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Everything posted by noebert

  1. I think it's more of resolve not working as intended. I'm sorry to those who defend it. It most certainly does not work as it is supposed to. I know the difference between a stun and a snare. It's simply not giving any benefit for many folks or a very minor one compared to others. When/If they ever fix it or ditch it for something else (anything would be an improvement over this system) the CC would be a bit less of a common complaint. People have a tendency to blame the outcome and not the creator of the issue.
  2. I cannot count the amount of times that I've been stunned or incapacitated (NOT simply rooted) over and over again with a full resolve bar. It simply doesn't have any effect on my character (Sorc). It's just some graphic that fluctuates on my screen but provides no benefit when it's frame is filled with a different color. Meanwhile, my knockback or stun does nothing to the tank/melee dps that's attacking me.
  3. noebert

    Ilum Armaments

    There already is zero fighting on Ilum. It's just people running around to gather their armaments. There's zero incentive to do anything else there except for a buff for a little extra valor from warzones.
  4. every single bag I've gotten since the patch that changed the system has given me ONLY commendations. I have yet to get any items from them. It's been at least 3 dozen so far.
  5. The problem is the same reason you're bolstering as the reason you don't want it, fighting the same people over and over again. Sure it's fun at times, but fighting fresh faces adds a new element to the game as you won't know who they are and what spec they are (healer, tank, dps). It "should" also help with queue times for many servers with lower than average populations who are either forced to constantly play huttball during hours that the few republic players (on imp heavy servers) or imp players (on repub heavy servers) are on to create matches for voidstar and civil war. A lack of variety in terms of warzones to keep things interesting will hurt the pvp population and prevent it from growing. Also, despite the forum trolls, WoW cross server pvp and dungeons were an amazing hit for the vast majority of the players that play the game. MMO Devs will always cater to the masses, not the elitist few who have the loudest voices. (I'm not accusing anyone here of anything, fyi) People don't like change, so when it happens they complain about it causing issues with this and that but in the end they will get used to it and either enjoy it or not. In the end, you can't please everyone. So they should and will try to please as many as they can.
  6. noebert

    75k to 300k...

    They really didn't think the healing medals through at all. If you're medal farming go dps or tank (slap a guard on someone you know will take oodles of damage). It's not the healing medal gap that's annoying, is that we only have 4 medals we can strive for unless we go out and dps a little to grab a few extra. On the flip side, you'll get some nice folks who will notice when you bust your butt healing and throw some mvp votes your way to help you out a bit. It's rolling the dice at the end of the game, but still. Don't be a jerk during the match and you may find 3-4+ votes tossed your way.
  7. On my server there are just as my consulars as there are sorcs, if not more in some matches. Your argument is childish. You got beat by a class you don't know how to counter, therefore they need to be nerfed so they're an easy kill for you and your lackluster playstyle.
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