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Everything posted by eerinbastile

  1. I lost my guardian stuff ****' #1 vigilance world read your rules and you can remove Dannii from the overall dmg as its two per category and I already have two for Shoju
  2. Wont happen as long as there's paid transfers. The more money spend people to transfer to another server to increase the quality of their playing experience decreases the likelihood Bioware will do anything, if anything it encourages them not to do anything because all they see is $$$$$$
  3. I'm not even sure if Bioware has done one good thing for PvP in this game at all. Pretty shocked that Premades don't have a separate queue for regs yet it's a stupid enough idea it should be #1 on Biowares list of "Things that make PvP great! owait" list.
  4. Wasn't really funny more sad that people try this hard ..
  5. Dead server 0 talent outside of maybe10 imps if you're lucky.
  6. He would fit in well with Bioware tbqh.
  7. I find it funny you Americans always complain about "high" ping if the two servers got merged. 90 ping isn't high at all I've been playing on 300+ on west coast servers and 400+ on east coast servers since the Australian servers got shutdown. I'd kill to know what playing on sub 100 ping feels like again. Played ranked on both Pot5 and Bastion and beat many of the "top tier" teams before everybody quit for wildstar.
  8. How am I wrong? you're complaining about the solo experience in an MMO ffs. Go back to Kotor.
  9. ............ You can only queue a 4man yourself group including yourself for unranked Warzones (regs) This entire thread is pointless.
  10. This is an MMO. Why are you crying because Bioware said **** solo players. M M O
  11. Sorc, PT, Sin, Mara, Sniper All good choices for DPS for group ranked.
  12. That's worse than BiS Warhero > Recruit and we all remember the tears when players actually had to gear up. I'd love to see bolster removed from 55 PvP and a recruit set added back into the game. Bolster doesn't belong in 55 PvP. You don't hit 55 and walk into NiM content PvE why should it be different in PvP? Hit 55 spend time to gear up to become It's like its hard to gear up in this game with the amount of legacy gear available atm. Remove bolster. inb4carebears and inb4lolujustwannapwnfresh50s. Yes yes I do because I hit 50 with lvl 40 PvP gear and had to play against centurion/champion/battlemaster geared players. game is ezmode now /boring
  13. eerinbastile

    Sorry what?

    Because the scores are still 600/600 its 50/50 chance to win the draw. I swear it was common knowledge. It's just the same if the opposing side in Novare Coast doesn't have enough players or yours doesn't and the game is going to end in 30 seconds. 100% on both sides? 50/50 chance. I've been in a game where it was going to end in 30 seconds because lack of players we capped east and south before the 30 seconds where up and still lost because of the tied scores. Yes it sucks but Bioware loves RNG.
  14. Yes ... they all leveled up during the two double EXP weekends we had like a month ago. Zuhara will never play Republic I've tried to convince him many times.
  15. *facepalm* you went around for 13mins killing people. yes yes anybody can do this. also lol regs.
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