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Posts posted by Grimmace

  1. Glad the PvP is fun. I do find it humorous that you can declare a best PvP server when only 10% of preorders are in and it's day 1 haha.


    you must be new here, that's what we do on pvp servers, we wave our ***** around in the air and proclaim victory :p

  2. if you look at the server list and pop amount there isn't a single server in america with over "standard" population whereas europe has several full and very heavily populated servers. Why wouldn't they allow more ppl from america to play seeing as there aren't that many of us on?



    confirmation linkie:



    because bioware hates americans? And as an american, can you really blame them ?

  3. A+


    The game is trucking along smoothly and the only complaints have been about a non-issue.


    non issues to you, big issues to the people complaining about them. Things like the UI being horrible and needing to be extensively customizable has been a big complaint since early in beta, by MANY people, but it hasn't been addressed yet.

  4. This might be a stupid question but are you able to loot other players stuff?


    I feel like you already knew the answer to that before you asked it, because most mainstream games aren't even going to touch item loot with a 100000000000000000 mile pole because they know it's not as profitable as feeding people a pve themepark to rot their brains in, then potentially slapping some half assed pvp server or system (lol warfronts) into the mix.

  5. Anyone remember the SWG launch?









    I couldn't log in for the first 4 days due to rediculous queues. And when I did get in, all I had was music, nothing on my screen at all and then BAM... back to the beginning of the queue.


    And here we have people crying that they aren't getting in 7 days before the official launch. /shrug


    what about the WoW launch, we had to switch servers 3-4 times during the first week because they kept going down for days at a time :/ Then when you hit 60 there was dick all to do except 40 man raids (or the "how many people are asleep on autofollow" raids).

  6. they are into late September already. I would not be surprised if they do finish up tomorrow. I hope so. That way the crying folks can hush up and play the game.


    Well that's the main thing that was really pissing people off, the prospect of only getting 1-2 of their early access days, because that first day of waves was freaking terribly low.

  7. You really think a massive company like BW, on the early access launch day has ANY desire to "piss in their customers faces"....really?


    Rather than think it was a strategic decision with load balancing and such in mind, you CHOOSE to think they just personally wanted to annoy you and piss in your face?






    It's the only logical conclusion to why they'd let the majority of their servers sit at low-medium capacity.

  8. The "lesson" I've learned is that gamers have the patience of a spoiled 5 year old.


    With all the **** they've been shoveled in games since wow game along can you really blame people (especially those who were around back when game companies weren't afraid to take chances) from being pissed when they're treated like second class citizens, when in the same situation at a retail establishment their problem would of been taken care of immediately 9/10 times.

  9. Are you guys a joke really? Guys wake up!


    Kinda hard to be posting when you're not awake.


    This is a planed schedule. We knew that would happen long long time ago already. They said this over and over. If you didnt lesson well, it's not their problem. And this is not being unprofessional.


    The problem isn't about it being a planned schedule, the problem is that they can handle much MORE then they "scheduled", they know it, and the community knows it (and is largely pissed) because they had the entire day to observe and add more people and didn't. That, is extremely unprofessional behavior, they've basically been pissing in their customers faces because they can and laughing.


    They are doing what they promised, and this is being professional. Because they didnt give some candy to some moaners doesnt mean they are unprofessional.


    Good parents dont feed their children with everything they moan. And good children will learn their lessons while bad children live with the ugly face of disappointments in every situation they get in life.


    That's the step one we all should learn about life. Even the promises could be broken. So if there's no 'going to' but 'may play up to', you should think twice before making your plans and dreams.



    Wow you really are stupider then you originally made yourself out to be.

  10. Okay so they should do like every other MMO the last decade and launch with hours of queing, dcing, lagging, game crashes, competing to get quest kills etc?


    Seriously, who'd play this game if we had it your way?


    I've played more then a few mmos at launch /headstart over the last decade that haven't had "hours of queing, dcing, lagging, game crashes, competing to get quest kills etc?", wow launched like that, as did alot of games with large followings but thankfully server technology has come a long way in being able to handle most of the server related problems.

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