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Everything posted by GopherLuV

  1. From the long and painful process of procuring a bunch of mainhand tokens, ripping the barrels and REing them... Sometimes your lucky and it takes 1-2, sometimes it takes 5-10 tries...
  2. I think it would be really helpful to be able to set a predefined waypoint on your map with a click, then have a little arrow either on the mini map or possibly just a UI chunk you could separate and move around your screen, that shows the direction of your set point on the map. Possibly distance to.. no reason not to put that.. This is something simple i've seen in many different games and going through 12xp and all these un-familiar planet areas with new classes, I realized this would be an awesome little QoL feature to throw in kinda quickly. I would assume i'm not the only one. Thanks.
  3. That... I price things at amounts that I think it's worth but then keep it at like 169,999 or 154999 etc.. I try not to undercut by 1 cred but if the price is smashed to low and i've lost most of the profit (but don't wanna wait to list for inv space) i'll go with 1 cred...
  4. Well I can't help you with the EU part, but ya some of the most populated servers are PVE.. Operations are exactly the same as a "Raid" in WoW .. come in 8 or 16 man variety with 1-3 levels of difficulty (Story, Hard, and Nightmare ((SM, HM, and NiM))) Flashpoints would be your "Dungeons" except they're 4 man groups (Still to this day DO NOT understand why this game even though most all other MMOs runs a 4 man base group makeup rather than 5... IE 5 man dungeons, 20 player raids etc...)
  5. I noticed this as well, but I didn't ever check it before 3.2.1 was up on the PTS so I don't know if it was always like this or if it's a new change... Honestly I don't care what they do just make my damn bonus work! Whether it's 12-15s I don't much care (would really like what it NEEEEEEDS to be ... 15s... ) JUST MAKE IT WORK PLEASE!
  6. ITS NOT THE OLD SET BONUS WE WANT FIXED!@!!!!!! (Sorry i don't really mean to yell at you it's more directed at the devs...) THE NEW SET BONUS DOES NOT WORK (the 4 piece bonus specifically...) FOR COMMANDOS!!!! BUT IT DOES FOR MERCS!!! There has always been imperial favoritism and this is why come 12xp I will just move all my raiding imp side.. kinda sick of not having a damn set bonus that works so... i'll just go play where everything looks cooler, works better, and plays better...
  7. So... Is there really only roughly 20-25 guilds/groups that have cleared 8/10? It seems very low... I was bored here and wondering how many have actually done it but that seems pretty low... Would it be wrong to expect that that's probably only 25% of the people who have actually done it? The other 75% just don't come here to post it..? For 9 and 10/10 I can see the numbers being there.. Perhaps i'm just crazy, it wouldn't be the first time.. but I feel like at least 100+ groups should be 8/10 by now.. Since i'm posting here Hellbent on Jedi Covenant is 8/10... don't take any screen shots or anything... don't much care to..
  8. Ya.. barely even a 1/10... If your for realz i'm guessing your one of those people who thinks they should just get paid to sit at home and do nothing because you already leveled your life from 18-40/45 so.. now you should just get stuff for free.. Credits in this game can LITERALLY be created out of thin air... there is no limit to what you can make.. it just takes effort..
  9. It's almost time for my monthly bug report guys, don't worry.. i'm sure the 5th time will be the charm... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOT!!!!!!
  10. That's a fair amount of credits made a day.. And a crapload of time spend watching prices and setting price points for buy/resell.. If you don't mind my asking what kinda time do you spend buying stuff up and relisting in an average day? I would assume it would take some time to search for each item that COULD provide profit and check that it's dropped below a certain level, buy it.. then wait for price to get back up.. I would assume your checking the GTN a few times a day to pull off that kinda volume. Although that's good profit you have to push out a huge volume of sales to make the kinda creds you are.. I prefer to invest about 300k and get a return of ~5 million.. gather adaptives off slicers (slicing is basically free if you run it enough and run all rich/bountiful) then purchase the 3 mats i need from vendors and the GTN (never buying mats at over 700 unit cost..).. Then add to that cybertech and biochem items crafted for another ~1-5 mil a week (double xp is great for these items).. My average of the last 3-4 weeks is 20 mil a week with maybe 10-15 hours invested (10-15 min every hour to send comps and about 1 hour in the morning to list.. 90% of selling is done tuesday-friday..) Your deff making a lot of credits, just wanna know what kinda time your putting in to do it..
  11. Ya your gear numbers sound like your running straight off what the tier pieces give you with like 600+ crit... thats unnecessary.. My sage is just starting out it's HMs so I don't have much practice but, i'm running mine at about 160 rating sitting at about 25% chance... I run 3/7 surge/alacrity but I also throw in a couple of sure augments just to bump it up into the 73%.. My alacrity sits at just over 9% Revan in SM can be a real ***** to heal or it can be a complete breeze.. it all depends on if your group gets out of stupid fast enough and the tank knows where to put him to get around the circles
  12. I've seen the cross failures many times even when people are in their spots, Haven't quite been able to figure it out for sure but, it would seem if people are a bit to far away from the boss but still inside the blue it can mess up, so try to stay kinda close (~5m i would say).. that might help that. I've never seen the green boxes dance like that.. really wierd, althought TBH I sometimes don't even look at green boxes. I just make sure to LOS the boss with the rock and So long as i'm actually LOSing him it works.. Perhaps go by that instead of where your box is showing.. And on the green cross someone dieing i've seen but very rare... I think i've seen the same in SM where a green cross will slice 50%+ of someones HP randomly but in HM it would appear to just kill you.. I don't see if all that often but I really don't spend much time on lurker anymore.. Most of what I see is death because ads go down late and people get hit by rage storm.. How often are you seeing the box move like that and the cross one shot on greens?
  13. It deff did not.. I played with it before the nerf.. in full 192 it was about 2.5k sustained with no cooldowns used.. on single target.. obviously on two it went up.. I averaged about 4.5-4.7 on two targets dummies on fleet... With cooldowns this could go up to about 4k or 8k respectively but that only lasts about 10-15s... it drops after CDs are done.. I'm not taking a position on the nerf here, i haven't used it once since patch (sage is now a healer...) but it deff didn't do more than a single target rotation.. which in the gear I was in was about 4.2-4.4k
  14. 1. When you get much more comfertable with your healing class you can start to throw in DPS but, at the beginning I wouldn't recommend it at all.. As you get better and know your class better you can, especially right on the pull, put out some DPS (in many of the new HM ops it's extremely helpful for both healers to throw out 50k-100k DPS over the fight.. but you have to be good with energy management as well as knowing the fights top to bottom so you know when spike damage is coming..) 2. For me I will focus the tanks over anything, including myself.. BUT this is because I know my class and i'm comfertable at 30% HP and know I can get myself back up.. for now I would say keep yourself up first, tanks get second priority, I usually prioritize DPS based on class honestly.. classes with good CDs i'll leave low for a min but thats only if you know them and they know how to use those CDs.. 3. If a DPS gets ahead of the group let em die, hands down.. Also if a DPS pulls before a tank I let them die.. teach em a lesson about their role.. 4. Experience... Experience.. Experience.. Experience... You can watch guides all day long and i will agree it's good to know some basic things but, most of those basic things have been said in here.. (UI setup is HUGE, if it's setup well it makes it much easier..).. Read everything about your class.. know exactly where each buff you apply comes from (you have a single target armor increase buff and a 4 target AoE internal/elemental dmg reduction buff on a sorc/sage). Know exactly what procs what, and what each proc does... Your instant cast HoT procs 5 different heals for you... you need to know what each does.. you also have 2-3 other procs I can think of off the top of my head.. probably a few more.. But, learn the class inside out and know everything that happens.. all your passives, procs etc.. then go heal... Do things that are hard to heal.. For instance I was trying to relearn sage heals from 3.0 during last week, did a bunch of HM 60s (which are a ***** to heal without a really good group.. the two DPS were 42k HP and just couldn't get outa stupid..) and did some SM ops with the other healer barely doing anything.. Solo heal an op or something.. In my experience the best way to learn how to heal well is not to heal something easy breazy.. it's to push the class to it's absolute limit (as well as YOU to your limit, which if you PVP you'll be good in those OH SH** situations..). So, do hard content. or make it hard (I've run stuff with my whole left side taken off, told the other healer to just DPS.. told people to purposely stand in stupid etc etc.. just so that I can push the class and see how much it can really heal..) So.. to sum up, your best off learning healing through experience.. it's a very situational role and there is no way to "Practice" it.. you just have to jump into the ocean and learn to heal those fishy before the sharks eat they're a**.. Study your class, learn everything it does.. The three diff healers in this game are (IMO) very different in healing styles and you just gotta know what that class can and cannot do..
  15. /signed yet again... I've sent in bug reports every month just to make sure they remember it's broken.. i'm hoping to see it fixed by the time we get the next tier of gear . . .
  16. I would totally buy that **** but I want a big picture of him laying face down on the ground... I'de pay 20 bucks for that for sure.. *cough - BW make me a t-shirt - cough*
  17. ^^ That is what my first part was about... you say the "hardcore" players shouldn't waste their time in SM... well i'm telling you as a "hardcore" player that I still enjoy "wasting" my time in SMs.. as well as needing to be there for the gear.. If I was to not waste my time in SM and just go to HM.. that would get me nowhere... And I don't mean it as an insult I just meant in MY EXPERIENCE, that 2500+ DPS on underlurker is not difficult.. Didn't mean for anything in my post to offend..
  18. But we still have to gear toons in SM first. . .. Can't just go hey lets do HM in our old 180/186 gear and just get gear from there... So were stuck doing SM, especially when we want 4-5 toons ready for HM... Ya the DPS check is tight, sure i'm down to nerf the ads HP a bit.. but other than that small problem (which honestly its not hard to hit 2700 DPS.. on a bad pull thats where I hit...) the fight is simple and i would imagine a 10 y/o could do the mechanics if taught...
  19. Well you could technically invade multiple places but.. if you invade a new planet, i'm pretty sure your gonna lose all the points you gained towards that previous planet (otherwise we could glitch the hell outa conquest getting millions of points on a good multiplier planet then moving to the one we wanted real quick...) but ya you can only invade one planet during the week of conquest..
  20. No it just hits that hard... If your full on tank spec/geared i'm not sure why it's hurting you so much.. if your in DPS spec thats why ... but if your tank tanky then it shouldn't be doing so much... This is where the whole stack a bit more HP for your tanks comes in... but idk your class but shadows can resiliance the damage...
  21. I know it's easily (take that word lightly..) to round up a few hundred million... Once you have all the.. infrastructure in place, as well as some good pocket change to buy up/relist mass amounts of items (so like 50 mil or so in pocket..) you can make a very easy 10mil + a week.. I know people who have a lot more than me but i'm currently around ~50 mil total. I have a total of 9 60s, and only 5 of them do any crafting or w/e to make credits, the rest gather... The last few weeks i've been tracking what I make since i've been stupid and everytime I got like 10 mil total I would spend it all, so I stopped that.. I've been steady at say 12.5 mil a week lately. last week was about 12 ish, week before was about 15.. etc.. This takes a ******** of work.. I'm on my computer all the time already so it's easy to just pop in and out sending out comps/relisting GTN stuff.. But reality is my game is open probably 12-14 hours of the day, and i'm active in it probably 4-8 of those hours.. depends on if i'm doing other crap than making creds.. To sum up.. if you had the will, 22 maxed toons with comps and crew skills, I can see an easy 25-30 mil a week if you worked hard... And BTW, this is with zero farming.. I hate it.. so much.. only use GTN to make creds.. I don't buy packs or crap like that.. just craft/gather and sell
  22. CM gear is level 1.. so yea go buy it on a over level 10 toon (so you can hit up fleet for the GTN..) then mail it over or legacy bank it over to the other toon (new one..) and he can put it on right away. It will actually have more armor rating that the grey crap you start with.. You won't find mods for it until level 9-11 i think idk which.. you can craft with crew skills down to like level 5 i think.. maybe 7..
  23. Well.. some of them are pretty cheap.. One of the ones I put on a toon recently cost me a few million creds to get all the pieces...
  24. Just an FYI if your going into HM... umm Rage Storm is not a "Casted" attack, meaning the damage doesnt not come at the END, it is a channeled attack, and in SM can hit between 3-15kish PER TICK. There just so happens to be a knockback at the end of the channel but.. thats not the attack, staying out in rage storm is literally staying out an face tanking that attack, of course your going to die doing it like that. If your not behind your rock within litterally 1- maybe 2 sec of rage storm in HM, your dead.. ~30k ticks in there.. So to reiterate.. rage storm is not a cast, it is a channel, doing constant damage to your group that are not behind rocks, then has a knockback at the end.. so kill your ads quicker...
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