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Posts posted by gaelicvixen

  1. OMG! BH has the voices that sound the oldest (to me) of all the classes. They're all obviously young by the story lay out, regardless of people wanting to RP them as much older, but the Hunter comes out feeling the oldest of all the classes and it made my romance with Torian have me saying my hunter was like a recent college graduate just getting into the business was now dating a recent high school grad :p


    I don't RP in this game because I'm way too much of a Star Wars fangirl to trust myself to not get stupidly carried away <_< I just run around with head canons for my characters


    I like your solution to the Torian situation though :D


    Curiously, I would place them more like this:

    * The Smuggler is probably the oldest - he already has a ship and a reputation as an effective smuggler (or why would Rogun have hired him)

    * The Trooper is old enough to have been through the Academy, but not much older than that.

    * The Agent has been through agent training, so is in a similar situation to the Trooper, and might in fact be slightly older.

    * The Bounty Hunter (male) has an older-sounding voice (not so much for the female), but is, in lore terms, still just starting out. He is experienced enough to attract Braden's attention, but not old enough to have much of a name.

    * The Sith and Jedi classes are all young - mid-to-late padawan / acolyte, but of, I would say, similar age to each other.


    Mmm, I figured Smuggler was canonically probably the oldest for those reasons and I agree with your assessment for the most part. The thing with BH though, at least as I see it, is that the character doesn't have to be young to just be starting out as a bounty hunter.

  2. I think in the particular BH case, you're both reading more into it than is there. I would have said that the BH doesn't mean that "like my little sister" in the way that the SW talks about Vette. Rather, I think he means "it would be like committing incest with my little sister", meaning that she *is* quite young (around 19 as the story opens on Hutta, I believe) and *seems* younger at times.


    Oh I freely admit that the head canon I have for Tyrnes supports a particular interpretation of that conversation. He does see Mako as family by that point in the story, so in addition to the extreme and obvious age difference* there is some protective, paternal feeling on his end which made that conversation choice perfect. I also realise that the game was just giving me options, one of which I happened to interpret as confirmation of my head canon, and that was almost certainly not the writers' intention.


    And while it's not anywhere close to the series of conversations one can have with Vette, the choice is worded in such a way that it can be interpreted as the BH viewing Mako like a sister. From a certain point of view, as Obi Wan might say. ;)


    *I've always thought that Mako looks and sounds younger than her actual age and I wasn't about to make Tyrnes into a space Humbert Humbert

  3. That'll be because it happens on Hutta. :eek:;);)


    EDIT: Follow the [Flirt] that the F!Agent gets in that conversation. It isn't *hard* to get there. But it happens on Hutta.


    The M!agent who marries Kaliyo can do the same.


    Ah, so there aren't two [Flirt] options for the female IA that I somehow managed to miss but just one. I loathe Hutta so I tend to pick the choices that will shave even a few seconds off my time there, which means I probably had my sniper jump to ending the encounter as fast as possible.


    And I figured Kaliyo would not care given her own proclivities, but was a bit more surprised that clingy little Ensign Temple was okay with it.

  4. Female agent gets to bed more people than the male one in the story quests.



    You even get an option to flirt with this fat guy on narshaada and when he goes all "I should have known you would't want to hang out with a guy like me" so you can bed him to cheer him up LOL


    Same on Voss when you finish that fake mariage your spouse tells you that the ritual should end with bed time but you can go, you can bed him to cheer him up LOL


    fun fact. I was already married to Vector and when I told the Voss spouse that I will rock his bed Vector gave me an approval. Cuz Vector is the number one diplomat. Hell he even gave himself to the nest for the sake of diplomacy, bet he was proud that his wife follows in his footsteps hehe


    I never saw that choice on Nar Shaadda on my Sniper. Wonder what I did wrong.


    However, regarding Voss...



    The male agent can also bed his Voss wife, despite being married to Raina Temple. Can't remember if she approved or disapproved though.



    I have to admit that I went for every [Flirt] option I was given on my Operative because of Bertie Carvel's voice. He is cheating on Raina with Lana because of Bertie Carvel's voice. #noregrets

  5. It's not quite the same thing, but there is a conversation that you can have as a male BH where Torian asks if you're interested in Mako and iirc one of the choices on the wheel is something like "That's gross. She's like my little sister."


    My BH is a big, gruff, middle-aged dude who was not interested in romancing a teenager, so I'm not sure if you get that conversation option if you are romancing Mako.

  6. So it was impossible to bring them all back in KotET but they are all coming back at some point.


    Hope springs eternal, as the saying goes, but however thin this one might be I'm going to cling to the hope that they actually will all come back.


    And I suppose if the identity of the "Outlander" remains somewhat obscured or unclear that it isn't entirely unreasonable for it to take some of our companions longer to return, especially with the chaotic state of the galaxy. Remembering the :eek: look on Torian's face when my BH turned around, he obviously had no idea that the Leader of the Alliance meeting with the Mandos was his old boss.


    I would, of course, rather have them all back NOW but if the writers really do give them all meaningful returns then it will have been worth the wait.

  7. I played it during Early Access on my then-main Adraes, took the [Flirt] option, talked to Lana, and never got the pop-up asking me to confirm/deny the romance with Lana I suspect because Early Access was buggy af and I kept DC'ing. Her entry on my Companion list has been fubar ever since, too. I dutifully submitted a ticket explaining what happened and was told that my issue wasn't something support could handle, and that it was being passed on to another team and I would not be able to communicate with anyone about it.


    So I definitely feel you, OP. It was frustrating af to be locked out of a romance I'd started in SoR and to then be told there was basically nothing that could be done.


    I was pretty salty for a few months and didn't play, but after a while I got over it. Gave Adraes some plastic surgery so he looks like my Marauder's brother and rerolled a new Juggernaut. So my advice would be to take a break, then pick your favourite class and play through on a new character.

  8. Fair enough. And in all honesty, given BioWare's love for moral grays, it's probably not entirely unintentional that plenty of the Dark Side choices aren't truly evil, but moreso just putting pragmatism before morals. Something akin to the Paragon/Renegade thing in Mass Effect.


    But if they have to label something as a Dark Side, it's overall fairer to give it to the more morally questionable choice. I don't mind too much if people feel it's better to make the Dark Side choice in certain cases for the sake of pragmatism, provided they are aware of why some don't like it. It's when they find NOTHING morally wrong with it that I take issue. I'm probably overreacting, but sometimes it seems like complaining about a choice being Dark Side, it feels like a slap in the face to Light-Sided players, claiming they are bad people for thinking differently. The arrogance, self-righteousness, and obvious selfishness of certain (but definitely not all!) Dark Side players doesn't help in this regard.


    The reaction to Koth is a good showing. Dark Side players get whiny when the guy calls them out on Dark Side choices and even leaves the alliance at one point, calling him whiny and selfish. Pot calling the kettle black much?


    I play both sides and everything in between, and while I do lament how absurd some of the DS choices are, my beef with Koth is not that he dislikes DS choices rather that he's a hypocrite.


    The man hero worships a planet devouring abomination, rejects my character and Lana's attempts to pull the wool from his eyes regarding said planet devouring abomination by sulkily responding with "he was always good for Zakuul," and approves of my character using that abomination's power despite the collateral damage and the fact that using Valkorion's power is the DS choice.


    I realise that Valkorion occupies a special place in the cultural psyche of Zakuul and I don't expect Koth to immediately take my character's word as gospel; but the fact that he doesn't seem to care about what happens on Asylum as a direct result of Valkorion's power, or even step back for a moment to reevaluate his belief that Valkorion is not a threat to all natural life makes it extremely difficult for me to put up with him getting preachy about other DS choices.

  9. Signed, because after the bloody things working properly for a while they're back to randomly bugging out again.


    Personally I'd be fine with the SH entry notification being removed altogether. If you could just...wander into someone's SH out in the world that would be one thing but since you can't do that it's rather redundant for the game to tell me what SH I've entered when I travelled there intentionally.

  10. I have long been hoping for a way to defect to the other faction, primarily for character/story reasons. I've got at least one character who'd do this readily. My Sith inquisitor has a personality more suited to a Jedi, but it seems fate has determined that he's to remain Sith for life...


    Same, though I have the opposite problem. Played my JK like he was Anakin - powerful but reckless, little patience with moralising, chafes under restrictive authority - so he was DS I by the end of the class story. He ought to have been kicked out of the Order and forced to defect to the Empire ages ago, but like your SI he's stuck being called a Jedi for life.


    With KotFE it doesn't matter quite so much given the state of the Republic and Empire, but I do roll my eyes every time an NPC treats him like he's not a murder machine hiding corruption under a copious hood.

  11. Pretty much everything that's been said and a few other things because my default setting is Mildly Irritated and that means it's not difficult to annoy me...


    • That bug that won't let me mount ANYWHERE and that I have to relog to fix
    • The cut scene bug that makes robes/capes flip/twist and clip in ways that defy physics/gravity
    • The companion voice bug that has Raina Temple say "Come on, be a man" in Kaliyo's voice (at least Vector's finally stopped saying it)
    • The female Twi'lek voice that is EVERYWHERE on Nar Shaddaa
    • The limited and in some cases awful romance options, especially for female characters
    • Stealth turning off all by itself for no apparent reason
    • The bug that renders my companions invisible and that I have to mount then dismount to fix
    • The bug where a mob gets somehow knocked partially through a wall or onto a ledge and can still cause me damage while I am unable to target said mob because despite the fact that I can see that mob the game tells me that I cannot see target
    • Not being able to dismount to fight and having to either flee or wait to get blown off my mount

  12. I still have a recurring sub.


    I'm not really here for the endgame content so while I think some of what's coming in 5.0 ranges from laughable - trying to shoehorn us all into LS naivete in the story - to blatantly stupid - RNG gearing - I'm not nearly ready to throw in the towel.


    KotFE was still better than the GW2 expansion - gliding is nice but the only replay value Heart of Thorns has is for grinding achievements. That is literally the ONLY reason to go through that humid hell more than once, to grind the various currencies for the new armour sets, new weapons, etc. because the story is exactly the same for every character.


    So while I'm not what I would call "excited' or "hyped" for KotET, I am willing to give it a chance.

  13. Akaavi and blizzard boring? Dafrak?


    Those two are the ones that I can never remember are even my companions, so it's more that for me, they are forgettable.


    They also were two (of many) that just did not mesh well with my character. My "I'm here for the money" Smuggler chick was always waiting for the Mando to call her out on having no honour and try to smash her head in, for instance.

  14. Most hated: Skadge, with Kaliyo a distant second


    Most annoying: Three-way tie between Corso, Vette, and Ashara, with Guss and Koth doing their level best to close the gap


    Most loved: Quinn, Khem, Talos, Vector, Lord Scourge, Lana, Theron


    Most boring/forgettable: Yuun, Zenith, Xalek, Akaavi, Rusk, Blizz, Broonmark


    Special mentions to Darth Marr for being Darth Marr and to Adronikos who, by virtue of having the same voice as dubbed Spike Spiegel, can do no wrong in my eyes

  15. I actually like Lana and Theron, but not being able to even change their armour is irritating - speaking of, is anyone else a little creeped out by the fact that Theron hasn't changed an iota in five years? - and I really don't care to be given a brand new alien every time I have to hit a SF. For me, it's like Broonmark/Guss/Rusk/Zenith/Xalek/Yuun (Skadge is a different case entirely - I don't know who let that walking tumour on my ship.) all over again, where I know that I'm supposed to care about their stories but nothing about them holds my interest or compels me to muster that care.


    Admittedly, some of the interactions that are possible in KotFE have great potential. My BH and a certain "charming sociopath" get on remarkably well, for instance, while all of my IAs have been waiting to put a bullet between her eyes since they met.


    But I still want my old companions back. All of them. My Marauder is going to stay on her ship with Quinn until I know his fate because I became invested in their story, and it deserves a resolution. They all do. It doesn't have to be grand. They don't have to have an entire chapter devoted to them, or even play a huge role in the story. They just need to come back. We need to know what became of them. All of them.


    So please, even if it takes years to get to them all, bring the old companions back.

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