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Everything posted by Whaitwhutwalrus

  1. Yes more gear tiers! Everyone just loves devoting their time to hammer station simulator.
  2. Lightning sorc is in a very good place at the moment pretty much one of the fotms. Gathering storm seems to be the best set bonus for dps. The 4 set gives 20 % more force damage while polarity shift is up and after using force speed, the 6 set gives a increased 10 second duration on polarity shift after using force speed. For tactical s its between stormwatch and elemental convection. storm watch is the best for single target where as elemental connection is better for cleave. (with elemental convection it makes volt rush an aoe and it procs your chain lightning (a second insta cast))
  3. 253 item rating 2 alac enhancements, 1 implant, 12 alac augments 5 crit enhancements, 1 implant, 1 earpiece, 2 crit augments
  4. I personally run 2k crit with 1900 alac for guard swap gcd. Tbh running high alac or low alac comes down to personal preference, i prefer having the faster guard swaps XD
  5. Yea screw that blubbernugget guy.
  6. The reason why we're not getting any new content for pvp is like jimma said, there is no reason for bioware to. They're going to cater more towards what brings the most income (i.e. the cartel market). Most seem to be missing the point, it's not necessarily if you would pay more for your subscription fee but rather if there was a system where you could make sure your money went towards content you wanted to play. @ joe: lemon party man and it's only 3 of us. + what up. @ jimma: what up hommie p.s. /baby back ribs.
  7. it's not about how high you parse, but how good you look while doing it.
  8. ^ this guy hit the nail on the head, engineering used to be the viable sniper spec for yolos with its extra survivability via emp discharge, granted they can't "balance" over one aspect of pvp but they can atleast try to make each class viable for it (sniper and mercs mainly [maras have improved]). However this thread is not a help x class thread it's about what to expect from the next update. i predict... A). New cartel items B). new pve content c). The mentioning of an idea for a new pvp map that will never see the light of day. As for myself, i'm still on board for the re-skinning of all current pvp maps.
  9. Which brings be back to my point that merc heals need to be put on par with the other two off-healing classes (ops and sorcs) to the point where the off heals are effective and are not so heat consuming. Also zoom brought up an interesting point, one that i did not consider. Gunnerys burst is not nearly as reliable as marksman, I don't see the harm in boosting it's reliability either. Then again all of these suggestions are probably going to be ignored by the devs (not saying they will, but past experiences have shown this to be true).
  10. Agreed, 1 v 1 should not be what they balance on since all pvp instances are not focused on 1 v 1. I don't think bringing the burst to the same level would be how to go about bringing gunnery up to par do to it's ability to run and gun. The sniper does have good mobility as you stated however it is limited in what it can do while on the move (frag grenade, corrosive dart, rifle shot, takedown (if opponet is below 30 percent), followthrough ( if it's available at the time). A sniper can't use any of hits high burst while on the move while the merc can still put out some of its heavy hitting moves no problem while moving. (granted only useful in certain situations) As I've stated earlier i believe a possible solution to this would be to upgrade the mercs off-heals to be on par with sorcs ability to off heal ( so that the merc won't be suffering from heat issues afterwords [a sorc can off-heal with little to no issues with energy afterwards] ). That way the merc will still have a place due to its increased survivability, mobility, and off-healing. While the sniper does bring great burst potential to the team, that's about all it brings in marksman.
  11. Ambush the best move to corn hole a scared and confused assassin/shadow.
  12. The reason snipers under perform in solo ranked is due to the same reason that mercs under perform, their cooldowns do not do well under focus fire. After the sniper uses its roll (buys 2 seconds) and evasion (buys 3 seconds) and knock back (good depending on the situation) they're pretty much a sitting duck (depending on the other teams group composition). Diversion works rather well if the other team as a few melee on their side but ranged dps can just walk right out of it (plus it's not a sure way to mitigate damage). Leg shot/flash bang can be (most of the time will be) broken by your own team. Even if you use your cool downs effectively in solo ranked without support from your team, you're going to die very quickly. The sniper is almost the definition of a glass cannon, very easy to kill (under focus) however can put out great damage. Pretty much the strat for snipers in yolos is to stay alive as long as possible and do as much damage as you can before being the first to die. (second if you've got a merc on your team =-P )
  13. It's generally accepted by the majority of pvpers that the sniper is in a bad place for solo ranked ( not just by the data) that said, the merc is in the same vote. ( then again most can argue that the problem is not with the classes but with solo ranked itself). I can emphasize that gunnerys burst dps is not nearly up to par with marksman however if they brought it up to the same level, then there would be no reason to play marksman and we'd be in the same vote with marksman not comparing up to gunnery (due to not having the cleanse/off-healing/mobility). [am bringing up mobility do to the sniper relies on being in cover for the interrupt immunity on its cast times while the merc with thrill of the hunt can use several abilities without having to stand in place). Pretty much atm mercs are trading off the loss of burst for poor off-heals that don't work very well therefore I think a solution to this would be to upgrade the mercs off-heals and make them more effective (i.e. actually useful and harder to shut down [ basically on par with sorcs off-healing ] .
  14. A woogie is a rock type pockemon which specializes in rock throw attack, however this pokemon is special in that instead of saying its name it just says "eat a dick" in pub side general chat. it is extremely rare and impossible to catch w/o a master ball so we've resorted to killing them.
  15. There are many ways to approach this problem without unbalancing the sniper in regs/group ranked A). if the revert engineering's old rotation (less clunky) and made emp-discharge reset cool downs (like it used to). This would make a solo ranked viable spec for snipers w/o making the other two sniper specs go out of hand or make the class "over powered". B). They could change solo ranks matchmaking system to require trinity comps (tanks + heals + deeps). Ultimately this would slow down que-pops if they don't implement cross-server queing (which they already stated they won't) To be honest there are players that can still make the class shine and compete with the best of them in ranked (Most that do "well" in ranked with a sniper are only doing "average" [compared to the rest of the classes] when it's all said and done). I'm aware that there is no such thing as a perfectly "balanced" game however a certain class should never be a liability to the team rather than an asset. (which seems how it is for most snipers and mercs [with no anti-focus ability to speak of[ ) As it stands the skill floor on a sniper for yolos is still up there with mercs and maras.
  16. At the moment we need all rolls to be filled. just need you to answer a few questions. Whats more important in a warzone, High Deepz or killing them with style. How fast can you score a touchdown in hutt ball (touchdown dance included). If four assassins are rushing you and you're on a merc, what do you do to survive for over 3 seconds? About how many woogies have you killed?
  17. The sniper performs well in regs/grouped ranked it only has issues in yolos, and if you're surviving longer than most your team in yolos i'm wondering what type of players you're queing against. The only thing they need to do to make snipers competitive in solo ranked is to restore enginering back to where it used to be. (emp discharge restoring cooldowns and the old rotation [that actually worked better than the clunky one they replaced it with] ). Until then the skill floor for solo ranked snipers is going to be higher than most other classes (like mercs and maras).
  18. We will also be hosting a woogie hunting event some time in the near future.
  19. Pretty much what he said, i was not stating that a group of 2 was a premade but rather was asking what his definition of a premade is. Now that i know that you guys (Huahua and vember) are having issues with a premade running the "fotm" classes we can work from there. (and honestly if they're real "FOTMS" they're not always going to be too great anyways). Again reiterating my point the way to counter premades is to find a group of friends/competent players that you've noticed in wzs to counter said premade. Now assuming that you're all relatively competent pvpers you should be able to compete with most premade groups at this point, (depending on your/their group composition). Or if you choose to only que solo then that's on you for digging your own grave. Having a separate ques for solo/premade groups in regs would not solve the issue in the slightest, the people who run premades with the purpose of farming novices/under prepared groups will find a way around it and you'll be back where you started with nothing getting accomplished. Then you would also have issues with the group que with groups of slightly less skill being farmed by the same groups that you've got a problem with. (the reason they've made it so that you can only group in a group of 4 was to prevent an 8 man premade from controlling pvp however as I've stated groups have found a way around that by simply que synching) The important thing is that even if you're on the winning/losing side that you're having a good time, don't get set on winning every wz and try not to always blame "premades" for that fact that you've lost a match. I've been in plenty of pug matches where we've been put fighting premades and have come up on top.
  20. I don't see why people are hating on you, you're one of the best sage dps/heals I've seen. Haters going to hate. Anyways back on topic i remember when xillo and the groupies or rather euphoric was running 8 man commando premades and just globaling everyone, was hilarious but it would always get me heated at the time. Although now the tide has turned and imp side is running several premades. Tbh i don't see a clear cut solution to solving premades other than reiterating my point of getting players that you see are competent and group up with them. Although if someone chooses to only que solo then their kind of diggint their own grave by not queing up with other people/friends. in my opinion some players highly exaggerate the effect that they're having on pvp) as i've stated before it's more of the toxic community, lack of content and lack of class balance that is killing pvp.
  21. Depends on how you define "premade". do you consider two people queing with each other to be a premade or does it have to be a group of four players queing with each other? (also do the four players have to be running a trinity group comp to qualify for fighting other premades?). A). solution As I've stated in a similar thread a way to counter fighting "premades" is to see who on your team is performing well and ask them if they want to group up with you (some of the time they will) and PRESTO you're in a team of players that you know are fairly competent at pvp. Now that you're grouped up with decent players you should stand a fighting chance verses the premade that has been "stomping" you while in a pug. (now if your team still loses you've got to face the facts that you either go out played, or that the other team is more coordinated via coms, or the other teams group composition is better than yours, or you're not as good as you thought you were.) Either way premade groups are not the "MAIN" reason that pvp is dying, it's just not that simple. I'd wager that the lack of content, toxic community (not everyone but some bad apples) , and lack of class balance would out weigh the witch hunt after premade groups. As for myself i usually que solo or with my homie jimmajamma. 2 people premade ftw? - Cheers.
  22. These threads about premades "destroying" pvp are becoming very redundant fast. It used to be on the imp side would get stomped by constant pubside premades now it's just the opposite but at the end of the day it honestly should not matter if you're on the winning or losing team as long as you're having fun. (which is the goal of playing a game, right?) I learned a while ago not to get set on winning every single match i que in. (with that mentality you're just setting yourself up to be frustrated). As for the spawn camping issue most of the time it's on the player who decides to run back into thick of it instead of regrouping with their team. (if players come out 1-3 at a time it's very easy to burn them down). To sum it up if you're a decent player you're going to do well (relatively based on the situation) regardless if the rest of your team is sub-par. What i do most of the time is i notice other players that are doing well in wzs and group up with them if I've got no homies online at the time.
  23. Seems in the current meta the only area where snipers/slingers under perform would be solo ranked where as in regs and grouped ranked they do run with the best of them (if played correctly). I don't think we need all of the buffs stated by the op (although if you read them they're all minor changes and none of them are too far fetched). As I've seen stated in previous threads the way to make the class up to par (competitive) with the rest of the yolo classes would be to restore engineering to where it used to be. (old rotation and emp discharge restore cooldowns). This would hopefully fix the issue with its under performance in solo ranked without making it over powered in group ranked or regs. As it stands now marksman is just the way to go over engineering due to its easy burst on demand, although engineering still has its place. (but atm it's not measuring up to what virulence and marksman can put out.) [still fun to run from time to time] Although i would not mind them fixing vital regulators to the 1 second heal or evasion being a purge again.
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