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Everything posted by Bonzenaattori

  1. Consular/Inquisitor classes I hate assassin archetypes, they tend to get a lot of favouritism, somehow being a "strike first" archetype turned into, "i'm supposed to have every known cooldown in the game to stay alive" archetype and I don't respect it in the slightest. Stealth struggles to be the mainstay of it's design and makes me wonder why they even have it. I don't like mage archetypes either, they're annoying and usually trail 2nd place in the whole BUFF ME PLZ race, their archetype usually is the most rule breaking, and a trend im noticing a lot is this lacklustre design around mages no longer having to cast their abilities for big hits anymore, before it made sense but now it's all over the place, and it's full of cringe. I played sage back in 3.0 and it was the easiest class i've ever played, made me question why people keep whining that it's a weak class. But whatever. Never will play that class again, never will respect it's archetype or design Gunslinger is a really hard one for me to get into The whole, stay put you're in cover never really sells for me and even when I'm not being touched I feel like im making mistakes. It's really annoying, I like kiting, and I feel every ranged class should incorporate it without question. Sitting in one spot, even when I have ridiculous combos that prevent anyone from dealing full damage on me, still doesn't sit quite right, and it makes me restless.
  2. Name another class other that sith warriors that have 4 ways of breaking root as seperate cooldowns please. Okay then shut the f*ck up and get good Oh god warrior not mobile its the end of the video game I must've missed the part where warrior as an archetype meant they were literally unstoppable with 100% uptime without having to spend any value other than a rudimentary gap closer they spend literally 0 utility points on for... that has a lower cooldown than any other gosh darn cooldown/interaction he's comparing it to. Despite the fact the ability he's demanding gets changed, literally has the effect he's butthurt about in the first place, roots. Ironic You're the type of player who in the event every class in the game had EXACTLY the same cooldowns, you'd still lose, get mad and whine instead of seeing the need to improve. The very argument you're raising you don't even apply to the skills you're dropping except Hydralics. An operative cannot roll if he's rooted. But that doesn't matter, because you're a trash player who doesn't think like that. A sin's movement speed from ball lightning doesn't work if you're rooted already, but that doesn't matter because you're a trash player who doesn't think like that. A marauder isn't immune to roots AFTER popping predation... but guess what. That doesn't matter, because you're a trash player who doesn't think like that. I mean, who cares if a Marauder has to spend one utility point in master tier, and one utility point in heroic tier, just to get the combination of effects you're referring to? Who cares if an assassin has to spend utility in masterful to get a movement speed effect and they're still vulnerable to roots and it doesn't purge roots either and its 18 seconds not 15 because you're so special you don't even have to do research and learn interactions. Who cares if you have more interactions than powertechs, assassins and marauders, the very classes you're referring to. Marauders having 3 Assassins having 3 Powertechs having 1 Who cares if you have more roots than all of them combined, with Obliterate, charge, saber throw, ravage root...? And then they whine when the same interaction happens to them Who literally cares? Who cares if you get 10% damage amp WITH NO COOLDOWN, every time you get rooted and can break the root on activation every single time? Who actually cares?! So instead of thinking that maybe, if you planned AHEAD and realise these classes have to use multiple abilities to remove a root in a situation, maybe they're spending more value than you are. But no, that doesn't matter, becuase you're a trash player who... doesn't think like that. LEARN YOUR MATCH UPS AND STOP NERD RAGING... PLEASE
  3. They're probably celebrating Chinese new year or some dumb crap excuse to explain why something like a roadmap that isn't even qualified as an iota of content to be displayed. But yeah
  4. Re-runs If you can even call that one word Remember when you first watched Dragon Ball Z, and you knew Goku was just about to turn Super Saiyan for the first time, and it was awesome. Then they like, took it from the top back to the Namek Saga all over again because they didn't have the rest of the saga to broadcast? Yeah thats what SWTOR feels like... you have to rerun the stuff before it gets to the good sith, and then you stuck waiting and then it comes, and it's underwhelming but you're happy its something new to watch so you dunno whats gona come next, then the cycle repeats itself again. Overall you spend more time watching re-runs of the saga waiting for the next content to come out and it bores and kills your love for the series as a whole as you wait for the next best thing. One word...
  5. Even though in another post we can find you whining about sorc/sage dps spec Mmmm. "it''s not the spec, it's what between the ears "it''s not the spec, it's what between the ears "it''s not the spec, it's what between the ears "it''s not the spec, it's what between the ears "it''s not the spec, it's what between the ears "it''s not the spec, it's what between the ears "it''s not the spec, it's what between the ears
  6. So you're basically saying, you're in a position where you use 4 root breakers, and you still cant handle roots, despite the fact 3 of those are immunities after breaking the root. Then, you have 2 purges, but it's still not enough And somehow Force Charge is supposed to solve this? Mhm While we're asking for stupid things, can i have the GM Lazer skill so i cant beat everyone in a 1v1 with 1 button and brag to all my friends about how alpha i am?
  7. u wot m8? Assuming thats Pyrotech I'ma sum this up as best as I can. Any and Every strategy has a winning formulae for success. Measure the value of that formulae, not the outcome Regarding the kiting. If it works you're a good player, if it fails your opponent is a good player. People complain about PT because they look at what other class interactions can be done in comparison to theirs, and one will end up being inferior. Simple as that
  8. It's a mobility meta ever since 3.0 Guess what? Majority of ranged class archetypes combat style is around Control or Tempo... how do you control your opponent as ranged? Most by roots and slows, a style known as 'kiting'. How does Tempo ramp up? By peeling which increases the gap in strength between you and your opponent. Now, let's revise It's a mobility meta Noticing the conflict in interest? The biggest problem is the skill gap is so stupidly low and easy, any player can look like they're doing an adequate job if they simply mash enough buttons they'll eventually press the right one at the right time. Classes in general both ranged and melee have too much utility. It's too easy The achilles heel of melees (from back in the day) is that they had super high value, but in a single cooldown/application. They were usually a "one size fits all cooldown", but the problem was... it was a cooldown, when it's used... it's used. If you pull it off, you look great and you keep doing it until your luck runs out. If you failed, you have to face heavy punishment and learn to do things the hard way Now you have melee classes being taken up to the level of around... 5 nearing 6 defensives. Yeah melees will outlast you vs ranged. But instead of swtor realising this, they think the solution is to increase ranged defensive options. Which is completely wrong. It's one of the reasons why Powertechs are complaining about poor survivability. Because they don't think a PT/VG cannot survive, they're comparing their own survival functionality to that of a counterpart or another class. And simply put, theirs not only looks inferior, it also looks obsolete. That's just how it is, bad developers with no game sense will create updates that will benefit people with no game sense... who would've thought? And before you pop a defensive cooldown of your own, no. It's not an insult, it's a fact. Be realistic and open your eyes and realise a bad outcome doesn't change just because it hurts.
  9. Lana was the best thing that ever happened for SWTOR It allowed non force users to get a force user as a companion which was super cool <3 Admittedly I was super sad when I saw KOTFE release, the concept art of her rework indicated she was going to transition to a Marauder style companion (notedly dual wield lightsabers) Broke my heart when that never happened
  10. In short you indulge in things so long as it's convenient for you, until otherwise you moan about it. Last time I checked that's called a double standard. This is why you can suggest it's a solution that makes sense, but you never actually do this. Instead you take the high-road, you place yourself and your opinions above everyone else, instead of taking initiative. Because it's easier to critique incorrectly. Which you are doing Your argument doesn't consider intention in it's design, that said. Your argument doesn't consider audience in it's design Your argument doesn't consider business Anybody can call something sexist/racist/violent/malevolent because they simply don't consider intention. The intention is to appeal to an audience. To call something sexist, you are forcing the narrative that this intention is not only invalid and negated, but another one takes it's place, that nobody declared except you. As if to suggest people are deliberately "hyper-sexualizing" for the intention to spite you, provoke you or offend you. This is not the case. Yet that is what sexism means Yes there is a contradiction in being an overall fan of a work. You can't have it both ways just because you declare it. Sorry to say, I didn't make the rules, neither did you. Creative writers, artists, musicians and the like, have that joy, there's nothing stopping you from doing the same, yet you don't. Because for you it's easier to just joyride a product that exists, and take advantage of it when it works your way, then complain when it doesn't. I did not imply anything, I pointed out a fundamental flaw in your argument and logic that even now you're expressing without any understanding. I did not imply ony should boycott. I implied that one should make a decision based on what they find acceptable and detestable based on their beliefs. If you do not like it, leave. A motif individuals such as yourself cling on to, when this very argument is inverse If you buy/play SWTOR, then you represent the consumer base of SWTOR community. It's that simple Anything else you add to this, is you complicating something that's written in every known language. That is your fault, not mine. The simple fact is that you fail to moderate based on your own initiative, and you make the childish mistake of thinking that initiative should belong to the people who take the time to create such a fantastic piece. Because realistically you are not conditioned to be responsible for that very notion, so when that convenience runs it's course, then is the time to rant and complain Your choice in language as a whole is biased and undeveloped, which is irritating. Probably explains why you get such inflammatory responses from those who are at the lower tiers of the community, who don't fear to speak and voice their opinion in a raw format. Feminists have done absolutely nothing towards input and suggestions besides as I mentioned, one-dimensional rhetoric that do nothing but probe the morality of those in question. It's a typical strategy by uneducated and lazy people who just want people to turnover a decision or design of something they don't like. Make it out to be a horrible thing. Having to prove to you right here? Is it really that hard? A shame You couldn't give a realistic example even if you wanted, because you yourself know the evidence you could provide is easily debunked, because as mentioned before. You ignore fundamentals. You're using an undeveloped argument. And they fall apart easily. Anybody who is adamant to press an issue if it is THAT threatening wouldn't hide behind a pathetic excuse and write it off as 'obfuscation'. They would consider the argument both for AND against, and you refuse to do that, because you're not interested in the argument itself, you're only interested in your opinion and poor interpretation of creativity made that you simply do not like. That is the mentality of a defeated person who is trying to delude them self from the simple fact that their argument fails to hold where it matters most. Because again, as mentioned before, you are putting yourself before everybody else, and you simply cannot accept when your argument falters Any type of debate/argument/discussion will have exactly the same impact and result, until you start applying fundamentals. Ignore them and you waste your own time and are subjected to those with much more colourful responses than this one. Don't like it? Solution is simple, develop your argument Sexism is the application of prejudice, just like any other ism. Show evidence of intention within creativity, where it is made to deliberate provoke or offend. If not, admit you don't like it, and make a decision. Lack of accessibility and unfavourable outcome doesn't show prejudice. Something that is just "hyper-sexualized" is not sexist and you have no substance to display that backs up the fact that a video game is prejudice against women in anyway.
  11. I can't understand how a person can go onto the internet and say this and not see the fundamental flaw in their own logic and argument. Anything can be sexualized if you're creative enough. That doesn't mean its systematic and it doesn't mean the entire 'culture' represents it. That's an undeveloped argument that leads to absolutely no point whatsoever. For starters, to suggest it's hyper-sexualized just because it's "sexy" raises rather interesting questions. Such as why do people who feel so heavily against it, continually contribute to it, by being associated with a statistic that confirms it sells? You as a consumer are responsible for what products you indulge in. Why would you watch entertainment that is violent, if you have a problem with violence? As such, why would you indulge in "hyper-sexualized" content of entertainment, if you just complain about it? It's a double standard that modern day feminism loves to rant about, but never seems to be the core of the solution to, even when they have the power to do so Back in the 1900s, this same double standard used to (for simplicity) shut you up! Fact of the matter is, as a business, you have a target audience, if the majority like it... it sells! You are apart of that audience.. therefore you're contributing to the statistic that allows businesses to interpret that this strategy is working, so you're apart of the problem. Well done From a business perspective, there is no potential threat that hyper-sexualizing does, that influences or affects the vast majority of that target audience. Just like the example of how violent content, doesn't make every person who indulges in such a thing; a violent person. In your arguement, just like many others: You fail to present any realistic threat this poses to either the target audience or other's who qualify or meet the conditions to view, participate or whatever. You also fail to provide reasonable resolutions that will lead to a neutral or better outcome. The outcome and resolutions provided usually only benefit yourself, but when you present that arguement to a business, who target's an audience, you fail to understand that your resolution doesn't only fail to benefit the business, it fails to benefit the audience. This is a sign of an undeveloped argument, which leads to why it's usually met with as you describe: "a wonderful cocktail of excuses and obfuscation mixed with extreme vitriol and even harassment or threats". Imagine a minority of people, who constantly complain about one thing they don't like, never give a better idea or solution that benefits the provider or consumer base, and you hear it every single time a 'feminist' opens their mouth. It's called repetition, and it's a strategy that if used improperly, tends do irritate the target, which can lead to different results. If I attempted to communicate with you in a very annoying way, constantly, without end, repeating on and on. Eventually you yourself will lose your composure, and get irritating that can lead to a variable of outcomes, you could lash out violently, scream in agony, shout in rage at me and tell me (****) or something else. Why are you treating this like it's a surprise by identifying different types of responses volatile or not, that don't benefit or pursue your interests? Of course this is going to be the response of many, your argument failed back in the 1900s and it's failing now. People are growing tired of this failure and of your rhetoric, yet you demonise them by identify the extremeties of these and do exactly as you yourself described. Your 'legitimate' concerns have already been addressed, but you don't think so simply because the outcome isn't what you expected nor wanted. So please kindly stop this one-dimensional rhetoric mentality, it's really tiresome
  12. Sad, really I too have lost many friends to feminism. People who were brave, aspiring individuals became lifeless drones constantly demonising everything and everyone. People I looked up to become vulnerable mental aged children with inferiority complex over the most mundane of things. It scares me, because the irony is those same people thought the same about me at one point regarding my religion. Now look at them, and for what? I've no sympathy for anyone like that, I just wish they'd keep their rhetoric to themselves Martin Luther King died for nothing T_T we've never been so far from coexistence before, it doesn't even seem within reach anymore
  13. #DarthJadusWasRight "Left unchecked and they will reduce this world to ash, and raise nothing in it's place. They want what all children want. Unlimited freedom without responsibility. This makes them no less dangerous. Do not underestimate our enemies. They are powerful; and there are those who will sympathise with them. People at the highest levels of government."
  14. Changing master strike in the first place was a mistake. When a ranged dps cries for mobility, they get a utility that lets them to their channeled ability without any tradeoff, no loss of value or usage When a melee needs mobility to keep up with the barrage of dumb abillities that make ranged classes so god damn easy to play, they remove channel completely nerf its damage by over 60% make it a single global cooldown with no consideration for efficiency due to costs, cycles and timings and change its name and try to style it out like its a new ability completely hoping people wont notice their shame the skill sucks. and the tradeoff should've never created a loss in value when the contrast has got nothing but gains. why the f*ck a long range class would need the ability to move while channeling is not only stupid but encourages them to be lazy and not respect the value in maintaining that range. and guess what happens...
  15. Yeah ranged tank was so op. When everyone was skank tanking pre 3.0 tactics because shield spec was complete garbage. Non-existent meta leads to the weakest class by concept and by performance to get nerfed. Kappa
  16. 1) I'd rather not, so long as I keep Rifle proficiency I won't mind. 2) Riot gas/Oil Slick is very good imo, but post nerf it's pretty bad. Transpose has too many weaknesses A minimum range, cast time, interruptable, pointless swap, benign presence removed if opponent attacks (even if the attack hits nothing or hits invulnerable target) that's way too unfair It should just be a shield. Nuff said. I dare you to put that many stipulations on Sage Force Armor/Static Barrier and see if they bother use it... 3) Don't really care 4) Don't care either. The defensive option by frequency should be the same. But commando having 3 defenses over Vanguard is pushing your luck to a stupefied level 5) Could care less, I don't plan on playing pre-70 Return the 30% movement speed on the ability, and fix the awful utility. Battering ram is not even remotely Masterful level at it's current state. 6) I'd rather they just admit they were wrong about nerfing Bracer Propellant Even if they go with your idea it's still not Legendary Utility, maybe Heroic or masterful 7) I have no interest in hard-casting a trash dot with terrible damage numbers. I'd rather they just give us 3 new skills, seeing as they owe us. Instead of revamping Shoulder Cannon & STORM level acquisitions 8) Kinda dont care about animations so can't agree or disagree here. --- MEH! What I'd like for this class is some actual Legendary tier Utilities They all look and feel like filler/recycled trash While Commando can get 100% damage potential from Stealth scan... we get... ...5% while in tank spec, only when Battle Focus is up. Uhm... okay While Commando gets 15% defense rating on Supercharged Gas We get... ...50% damage increase on gap closer if used in 10m range on an ability that my basic attack (rapid shots) hit's harder than. Uhm... okay While Commando gets 15% alacrity boost on electro net. We get... ... the ability to fluff when we pull people. Yeah ok, think my Inferiority complex is starting to kick in... bye
  17. It's really hard for me to consider range an actual issue for Vanguard Kiting inside a 10m window is easy, weaving inbetween 4m-10m is even easier, its just players dont want to apply their fundamentals... thats their problem The issue regarding range is very simple. CONSISTENCY. It's all it ever needed, it's all that was ever required. Yet somehow they decided to complicate the situation by destroying everything good about it, so ranged classes can feel... ...i dont know I hate the whole ranged dichotomy. The ranges should be 5m melee, 10m hybrid. 30m ranged... why mobs have a range of 5m and melees have a range of 4 I'll never know. I gave up caring about that a long time ago, don't feel like talking about mechanics like that. Shatter Slug essentially should've been the long range variant of Stockstrike, but instead decided to give it a damage pool so embarrassing, that Explosive Surge (an ability that has no cd) rivals it's damage. Sigh They have an issue with High impact bolt being long range, then I look at Whirling Blade for Guardian Vigilance, Low Slash from Shadow Infiltrator, Twin Saber Throw from Sentinels, Frag Grenade from Scoundrels, not to mention the new quick shot utility that GIVES an operative/scoundrel energy, from an ability that originally had a cost. I cant help but ask questions. Why aren't we allowed to have long range? It's one ability... Simply put, Vanguard's aren't allowed to be fun, because they dont have the force
  18. Oh of course! I forgot to mention During the mindless self depreciation ceremony that mysteriously took place that exposed Vanguard as the most overpowered class in the game during a meta that literally EVERYBODY missed because it lasted approx. 13 seconds STORM got nerfed, losing it's 30% movement speed & refreshes everytime you get hit after charge and its damage was reduced (in case you don't know, it now does LESS damage than Hammer shot, which is your basic ability) Riot Gas got nerfed, losing half its defensive aspect, in the sense of reducing the chance targets can hit you, because you could happy feet better than an Operative apparently. Going from 30% to 15% And somebody, SOMEBODY decided, while every class gets a 65-70 skill, they'll redo STORM, for the 3rd time in the game! And make it even more useless than it was before. So yea, the other reason is because we got nerfed I won't even speak of the whole range bandwagon, because i can't comment on it without laughing
  19. Realistically the main reason is because they simply dont have any defensive option that holds any distinction Look at all the defensive cooldowns that a Vanguard/PT has: Energy Shield Adrenaline Rush That's it. None of these are unique towards Vanguard, and they don't hold any distinction Electro Shield (Attrition during Energy Shield) is shared between the two classes (Commando/Mercenary) Shock Absorbers (aoe + stun defense) is shared between the two classes Reflexive Shield (energy shield cdr on hit) is shared The only Utility/Passive that Vanguards have that are unique, is 1) Defense chance on Battle Focus/Explosive Fuel 2) Adrenaline Rush gets 30% damage reduction 6 second cdr everytime you're hit This is super bad for so many reasons It means as an Advanced class you do NOT have any defensive option whatsoever. Literally everything you possess that is tentative to defensive, is not only shared with other classes, every class has a better design of it. - AOE defensive was split between specs, now only Tanks can get stun Damage reduction and DPS spec can get AOE damage reduction. whereas commando's STILL have both on a single utility, and don't need to respect a specific role to get a certain effect. This was ultimately a nerf for us, as for no reason we lost defensive option, when we have the least amount in the entire game - Commando has a stronger Energy Shield, gaining cdr on hit, attrition on hit, interruption immunity, healing received increase and pushback immunity, we only have attrition on utility and cdr on hit via Tactics, Again another situation where commando DOES NOT need to respect a specific role to gain a desired effect - Adrenaline Rush was made WAY stronger for Commando, not only giving them a higher healing threshold - Commandos gained a new ability, and SWTOR devs thought Commandos should get a reflect before a tank Vanguard should get a staple one LMFAO So yeah, to conclude. When you're backs against the wall, your only option is to push harder than your opponent is pushing you. Every class will be able to either out-sustain you, or out-last you due to simply having more cooldowns, better defense option and more tools to do the job SWTOR devs (no disrespect to them but I won't discard reality to spare anybody's feelings) have this warped image of an archetype for Vanguards as some kind of accident prone Zealot who is expected to charge in and die or magically 1v4 without popping a single defensive cooldown. Theres a surge in this "you're more important than me" selfless notion right now, where abilities like Strategic Supremacy, Sonic Rebounder and Transpose, are being made, and its coming at the expense of being useful altogether because once they're used up, there's nothing else you can do, and they're not guarenteed to save anybody, but simply put you in risk, while a haphazardous panicking playing cancels the effect but thinking he has to be attacking 100% of the time. Fun
  20. I feel like this terminology "toxic" is being relatively overused to push an arguement that is not only invalid, but even if it was, is being explained with awful substance and lacklustre evidence so an individual can stereotype a community, which ironically enough, defeats it's own purpose and makes the person raising concerns become his/her own enemy
  21. Jeez where to begin [spoiler ALERT] 1) The story lacks fundamental aspects that makes an MMO or even just vanilla RPGs good Best Example of this is the drastic reduction of side quests. No new dailies in Zakuul, Old world or Iokath 2) Lack of backstory, with exception of cinematic cutscene (only 1 for vaylin, 1 for arcann/thexan) You as a MC was stuck in carbonite for 5 years... there's so much potential for backstory and filler but they chose not to... why i dont even want to know 3) Lack of lore involving new zones 4) The story doesn't really humanize characters like Vaylin or Arcann, it oversells their strengths as an adversary For example, Arcann defines himself as a person who shapes his destiny by taking the hardest path Yet 90% of the story he's sitting on his ***** all day commanding ships and making strategically awful decisions and getting mocked by his younger sister 5) Vaylin killed more Knights of Zakuul than the main character Rather questionable logic if you ask me 6) Difficulty factors in the game were rushed and made without any realistic thought process or development. Mobs simply hit 'harder', no new mechanics, no new pathing that would take you out of your comfort zone and remove the confidence of knowing you've already completed the game at an easier difficulty. Simply put nothing changed 7) The game barely really gives you any story significance around the fact you spent the ENTIRE story in a land/world you've never seen. Yet your character has absolutely no trouble navigating his/her way around. Hell once in the story you fall unconscious and become lost in the jungle, and somehow, you get back without any assistance. Wut? There is literally no need for a sense of direction because everything is a one-dimensional path In certain games, usually RPGs, there's a process of elimination where you have to find your way around a path or to overcome a barrier or obstacle, there is absolutely nothing like that in this game 8) Your character grows weaker, not stronger The best way for a player to develop a sense of attachment to a game is going through it and growing as a player and as a character, however, in SWTOR you play reluctantly knowing your class has grown weaker. Nerfs has warped the climax of progression to a snail's pace and this game's combat system has a feel of somewhat being 'scared' of making you hit hard. 9) No punishment factor for decision making Simply put, there isn't a 'bad decision'. When you choose to use Valkorion's power, it gives the impression you could lose Lana Beniko, yet she leaves the encounter with a grazed arm... nothing more 10) Koth Vortena He's annoying and contradicting in everyway, and is literally ignorant to the idea that this all began with Valkorion... how devout can you get? He loves Valk as a leader so much Even tho his wife was chasing him around the galaxy as a fugitive. Even tho his kids are currently ruling (or ruining) the galaxy with the Eternal Fleet Even tho his ulterior motive is to take over your 'last hope' of defeating the eternal Fleet, through the MC Get a clue... PLEASE! 11) The scions were wrong about EVERYTHING Kinda hard to call you prophets when the gosh darn prophecy didn't even make sense nor tie into the conclusion and how Valk was defeated For example, if they could see the future why is it that no-where whatsoever did they get the impression Valkorion had a hidden agenda. Or that Senya was influential to the end of it all Or that Vaylin would've been next to take the throne, yet their sights were constantly focus on Arcann. Not to mention the potential for Arcann to join you as a redeemed character Even if their prophecy was short-sighted around Arcann being defeated, NO decision making you can influence would change the possibility that Senya would save Arcann. HOW DID THEY NOT SEE THAT COMING? Missing a whole bunch of stuff but this is the main points for me
  22. Is mastery relic still best choice in terms of any build that discards crit low end and runs with mastery augments instead?
  23. I could clip vicious throw with 130ms ping plus unpredictable ping spikes of up to 300~ ms and in pvp (warzones) and operations, I had approx 30 fps assuming hardware is the reason is a relatively laughable point simply put, you never put practice into it, and even if you did, it clearly wasn't good enough people put time and pride into their efforts to become better gamers, a class shouldn't be made easier simply because an entity whether minority or majority exists that doesn't want to put the time down to perfect their gameplay and mechanics. Calling it 'fair' is beyond on insult, because you've put into question the time those people have spent to get better at a game they enjoy. Now their time has been wasted, and you think they should be grateful for it? Well aren't you special
  24. I'd rather just do two Zens back to back stalling a ferocity window is pointless unless your opponent either has sustain or hasn't figured out how to win a 1v1 with a training dummy yet
  25. By that logic, your accuracy should drastically go down if you're on level ground with your target or if they're melee range, or if they have the high ground and your character has to aim up Your abilities should also have a minimum range of approx, 15-20m based on the speculative range and the optimal range of a sniper being 35m the max Series of shots should be nerfed either by damage significantly or by channel time. The ability of a sniper shooting at that fast speed would either drastically lower his/her accuracy because they're not confirming their shots, or the rifle they're using has a lacklustre stopping power to make up for the rate of fire. The same should be said of suppressing fire. You also shouldn't have Orbital Strike, as this effect not only shakes the screen and surrounding area which would make it very difficult for the sniper to aim, but the background activity of the area constantly being bombarded would hinder the sniper's effectiveness and thus it defeats the purpose of using/having such a resource Hunker down should be removed or its effects should be changed. As the concept of simply adding more cover makes little sense to justify your ability to be resistant to area effects and confounding effects such as stun, knockback, lift etc. Cover shouldn't make you immune to gap closers, or pulls, as cover can easily be destroyed and or moved in the process, and makes little sense And cover pulse's knockback effect should apply on you as well as enemies and allies within its proxmity. Because why respect the boundaries and rules set in a game, when we can just bash it with logic all day long
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