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Everything posted by Kain_Turinbar

  1. Yeah the class needs some work but I will continue to play it. It is already labled "unviable" for ranked but I seem to hold my own in there (most of the time anyway).
  2. It is funny you mention this. I like to cruise the Outlaw's Den (since I'm on a PvE sever) while I'm waiting for my queues to pop since I'm already wearing my PvP gear and you can find the chests with WZ comms. I can always tell the guys that are calling for guildies. They don't release and say nothing, so usually I just use introspection over and over until they show up and when they do they almost always attack from stealth. Good fun. As for ganking lowbies.........I guess it depends on how bored I am. Sometimes it may have been a long time since I saw someone and I try not to kill the same faction but if they attack me first I will kill them. If they take it like an adult they can feel free to come back and buy the HK part or do whatever and I will leave them alone but most prefer to just try and whisper you with tells (same faction) and talk ****. My response is always the same "if you don't like it don't come in here". Imps in the Den though......I don't care what you are or are doing I'm attacking. I stayed flagged throughout my Datacron search (and PvP gear on) as well and that turned out to be fun as well. Seems Imps like to pass you by and then unflag and attack behind your back or just attack you from stealth later.
  3. Yeah this system is goofy. I was running from a swarm last night (I guess I killed the gunship they were trying to protect) and eventually they got me. While I was respawning I got the non-contributing tag and as soon as I was done and started moving it went away. What I hate about this is that I have heard the way it works if you get it for any length of time at all you are already taking a 20% hit to req.
  4. I'm sure its just the game's engine showing its limitations.
  5. Yeah the way I've been slowly building up my TK Sage through FPs/GSF/PvP then only doing the class stories (why redo the planet series/bonus series when its the same?) when I've outleveled the planet (when I'm not raiding with main) by the time I'm 55 there will be some nice changes.
  6. As an outside observer this makes it appear to me that they likely have an extremely limited staff at this point. If not then I can't imagine a decent excuse for this.
  7. lol....... X-Wings had hyperdrive so you'd think everything but scouts are big enough to have one.
  8. I find it to be the opposite. I get the Damage Overcharge and get 1 kill, maybe 2 because they avoid me like the plague until it ends.
  9. I think the engine this game uses might actually predate that. Or at least that's what its performance would lead you to believe.
  10. What exactly is his name violating? It looks like two common names (in America anyway) put together.
  11. Hilts I liked visually were the Guardian Elite and Fearless Retaliator, they just looked like something that wouldn't have felt like trying to grip and wield a dismembered robot arm. I'm running the Tython Force Master these days even though I hate the look of the hilt (you never see it) because I love the sound effects on it.
  12. At that level your only FP will be the Black Talon............please experience the CTD.
  13. Basically I read all that technical talk as "Yes its true that during development we picked a ****** *** engine to save a few bucks that has led to terrible performance in most areas of the game that you can't overcome with hardware alone and it has also prevented us from adding lots of the features people are requesting"
  14. Some sorry *** answers there. Why have a Q&A section if you don't want to reveal anything? As for the alignment issue I hate how meaningless it is. If you are playing a Jedi and are full darkside and keep executing people it makes NO SENSE that you still get a happy ending and clapping from the Council. If you fall then you need to actually FALL and end up in the other faction. If you're a Sith that keeps showing mercy you need to get marked for death by the Empire forcing you to switch sides. Bounty Hunters and Troopers are classes that should have been on both factions. Bounty Hunters work for whoever pays, not just the bad guys and the Imperials have just as many or more Troopers as the Republic does.
  15. I imagine you could disoriented very quickly.............would be interesting. There would at least have to be some capital ships or a station or something worth fighting over though.
  16. I've had some PvP fun there as well. Seems y ou can hold your own pretty well even if you're up against 4 that are PvE geared.
  17. I have had to taunt the adds to keep them from running into the pack near the boss. Without leaps the part with the lightning sweeping the room would be tough.
  18. Changing AC would have ZERO effect on progression or companions.
  19. Yep, seen that too. If you don't like it, don't go in. Usually when I'm queuing up since I have my PvP gear on and my PvP spec engaged inbetween pops I just troll the den for multiple reasons: 1. The chests that spawn with WZ comms 2. Kill time between pops 3. Fun Over the weekend I was doing this routine as usual and a Marauder attacked me. I chewed through him quick and still had 90% health, so obviously he was PvE geared. He continued to come back FOUR MORE TIMES to attack me with the same result and then /say that I was a cheater.
  20. Agreed, which is why I'm happy to wear my PvP gear when running around collecting datacrons. Sure, at the low level planets there aren't a lot of 55s but last night on Voss an Operative tried attacking me from stealth and got owned, he had to have been in PvE gear he got melted so fast. He came back again with a Juggernaut for help but I was able to 2v1 them because they were both PvE geared. I'm on a PvE server and I frequently encounter people in the Outlaw's Den that are definitely NOT PvP geared and the Gree Event is bolstered. I think you can get by without but having it is a HUGE advantage IMO.
  21. I shudder to think of what damage overcharge must do to gunships if it makes my heavy lasers tick for 1000 per shot.
  22. So if you activate Saber Reflect you can just jump into those and get rid of them? I wish I knew that when we were trying to clear her the first time. I hated waiting for it to accumulate to 16 stacks.
  23. I've never played WoW (I actually don't like MMOs; I'm just here because of my KOTOR love) but I still hate it because it ruined what was a great company. The games they put out now are not as good as their older products. Basically I'm one of the complainers that says they went all-in for profits by dumbing down games for "casuals" to appeal to the most amount of people possible. Victims of their own success, to me Acti-Blizzard is **** now just like Square.
  24. Agreed. It would be nice to see bombers be.............bombers. And scouts would be far from useless in this scenario. While your bombers and strikes are going in for the torpedo hits someone needs to keep the opposing factions ships off their ***. While we're dreaming I want to fly INSIDE the structure of giant ships/space stations too. ROTJ style.
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