kill off or let fly into obscurity.
  22. Ofcourse Han shot first. Wouldn't you? If I can get my gun aimed at you without you knowing. Ofcourse the trigger is next.
  23. Vaylin will die a real death, but not yet. I think she still has a big change of events to play out. Vaylin will not die with her brother in the Mega Shootout of those 2 versus all of our companions. I believe she will die alone and I hope when we get the cut scene to make the decision just prior she's not whimpering or begging us because that's really gonna get to me after I make two holes in the deck on the other side of her head. She is interesting and I do *Somewhat feel sorry for her, but she does know what she's doing and way too powerful to be left alone.
  24. Risha has an incredible storyline of her own. I've always wanted BW to play that out. Most of our original companions had a life when we met them that's hardly ever been addressed. Akaavi mentioned she had business with the betrayers disappeared, and a minute later.. she's back all finished. Why wouldn't that have been a good mission? Risha's Role on a yet unseen world (Need more worlds). I don't trust Lana for a second. She really seems to want the Alliance to work so that Zakuul is defeated I'm betting just so she can get her Empire back and at the end she'll say "See ya around" before getting on her shuttle back to imperial wherever land and to be a recurring character later on in SWTOR. I'm not passing up Risha for a never better then Temp thing with "Miss Spooky Eyes" herself.
  25. I was expecting a bigger fight. Not just a few guys here shooting at a couple guys over there but a Real battlefield; Lines of troops firing at other *Lines of troops. Maybe that's too much for this game but it woulda made a good ending event to the chapter then on to the more indepth convo's with the main Mando figures.
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