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Everything posted by ForjKlahaa

  1. Not sure how many takers I would get being relatively new to group content and even though I've done all the tacticals at least once, I don't know them well enough to lead the group through them all and I don't know most of the extra HM mechanics if they exist. Even though I've been cramming by reading guides, I don't have an idetic memory unfortunately. I'd be begging strangers to take the lead instead which is a bit weird if I'm the one putting the group together. I'm not above just giving it a go though and seeing what happens. Also, I haven't heard of Allies Chat. I'm on TRE.
  2. While I'm not digging your snarky tone (I like KOTFE well enough) I laughed out loud when I read the names of the inbred cousins so thanks for that Incidentally, I was calling KOTFE, KOFTE... kofte... like the kebab... in ALL my forum posts until about a month ago when I realised what I was doing. I'm not even dyslexic or have any excuse for it. Now I really want a lamb kofte and it's too late here to order
  3. So I started on HM FPs for DvL and I must be a masochist because I did 4 one after the other today. Never done HMs before. The fights weren't simple and that was a good thing. I felt a real sense of achievement when I finished one. Got told I was awesome (we were all awesome) one time and accused of being a troll another time because I accidentally pulled a pack of mobs when everyone was trying to skip everything. Wiped about 5 time on Killran because someone else didn't know the tactics but that was a cool group and we managed it in the end even though our healer was only 55. Nobody got sh---y about it we just kept on until we managed it. Our tank left in Mandalorian Raiders and we managed to get down to the last set of turrets with no tank but a mid level healer comp but we wiped three times and thankfully no one gave up and a tank finally turned up to save our bacon. It was exhausting and intermittently great fun and awful based on attitude of the particular group. So I guess what I'm saying is, when it comes to group content, for everyone who wants more players taking part, you CAN tempt solo players into it, just don't be a d--k when things go wrong. I am mostly a solo player but those few good experiences have left me wanting more in spite of the few obnoxious players I had to deal with. I plan to do more tomorrow and I hope everyone leaves the attitude at the door. If they do then, I might make this a regular thing. If they don't then I guess I'll just give up on DvL and they'll have one less player to badmouth.
  4. Thanks for the info guys. There are some FPs I haven't even done because they never seem to pop and now I have to do them HM for DvL and it would be great to get a sense of the layout and the bosses in solo mode.
  5. Wait, there are TPFs that aren't level synced to 65??? I know Black Talon and Esseles level sync to 10 which makes them stupidly easy (at almost any level really) but I didn't realise there were others you can still do solo.
  6. Bad news I'm afraid. That skin colour isn't available to Bounty Hunters. I tried it on my BH and my SW and only the SW had the option. Kinda dumb if you ask me but there it is.
  7. Probably a bit late now but you might be able to create a Zabrak with the unwanted skin tone and then travel to the fleet at level 10 and select the correct skin at the appearance modification station. There always seems to be extra options there for me that weren't available in character creation and I have most species and customization options unlocked already. I actually have a Zabrak BH so I could check it out later.
  8. The first time I did chapter 16 I used the ugly weapon with the buffs. This time, I thought f-ck it and just used my regular weapon and the fight was just as easy/annoying with the shield mechanics. I'm pretty sure I got the healing buff anyway. I was being healed... I'm sure of it... or maybe I'm just having an aneurysm.
  9. So I managed it. For anyone else wondering: There are three incidents recorded in the companion log, I believe you need 2 out of 3 to go Koth's way if you let the sun reactor blow. They are: 1) Shutting down the sun reactor 2) Helping the exiles in the swamp 3) Taking Koth to see the Heralds of Zildrog I let the reactor blow and did the other two and he was fine in the cantina. On another playthrough I shut down the reactor but ignored him and didn't do the other two things (I'm pretty sure) and he was also fine. I also gave oppressive speeches and it didn't seem to affect the outcome at all. Also the poster above was correct that you can destroy the spire with Kaliyo and then just say the whole thing was an accident and he doesn't leave. I feel like that is going to come back to bite me in the ar*e at some point though,
  10. I feel like an idiot that I didn't even know this was a thing. Thanks for the education I'll take a look at my failed Koth romance character and see what I did wrong. I think it was that I didn't take him to see the Heralds of Zildrog.
  11. Remember when you were doing all that skimpy armour and probably made a mint? Well here's how you could make even more: Release revealing sets where the female version has all the dangly bits attached to the pants instead of the top so you can mix the tops with any skirt in the game without clipping. I basically want the imperial/republic dancer top or the relaxed uniform boobtube (without the rubber arms) as separate tops for my female Inqusitors and consulars. For everyone else, I just want hood down versions of EVERYTHING and not just a disappearing hood like for Twi'leks; a proper hood that hangs at the back of my neck.
  12. So i'm going to sound dumb but... there's an Interaction Section where you can check past approvals etc? How did I not know about this?
  13. I never got as far as Ch.16 with a romanced Koth. I'm just trying to get past Ch.9 without him storming off in the cantina. Or is that what you meant because I can't think what he asked if that's the case?
  14. I will probably do this but I kinda want to know what happens if he leaves and comes back. Whether he forgives you or not.
  15. This is the first i heard that you can blow the reactor and still romance him. I tried him on another character, blew the reactor, said sorry about it in the swamp and flirted with him through 9 chapters, got the kiss before fighting Arcann and he still told me to screw off even though I was pretty light sided with that character. I was more of a pragmatist than an evil pr-ck.
  16. I don't know if anyone has tried this but I have a DS1 Shadow I'm about to take through KOTFE and I want to do the Koth romance but also make some DS decisions. I know if I let the reactor blow he won't even talk to you in the cantina to do the romance but what about if you're already romancing him and then choose the DS decision in Chapter X that makes him leave. Does he still leave if you are in a romance? I heard he comes back later regardless. Is the romance on or off if that happens? I'm bored of doing 100% LS playthroughs and I haven't romanced Koth yet but I really like this character and I don't want them to be forever alone.
  17. Not just US anymore. I'm on TRE and the problem went away with the fiz you implemented earlier but now it is slowly getting worse again. Keep seeing that red dot and have been kicked a few times(when usually, that never happens) but it's not as bad as last night... yet.
  18. Is it like the cooldown timer on certain SF decos that only runs when you are actively playing? I've had some decos in my inventory for months and the timer is still going. I do realise you can't sell them... I just like watching that one deco countdown on my rarely played alt. I'm weird I guess. One thing I did notice that the cost of xp boosts on the GTN has climbed to 5 times the original price and a major xp boost is now like 400k on TRE where it used to be around 60k. I guess it's everyone rushing through DvL content that upped the demand. I used to be able to afford to always have a boost on the go while levelling and now it's impossible.
  19. It's working for me now. This was actually a bit of a nice surprise because I couldn't remember the dates and didn't think I qualified but I actually did.
  20. I was subbed up until the 11th July and then I wasn't for a few weeks and now I am again. Do I get early access or not? The chapter was due out in July originally wasn't it? I can't remember what the "be subscribed on this date" was.
  21. I just want eyebrows (like Ashara has) and more face shapes.
  22. It doesn't matter to me either way as Khem doesn't speak basic, the new Dashade won't speak basic, my character won't speak at all and Zash isn't coming back so the whole thing will play out in a wall of text that I won't really read because this isn't 1998. I hate "classic" conversations and the 5 minute recruitment treatment most companions are getting
  23. I predict that even if everything goes perfectly, the miserable SOBs that plague this forum will still continue to make whiny pre-emptive complaint threads like this one. Why wait for something to go wrong when you can get all your complaining done ahead of schedule? Give it a rest.
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