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Everything posted by SethMyst

  1. Wonderful. Uh oh, that creative mood is coming... hopefully!
  2. You'd be surprised. I've heard some incredible voice actors from Skyrim's mod community, and X-COM Long War has extra voiced lines in several different languages to take nationality into consideration. And, take a look at #HuntTheTruth's audio messages sent by fans. Some of them are pretty good for "wannabe" voice actors.
  3. Oh, the memories... I love being back...
  4. I would love this option. Of course, there will be some balancing that needs to be done. What can be done is that stats in general can be reduced by a percentile, but still a bit stronger and survivable than having one companion. By the way, I play a DPS Jedi Guardian, and I realized that, while soloing/leveling, you can turn on your tanking stance to wreak face while you have Doc. As long as you keep him alive (and use your defensive cooldowns on harder enemies), you will last a very long time, and will rarely ever die. Jedi Sentinel is certainly a different story. I just think that your companion should be able to revive you if you fall in combat. Currently, if you die, your companion also dies, which makes little sense. Perhaps when multiple companions are allow at once, that strange fact can be remedied...
  5. That's why I said that one possibility is via community effort. I might explore this a bit more in another Drop-Box. However, the idea of community content came from Daybreak Game Company's Player Studio, in which talented members of the community can create content of their own, submit them, and possibly get a portion of the profit gained from the sale. Currently, games like Everquest 2 and Planetside 2 have this feature integrated, and I've seen some ridiculous material come out of it. I'm sure there are some pretty talented fans out there that are willing to sink their teeth into voice acting and other stuff. All BioWare needs to provide is a screenplay, audio files, and a timeline. The fans can handle the rest. My time on Nexus Mods and Steam has taught me enough to make that point...
  6. It isn't something I would normally consider. However, I don't believe that the idea you brought up fits within the theme of this Drop-Box. Perhaps when I cover social features in the future, I'll keep this in mind.
  7. Hello, everyone. It's certainly been awhile! I wanted to create yet another Suggestion Drop-Box style thread with ideas revolving around three key subjects. In this edition: Game Mechanics, Species, and Solo-Play. Now, for those who haven't seen a Suggestion Drop-Box before (something I've done a long while back), this is a community-based thread series in which I list a couple ideas, no matter how out-landish, and try to get any feedback as to how the system might work in-game, or if you think the system can be improved. As always, any new ideas are always welcome! Let's Brainstorm! -------------------------------------------------------------------- Game Mechanics To kick off this Drop-Box, let's begin with Game Mechanic Suggestions. As it stands, SWTOR is as close to WoW as you can get mechanic-wise. Fortunately, the game has several key differences that separate it from the latter. Such differences include the strange use of ranged tanks that are seen rarely in other games, and a morality and choice system that actually has an effect on how the story plays out. Let's start with an... interesting proposition. Voice Packs This might not be the most popular idea in the game, as the only thing this idea does is add some diversity to character personality. And, that's the idea. Voice Packs are just an option that doesn't necessarily favor role-players. This is also very important to those who want their character to stand out, instead of defaulting to Adaptive Gear to personalize their appearance. Honestly, the only time I ever see a character's voice different within the same class is whether they are wearing a full-helm or not. Voice Packs don't necessarily have to follow exactly what the character would say based on class and choice, but also define how the character sees the world. Is your Jedi character a street-wise and light humored individual instead of the calm and focused character? Is your Sith Warrior a bit less sadistic than what is expected? Is your Smuggler a total jerk? Those are just a few ideas as to what to expect. It might even be possible to create voice packs for Non-Human languages (hint, hint). However, an even more ballsy idea involving Voice Packs is that it could also be Community Submitted. This is as outlandish as ideas for SWTOR can get. Some games already do this. Everquest II by SOE Entertainment (Now called Daybreak Games, if you've been reading the news) has a Player Studio system that allows content creators to submit items to be sold on the cash shop, and get part of the earnings for it. This is a good opportunity to get fans to explore their creative side, and providing Voice Acting is a good start. But, that's for another Drop-Box. The Legacy System Let me get something straight: I don't hate the Legacy System, but I feel that it could be so much better. Despite how many things you can get out of the system if you tried, there isn't too much that comes out of the system. Gameplay-wise, that's a good thing, because the Legacy System is simply a way to level Alts easier. However, what really irks me is how the Family tree is set up. The tree is VERY limited, and the amount of links you can put on a character is entirely dependent on where he exist on the tree. In a system where you can have a large amount of characters on a single server, this is troublesome if you are centering the tree around a single character (like I've tried). Because of this, I feel that an update to the fluidity and style of the Family tree to be less of a tree and more of a grid, in which each character can link to multiple different characters, and the others the same, creating triangles or octogons instead of placing the children below the parents and friends right next to each other without a link to the other side. I'm not entirely sure how it could be implemented, or what would be a better system, but the Customization Nature of the Legacy System is lack-luster, at best. Feel free to expand on this concept. Cross-Class Abilities/Characterized Abilities Role-players, rejoice! One thing that kind of bothered me about the Old Republic is the over generalization of the class system. For example, every Jedi character was strictly limited to what a typical Jedi would use in the order. Also, Smugglers and Bounty Hunters both have been depicted using Blaster Rifles and even Sniper Rifles in the Expanded Universe and even the Main Movies via Bossk and IG-88. Some Smugglers/Rouges even exhibit Force Abilities without any formal training. SWTOR seems to disregard these depictions when it comes to Player Characters. Hence, Cross-Class Abilities. These abilities are skills that are a) Universal to every class, or b) earned via story progression, achievements, or a entirely new skill tree separate from the Class Disciplines. Honestly, I would go with the entirely new skill tree, as locking abilities until you earn an achievement can turn several people off. I would think that something along the lines of a pseudo-profession style tree, in which you gain abilities via trainers and become more powerful as time goes on. This could also open up a unique system that allows you to carry modifiers that increase the potency of and ability type. Balance is always an issue with these new systems. However, cross-class abilities would be no different from abilities you would normally get during progression. It is just that these abilities start out as only annoyances but grow increasingly threatening the more it is used. However, I'm not entirely sure what would be the skills in such trees, only that I don't want my Jedi Knight to be a generic follower of the Jedi order. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Species Another, seemingly popular topic on the forums (at least here) is the inclusion of new species. I'm sure everyone has heard of the Nautolan petition more recently, and how EA "responded" to the situation. Now that we are pretty sure that we will definitely get more new species beyond the current roster, I think we should throw a few more ideas into the mix. So, list please: Mon Calamari Oh, didn't see that coming, did you? Seriously, though, I can't find a single person saying they don't want to play a Mon Cal in SWTOR. Considering they already have an appearance in-game, and that the coding for armor is already in the game, it won't take too much to implement the Mon Cal as a playable race. This will be a continuing trend throughout this section... Selkath Yet another species with armor assets already in the game. Much like the Mon Cal, the Selkath already have the coding in-game for them to wield armor. My only problem is, with the experience I've had with the game thus far, the Selkath didn't speak basic. I'm sure that there are basic-speaking Selkath out there I haven't encountered yet, but, for now, I'm worried that people will dismiss this species because of the language barrier. Of course, a community created vice pack could fix that problem, just like our next entry: Trandoshan *sigh* Here we go. I thought Oyzen Fess was a pretty cool character to me when I encountered him as my first companion for my Consular Alt. That love translated into me including a Trandoshan character in a little side project based in SWTOR, which, I will admit, is filled to the brim with odd-ball characters, misfits, and otherwise deep individuals in terms of history and personality. Now, everyone's problem with the Trandoshan is that 1) they don't speak basic and 2) they have no assets for head, hand, and foot slots. First off, number one isn't entirely true, as Star Wars Legacy featured a Trandoshan Jedi who spoke basic with a lisp. And, yes, I went that far. Second, for those who would want to play as the scaly beast won't mind the lack of helmets, gloves, and boots. Although I did find it odd that Trandoshan don't have assets for a hood. Their head isn't that big. As stated before, a community made Voice Pack could fix the language barrier, adding additional new audio assets to the five already available for the non-basic languages. The other option would have been the Barbel, but their discovery won't happen for another few thousand years... Verpine/Killik/Geonosian Now, this may seem really odd. First off, Killik are clearly against both the Republic and the Empire, the only sign of an allegiance to either was through Vector, a Killik Joiner who becomes a companion to the Imperial Agent. The Geonosians appeared on Tatooine as a hostile force to both the Republic and the Empire, and seem to be planning some sort of invasion. And the Verpine have no assets in the game, the only detail to their involvement through the Scattergun, which is a popular invention of the Verpine. However, although the Killik will likely never join the war on either side, the other two most certainly could. There was a Verpine Jedi during the Clone Wars and Order 66 (and survived), and I've created a Geonosian Jedi during my run in the Star War Pen-and-Paper Role-Playing game. Now, will someone please figure out how to implement the bugs into SWTOR as a playable race? -------------------------------------------------------------------- Solo Play Alright, this is somewhat different from the Game Mechanics section, as this section is directed at Solo Play. I've been through my fair share of difficult games and MMOs, and, I have to say, SWTOR got solo play right. Mostly. That is why I'm here. So, shall I prepare myself for a wooden stake? New Companions At this point, it's pretty clear where this is going. New companions with a unique story arc and/or personality. However, I'm not just talking about new companions. I'm talking about new types of companions. Okay, before you swing your Lightsaber at me, hear me out. Each new Companion follows a certain criteria/role. You have the ranged DPS and Tank, the Melee DPS and Tank, and the Doctor/Healer. Generally, these companions don't stray far from their roles (with a few minor exceptions): Healers are always the Scoundrel playstyle, the ranged tanks are rather colorful, the melee tank is calculated, and the Protocol Droid is useless. However, what if there was a new companion style. A Controller style character. Although the Healer does a pretty good job at doing that anyways, I was thinking of a companion that will make your enemy's life a living hell with his ridiculous amount of control over the battlefield. The only downside of such a follower is that he's either real squishy or has an abysmal DPS rating relative to other companions. But, hey, that won't matter if the enemy can't even land a hit before he's hit with another Cryo-grenade or something. Is there some other type of companion style you want to see? Post your ideas here. Overhauled Companion System This... will... get... me... killed. I've stated this idea long ago, and it caused an earthquake when it was mentioned. So, here it is. See if I care. Seriously, though, Solo-play is pretty fun, anyways. But, it doesn't prepare you for a group setting, i.e. learning your role. For those who played WoW during MoP, you may be familiar with the Proving Grounds, a set of scenarios that are meant to assist you in a raid setting brought by Siege of Orgrimmar. Although that would also be a cool feature for New and Veteran players alike, I think open-world practice in a group setting is just as important. However, if you're like me and are an extremely low level, you won't find may players willing to group with you to do solo content. That is where this overhaul comes in. In this system, you can have two companions out at the same time, increasing you're party count to three in solo play. And if you think that's crazy, hear this: Star Trek Online allows for a full party (five members) of companions on solo missions. However, adding that extra companion slot decreases the stats (but not the ilevel) of both you and your companions, although the overall output is slightly better than the old system. The idea isn't do discourage Group play, but to let player's practice their roles in solo content in a normal group setting, despite being one member short of a full party. Plus, with a little fine tuning, the two companions would act closely to what a real player would do, i.e. move around for a tactical advantage or to dodge an attack, but will occasionally screw up and take a hit. I'm thinking mostly of a combination of Xenoblade Chronicles and the Healer challenges in WoW's Proving Grounds (read on the main site). In other words, an additional companion and overall better AI. The idea of decreasing your stats comes back to an idea someone came up with when talking about a Minion class (link here). In one of the posts, Aodhifa mentioned a scenario as to how the Minion class should fare in-game: If there was an unbeatable boss in a group instance, the normal group might possibly last five minutes, as an example. If all the group members were this "Minion" class, each bringing 3 pets into the instance, for a total of 16 characters, a good system will see that group dead in about the same amount of time, despite there being more characters participating in the fight. That is what I was aiming for, as smart gameplay with a two-companion system usually translates into how a group should function. What do you think? Again, post your thoughts. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Have any other ideas relevant to the three topics? Something that needs improvement? Perhaps you could expand on what was presented? Leave your suggestions below. Remember, in a Suggestion Drop-Box, everyone is free to express their ideas!
  8. Everything is unlocked from the beginning. The only limit is what your character can equip and what Bioware placed in the shop for their paying players. I don't think you read the post entirely. What the thread starter was trying to say is that all of the items on the market are one-time use only, ex. An Armor set must be bought again for it to be used on another character w/o using the Legacy Bank or the mail system. He's asking to make certain item purchases Account-Wide. For perspective, DCUO allows you to claim certain items again on another character on your account if you purchased the item in question in the shop.
  9. I came up with a similar concept dealing with having a second companion out while soloing. I think you answered how exactly it would work. I'll have to find the old thread and look at what I put in...
  10. Hey guys, I have a slight complaint in regards to solo progression for non-healing classes (more specifically solo tanking and Damage-Dealing). My main in SWTOR is a Jedi Guardian, which, to my knowledge, is a rather beefy class in terms of damage mitigation. However, I constantly run into problems with trash mobs, above all things, in that I don't have a way to heal damage I take solo. I'm currently finishing up on Quesh, and I've started to notice that I've been taking absurd amounts of damage from the "tough" mobs, which actually do more damage than the Elite mobs. I die because of the ridiculous amounts of damage these enemies do and I have few options to save myself from dying from that single mob. These enemies turn up everywhere, and Medpacks are basically useless in these situations due to the cooldown. I can't imagine if the situation is worse for other non-healing classes. What if these classes had a self heal that healed a large portion of their health with the main trade-off being a long cooldown. It would share the cooldown of similar defensive abilities to balance, but won't share a cooldown with Medpacks. I've actually seen such an ability already in-game, in the form of Force Mend from the Sage and Unnatural Preservation for the Sorcerer, both classes already having healing abilities that are far more useful (the only plus is that they're free). I would be fine if a similar ability appeared in every class as a defensive cooldown, but the fact that only the Mage-type classes have self-heal seems out of place and a bit strange. I have a few other ideas in mind, but I'll save that for another thread. For now, keep this in mind.
  11. Considering that this game was developed by the same company that produced Mass Effect, this shouldn't be a problem.
  12. Alright, time for another Drop-Box. The topic today: The User Interface. The User Interface, or UI, is where all of the accessible functions of the game exist, from menus to action bars and nameplates. As such, it may be common-sight to see custom interfaces in every game MMOers play. Some games, like Skyrim, have mods that remove the Interface entirely except for navigating menus. However, SWTOR is one of the only MMOs to not support modding, instead opting for a customizable UI, which is powerful and easy to approach. But there is some things that the interface can't do, and certain things that can be done but are lacking. In this edition of Suggestion Drop-Box, I will look at some elements that would (possibly) make the game either easier to comprehend, or just add a touch of character to the world. So, let's get started. Thought Bubbles and Chatter I saw a thread that sparked the topic for the Drop-Box that talked about the implementation of Chat Bubbles into SWTOR (it can be found here). By itself, it is an interesting concept, and I recommend you give it a read. However, there is still room for improvement: Style: First off, style. What would it look like? Any room for improvement? Glzmo suggested that certain styles of Chat Bubbles could be used for different kinds of text, such as a difference between /say and /yell. However, I think the Devs could go deeper than that. Perhaps there could be a Comic-Book style chat bubble, boxed chat bubbles, or, for those Baulder's Gate/Dragon Age fans out there, why not the floating text style over companions and party players. Considering that I picked up DA:O only recently due to Origin's On the House, that is a choice that is further cemented. Chat: So, what kind of text should be displayed? Well, certainly not Planet and Trade chats! Trade Chats clutter the big gathering hubs, such as WoW having each of the Capital Cities, as such SWTOR has the Space Stations. Zone Chats could also be excluded, as they are usually planet wide and, just like trade chats, can clutter playing fields in populated servers. As such, I think Chat Bubbles should be limited to Companions and Party, and Raid groups. The reason I say that it should be limited to that is because people will always beg for attention, and will sometimes spam the most visible chat if possible. Just adding Chat bubbles to /say, /yell, and /emote will only worsen the already attention-mongering brats in every MMO. If there is some role-playing aspect in all of this, I think that those who want it should just group up and chat in the group chat. Companion Interactions: I always seem to resort to this. I don't know, maybe the companions and the starship just don't feel that alive outside conversations. Honestly, there should be some interaction between companions, and the Chat Bubbles would show all the action. I remember, in my time playing DA: O, that, on occasion, your party-mates would talk to each other, and the interactions are just hilarious. Considering that I had subtitle enabled for random chatter in the streets, I hardly ever miss these interactions. Bring something like that into the game, and I'll be happy. Just something to make interesting use of the Chat Bubble. Well, that's settled, moving on! Display Ascetics You know what would be great? More than a single style. Now, to explain what I mean, look at the interface. What do you see? That it is fully customizable? What about that there is only one kind of art style? If you thought the latter almost immediately as I asked the question, I like the way you think. To be honest, all MMOs suffer from this lack of art variety. In Warcraft III, each race had a unique interface art that set them apart from each other. In WoW, there was only... one... art style. SWTOR is a game that has the unique aspect of a fully customizable interface, but every interface you make always shares the same art style. As such, here is what I propose: Add variable Interface Art! Styles? Let's see... Corrupt: Think of the interface change from Empire at War: Corruption for inspiration. My point exactly. Neon: Remember how cool neon lights are? Again, point taken. Tribal: Playing a character who lived with jungle apes for most of his life? Then you know why I put this here. Biological: Biochemist? Smother the Interface bar with Zerg juice, would you? Apocalypse: Feeling down? Bomb the Interface to Kingdom Come! Then let it rust for a hundred years. If you guys can think of more interface art, leave your suggestions below! Radio Here we go! You know what would be hilarious. If you loaded up to your mount, and suddenly Fly Me to the Moon started blasting in your vehicle's radio. Of course, Fly Me to the Moon isn't Star Wars, but you get what I mean. Maybe a radio interface option could be available to those who want it, and it would play songs about or within the Star Wars Universe. Being a big admirer of good music, I would love to see what BioWare can think up, maybe even hiring famous artists and bands such as 3 Doors Down, Within Temptation, or a subtle Miracle of Sound cameo. Who knows? Now, the reason I added this to Interface rather than just Gameplay is because this would be a client-side, Interface-based radio, tied to your Holocommunicatior or something like that. You could enable it from the interface, picking up in the middle of a song or at the beginning based on your preference. It could also automatically activate when you mount up to a mechanical mount. It would give you that GTA feeling, and it would drown out the terrible ambient music in the game currently. Yes, even I turned it off. If you have suggestions as to who you would want to be surprised to hear on the SWTOR radio, leave them here. I hope you enjoyed this short Drop-Box. It was a quick write-up I would love to do more often. Once I find time between classes... And between play sessions... After class... Off YouTube... Writing more write-ups for other games...
  13. I would love this idea, but I feel it would work even better if multiple companions can be out at the same time. I could imagine that, so not to overhaul the game, it would be an expansion-level option, only being available after a certain level, because of the early leveling design. Now that would be fun. Also, I think the option to create characters from scratch would be a good addition to the game, especially when more customization options pile up.
  14. If they didn't remove the relationships for Wookies and Trandoshan, then we'll have Garrus Vakarian to thank for some priceless interactions.
  15. Never saw the stream, so I have no clue what the fuss is about... However, playing as a Vigilance Guardian, I've noticed that my character is extremely squishy in the entirety of Act I, since you don't get a healer companion until the beginning of Act II. Honestly, non-Tank Guardians/Juggernauts should have a tiny bit more survivability in solo PvE. You have no clue how many times I died to Darth Angral yesterday! I suggested a list of things in a thread of my own, which can be found here. Feel free to take a look...
  16. WoW did this system rather nicely. So, why are people hating? Anyways, WoW also implemented a Talent system in which there was no perfect choice. Can't wait to see how they'll counter that...
  17. Can't agree with you more. Trandoshan do speak basic (if only some), and I've put a set of Adaptive gear on Qyzen as of recently. Supposedly, he can equip any piece of armor you give him, and the only things that I've seen that posed issues was the lack of head pieces, hoods, gloves, and boots. Otherwise, nothing much. Another note, Oyzen speaks the natural language of the Trandoshan, Dosh, hence his voice. Also, despite common belief, there have been Trandoshan Jedi in the EU, even though the one's that are noted appeared only as early as the Battle of Ruusan, one even appearing in Star Wars: Legacy. It's just that such traits were uncommon. I am writing a story for SWTOR, called Star Wars: Grace of Dawn, which has a Trandoshan Padawan, named Osski, living on Nar Shadda after his master was killed. A mental condition severed his connection to his race's beliefs, and has been taken in by two of the main protagonists of the story, who are a Rouge Padawan and a Scoundrel who seemingly defies the very nature of the Force. It's a work in progress, but I wanted to point it out for anyone interested...
  18. Alright guys, I've got inspiration for my next Drop-Box: Patch 3.0 and beyond. Now, I know what you're thinking: "How many posts are there related to this?" Honestly, I never counted. As such, this is an open-ended discussion, and not a one-sided discussion. In this, I am highlighting what I might expect the series to expand into, from something simple to outright upsurd. As such, I will dig into the Expanded Universe for possible visits for SWTOR. So here is a list of what to expect from this list: I will be listing Expansion ideas that change the game in a drastic way, either by adding higher level end-game content or by adding a wider range of customization, or both, plus a few bonuses. Now that that is out of the way, begin! Other-Space Here we go. A concept in the Expanded Universe that has only been mentioned once. In the novel Empire Reborn (I think that's what it's called), it was mentioned that the Star Wars Universe what made up of three different planes of existence: Real-Space (the realm where most of the action takes place), Hyper-Space (a realm of distant travel), and Other-Space, which is the Star Wars equivalent to another dimension. However, this notion of space was only really explained once in the Expanded Universe. As such, little is known about it. I can assume that Other-Space was involved with the "Terror from Beyond" Operation, but it wasn't explicitly stated. As such, an expansion based on this mysterious realm would be an interesting throwback to the Expanded Universe. It could also exercise BioWare's need for creativity in this game. As such, I think the following should be included: Level Cap raised to 60 A Flashpoint (or multiple) detailing the threat released by Other-Space An Operation (or multiple) trying to put an end to the threat A Raid-Tier inspired by the feel of Other-Space (don't ask me how this should look) A new Race or two added to the Cartel Market (My personal choices are Trandoshan, Torgruta, Falleen, Wookie, and/or Selonians) A crap-load of good quests on never-before-visited planets and other anomalies (like the Maw Black Hole Cluster) Cartel Market items and equipment with the same conditions as the previously mentioned Raid-Tier An end-game based Companion that allows for multiple companions at once. Revisiting Old Level 50 Flashpoints because of anomalies caused by Other-Space (that's a lot of anomalies) A new unlockable companion (two) If anyone feels that a visit to the unknown would be incredible, make sure you leave feedback on the idea here. Now that we got that out of the way, on to the next concept. The Emperor's Return Okay, hear me out. No one knows what happened to the Emperor after his defeat by the Hero of Tython (In the Jedi Knight Story Arc), other than the fact that he is recuperating in his original body, guarded by the Hand. Unfortunately, we aren't really sure when exactly he died, an unknown that is bugging the hell out of me. Does he fully recover? Does he even return? Even then, are we really sure it is the same Emperor we knew, or didn't know? The idea of this expansion is to end that itching uncertainly. The Emperor does return, but he isn't having allies in the Empire. Once again, the Empire is in danger of loosing their right to exist by the very men who built it. Eventually, just like Malagus and his false Empire, the two factions find themselves allies once again to face a man who is realized to be beyond reason. This expansion may seem out of whack, but hear me out. The Emperor wanted to destroy everything, including the Empire he built! That is the reason this idea is even being considered. As such, content: Level Cap set to 60 (65, 70, 75...) A Flashpoint (or several) that detail the Emperor's emergence An Operation that will finally end that rat! Endgame Raid-Tier related to the Emperor and his guard New Races (Same as previous, if this comes first) Lots of Leveling content on previously unknown strongholds of the Sith Empire Basically everything mentioned before, but in the theme of the Expansion A real sweet Uber-Weapon for each Class/Advanced Class that looks awesome and kicks butt. (Place it in every expansion you do anyways) An Heirloom system. For those who hate getting uninspired equipment from leveling ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, there you go. But before I quit, I need to address a few items that I feel are required for Patch 3.0: -Cross-Classes: The idea is to combine certain aspects of a chosen class and apply them to a character. For example, one of the characters I made for SWTOR can be depicted as wielding both a Lightsaber as a Jedi Guardian, and a Blaster pistol from his life growing up as a Low-Life. Or what about an Imperial Agent who also had some informal Sith Assassin training (a story I've heard from someone). This could add an extra layer of customization to each character you make, but in a way in which one particular combination isn't the OP one. -Voice-Packs: This is a given. If there is one customization option that was absent from the original release, it was this. The idea of Voice-Packs is to give your character a larger variety of Voice Options than the default, in order to get more in touch with your hero. By no means is this game-breaking, but it will require some labor on BioWare's part. I am often troubled by the Jedi Knight's cliched warrior-of-light tone, and the character I created is supposed to be a bit more wise-cracking, like the Smuggler. And not every Smuggler should sound like a rip off of Han Solo. Seriously? -Expanding the Starship: Not necessarily allowing for decorations from Galactic Strongholds, but just plain old personalizing the Starship for your own amusement. Don't you think that the Starship has been rather unloved after Legacy? I mean, it would be awesome if the interiors could be re-themed to your liking, such as a nature theme or a darkened theme for the Shadows and Assassins out there. And what about Starship-based battles inside the Starship on occasion because of an enemy sneaking aboard, or a hapless stow-away who just want's to get off world after a terrible event. Perhaps, one of these stow-aways could be a potential follower for your crew, if you choose. Something to spice up the under-loved Starship. And that's it. If you really like my ideas, feel free to post your thoughts below. Also, since this is an Open-concept Thread, be sure to post your ideas here, as well. Stay frosty, my friends!
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