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Everything posted by SethMyst

  1. So, the next patch nerfed the companions? Now everyone's complaining about them being too weak. How did we call it? I don't know, because balancing is excessively hard? Thank you guys for ruining the fun while it lasted. Hey, if I need to, I'll just cancel my sub before month if the problem isn't fixed. That'll save me some money well wasted...
  2. And the fact that it's around $50 per token. For some, that isn't that much of a discouragement...
  3. Not just that. Even Tactical Flashpoints cannot be soloed, even with a companion at hand. I tested that theory trying to solo a Tactical Battle of Ilum. I started wiping on the third boss, eventually realizing that it would have been pretty much impossible. Also, even the easiest of Operations incredibly hard for your typical player (the one I'm talking about is the Lair of the Eyeless, which only has a single boss. We wiped the first time, and I asked for hints the second time. It was a pushover afterwards). Saying the companions are overpowered is relative. In solo, yeah, I can see that. In group content, a pointless argument...
  4. Something tells me no one listened to my original comment. Ultimately, this is design philosophy. If Bioware wants to make a relatively easy game, than give you a giant middle finger in the endgame, sign me up. Believe me, none of the overpowered companions will save you from running group flashpoints/operations. Hard Mode Flashpoints cannot be soloed. Period. I learned that the hard way.
  5. I haven't reached this point yet. Believe me, it could be far worse. Ex. LFR on WoW. It. Is. Impossible.
  6. Trust me, you will hate what the old system was like. To get a perspective as to the power of the companions your character had access to, let me give you a lowdown: - T7 was pretty much useless to the Jedi Knight as he would die mere seconds after the battle started. - Kira ended up being my primary companion, but even then she was pretty useless. - Doc Became my primary companion because of his healing capabilities, but would die in seconds the moment he gained aggro (and the prime reason I switched to tanking) - I never touched either Rusk or Scourge throughout my playthrough, because Doc was just much more useful to me. - We don't talk about Treek, he was broken from the very start. He filled every role in the game and was superior at it, making pretty much every other companion in the game worthless. - HK isn't even part of my companion pool, because of the requirements to get him (long story short, it's time consuming and brutal, and a single section of the questline to get the parts is not soloable at all, even with the latest update). Bioware actually did us a favor by making every companion equal in power, because some companions were absolutely worthless and just sat in the player ship collecting dust. Now they are broken, actually makes solo play worth your time rather than by wasting your time in the normally sub-par side quest that simply bore me to no end (yes, I avoid side quests altogether in this game, and I'm usually just leveled enough to finish the class story on a planet to move on). Also, companions are not as powerful as you think: you still can't solo 4-player flashpoints, even on normal mode. If they were that powerful, that is when you should request a nerf.
  7. I have even worse settings than you do for a laptop, and I can run Ultra Settings without too much of a problem. I don't because certain areas cause my performance to tank regardless of my settings. Generally, I max out the graphics of my game in any way I can. However, no matter what game I play, I always turn off bloom, not because of performance lag, but because it looks hideous in every game I play, regardless of settings. Never leave bloom on, unless you are a cinema maker.
  8. I calculated the actual time between the two events. It's about 3618 years. I have learned one more useless fact about pop culture! Bioware has made some strange choices in regards to both gameplay and story. What baffles me more is that Assault Cannons are completely pointless on the Imperial Side, although they clearly have access to them. The only person who seemed to benefit from such a pointless weapon was the Commando and select companions who are few and far between. Also, copying WoW's RPG Combat system? Not exactly a good idea in my book... Except for Light Armor Tanks. There needs to be more of those in WoW...
  9. An interesting proposition. Let's see how it might turn out. Perhaps, you got a good idea of how it might work...
  10. Rakghoul event is now monthly? About time...
  11. Hey guys, sorry for the Necro-type deal, but I've been on a sort of hiatus in terms of SWTOR due to not having time on my hands. However, I do plan on playing the game again. I may even expand this thread with new species as I encounter them. From my knowledge of the game thus far, there are several previously unheard-of species added in as companions in the new expansion. I already have my eye on one in particular...
  12. There have been thousands of threads regarding this, and I honestly agree that it should be done. I've personally made a thread for new playable species, found here. I even talk a bit about companion species, so feel free to add something while you're at it!
  13. If someone is trying to troll me, I simply ignore them and move on, but not before making an extremely clever statement that stops the trolling in their tracks. You wouldn't believe the amount of trolls I've counter-trolled on forums and in-game. P.S.: If someone says they are far better at the game than I am, and they're level 30-ish, I've got one thing to say: I've earned my right to stand in that red circle of death! Have you?
  14. STOP BUMPING! *sigh* Sorry about that, I had to vent. I consider myself an intermediate player, not casual, not hardcore, but somewhere in between. But, here's the deal: First off, I hated SWTOR very early on. Not because of the story, not because of the ascetics, but because of the gameplay style. I came into SWTOR from WoW, and I reached MoP's level cap during that expansion's cycle. Going into SWTOR, I found it too similar to WoW to actually enjoy playing the game. The only reason I was playing WoW was to create a story for my character, which is what I do in almost every MMO I play (MMO's that don't do that are a different story all together). SWTOR satisfied my story need, but not my gameplay need, and I was quick to quit the game upon reaching level 30-ish. I recently came back into the game, leveled to 56, and haven't entered since. The only reason I got that far was because of the 12x EXP Boost between expansions, because the side quests were either boring beyond comprehension, tedious, or were testing my shrinking sanity in the game. The companion changes might make the game easier to play around in, but, in the end, the only way I would come back to the game fully is if the overall gameplay style was changed dramatically, from a WoW clone to something a bit more engaging, like some skill-based additions. Numbers don't satisfy me in the least, skill is what really matters in my opinion...
  15. Perhaps something like Real-ID? Blizzard has the Real-ID system that allows you to track your friends on an account level rather than individually. That would really help me connect with my brother, who wants to pick this game up soon.
  16. Oh, how I LOVE this community! For some reason, it's people like you who obviously did their homework that I just enjoy in the gaming community. Yes, smarter is better! Warframe (a game that, despite sucking at the shooting, I enjoy doing stealth in it whenever possible) is a game that is surprisingly easy with friends, but just deep enough to keep you engaged. For example, you can get pets in the game, and, if you don't take care of them, they will die. Also, changing mod orders on weapons can change the weapon drastically in fundamentals. Polarity is a system that forces you to think smart about how you place mods on weapons. The game even as platforming puzzles to work through. Approachable, but far from simple. Watching Extra Credit's video on , Making the game less complex doesn't mean it is easier. Super Meat Boy is a superb example of this, since the controls are extremely simple, but the game kicks you in the delicate area every chance it gets. Yes, SWTOR is getting less complex, but depth is what we should be concerned with. Certain classes have deep mechanics that, although not necessary to play the class, can significantly boost your level of play. However, if they remove the gear requirement, they at least need to give Companions complex behaviors, i.e. moving out of the big red/blue/green circle that means death! You know, the one thing players don't move away from? You'd be surprised how many times I've lost my companion because of this, and I tend to die immediately after. Even more, make the Companions on par with the players, or, perhaps, better than some of the player's I've encountered in queue. Makes me not want to run group content...
  17. I kind of figured that out based on my knowledge of the species. Even if they were downsized, they would have been too much like the Sith Purebloods. Plus, there really isn't any class that the Massassi would even fit in. Even the Sith Warrior, the closest class I can think of, doesn't seem to fit...
  18. Seems to be quite a bit that I missed the first time around... I'll have to add them in at a later date...
  19. This... is not a good idea. If the buyers are only seeing the items that are lower value, it could potentially cause the market to crash due to the fact that the already tedious auction house even an even worse place to earn money. The only reason (for high level players) you would want to use the auction house is if you can make some sort of profit. If players see no sure-fire way of making a potential profit, they won't use it, reducing the amount of players selling and, after a time, causes the market to crash. Basic Economics, people! Incentive pretty much drives everything in this game.
  20. Or people who make pointless posts that are, supposedly, a bit strange to add into the game. "Do this, or SWTOR will die," is a common theme I've been seeing in the forums. More often than naught, these people are complainers who can't offer a possible remedy for a problem that both the devs and the players will be happy with. Unfortunately, in this day and age, it just doesn't exactly work out...
  21. Aye. Perhaps a bit too obvious to add in. Maybe that's why I never thought of them, like I did the Bothans at first...
  22. Because I didn't think about them when I wrote this list. I was aiming for more of the lesser known species. Plus, the Kel-Dor just don't interest me as much as the other races...
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