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Posts posted by Grimmace

  1. Not bad ideas. I would love to be able to choose what I want to que for. I HATE huttball I hate it with every fiber of my being.


    I agree we need to be able to choose, because I love huttball and hate voidstar and the tired old aldaran point holding model.


    However for huttball I do believe they need to give medals for each point you score, since you basically get penalized for being the ball carrier if you're able to blitz it to the goal.

  2. Only way to hit for 7k is to be using stims and expertise buff, while being in full gear...


    See tanks can do it too, but they can hit 5 people for 6k damage. That's 30k damage with one attack.




    Step yo game up.


    not to mention if he'd have to not be in full champ gear to get nuked by an op for 7k+ (who would have to be in full pvp gear), but yea lets just look past the ops obvious fail troll attempt and continue the thread.

  3. Nonsense, we did just fine in other games before parsing. In fact, we did just fine in the original WoW without parsing. It's not needed and it takes away from the experience.


    What parsing really allows is someone else to get on your case... and that is definitely not fun.


    While it's not needed, it certainly doesn't "take away" from anyones experience. The only people who bolster this claim are those that don't like them, or others who are terrible players that hid behind not having a combat parse in the past.


    If you don't like optimization and efficiency fine, but don't make bogus claims about how supporting it "detracts" from anything but ****** players ability to hide in a crowd.

  4. They are heading that way if you read the new pvp memo. Should be really good, I played WAR for a few years so the closer it gets to DAOC the happier I will be.


    lol they aren't heading anywhere near "WAR" or "DAOC" style pvp... not even in the same ballpark.

  5. Title says it all, the proposed illum changes are a *********** joke and still won't keep people around past their daily/weekly quests. Player kills in illum require merc commendations, along with valor, valor by itself it a joke. Also the objectives need to mean something other then just being a means to an end for completing dailies.


    Bioware already ruined outlaws den in beta, now we get to see illum (currently a joke) made into an even bigger one.

  6. Yea, who would have thought you'd have to PvP for PvP rewards :rolleyes:


    Derp response is derpy, the point is it's still a poor substitute for bioware actually putting in a substantial pvp reward (like merc commendations) for killing players in illum. Right now people win trade because they get nothing for killing each other out there, adding valor gain is an extremely weak attempt at a reward.


    This change still isn't going to stop people from ditching illum as soon as they've gotten their daily/weekly rewards.

  7. http://www.swtor.com/blog/new-year%E2%80%99s-pvp-update


    • 50s only bracket
    • Updates to Ilum to not make win-trading not inevitable
    • Optimizations to combat netcode


    Here comes the QQ train and threats to unsubscribe from people because they can no longer trample lowbies and might actually have to compete. Followed by the queue time QQ because the formerly mentioned quit.


    The only way to make people not win trade in illum is to give them merc commendations for killing people in pvp out there, maybe a chance of bag drops (low chance obviously). Right now there's no reason to do anything but win trade to finish your daily/weekly because after that you get zip for anything else in the area.


    Pointless pvp design

  8. let me translate this I got this guys



    *clears throat* Hey I want free gear because someone else has something im too lazy to get, remove it.


    You are welcome


    Actually it's more of getting facerolled by people who got lucky and got all or alot of their pvp gear in short order through champ bags, while others have gone through mountians of bags and gotten jack ****.


    Get your facts strait.

  9. yea this pvp loot system is pretty ****in retarded, they should at LEAST give alot more then 3 commendations per bag (which costs 800 wz commendations) if you don't get any items.... 3 is a *********** ripoff.
  10. Stop comparing the customization in a game that came out 2 weeks ago, to games that have been around for the better part of a decade. This **** comes with time.


    you need to pull your head out of your ***, because customization is one of the big selling points of swtor, and it's touted across all levels with orange gear that can be fully customized. If the pvp gear isn't going to be fully customizable they need to make mods that can be crafted or bought with commendations to basically turn any gear you want into pvp gear for an equal cost.

  11. I can always tell the WoW pvpers because they try to run through me if Im at close range, thinking it breaks my LOS.


    Always good for a chuckle. I agree though, autoface in PvP should be removed, I think it's part of the PvP skill to have to "aim" at your target, keeping them in an LOS cone.


    I like how they must be "wow pvp'ers" when most games don't allot autofacing to ranged classes, dunno why the derps at bioware thought it was a good idea.

  12. Also I've been pvping quite alot and i barely have any problems with these classes...the only class i believe is COMPLETELY broken atm is the Operative/Scoundrel class, they just do WAY to much burst damage and can tank a bit to much before they go down but that's another discussion entirely.


    Uh huh, that's kind of the operatives thing... burst and lots of it, otherwise they're useless as dps since they're melee (and the "semi ranged" tree they get is so far below sub par...). Snipers /gunslingers are *********** monsters, but they don't get representation because people seem to have trouble figuring out (or just not wanting to deal with) the "cover" mechanic, while they can do just as much (and more) burst then an OP without having to stealth (which fortunately they can't anyway).

  13. We all know the Inquisitor and BH nerfs are coming, but I thought of a better solution.


    Instead of nerfing the Inquisitor and BH why not just make the Republic classes a bit stronger/more flexible, to equal those classes.


    If you start nerfing classes then its going to turn into an even bigger "lets all swing at each other for 20 min, before some1 dies"


    Trooper / Sage, there's your IDENTICAL republic counterpart.

  14. And thats why I never ever will play open world pvp. Not worth the time. They should remove it alltogether if you get nothing for it. Its totally pointless.


    not like it matters, since on the "pvp" servers you rarely run into people anyway with the separated questing zones and zone instances.... it's a *********** joke.

  15. However, your point kinda stands. Operatives are too reliant on Hidden Strike.

    Tone up sustained damage a bit, and reduce Hidden Strike damage.


    Wrong, Concealment is very reliant on hidden strike/lacerate as it's primary damage dealers, you could easily got lethality and be more of a skirmisher dot based mid/long range operative who doesn't need stealth.

  16. So you think it is acceptable for someone to be making that kind of money within the first weeks of the games release? It's an issue, it's the same as Slicing without the negatives and twice as profitable.


    Hell, you can AFK the entire time and still get 2000 credits for wins.


    You have to invest the time, to make the profit. Just like you can invest time elsewhere to make an equal or greater profit. I don't see the issue, and even if you do afk 2000 credits is chump change.

  17. Not sure what is going on, but I and many other players on this forum are having serious issues getting schematics from reverse engineering the level 49 items.


    In my case it is the Cardio level 49 Biochem implant - I am up to around 140 REs on the blue (Critical prefix) version of this implant and no schematic. Other players I have talked to (and some with complaints still on this page of the forum) are also experiencing similar issues. RNG might be RNG but I am seeing a pretty obvious pattern forming regarding these items.


    Can anyone else please post regarding RE'ing the level 49 gear items from your profession and whether you were able to acquire the purple schematics from them?


    I don't have any issue with it being difficult or time consuming to get epic endgame recipes for crafting that you don't need to raid for, however the problem I've run into is when I did finally get one (bio implant), my agents cunning/end/accuracy/crit implant had +shield on it in its epic form...


    Maybe there's a companion out there someplace where that's useful but this is 100% pointless for players, and companion stats need to be either retailored or brought in line so we don't have retarded **** like this coming up, I don't know about anyone else but my character is the primary concern gear wise. Companions can't come into pvp, and probably won't be used in a raid or heroic 4 man dungeon setting... (that and I have yet to find any companions that are cunning primary tanks....)

  18. I'm being told that it's actually SUPPOSED to be like that and it's not going to change no matter what I do or say. If this is the case then I'm canceling my subscription, I don't play MMO's to play against other people I play MMO's to play WITH other people.


    It would be nice if any kind of official response to this is given...


    What you described is how it's worked in alot of other games with flagging systems, I don't see why it's such a shock here.

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