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Everything posted by General_Brass

  1. The simplest way to deal with gunships sitting on capital ships is not to go to them.
  2. I have to echo this. It winds up being the organized team spawncamps the middle spawn point and the pug or non voice com team gets divided
  3. I am sorry but the numbers I picked were absolutely minimal. I stayed away from anything that might be even a little controversial to analyze. There are none of the effects of cooldown abilities in there, nothing about improved sensors, better crew picks, or secondary effects from weapons. The people in this thread are not doing the OP any favors. Matter of fact it looks like they are trying to encourage a stream of noobs to keep coming in so they can keep kicking the stuffings out of them.
  4. Please point out the errors So far in this thread we have magic balanced servers that nobody can say what any of them are and now we have math errors that can't be pointed out.
  5. That's interesting Just looking at the numbers Fully mastered ships will have 20% more armor 20% more shields and minimally 20% more damage output to give us (health)x(firepower) = 1.44 or they are roughly 50% more effective before considering utility abilities. I can certainly see how a base ship can get a kill on a fully enhanced ship but it's not where I would put my money.
  6. Well can you recommend the more balanced servers ?
  7. Its more an east/west north/south thing. In my case and it may not be a universal issue, it's just ingrained reflex from looking at the artificial horizon/ compass without them when I try to exit a dogfight as often as not I wind up going in the wrong direction. Even a good landmark like the sun would help
  8. Right now on the server I play on I can tell you how a match is going to go 80%+ of the time before it even starts by just looking over the people in the teams. The team synergy is just that intense in this game and the difficulties in even explaining why particular objectives are important just makes it worse when teams aren't on a voice comm channel.
  9. 1. Don't beat yourself up 2.Remember it's a team game not a solo game. You can improve immensely and it still won't help. Right now you are likely on a server where your side, is likely facing enemies in fully upgraded ships, using voice chat to coordinate vs your group of pugs. What this means is you are basically screwed, if you were looking for something you could drop in queue and play.
  10. Well loved the good parts so much it rekindled my love of flightsims. Hate the problems enough that it's driving me to other games. 1. Lack of matchmaking (matches are almost always snoozefests or blowouts) 2. Lack of artificial horizon/compass 3. Lack of combat logging
  11. Crying ? Why don't you try and present something that actually advances your position instead of going for name calling ? Maybe you might be taken a little more seriously Oh and btw, the obvious implication is that you are someone who has set up to abuse the OP crits on scouts and doesn't want a nerf.
  12. I am sorry but scouts can already take down far too much far too quickly giving them a buff of any kind at this point is completely out of line.
  13. Seriously you could just short cut this thread to "Get Someone who knows how PvP works" to fix GSF. While its a nice game on it's own it just breaks in so many places be it the horrendous advantage given to pre mades, or the abused mechanics or the out and and out lag/teleport cheats popping up its not funny.
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