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Posts posted by Grimmace

  1. WOW wwas worse on launch. Fail logic is fail.


    I honestly thought the Bioware Social Forums were bad. This forum honestly takes the cake with absolute worst community ever.


    That was a different time, there is less and less tolerance (or excuses) these days for games being released in a half assed fashion. Saying a game released in 2004 when the mmo industry was still small and unpopular "had a worse launch" means nothing, especially when industry standards have risen with the times in the 8 years since wow and its rocky start.

  2. Won't happen even with Warhammer, it is still pay to play. If that game is still going by that model, You actually think they would be willing to make their most invested in project go F2p?


    You won't ever get that.


    you say it like f2p is a poor option for gaming companies, honestly I'm surprised more games don't launch directly into that model seeing how much money there is to be made through microtransaction stores. Many players like it as well, and they usually wind up paying alot more then 15$ a money to the game company.

  3. Well Pyrolight, its what we call data and projections.


    1.5 million in the first week compared to 2 million sustained after 7 years.


    You should type those numbers into a graph and then come back and tell me who you think is best?


    Intelligent people judge a game based on it's quality, not based on how many mindless lemmings who got told by a friend of a friend of a friend to buy it jumped on board for a month, or two, or three.


    Swtor is definitely not a horrible game, but it's missing alot of very BASIC features which have become a standard in the mmo community as quality of life improvements, also there's very few ways to play through the game as far as avenues of leveling go, you pretty much have to play through all the same crap and break your spacebar doing so for any characters past the first on all but the class story missions.


    pvp isn't a viable alternative way to level

    space combat isn't a viable alternative way to level (since they nerfed the **** out of its xp yields in beta outside of daily quests).

  4. This is preposterous. Okay, yes, I get not wanting level 20 somethings opening level 50 chests and yes not having any way of filtering these low level players out is dumb as hell, but outright bans sound a little too extreme. While I don't have any real evidence to disregard what the OP is saying...well...quoting emails with text like on the reddit page is completely different than posting screenshots of said email inbox, message and all. And even then there's photoshop.


    Something smells rotten.


    A smart game company would just hardcode out the ability for players to be able to even go to the planet before they wanted them, via a quest that requires a certain level (like on... oh I don't know QUESH mayhaps :p).


    I mean we found out the other day if you're powering someone through their main story line with the help of a high lvl you get stopped at quesh because of a lvl dependent quest, so.... how hard would it be to put a block like that onto illum if this is SUCH a big *********** deal.

  5. ^^ This, Bio is by far the single best trade skill in the game.


    It's not a surprise that the best trade in the game is something that produces an item that's consumed on use for others, keeps a constant supply for the product.


    The other posters however are correct, the problem isn't biochem, it's the other tradeskills being sub par.

  6. There is a vendor near the armor vendors, standing in the hallway, that trades merc for warzone and vice versa. Found that guy. But the rest of it is just.. really confusing...


    and lets hear it for Bioware making PvP gear for certain specs only. I dont really care about power.. why is it slathered all over the Agent gear? Or at the very least, why isn't there another set that has a different stat?


    Actually the primary stats for all dps classes are crit/surge/power, while healing favors alacrity instead of surge. Also there are different sets, and you can change out mods and what not to tweak the gear into what you'd like. The only problem with pvp gear is that you have to rely on RNG to attain it, which can be very fast or horrendously slow.

  7. Huttball is honestly the greatest warzone/bg I have ever played simply because it's so incredibly team oriented. I feel as a community we have hardly realized its potential, there is no clear right or wrong way to play this game, nor do I feel there ever will be. I think bioware did an amazing job designing it, you can roll with any combination of classes and be competitive as long as you work together and communicate. I also believe there is no particular class that has an all around advantage over the others, each class has its pros and cons. Jk & sw's make amazing ball carriers and can cover more ground, faster than any other class not to mention force chokes over fire, pushes off ledges, or into fire and acid. si & jc's are great at killing obviously and slowing down ball carriers, cc etc. stealth classes can wait in the on the opposite side and pop out only to catch and score, snipers make deceiving good carriers taking cover making then immune to charges, grapples, grips. once I let go of stats I had more fun playing than ever before, I forgot about about my damage medals, or deaths and concentrated solely on winning. That is where I find my enjoyment and that quite simply is all that matters or they wouldn't bother keeping score correct? I will sacrifice myself multiple times a game if I have to Ill run through fire or jump in the middle of acid and grapple the ball carrier killing us both sometimes, I honestly don't care. Or doing little things for the good of the team like throwing the ball in the dirt before I die if no one is available. Better to take your chances at neural ball than giving up possession. At the end of the round I know I contributed more to my team than that little sorcerer douche who goes out of his way, jumps three stories down just to get the kb on when I'm at low health. I just think if people played selflessly and saw the beauty in huttball there wouldn't be forums like this hating on it. But I too really want a way to select warzones simply because I want everyone to enjoy swtor as much as I do but in their own way.


    wtb paragraphs

  8. Then don't buy it. It's just a good money sink for a luxury skill. If anything, it should have more stuff like that to keep the economy more in check.


    Next complaint will be about the 1M VIP room entry item being too expensive...


    Yea... because the VIP room and mounts are in the same ballpark, oh wait they're not even remotely close.

  9. On a pvp server it is a no brainer. The travel advantage in open world is too much to ignore.


    Because the pvp servers in this game actually have more open world pvp then the non pvp servers.... lol what a joke, although perhaps once in a while when you come across that rare creature that is an enemy player out in the "open world" you'd want the extra speed to chase them down should they try and flee :p


    The price simply put is far to much of a jump (affordable or not) for the very VERY marginal boost in speed.

  10. I wish the class-quest alone could make you go from 1-50 so I didn't have to do the same old generic "click 6 of those, kill 10 of those, blahblah"-crappy "quests".


    This right here is what would keep my interest in the game for a much longer period of time, because id want to play through 8 different unique class quests for each faction that make up the entire game, rather then just 8 different class quests that make up a small portion of the content.

  11. EVE Online did sandbox mmos right, and it's still very much a niche market. Niche doesn't mean bad, so long as the company can still operate successfully from a much smaller subscription pool.


    EVE also has a pretty sizable subscriber base, which has grown in overall size from year to year.

  12. High level planets have max 6 players, no one is doing world pvp in Illum. People don't talk in chat, and i takes around 3 hours to find a group to flashpoints. What is this, a single player game that i need to pay monthly fee for? No thanks.


    Now that i'm 50 and i've finished the story i guess... that was it.


    maybe on your server, not having those issues on mine.

  13. lol.. saying its another conan is far too harsh.. that game was COMPLETELY unfinished after lvl 20, and incredibly bland combat with the exception of finishers


    Yea if by completely unfinished after lvl 20 you mean 50, where the raids were bugged and the castle siege system wasn't in place.... up till 50 things were fine, after well.. snooze fest.

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