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Everything posted by ForfiniteStories

  1. There is a lot of content that is arbitrarily restricted behind the requirement of a group. Whether that be 3, 7 or 15 other players. While SWTOR is still regarded as an MMORPG, it's heyday has long since past, and most guilds have long since discarded any notion of attempting to clear anything beyond hard mode. I myself have been playing for eight years, and despite how enthusiastic I remain for the game, I am met with frustration when considering the fact that I have yet to surpass even the fifty plus percent mark for various achievements, such as Operations or Flashpoints. I believe it is time for Broadsword to make said content relevant again through the removal level scaling, thereby allowing players to experience this now defunct content that has remained dormant for way too long, gathering dust all the while. PvE content requires a subscription to partake in. But since it is not feasible for an individual to partake in such content due to its sterile state, then there is no point to a subscription. As of recently, I have dropped my subscription and uninstalled the game. I know SWTOR can be played quite well as a preferred player, but I love the game too much to not bother with roaming about without also doing all that there is to do and exploring all that the game offers. Seemingly, the only way to achieve a higher achievement score is to pay for carry runs, the content itself gated behind carry groups that refuse to allow it to grow and prosper in the name of personal finance and greed. They are also partially responsible for the state the economy is in, so my suggestion may help to amend that issue as well, though I dare not bet on that. This is my request to Broadsword, and likely my final attempt to get back into a game that has left a notable imprint on my life. Kind regards.
  2. Newly formed guild, so don't expect much. Currently, they only run one HM Operation a week. No Master Modes. No flashpoints. No communication. Nothing else at all. However, I am positive they will expand in the future. There is a lot of talent in this guild that is just too good to be put to waste. Unfortunately, as an eight year veteran, I'm just not that patient, so I am no longer with them.
  3. At least SWTOR has a story. FF14 is about watching paint dry. Never mind that story shouldn't even be a selling point for an MMORPG.
  4. I did not receive loot for killing Soa on a Hard Mode lockout. I died on a platform and the group was unable to find my body in order to resurrect me. In addition, after attempting to return, the boss respawned. This prevented me from uniting with the group and looting the boss. Another player was also unable to loot when Soa resurrected. I am requesting that I receive the loot I was unable to retrieve. If that is not possible, then compensation, preferably in the form of OP-1 Cataclysts and a Rakata piece fit for a Virulence Sniper. Please and thank you. Character name is Bitte Xin.
  5. I noticed this too, with flirt options. Their sexual orientation, a character trait, is entirely dependent on you. In addition, I've been going through Ruhnuk on my alts as of late, and I noticed that the opinions of "characters" are completely different depending on your dialogue options. At least one example is as follows. After saying to Lane Vizla: "[Flirt] You showed up for me..." She responds with, "Of course, how heartless do you think I am?" Or something along those lines. But telling her other dialogue options, she's like, "I don't care about you. I just don't want to deal with Shae if she found out you died under my watch." Or something along those lines. Like, which one is it?
  6. Along with a fix, perhaps they can make such armor/clothing flow more naturally. I am using genteel chest piece but without the skirt, yet the bottom portion is always glued to my legs.
  7. I made the same mistake of making my secondary Combat Style the Empire-variant of my Republic character. The idea was to have a Dark Side version of her, but that could have been done just by creating a new character anyway, with the added bonus of going through the story again while making Dark Side dialogue choices. I didn't really think about it; I just wanted to clear my screen/mission log from that mission you get, and I didn't consider the consequences because the idea of a secondary combat style was new to me. It'd be far more viable to have her secondary Combat Style be a different role, such as a Tank, for instance. I would love for this to be an option later on, and I hope that they can overcome any technical hurdles that might hinder such possibility. At the very least, any role I require has already been filled by my other characters. I can therefore live with it for the time being. But it would be nice if I no longer had to rely on them for those roles.
  8. Thanks everyone. The items were indeed in my inventory. Maybe they only showed there after re-logging? Either way, I'm going to have to report a bug called being stupid. Don't know if they are able to fix that one, lol
  9. I turned in 100 Notes of Reflection to Amity for the weekly seasonal objective, 'A Pilgrim's Purpose', which requires the player to gain 1,000 reputation with the Messengers of the Cold Moon. The objective did not progress, but I still lost 100 Notes. Additionally, I noticed that no such reputation even exists. What then is the purpose of this objective and of the currency?
  10. A part of me will always belong in SWTOR. But there remains too many glaring issues that need to be addressed, some seemingly new to 7.0, such as the poor class balance, with Ranged getting shafted big time. In some cases, I'm dead in five seconds. I might revisit it in the future, even just to test the waters once again for a mere month.
  11. I want a companion that's obsessed with the Flashfire as much as I am. As a matter of fact, I don't even think we have a single companion who is a starfighter pilot.
  12. I believe you are meant to farm an alt account of yours while having two instances of SWTOR active at once.
  13. For some reason, during the outage, myself and at least one other player looked to be logged in as someone else when checking the website. I was "Zorandian", and he was "HaraldHofferson." Neither are our actual account names. I wonder what the deal with that was? I almost thought Bioware got hacked or something.
  14. Warzone Weekly requires only twelve games, with wins counting as three, whereas the Arena Weekly requires double the amount of games. The requirements for the Arena Weekly should match that of the Warzone one, as currently, it takes forever to complete the Arena Weekly. And for some, including myself, Arenas are also less desirable. This makes the experience of having to complete the Arena Weekly all the more miserable and tiresome.
  15. The mobs on this planet are too plentiful, take too long to kill, and deal way too much damage. I am unable to progress through the daily area on my healer character (Seer Sage) without enduring extreme tedium and frustration. It is namely the Gold mobs inside the tunnels I had a problem with. The only way for me to progress was to run as far as I could and /stuck + Medical Probe, and if near objective, kill one enemy before rinsing and repeating, constantly.
  16. I would also like to see some of the older PvP sets as well. The ones for 4.0+ haven't been seen since, and I lost a stamped appearance of one when I transferred servers as I didn't think to keep the actual pieces.
  17. That would also be a way for them to potentially bring back long-gone pets, like the Flashfire pet. ❤️
  18. Not a fan of the gearing system at all. Okay, gear being account-wide is great. That being said, what frustrates me the most is not the grind, but that I am grinding gear just to be able to do the same content I was already doing. Want a spot in an Operations team? Too bad; your character is not geared, even though they used to be. For the exact same Operations. That have been in the game ...for like ten years.
  19. I had the exact issue as described by dinowoman. I managed to find a workaround by going to an adjacent area in the Volcanic Mesa and completing a dig for the same mission, and coming back to the south-west section that was bugged. Logging out did not fix the issue, but that did.
  20. The NPC that I must interact with in order to acquire tokens for GAME Reputation is no longer at her location on Nar Shaddaa. The only alternative is their presence on the Class Ship, but they appear only on the character that has them unlocked. Since this character of mine does not yet have a ship, I am unable to progress the reputation track for GAME, nullifying my capability to participate in the associated season. Ironically, the aforementioned NPC is none other than Fay herself, who despite being a companion, cannot be interacted with as a companion.
  21. Talos Drellik appears in the Republic story for Digging Deeper, despite being an Imperial character, in place of whoever was supposed to be present instead. Previously he was an Alliance Alert, but leaves to rejoin his Imperial compatriots following the events of Jedi Under Siege.
  22. I concur. Looking at my Republic Pilot Dossiers thread, the dark text blends all too well with the background, making it more difficult to read.
  23. I do not like the new Operations. The older ones were superior, in my opinion, though there were a few aspects of the new ones which were enjoyable. My issue is not the difficulty; it's going in with a seasoned group of veterans in fully-optimized gear yet still suddenly wiping for no apparent reason. It's not fun, nor is it challenging; it's boring and stupid. Karagga's Palace and Eternity Vault remain as the epitome of quality raid design.
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