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Everything posted by Kain_Turinbar

  1. Without Plasma brand you can't even have a proper Vigilance rotation........don't know what to really say about that. I do like the 15% armor in the defense tree and I give up the 2 points in the focus tree (the buffs to sweep) to get there.
  2. Signed, but I'd like more than just two. On my Guardian I'd have: 1. DPS PvE 2. DPS PvP 3. Tank PvE
  3. If you're talking about HM FPs with people who are still gearing up, sure. I don't think waiting for the tank on the SM/progression FPs is necessary at all they are just way too easy.
  4. Mace Windu so easily defeated Palpatine I don't buy him as the "best ever" at anything other than hiding his true self. He was a master of pulling strings and orchestrating things behind the scenes but I think in terms of actual combat he was quite weak.
  5. Yes, the ************ and moaning has been unreal. Honestly I think they were just so used to us being easy targets or ignorable that they just couldn't take it when suddenly things were evened up.
  6. Plus for people still gearing up there is the weekly that grants elite and ultimate comms.
  7. I couldn't agree more. Unlike other specs we will always have a tough time putting out our "dummy DPS" on most bosses because of our "melee turret" status. Even if we had the highest dummy parses we would still get outperformed in nearly all boss fights.
  8. It is kind of strange to see my Vigilance Guardians all over the place now. The first two months I played the game I never saw one and everyone always assumed I was a tank and asked me why I was trying to DPS as a Guardian. I never thought the class/build I played would end up as a FOTM....but 2.8s nerfs will change that. I think mostly it is because of how many Focus Guardians there were before 2.7 and now they have all respec'd to Vigilance since Focus is worthless in PVP now.
  9. It does suck to get the nerf so fast but I guess I could live with 15 seconds instead of the 10 they are dropping it to.
  10. I think an easy fix for this would be to make the initial plasma brand hit much stronger--at least on par with what the tool tip states for overhead slash. Since it is yellow instead of white damage it should actually do a bit more if that was the case.
  11. We sure weren't good for long but I enjoyed it while it lasted.
  12. Unremitting will end before the final tick of master strike.
  13. At the early levels it will be fine. End game Operations, HM FPs obviously not but while leveling up the Heroic 4+s and flashpoints into at least around Taral V it should be enough if you're good. My DPS sage successfully healed every FP up through Maelstrom Prison. The early FPs are very easy.
  14. What exactly do you want to happen? Like everyone has said in this thread so far Guardian Tanks are in a great place right now. The developers admit that the tank role as a whole in PVP isn't as critical as they'd like and it is something they are looking into.
  15. It does seem very rapid fire and knee-jerk.
  16. That's how I feel too, all the crying in the PVP forums is from the classes that are used to us just being a free kill and want things to go back that way.
  17. Instead of the guardian leap skill high up in the tree I think they should just add something that makes Shi-Cho form have more DR or even extend the duration/reduce cooldown of saber reflect for Focus. It needs a real game changing ability on the defensive side IMO. The Guardian Leap idea is decent if it is coupled with a real nice defensive boost for the Guardian though.
  18. Well the crybabies got their way, nerf coming.
  19. I understand why the PVE commendation gear sucks (so you raid to get the better stuff) but since commendation gear is all we have for PVP I *********** hate when the they put alacrity, critical rating, -A mods, or some other crap on a piece of gear I'm about to drop 2500-3500 ranked comms on. As seldom as ranked pops those comms don't come easy.
  20. I don't think it would be that difficult to move things around to keep them streamlined. It is a moot point though because I'm just as happy with debalitation getting moved to zen strike, one less thing for me to change when I respec between PVE/PVP builds.
  21. The amount of stuns and roots/knockbacks that gunslingers/snipers have (and the ability to go into cover, preventing leap) is annoying as hell. Standing still doing nothing sucks in any game.
  22. Debilitation/Zen Strike merge makes sense to me but so did merging Burning Blade and Burning Purpose but am surprised that they are against the latter. It sucks but I knew the nerfbat was coming. There has just been so much ************ and complaining since we stopped being "free kills" to stealth and ranged classes I knew something was coming.
  23. Well its official, Focused Defense is getting nerfed according to the Guardian Q&A thread.
  24. Already done. So since you're saying 2 of the trees are worthless are you suggesting buffs to the class then? I guess I could get onboard there but nerfs would be silly.
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