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Everything posted by eerinbastile

  1. Is this post legit? you sound like one of those pathetic turds who think they're good but are actually garbage and its everybodys fault they lose.
  2. eerinbastile

    Its back !

    I didn't even think of that at the time ahaha. Also Electro net as well . Ion Pulse Stockstrike and High impact bolt must be super op!!!!
  3. eerinbastile

    Its back !

    Its quite clear all you're crying is from the fact tactics didn't get a buff but I'm so glad you're playing Assault with only 3 abilities and not including Incendiary round and Assault plastique it shows who the real "baddie" is Like seriously how mad are you that Pyro got buffed over Tactics? like thats ALL your QQ is about its quite hilarious You want some facts? kk here you go. As you state somebody can "Drool on their keyboard" and win with a pyro only using 3 buttons Flameburst Rocket punch and Railshot. I would pay to see a Pyro using those 3 abilities beat an AP spec Powertech of equal skill. Take away the 35% dmg buff to all dots for Pyro and out of those 3 buttons is 1 dot the weakest damaging dot of all that gained a massive 200 dmg increase from the 35% buff. So what you're saying is a Pyro could do what its doing now before 2.8 where was your QQ then? (and here we go to the conclusion that your QQ is only because tactics didn't get buffed) Flameburst doesn't even proc CGC 100% of the time anymore this why applying Incendiary round is necessary. Lmao. Only then would this be QQ worthy and still not even using TD is laughable Immolate crits 9k on my Powertech like you say one of the highest hitting abilities in AP but TD is also the second highest hitting ability in Pyro but you only call it a maybe lmfao you're spewing **** out of your mouth and it doesn't even make sense. If you're not putting incendiary round on your target every time you switch targets in regs/rated you're playing it wrong and shouldn't probably rethink and relearn the class before coming here and QQing. The entire Pyro rotation is to have all 3 dots up 24/7 hence the 35% dot buff to all DOTS seeing as you're not even doing that you don't even play the class correctly there for all QQ is moot 0 value go away child. Go back to drooling on your keyboard with your 3 button AoE spec class . From the #1 and #2 AP Powertech in group ranked on two different servers thanks bub. For the tl;dr crowd Brunner_Venda is just upset that Pyro got buffed instead of Tactics/AP and is here making up total bs and doesn't even list facts of playing the class to 100%
  4. eerinbastile

    Its back !

    By your logic of previous posts the only change that made any difference is the plasma cell dot buff. What Pyro Powertechs are doing now was easily done pre 2.8 smh. Stop QQ'ing because Tactics didn't get a buff you're a *********** joke kid. more crying over 1v1 balance smh can you quit already. Everything you post is worth 0 value. Pyro doesn't need nerfs just like it didn't in 2.0 but crying scrubs like yourself are the reason it did and probably will
  5. eerinbastile

    Its back !

    Your post is still moot. Tactics can do fine using 3 buttons as well lol if thats your entire argument can you just stop. Flameburst, Retractable blade and Flamethrower. You're done the only reason you're upset is because your favorite spec didn't get a buff if you had this much problems with pyro now you should have been QQing before 2.8 because like you said those 3 buttons?? yeah they would be doing the exact same before 2.8 except plasma cell gets a HUGE 200dmg increase! mygod! ITS SO OP NERF NERF NERF.. owait. lol.
  6. eerinbastile

    Its back !

    wait wait wait hold up wow okay I think I recovered. So Thermal Detonator is only a maybe? okay. Incendiary round is a no no? okay. Well I can't see what you're complaining about if you're not using the two out of the 3 abilities that got buffed in 2.8 you're doing it wrong. with the 2.8 crit buff I now run with 26% ranged crit and 32% tech crit and my TD hits 7-8k crits with out relic procs depending on which AC it crits on and spec with armor rating ect ect. Now if you're not using Incendiary round and Assault Plastique on your Vanguard you don't play the spec fine. Furthermore if you're not worried about Incendiary round and Assault plastique being major DPS abilities for Pyro/Assault Vanguards this QQ you have right now for them should have been made pre 2.8 because a 35% dmg buff to plasma cell is laughable at best seeing as it was nerfed by 50% in 2.0. tl;dr you're point is moot and you're just sour that Pyro got buffs and Tactics didn't go away now. Edit: lmfao forgot the part where you want game balance around 1v1s hahahahahaha because in the undying rage thread you also want balance around solo queue lol. Balancing any class around 1v1s and solo queue in this game is stupid. Balance should be done for 4v4 group ranked among top players and 8v8 regs. smh just stop posting you're not good at this.
  7. eerinbastile

    Its back !

    You forgot Incendiary missile, Thermal detonator and shoulder cannon Wow, you're almost as smart as the dev morons at biofail. If you can't even play the spec right stop qqing about it. People like you are the reasons classes like DPS operatives get nerfed into the ground no understanding of anything just plain QQ. smfh. Can't wait for total scrubs like you to get pyro turned into 2.0 again YAY! for bads.
  8. eerinbastile

    Its back !

    All I got out of this was "Assault got buffed so I'm going to jump on the Assault bandwagon instead of playing the spec I actually enjoy" Reminds me of smashtards "Smash is so boring but I suck at Anni/Carnage/Vengeance so I'm just going to play Rage. P.S Pyro never was never will be 3 button spec and if you'd like to think so Tactics is also 3 buttons, Retractable Blade, flameburst and flamethrower. QQ on scrub.
  9. eerinbastile

    Its back !

    *sigh* Bads will be bads. Show me where the big ole mean pyro dots touched you
  10. Warzones have been repeating themselves since 2.0 (or at least it seems like its been that long) nothing worse than getting any warzone except for Huttball multiple times in a row.
  11. Just make a thread calling for nerfs for Powertechs/Sorcs/Sins/Maras ready for Cretinus for 2.8.
  12. No warzones are fine just the way they are.
  13. Thanks to all the light nighters queuing solo tonight! it was a lot of fun and gives an Aussie something to do!
  14. lolno. Cleanse is your friend baddie. Dot buffs wont increase burst l2p xox. 50% crit on railshot lol? are you still dreaming of pre 2.0. Smh do you even play this game.
  15. That was such a great game especially for solo ranked.
  16. in a few days time none of this QQ will matter everybody will be complaining about Madness Sorcs/Sins, Anni Rauders and Pyro PTs never ending cycle of bads complaining about OP classes when really its a l2p issue
  17. I couldn't pay people to try as hard as you are right now
  18. Ohh ... so its only a problem if hes not on your team okay.
  19. The amount of scrubs on these forums is unreal
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