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Everything posted by NicoleMay

  1. "The target item ratings for level shifted content have been raised, and players will generally be more powerful when in level shifted areas." OR, you could just go back to 6.0 scaling. When tert stats like accuracy, alacrity, and crit which are crucial to rotations aren't scaled down. Still, better than no adjustment. Some of those mid planet heroics are a pain when fully leveled and fully geared as of now.
  2. I get so much hate for trying to run NiM Dash regardless of the method. Have yet to do cave strat, but plenty of people give me BS for trying to form no matter what. I say we're doing it legit, people get upset that I'm not doing the easy way. I try to form for cave strat since that's what the group wants, and people call me out on using an exploit that hasn't even been patched. Patch it. Just patch it. I don't want to deal with it anymore. I just want my purple rakata slot.
  3. Definitely a good change. Gonna have to update my spreadsheet when this change comes through!
  4. It's because Presence scales down now! Along with tert stats like accuracy, alacrity, and crit. You need to ensure that the percentages for tert stats stay the same when scaling down. If I have 110% accu on fleet, I should have 110% accu everywhere. Presence needs to not scale. This is why companions are struggling.
  5. Holy **** they actually listened and adjusted based on feedback. Amazing. More of this please! I definitely think having MM Fps and Ops rotate is a good plan. But VM FPs absolutely needed to be more widely available, even if it means bringing back hammer station grinding.
  6. Will we have to worry about this again next week? Or do you have a permanent fix incoming?
  7. Looks like Dev Team has it tracked now. https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=10009997#edit10009997
  8. Alacrity and Crit are still crucial healing stats. Alacrity affects your global cool down. Crit will impact certain abilities, such as Healing Trance.
  9. If it's a balancing issue, then the solution is to adjust the caps for Mastery, Power, etc. Don't touch the tertiary stats.
  10. The CZ198 Weekly mission has been removed. And today, one of the GS objectives is to complete the weekly twice. Which you physically cannot do now. It's not at the terminal, and it's not in the Solo tab of the activities page. Fantastic job yet again devs.
  11. I complained about this during the PTS phase. Glad to see feedback was absolutely ignored. Tertiary stats should absolutely never scale. Accuracy always needs to be at 110% for DPS. Alacrity impacts your global cooldown. Critical rating has a huge impact on a handful of abilities, such as Healing Trance on a Sage Seer granting a free charge of Vindicate. Defense stats are crucial for tanks to withstand blows. Who decided to scale tertiary stats? Because they clearly have never played the game or read a single guide for gearing. I took some screenshots from my Secondary operative (which yes, has sub-optimal stats for DPS even at 80, just showing evidence of the scaling). On fleet, at level 80, I have the following: Crit - 1517 Alac - 1920 Accuracy - 1497 Presence (which also should never scale) - 1303 Accuracy Percentage - 106.39% Critical Chance - 27.79% Critical Multiplier - 58.02% On Hutta, scaled down, I have the following: Crit - 11 Alac - 13 Accuracy - 11 Presence - 349 Accuracy Percentage - 101.97% Critical Chance - 20.59% Critical Multiplier - 51.67% Can a developer PLEASE give some insight as to why this change was made, and if there are plans to reverse it? Accuracy and Alacrity are some of the most important stats in the game and every single guide tells you what threshold you need to hit, 110% for Accuracy, and alacrity for Global Cooldown. These should absolutely never scale. There is nothing more frustrating than wiffing your shots on a lowbie planet doing heroics or story content.
  12. OH **** lol I mean....I assume there will be an option to kill Malgus, right? Or keep him imprisoned on Odessen? And let's be honest, "Malgus Prison" isn't too much of a spoiler. No more than showing him on the loading screen. You know he's back, you know he'll be dealt with.
  13. The example I wrote down was having a full set of 322 gear, accuracy is at 109% on fleet, and drops to 104% on Nar Shadaa. Didn't write anything else down specifically, but I noticed it especially when doing the Tython heroic.
  14. They don't want to eliminate the use of alts, and yeah, they need to be permanent. But I do think adding a 3rd and 4th combat style slot for an appropriate amount of cartel coins would be nice to have in the future. Not at launch of 7.0, but in the future. They'd need to be like 6000 CC so it's only worth getting on your main and maybe a secondary.
  15. It's already been stated that there will be a PTS for 7.1
  16. I know this is less gearing, but will Tertiary Stats (accuracy, alacrity, crit) still be scaled down when going to lower planets for heroics and such? Having accuracy below 110% hurts a ton and there is nothing more frustrating than your big glowing ability with missing the enemy.
  17. Weapons in outfitter isn't going to be a thing until 7.1, combat balancing is a nightmare, no more slottable gear. At this point most people are asking "Well, what is going to be in 7.0?" And the answer is sadly story content and a bunch of bugs. Given all the bugs, delays, and clear indication that the dev team is overpromising and underdelivering, I think the wisest option would be to release the story content only in 7.0. Give us 318 slottable gear. And then they can actually take in the PTS feedback and release everything else in 7.1/7.2. Lets face it, LOTS just isn't ready in it's current state. The devs need far more time to listen and adjust to PTS feedback. The PTS was supposed to be down in early January. There's a reason they kept it up longer and are pushing it harder on social media platforms. Come up with a reasonable deadline for the other stuff, then add like 3 months to it. Then I think it would release in a good spot. For now? The only thing I'm excited about with 7.0 is combat styles, loadouts, and story. Everything else screams that it won't be truly ready until 7.1/7.2. And I'd rather delay combat styles and loadouts to ensure all the bugs are ironed out and gearing is done properly.
  18. JK Chapter 3 Emperor is a joke. AOE nukes his clones instantly. He was just as easy on PTS as he is on live for me.
  19. CTR:+U twice seems to fix this, but yeah, definitely a bug that needs to be fixed before launch
  20. Removing slottable gear somehow just got worse. In 7.0, I can either have my cool looking weapon in 306 stats, or I can have the generic looking weapon with 7.0 stats? I'd have zero issue with weapons in outfit design not being available IF GEAR WAS STILL SLOTTABLE Y'all need to make a complete 180 on this. Even if the expac gets delayed to June. I'd rather it be done right, then it be broken until 7.1/7.2.
  21. Only thing I have left is the expansion story content. Otherwise, I've logged into the PTS, gotten iRating 322 and completed the Vet FP weekly, PVP Unranked weekly, and multiple Heroic Weeklies with that full gear equipped. No way to check in game for completion. I got screenshots saved on twitter with timestamps if I need to pull proof of completion up, but I also opened a CS ticket to be safe. Really irked we have no way to confirm our progress in game. And especially when I see others walking around with those titles, it makes me feel like I'm not getting rewarded.
  22. Why would you need to reroll another character? You have a character, that you picked your combat style on, and you only plan on sticking on that combat style, yes? What's the problem with having to pick a second combat style that will just go unused? It's not taking anything away from you.
  23. That's not a bug. That's just how the PTS is working at the moment. They want those flashpoints to be the ones you test with in groups. You can still access all FPs, but if you use Group Finder, you are limited to those.
  24. LOTS is looking more and more like it will be the best, and worse patch ever. Combat styles and loadouts are amazing. But what's the point when each discipline gets nerfs across the board and gear/level scaling ruins the tertiary stats. I'm not so much looking forward to 7.0, but rather 7.1, 7.2, the patches where the devs finally realize they ****ed up. It's like they are playing a completely different game.
  25. Why oh why did you decide to scale tertiary stats? Accuracy, alacrity, crit, and I'm sure the tank stats are the same way. Those should not scale. EVER. We need 110% accuracy at ALL TIMES in PVE content to ensure each shot hits. There is nothing more frustrating than not being able to hit a level 1 mob 100% of the time as a level 80 scaled down. Many moves are dependent on crit, such as the Seer/Corruption Healing channel ability which each crit gives you a free resource regen ability charge. DPS classes have similar situations as well. Alacrity impacts the GCD. It would be absolutely horrid to have 1.5 gcd on lowbies, 1.4gcd on mid planets, and 1.3gcd only on max level content. This is an absolutely horrid decision and makes me feel like the devs aren't even playing the game when making these changes. Look at any PVE discipline guide online, Vulkk, Merlyn, EVERY SINGLE ONE SAYS TO GET 110% ACCURACY and to at least get 1.4gcd. I sincerely hope you do not plan on releasing this gear/level scaling in it's current state.
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